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Electric iron work system is to convert electrical energy into heat energy.

Changes in the form of the energy generated by the electric circuit has a
pretty big obstacle. Barriers that causes heat generation on the board
called the heating element. The heating element generates heat gradually
and modern electric iron is equipped with a component called termostat this
component in an electric circuit board, the heat desired by the user can be
set and stable so it does not cause excessive heat to start a fire on the
Electric current flowing from the voltage source to the light, then
straight to the bimetal switch. In this switch system, when the second
metal contact, then the current will continue to flow toward the heating
element consists of wire windings as a form resistor. Contact switch that
causes the circuit is closed and the board will have a warming at a certain
level. When the heat has experienced circumstances specified maximum, then
automatically switch the thermostat on the circuit will work. The series
will be interrupted for a bimetallic principle had led to one of the metals
undergo expansion and cause the switch is open. As a result, no current
flows and the indicator light turns off. Thus, the working principle is
simple electric circuit board.
After a number of heat energy generated by the heating element, then the
next heat is supplied to the ironing board. The mechanism of heat transfer
takes place by conduction. Conduction is the transfer of heat in the
intermediary substance in which heat energy moves from one molecule to
another molecule only by thermal vibration periodically, without any mass
transfer agent for altogether (Abdul Jamal and Tamrin, 1995).
The flow of heat transfer occurs in the heating element is then connected
(contact) directly with ironing board, so that the heat propagates on a
pedestal due to conduction. There is no mass transfer in the event, only
heat transfer aided by movements of electrons contained in both the metal
materials, ie the elements or pedestal.

Setrika merupakan alat rumah tangga yang digunakan untuk merapikan pakaian
apakah pakaian itu berupa celana maupun baju, mukena dan lain sebagainya,
semua nya menggunakan setrika untuk bisa menghasilkan pakaian yang rapi
dan akan terlihat lebih menawan ketika kita memakainya, namun taukah anda
bagaimana Cara Kerja Setrika Otomatis On Off ini, pasti semua panasaran, maka
dari itu inilah Cara Kerja Setrika Otomatis On Off yang kami kutip dari internet.

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