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Orthodontic quackery
Kevin O'Brien
Manchester, United Kingdom

rthodontic quackery. What is it, and how does it been made are the result of an innovator's proposing
relate to the history and the future of our spe- and developing a treatment method that is then adopted
cialty? The place to start is to dene both con- by the mainstream. Examples of this include Edward H.
ventional orthodontic treatment and what we might Angle, who developed his appliances and treatments by
consider to be quackery. experimentation and trial and error; Calvin Case, who
Perhaps the most logical denition of accepted or- argued against Angle's nonextraction approach on the
thodontic practice is that it encompasses the treatments basis of a few case reports; and Rolf Frankel, who, in
and concepts that most orthodontists should be prac- relative isolation, developed a functional appliance
ticing or teaching. These can easily be dened as treat- that changed the way we treated many of our patients.
ment based on credible scientic evidence published in As a result, we must be able to differentiate between
peer-reviewed journals. It is also pertinent to consider the great innovators of the past and the quacks. There is
that without evidence, accepted orthodontic practices no doubt that these innovators were not quacks; howev-
can include the views of experienced clinicians prac- er, it is clear that they did not practice the evidence-
ticing in the relevant area or the recommendations of based care to which we aspire.
learned societies.
Dening quackery, on the other hand, is more dif- Contemporary evidence-based care
cult because of the great diversity of orthodontic prac-
The evidence-based care movement has changed the
tice. I looked for denitions; according to Wikipedia,
delivery and effectiveness of all health care, including
we can consider that the quack:
orthodontic treatment. We now have plenty of sound
 Promises benets from treatment that cannot be scientic evidence that underpins a reasonable propor-
reasonably expected to occur. tion of our treatments. But there are still variations in
 Recommends against conventional therapies that are the care that we provide; examples of this are the
helpful. extraction-nonextraction debate, different functional
 Promotes potentially harmful therapies. appliance philosophies, and differences in bracket de-
 Promotes magical thinking. signs. I suggest that these may be considered the usual
differences in clinical opinion that occur when there is
The Oxford English Dictionary denes a quack as a
clinical uncertainty.
person who advertises false or fake remedies.
However, there are also treatments that some might
Although these denitions appear reasonable, we
consider quackery because they are promoted widely
must also consider that there are most certainly blurred
and y in the face of clear evidence to the contrary.
lines between these 2 concepts. This could be because
This could, arguably, include some self-ligation claims,
the denitions do not reect the full breadth of contem-
new appliances that promise ultrafast treatment, or
porary health care. Perhaps a further way to consider this
extraordinary claims of growth modication, such as
is to suggest that a quack is a person who knowingly
changing the position of the bones deep in the cranium
does not practice evidence-based health care.
with a removable orthodontic appliance.
At this point, I fear that I am entering dangerous
Although it is easy to be ippant or critical of these
ground. If we look back at the history of our specialty,
claims, I would like to be open-minded and therefore
it appears that many of the great advances that have
suggest a further denition of a quack: the promoter
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Man- of a technique or a product who knowingly misrepre-
chester, Manchester, United Kingdom. sents the risks and benets.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2015;148:202-3 We then need to critically evaluate the evidence for
Copyright 2015 by the American Association of Orthodontists. both conventional and fringe treatments. When we look at the evidence for what we might think of as fringe
O'Brien 203

or quackery-based treatment, it is well established that Is the problem solved?

the level of evidence is weak. Although we have evidence In summary, the lack of evidence and the rather
underpinning some aspects of acceptable orthodontic blurred lines often make it difcult for us to differentiate
treatment, in many areas the level of this evidence also is between accepted and fringe treatments. As a result, I
weak. In some areas, the levels of evidence are similar! propose that we can only classify as quacks those people
This confusing situation is compounded further who know that they are making claims contrary to the
when we remember that there are also highly respected existing scientic evidence and are also practicing their
practitioners who follow philosophies and make claims quackery for personal nancial gain.
that are contrary to the evidence. A good example of Importantly, when evidence is absent, it is incumbent
this is self-ligation, which continues to be promoted on the providers of both the quack and conventional
by key opinion leaders, in the face of research evidence treatments to contribute to studies to obtain the neces-
that contradicts the claims. Yet, these opinion leaders sary evidence. Until then, each side should not be too crit-
are not criticized to the same degree as some who are ical of the other. It is time to work together; only then can
considered to be on the fringe. we make further quantum leaps in our specialty.

Nostalgia Advertisement from a 1925 issue of the Journal

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2015  Vol 148  Issue 2

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