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Trick 6 Tech: CPUC Me Ces ame eT Types of Carbons Vinylic, Allylic, Benzylic In case of vinylic double bonded carbon is there, in allylic we are having carbon next to double bonded carbon and in case of benzylic next to benzene v Example: CH, =CH, CH, =CH—CI ‘vinylic Ale chord CH, =CH—CH, “ CH, =CH—CH, —Cl Alli ‘Ally chloride Os Ourre Benaylic Benzylic chloride or ()-ch,-on Benzylic alcohol. «, B, y Carbons: In this case carbon bonded with functional group is known as o Next is Band another next is 7. As shown below CH, —CH, —CH, — COOH 1 Bo CH3 —CH, — OH 6 « Acylic carbon: A carbon which is as CH3CO is known as Acylic carbon and represented as AC. Example: CH,CO or AC CH,COOH or ACOH CH,COC! or ACC! Asymmetric carbon or chiral carbon: \ carbon which is bonded with four different groups by single bonds is known as asymmetric carbon or chiral carbon. It gives optical isomerism & g ene Trick & Tech: Carboxylic Acid © Alkanoic acid CH,COOH Ethanoic acid HCOOH Methanoic acid COOH | Ethan dioic acid COOH Some Points: Acid turns Blue litmus paper to red Acid give CO with bi-carbonate NaHCO, +RCOOH——>RCOONa + H,CO, 4 H,0+C0,() Cyclic acid is as — HO. ° l —> Dibasie Cyclic acid HO. ‘° Acid reacts with alcohol to give ester; In this case, in presence of mineral acid : -OH of —COOH group and H' of alcohol are removed. pareseeny * RCOOH +HoR'—4 > RcoOR' +H20 CH3COOH + Horr —H” 5 cHgcook’ + H20 R OH + HNO," 5 Ester (acid) ° + HON ——+ R-oNo2 a 0 Ester If any acid gives OH and alcohol gives H* in the reaction then ester is formed. Trick 6 Tech: is known as Formaline. Formic Acid in Vapour phas 6. CH,COOH on solidification is known as Glacial acid. 7, _Invinegar, CHsCOOH is 7% 8, _ Incase of carboxylic acid it form dimer due to H-bonding. 2CH,COOH——>(CH,COOH), Dimer 9. Peroxy acid is weaker acid as compared to carboxylic acid. RCOOOH RCOOH ° ° rt ‘ R d O-H “Yo-9, Peroxy link Acidic Nature: R COOOH < RCOOH Reasons: In case of peroxy- acid Intra-molecular H-bonding is there, so removal of H* is not easy. And, the 2nd reason is no resonance is there in peroxy anion 10. Carboxylic acid reacts with carbene to give ester. (CH2NH; R-COoH ——2"2_, RCOOCH3 +Np : fle ome + R-coo- H*——_ R-Coo- CH 11, f Keto acid or B+ Unsaturated acid on heating gives CO) (de-carboxylation), i 1 l CH, —€—CH,—COOH—?-> CH, —C—CH, + CO, 12. Soda lime perform the given reaction ene Trick & Tech: R—COOH—N#OH#C20_ py CH,COOH—N20H#620_ cy, co, CH;COOD—MOH+C20_ cH, =CO, CHyCOOH—N#0P * 620 cH, = (in this reaction lime absorb HO) Sulphonic Acid: © — SO3H (Alkane Sulphonic Acid) CH, —SO3H —_Methan Sulphonic Acid CH, CHSO;H Ethan sulphonic Acid © — Some Points:- Acidic Nature of R—SOjH>>R—COOH R—SO,H—MH 5RsO,Na R SO,Na—“204_ 5 _OH+Na,SO, (always removed) CH, —SO,Na—S*"_,cH,Cl+Na,SO, CH, —SO,Na—N®_ CH, X + Na,SO, Ester: ° © RCOOR'—> Alkyl alkanoate R—C—OR’ Alkyl alkanoate © Prepared by the reaction of any acid with alcohol. CH, COO CH, > Methyl ethanoate CH, CH, COO CH, > Methyl propancate Trick 6 Tech: Some Points : Ester is neutral in nature and having fruity smell. Ester are formed from acid and alcohol in which -OH group of acid and —H of alcohol are removed. Amines —NH, —> Alkane Amine 2 1 CH3—CH2—NH, Ethan amine PS and T amine are functional isomers shows different properties. Note: PS and T- (alcohol and halides) are not functional isomers, Primary amine give "Mustard oil test” I’amine give Carbylamine test in which chloroform reacts with 1° amine in presence of KOH to give isocyanide (bad smell) NaNO, +HCI Hg —CH, —NH, —NaNOzt HCl oy —oH Hy —CH, — NH, SETA 2CHs —CH, — OF NaNO, +HCI Hy = CH—NH, —N8NO2*HCL oH, = cH CH, =CH—NH, CH, = CH—N,Cl Amide ° il R—CO—NH, ——»>R—C—NH, Alkan amide © — Hoffman Bromide reaction CH, —CO—NH, —“°H*82 cH, —NH, Famine © —CH,CONH, 2s _,cH,CN dehydration ene Trick & Tech: ° 2 th @ CHs —C'—NH) ethan amide Alcohol R-OH : Alkanol ‘CHCH,OH : Ethanol CHy—CH —CHy Propane-2-ol OH Chi —O8 cH, —o# Ethan-1, 2-diol 100% ethyl alcohol is known as, absolute alcohol 95% absolute alcohol + 5% water is known as spirit, ° ° © If methyl alcohol is added in spirit, than it is known as denatured sprit. ° 80% petrol and 20% ethyl alcohol are known as power Alcohol and used as Fuel. ° Ethyl alcohol works on nervous system and cause of unconsciousness but methyl alcohol poisonous in nature it cause of blindness on drinking. © Alcohol with group- OH OH I I CHs —CH-R and CH, —CH—H Give haloform test (iodoform, chloroform ; Bromoform test). Ether R—O—R = Alkoxy alkane Alkoxy of smaller and alkane of bigger. CH, —CH, —O—CH, Methoxy ethane oxy propane CjHs; —O—C CH, —O—CH, — Methoxy methane Trick 6 Tech: © — Some Points 1, _ Ethers are explosive in nature in air, due to peroxy formation. Cyclic Ether —c— oO epoxy alkane, CH3—CH—CH, ¢Poxy propane \ 0% Aldehyde and Ketone RY RY jj>C=OAlkanal or R—CHO >= O Alkanone (Ketone) Aldehyde Starts with 1 Carbon but ketone Start with 3 carbon ° cro Il CH, —CHO: Ethanal, CH,—C—CH, — CHO ethandial Propanone Some Points 1. Aldehyde with out c-Hydrogen having cannizaro reaction it is a redox reaction in presence of a base. 2HCHO—M2H_,HCOONa+CH,OH" 2. Aldehyde give tollen's and fehling solution test except benzoldehyde. (It doesn't give fehling solution test) Aldol Condensation 1, If aldehyde or ketone is having o-hydrogen then it gives aldol condensation in presence of base or acid. 6 ene Trick & Tech: ° ° OH ° I I aot | I CH, —C—H+ CH, —C—H —N#04_, cH, —c_cH, — C—H ow idol 2, Aldehyde or ketone with following group will give haloform test. fo} oO lI Il CH, —C—H or CH,—C—R 3. Carbonyl compound gives Crystal with NaHSO, (Sodium bisulphite) Cyanide & Isocyanide —cN —NC Alkane ‘itile Alkan isonitile or Carbylamine © Some Points 1. _Isocyanides is having bad ( irritating) smell. 2. RNC R—CN [posse [penn R-NH—CH3 R—CH2NHp a. RCN roc | ACN NG 4 RecN —20/H", R_cooH Ronc O/H R_NHp + HCOOH

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