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Harmonic Sounds for the Soul

by Viki Sky

Harmonics are inherent within all sounds. Anything that vibrates in air produces
sound and creates harmonics: the pop of champagne cork, the roar of a jet engine or
the sound of our voice. In fact, harmonics are responsible for our individual and
unique speaking voices. Also known as overtones, harmonics are mathematically
interrelated ratios or intervals that are created when striking any fundamental note
(e.g. F, F#, G, G#, A, etc.)

Regularly listening to harmonics, and especially if we create them with our own
voice, as in chanting or toning, can alter our states of consciousness and shift our
perception of "reality". This is because sound has a frequency – it vibrates, dissipates
and permeates other sounds. It also shapes matter and can influence the operation of
the total human system.

Dr. Hans Jenny, a Swiss scientist, demonstrated how sound shapes matter. He placed
sand granules on to a metal plate and then played a few notes from great composers
such as Mozart and Bach. The sand granules formed constant shapes to the vibration
of the sound, and extraordinary patterns were observed. He also described the
biological effect of sound on the human body, as every cell of our body has its own
vibrational frequency. Human cells are composed of atoms and molecules that
resonate according to their mutual harmonies. Many cells together form tissues and
organs that are part of a biological system. This system then vibrates according to new

There are four states of consciousness, defined by brainwave activity and frequency.
Beta, the logical, stress-oriented state, allows us to use verbal language. Alpha, the
conceptual, highly creative and meditative state, allows us to grasp concepts. Theta is
the activity of deep sleep or deep meditative state, and ‘delta’ is super-conscious,
beyond the pain threshold. When we are listening to harmonics, the brain shifts from
beta to alpha (as it is in alpha that our brain processes music) and even to theta states,
in those who regularly meditate.

All the neuro-chemical processes in our body are controlled by our states of
consciousness. Specific sound frequencies can be used as a healing modality to
balance energetic blocks or misalignments in our mind-body system. In terms of
frequencies, our auditory system has an audible range of 20 HZ – 20,000 HZ (cycles
per second) and can resolve remarkably small temporal differences in music. It also
locates us in space and can be thought of as a central switchboard for our sense of
space and time. The semicircular canal in the inner ear is the most important of our
receptors for balance – but it also regulates all other receptors distributed throughout
our body. It is the only receptor that can measure angular velocity, allowing us to
know the angle at which we are lying, even when we are still half-asleep.
When we meditate with sound and enter a low alpha brain wave state, we can actually
"become one with the sound". It is also possible to achieve the deeper, theta state of
consciousness, where profound healing takes place. This can be promoted if we
regularly listen to harmonics – especially those created in metaphysical/trance music
and harmonic choirs. We can then "become one with the harmonics" and travel to
their source. Such a state of listening is not always experienced. However, regular
meditation – particularly utilising a Sanskrit mantra – can take us to that level.
Sanskrit is a perfect language; it is more copious than Greek and more grammatically
perfect than Latin. It is melodious and its vibrations are believed by Ayurvedic
practitioners to be healing to our mind-body system.

According to quantum physics, all matter at the subatomic level is in a state of

constant flux. Matter is energy pulsating at different rates of vibration or frequencies
and it is the rate of vibration that distinguishes one form of matter from another. It has
been proven that an atom is both a particle and a wave – matter and energy are
intertwined and interchangeable. This understanding takes us to the origin of the
universe. "In the beginning was the word and the word was…’ sound.
The formation of sound came out of the void or, as Deepak Chopra calls it, "The
Unified Field". Through silence, we allow our mind to transcend everyday chatter and
the frenetic Western pace of high-tech living and access the unified field, which
contains all answers and all possibilities.

The origin of sound reveals the origin of all creation. The Hindu belief is that the
"soundless sound" is the subtlest element. It is beyond the speed of light, contains all

universal knowledge and is the cohesive source of all that is. Listening to harmonics
may also have great healing effects on our total body (including bone and muscle
tissue). Healing – whether emotional, psychological, spiritual or physical – is an act of
re-creation. It is the process of re-organising a created being toward its intended state
of dynamic equilibrium – a state of change in which the fluctuations remain within a
healthy range for us.

Kay Gardner, author of Sounding the Inner Landscape: Music as Medicine, has
identified nine elements that demonstrate the healing effects of music.

1. Drone – healing music should have a constant tone that drones behind a simple
2. Repetition – short musical phrases, vocal and instrumental, should be repeated
over and over which produce a calming effect.
3. Harmonics – long sustained tones produce harmonic overtones, which balance the
entire physical body at the cellular level.
4. Rhythm – rhythm duplicates many pulses in the human body and via entrainment,
move the pulses into harmonious pattern
5. Harmony – affects the emotions. Various keys (minor or major evoke feelings of
joyfulness, sadness or calmness.
6. Melody – the mind becomes enchanted with melody and ceases to engage in its
continuous mental chit-chat.
7.Instrumental colours –each instrument has its own unique vibration. (playing the
note of C on the piano would sound very different to the same note on a violin)
8. Form. – pieces that have many changes in tempo will affect stimulate us and
steady pieces will calm us.
9. Intention – music played with a focused intention of healing would contain that
intention in its frequency.

Rudolf Steiner believed that people understand each other in reference to rhythm. He
attributed rhythm to will and associated melody with feeling. Through melody, our
conscious mind opens up to feelings and this forms a head-heart connection, by which
relating to oneself and to the world becomes a more dynamic and complete
experience. Our feelings are orchestrated by harmony.

Harmonics as a healing modality
Resonance, entrainment (two or more frequencies pulsating in unison) and
synchronicity (analogously, two pendulum clocks mounted side by side on a wall will
swing together in perfect synchronicity) are universal in nature and can be explained
in terms of rhythm. Rhythm is "harmony in time". Rhythm and harmony complement
each other. That is, the inclination toward rhythm includes the inclination toward

Rudolph Haase demonstrated that the rhythms of the human organism – the
frequencies of pulse, breathing, blood circulation, etc. – function according to
harmonic principles. He also pointed out that, if these rhythms are interrupted, the
resultant disharmonious rhythms cause dis-ease to develop in the human body. This is
apparent in cancer cases, where there is total irregularity of all rhythms, because the
cancer cells do not vibrate according to the harmonious rhythms of healthy cells.

Tuning forks comprise a sound modality that can align the seven chakras (energy
centres) and correlate with fundamental notes. (base chakra is C, pelvic chakra is D,
solar plexus is E, heart chakra is F, throat chakra is G, brow chakra is A and crown
chakra is B.) By placing the tuning forks on or over the chakras (the appropriate
location and procedure having been determined by muscle-checking the client) the
optimal vibrational rate of the chakras is realigned by resonance with the tuning fork.
Tuning forks can also be used to re-align cranial bones, balance auric fields, and to
introduce frequencies that the body needs for optimal healing. The same respective
chakras are treated in the Ayurvedic system utilising high-pitched humming of the
following sounds: Vum, Lum, Rum, Yum, Hum, Ka Shun and Aum. These are just
simple sound modalities that we can all do by ourselves to achieve balance and

We feel good when our bodies are in harmony. Disease sets in when the human body
loses its optimal rhythm. As harmonics can shift our awareness and our states of
consciousness, allowing us to perceive our world differently, in so doing, our mind-
body system begins to resonate with more energising, life-promoting frequencies.

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