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Epidemiology/Health Services Research


Association of A1C and Fasting Plasma

Glucose Levels With Diabetic Retinopathy
Prevalence in the U.S. Population
Implications for diabetes diagnostic thresholds
YILING J. CHENG, MD, PHD1 XINZHI ZHANG, MD, PHD1 ommendation of a threshold of a fasting
EDWARD W. GREGG, PHD1 ANN L. ALBRIGHT, PHD, RD1 plasma glucose (FPG) of 7.0 mmol/l to
LINDA S. GEISS, MA1 CATHERINE C. COWIE, PHD2 define the presence of diabetes (4,5).
GIUSEPPINA IMPERATORE, MD, PHD1 RONALD KLEIN, MD, MPH3 However, an analysis of three recent pop-
DESMOND E. WILLIAMS, MD, PHD1 JINAN B. SAADDINE, MD1 ulation-based cross-sectional studies sug-
gested that there may be considerable
variation across populations and that the
OBJECTIVE To examine the association of A1C levels and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) association of FPG with retinopathy prev-
with diabetic retinopathy in the U.S. population and to compare the ability of the two glycemic alence may be more of a continuous rela-
measures to discriminate between people with and without retinopathy. tionship than previously thought (5).
A1C levels are being considered as
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This study included 1,066 individuals aged
40 years from the 20052006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. A1C, FPG, an alternative diagnostic tool for diabe-
and 45 color digital retinal images were assessed. Retinopathy was defined as a level 14 on the tes diagnosis (6). Unlike FPG, A1C does
Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study severity scale. We used joinpoint regression to not require an overnight fast, is not af-
identify linear inflections of prevalence of retinopathy in the association between A1C and FPG. fected by short-term lifestyle changes,
and has less variability within individu-
RESULTS The overall prevalence of retinopathy was 11%, which is appreciably lower than als than FPG (79). Nevertheless, few
the prevalence in people with diagnosed diabetes (36%). There was a sharp increase in retinop- studies have examined the prevalence
athy prevalence in those with A1C 5.5% or FPG 5.8 mmol/l. After excluding 144 people of retinopathy across the spectrum of
using hypoglycemic medication, the change points for the greatest increase in retinopathy A1C levels, which could assist in the
prevalence were A1C 5.5% and FPG 7.0 mmol/l. The coefficients of variation were 15.6 for A1C
designation of ideal A1C diagnostic cut
and 28.8 for FPG. Based on the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves, A1C was
a stronger discriminator of retinopathy (0.71 [95% CI 0.66 0.76]) than FPG (0.65 [0.60 points (2,3).
0.70], P for difference 0.009). The newly released National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey
CONCLUSIONS The steepest increase in retinopathy prevalence occurs among individ- (NHANES) 20052006 incorporated a
uals with A1C 5.5% and FPG 5.8 mmol/l. A1C discriminates prevalence of retinopathy multiple-field retinal photograph examina-
better than FPG. tion, presenting an opportunity to reassess
the selection of glucose and A1C cut points
Diabetes Care 32:20272032, 2009 for diabetes diagnosis. Our objectives were
to examine the relation between levels of
A1C and FPG and prevalence of retinopa-

ests of glycemia and their thresholds to diabetes, and it represents a specific
for diabetes diagnosis is an area of and relevant clinical end point for judging thy in the U.S. population and to compare
long-standing debate. The presence an alternative test (1). For these reasons, the ability of both measures to differentiate
of diabetic retinopathy is arguably the diabetic retinopathy has served as the ba- people with and without retinopathy.
best criterion from which to compare gly- sis for diagnostic criteria of type 2 diabe-
cemic measures because it is a specific and tes (2 4) and provides the rationale for
early clinical complication usually related the American Diabetes Associations rec- RESEARCH DESIGN AND
METHODS We analyzed 20052006

data from NHANES, a cross-sectional na-
From the 1Division of Diabetes Translation, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health tionally representative sample of the U.S.
Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; the 2National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland; and the 3Department of Ophthalmology civilian noninstitutionalized population.
and Visual Sciences, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin. The sample was obtained using a strati-
Corresponding author: Yiling J. Cheng, fied multistage probability design with
Received 6 March 2009 and accepted 13 June 2009. planned oversampling of older people
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the
official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institute of Diabetes and
and minority groups. Detailed descrip-
Digestive and Kidney Diseases, or the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. tions of the design and data collection of
DOI: 10.2337/dc09-0440 the survey are published on the National
2009 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly Center for Health Statistics website (10).
cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons. A total of 3,056 people aged 40 years and
org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details.
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby
older were interviewed, and their socio-
marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. demographic, medical, and family infor-
See accompanying editorial, p. 2140. mation were obtained. Of those who DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 11, NOVEMBER 2009 2027
Association of A1C and glucose on retinopathy

attended the mobile examination center, Table 1Characteristics of analytic population by diabetic retinopathy status
1,393 people (46%) were randomized to
a morning session where blood was No
drawn for the measurement of FPG and retinopathy Retinopathy P
A1C and retinal fundus photography ex-
aminations were performed. After exclud- n 913 153
ing people who fasted 8 or 24 h (n Age (years) 55.9 0.61 60.3 1.83 0.024
144), pregnant women (n 2), those Men (%) 46.7 1.61 56.0 3.97 0.010
with invalid FPG (n 24) or A1C values Race/ethnicity (%) 0.048
(n 4), and those without completed ret- Non-Hispanic white 79.8 2.55 70.1 5.21
inopathy grading (n 153), the final an- Non-Hispanic black 8.3 1.46 15.4 4.14
alytic sample consisted of 1,066 adults. Other 11.9 1.82 14.6 4.91
For the latter exclusion, fundus photog- FPG (mmol/l) 5.8 0.07 6.9 0.24 0.001
raphy was not completed for individuals A1C (%) 5.6 0.02 6.4 0.12 0.001
because of lack of time available to com- Diabetes (%) 7.8 0.92 35.6 3.40 0.001
plete the examination (n 64), physical Diabetes treatment (%) 6.4 0.81 34.0 3.16 0.001
limitations (n 25), eye-specific limita- Hypertension (%) 42.1 2.26 60.1 6.49 0.009
tions (n 16), refusal (n 19), commu- Data are means SE.
nication problems (n 5), accompanying
child (n 5), illness (n 4), and equip-
ment failure or unspecified problems white, non-Hispanic black, others) were prevalence of A1C or FPG level below the
(n 15). The NHANES protocol was ap- self-reported. joinpoint and a linear association above.
proved by a human subjects review In addition, to summarize and compare
board, and informed consent was ob- Statistical analysis the ability of A1C and FPG to identify ret-
tained from all participants. We compared three approaches to cate- inopathy cases, we used Stata (version
Two 45 nonmydriatic color digital gorizing A1C and FPG. First, we used de- 10.1; StataCorp, College Station, TX) and
images of the retina were taken of each eye ciles, a widely used approach, to group applied logistic regression, accounting for
by a technologist using a Canon CR6- data. Second, we applied the cut points the complex survey design, to calculate
45NM ophthalmic digital imaging system used in an analysis of the Pima Indians the predicted probability of retinopathy
and Canon EOS 10D digital camera. The (2). Third, since both approaches may not for each participant and the areas under
first image was centered on the macula, yield a precise change point, we also used receiver operating characteristic curves
and the second was centered on the optic a moving average smoothing technique. (AUCs). Larger values of AUC indicate a
nerve. Retinopathy lesions were graded at Taking a 0.1-unit increment each time better ability to discriminate. Because there
the University of Wisconsin Ocular Epi- from the lowest to the highest levels of A1C is no postestimation command of AUC cal-
demiology Reading Center according to and FPG, we created a series of subsets culation specifically for complex sampling
the modified Airlie House classification with a 0.5-unit range of A1C or FPG (win- of survey data, the variation of AUC in this
system, as used in the Early Treatment dow) and then calculated the mean A1C study might be underestimated.
Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) and FPG and the prevalence of retinopa- Our primary analyses included peo-
(11). Participants were dichotomized thy for each subset. SAS callable SUDAAN ple with and without diabetes. Because of
based on ETDRS severity level as having (version 9.0.1; SUDAAN Statistical Soft- the potential for confounding from hypo-
retinopathy (14) or not having retinop- ware Center, Research Triangle Park, NC) glycemic treatment, we conducted sensi-
athy (14). was used to calculate standard errors tivity analyses in which we excluded
A1C was measured by high-perfor- based on Taylor Series linearization. participants receiving hypoglycemic
mance liquid chromatography (HPLC), as Joinpoint regression, in which the re- medications. This exclusion eliminated
used in the Diabetes Control and Compli- lationship between the dependent and 34% of those with retinopathy.
cations Trial (10). FPG was measured in independent variables is modeled as
the morning after an 8- to 24-h fast at a piecewise linear phases, is often useful to
central laboratory using a hexokinase en- describe changes in trend data. It is also RESULTS The overall study popu-
zymatic method (10). called piecewise regression, segmented lation, weighted to be representative of
Participants were asked if a doctor or regression, broken line regression, or the U.S. noninstitutionalized population
health care professional had ever told multiphase regression with the continu- aged 40 years, had a mean age of 56
them they have diabetes (other than ges- ity constraint (12). We used logistic re- years, 47% were male, 79% were non-
tational diabetes). Those who responded gression, accounting for the complex Hispanic white, 9% were non-Hispanic
yes were classified as having diagnosed sampling design, to obtain predicted black, and 12% were of other race and
diabetes. prevalences and standard errors; we then ethnicity. Mean A1C and FPG were 5.7%
Hypertension was defined as use of tested the null hypothesis of no change and 5.9 mmol/l (106 mg/dl), respectively.
antihypertensive medication or the mean points of these prevalences by glucose cat- Among the participants with diabetes,
of three or four readings of systolic blood egories using joinpoint regression soft- 88% were using hypoglycemic medica-
pressure 140 mmHg and/or diastolic ware developed by the Surveillance, tion and 40% of those taking hypoglyce-
blood pressure 90 mmHg. Time since Epidemiology, and End Results program mic medication had FPG 7.0 mmol/l. In
diagnosis of diabetes, diabetes treatment, of the National Cancer Institute (version this study population, the prevalence of
age, sex, and race/ethnicity (non-Hispanic 3.3; Rockville, MD). We tested a constant any retinopathy was 11% and was appre-

Cheng and Associates

change point of 5.5%, respectively. That

is, above an A1C of 5.5%, the prevalence
of retinopathy rose 12.7% for each 1%
A1C increment.
Figure 1B describes retinopathy prev-
alence by FPG deciles (4.8, 5.0, 5.2, 5.4,
5.5, 5.7, 6.0, 6.4, and 7.7 mmol/l), cut
points of the Pima Indian study (4.9, 5.2,
5.3, 5.5, 5.8, 6.0, 6.4, 7.5, and 12.4
mmol/l) (2), and a 0.1-mmol/l increment
with a fixed 0.5-mmol/lwidth window.
Regardless of the approach to categorize
FPG, there was a sharp increase in reti-
nopathy prevalence after 5.8 mmol/l
(95% CI 5.1 6.1 for the decile approach,
5.2 6.8 for the Pima Indian approach,
and 5.3 6.3 by the moving average ap-
proach) (all P values 0.05). The linear
regression coefficients of retinopathy
prevalence by the FPG 1% increment ap-
proach were 0.8 (P 0.476) and 3.9 (P
0.001) for before and after the change
point of 5.8 mmol/l, respectively.
After excluding participants taking
hypoglycemic medications, by using the
moving average approach, the change
point for A1C (%) remained at 5.5 (95%
CI 5.25.7); the regression coefficients
were 0.8 (P 0.409) and 10.5 (P
0.001) for before and after the change
point of 5.5, respectively. However, for
FPG, the change point increased from 5.8
to 7.0 mmol/l (6.8 7.2). The regression
coefficients for retinopathy prevalence
were 1.1 (P 0.079) and 4.3 (P 0.001)
for before and after the change point,
Based on the total study population,
AUC indicated that A1C was more accu-
rate than FPG in discriminating retinopa-
thy cases from noncases: AUC 0.71 (95%
CI 0.66 0.76) for A1C and 0.65 (0.60
0.70) for FPG, P for difference 0.009
Figure 1Relation between prevalence of retinopathy and A1C (A) and FPG (B). (Fig. 2). At A1C cut points of 5.5, 6.0, and
6.5%, the sensitivities and specificities
were 80 and 37%, 55 and 79%, and 38
ciably higher in those with (36%) than in lence by A1C deciles (5.0, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, and 92%, respectively. At an FPG cut
those without diagnosed diabetes (8%). 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6.0, and 6.7%), cut points of point of 5.8, 6.5, 7.0, and 7.5 mmol/l,
Table 1 shows that people with reti- the Pima Indian study (4.8, 5.0, 5.1, 5.3, sensitivities and specificities were 58 and
nopathy were older, more likely to be 5.5, 5.7, 5.9, 6.6, and 9.4%) (2), and a 64%, 43 and 84%, 35 and 89%, and 30
men, had a higher prevalence of diag- 0.1% increment with a fixed 0.5% width and 92%, respectively.
nosed diabetes and diabetes treatment, and window. Regardless of the approach We reran the models using multivar-
were more likely to have hypertension. The used, there was a sharp increase in reti- iate logistic regression on the total study
coefficients of variation (CVs) (%), calcu- nopathy prevalence above an A1C of population that included selected covari-
lated as (100 standard deviation)/mean, 5.5% (95% CI 5.35.6 for the decile ap- ates of glycemia and retinopathy risk (age,
where standard deviation [(sample proach, 5.1 6.1 for the Pima Indian ap- sex, race/ethnicity, BMI, waist circumfer-
size standard error2)/design effect)0.5] are proach, and 5.35.8 by the moving ence, time since diagnoses of diabetes,
unitless and therefore can be compared be- average approach) (all P values 0.05). diabetes treatment, and hypertension
tween datasets having different units; the The linear regression coefficients of reti- status). The AUC of A1C and prevalence
CVs were 15.6 and 28.8 for A1C and FPG nopathy prevalence by the 1% increment of retinopathy increased from 0.71 to
(P 0.001), respectively. approach were 0.7 (P 0.756) and 12.7 0.75 (P 0.060), and the AUC of FPG
Figure 1A shows retinopathy preva- (P 0.001) for before and after the and prevalence of retinopathy increased DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 11, NOVEMBER 2009 2029
Association of A1C and glucose on retinopathy

clear A1C threshold. In our study, minor-

ities represented 30% of the population,
but in MESA they represented 60% of the
In the overall population, retinopathy
prevalence increased precipitously after
FPG levels of 5.8 mmol/l, but the change
point was higher (7.0 mmol/l) among
those not receiving hypoglycemic treat-
ment. This suggests that treatment affects
FPG level and shifts the FPG distribution
among people with diabetes to the left.
The FPG change points observed in our
study span the range of levels observed in
previous studies, including the Pima In-
dian (6.8 mmol/l) and the Egyptian stud-
ies (6.4 mmol/l) (2,14). However, in
contrast with our findings, a recent anal-
ysis of three population-based studies
(Blue Mountains Eye Study, Australian
Diabetes Obesity and Lifestyle Study, and
MESA) did not detect a clear FPG thresh-
old for the prevalence of any or moderate
retinopathy (5). Demographic differences
Figure 2Receiver operating characteristic curves for A1C (%) and FPG (mmol/l) and prevalent (age, sex, and race/ethnicity), differences
retinopathy. in status of hypoglycemic treatment, and
criteria of diagnosis of retinopathy could ex-
plain these discrepancies.
from 0.65 to 0.74 (P 0.001). For both Egyptian study (6.3%), and NHANES III There are several advantages to A1C
A1C and FPG, only time since diagnosis (6.0%) (14). There are at least three rea- as a diagnostic criterion for diabetes. A1C
of diabetes and sex were significantly sons for this finding. First, in our study, is less affected by short-term lifestyle
related to prevalence of retinopathy, retinopathy was assessed by two retinal changes, and its measurement has been
and their inclusion improved the dis- photographs in each eye, while previous improved and standardized during the
crimination of prevalence of retinopa- studies used either one retinal photo- last decade. While hemoglobinopathies
thy in these two full models (both P graph in one eye or direct ophthalmos- and race/ethnicity may reduce the validity
values 0.05). copy to detect retinopathy. Thus, our use of A1C as a diagnostic tool (17,18), A1C
of a more sensitive assessment of retinop- level has less variability than FPG (79).
CONCLUSIONS Using nationally athy (5) may have identified the presence Nevertheless, the interindividual variabil-
representative data, we examined the of retinopathy at lower A1C levels. Sec- ity of A1C is far more complicated than
associations of A1C and FPG with reti- ond, a higher proportion of the Egyptian that of FPG. Genetic factors account for a
nopathy prevalence in the U.S. noninsti- and the Pima Indian populations were at significant part of the variation in A1C
tutionalized population aged 40 years. high risk for or had diabetes (2,3); thus, among people without diabetes (19). Gly-
For both measures of glycemia, we iden- compared with the U.S. population, the cation rate is also influenced by factors
tified points at which retinopathy preva- whole A1C distribution may be shifted to other than the level of plasma glucose
lence began to rise sharply. Retinopathy the left. Third, discrepancies in cutoff (20). In our study, A1C had a smaller CV
prevalence began to rise precipitously points may be due to differences in labo- and a larger AUC than FPG. Though FPG
when A1C exceeded 5.5% (correspond- ratory methods for A1C measurement had a similar level of AUC after adjusting
ing to the 5th decile) and after FPG ex- (15). for other variables, these adjustments are
ceeded 5.8 mmol/l (corresponding to the In the Multi-Ethnic Study of Athero- not practical in clinical practice. These re-
7th decile). This study also demonstrates sclerosis (MESA) population, there was a sults suggested that in some circum-
that the change points are helpful in find- continuous relation between prevalent stances A1C may discriminate prevalent
ing the lowest cut point for the diagnosis retinopathy (defined as ETDRS level retinopathy better than FPG.
of retinopathy. However, to be used clin- 20) and A1C and, based on change Our findings provide additional sup-
ically, at a minimum, further analyses to point analysis, no clear evidence of a port for the current diagnostic threshold
determine cut points for the diagnosis of threshold (5). Moreover, retinopathy in of FPG in diabetes while providing guid-
retinopathy would need to include sensi- the absence of diabetes (FPG 7 mmol/l) ance for potential diagnostic thresholds
tivity and specificity analyses. was more frequent among individuals of based on A1C. However, we caution
Our A1C change point is similar to minority racial groups than whites (16), against the overreliance of these data
that observed in a recent Japanese study suggesting a higher likelihood of retinop- for several reasons. First, even though
(5.35.5%) (13) but lower than that ob- athy not due to hyperglycemia among mi- retinopathy is more specific than other
served in some previous studies, includ- nority populations. This may have diabetes complications, the Diabetes
ing the Pima Indian study (6.2%), the influenced the capacity of identifying a Prevention Program recruited a popula-

Cheng and Associates

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