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Contract TLS - -


Chisinau city March ___, 2017

The company ___________, hereinafter referred to as the "Shipper ", represented by Director ____, acting under the
Statute, on the one hand and _________________ hereinafter referred to as the "Client", represented by General
Director _____________, acting under the Statute, on the other hand, collectively referred to as "Parties" have
concluded this agreement on the following:


1.1 This agreement regulates relations between the parties arising in connection with rendering the services of
cargo transportation by railway communication, and payment for the services rendered.
1.2 Under this contract the Shipper undertakes for the remuneration agreed at the expense and on behalf of the
Client to perform personally or to organize execution of the services covered by the terms of this Agreement,
related to transportation of the cargo by railroad from Moldova, CIS and other countries.
1.3 The Client empowers and the Shipper undertakes to provide services on transportation and expedition of
Clients cargo, the range, classification, volume, delivery and itineraries of which are set out in annexes to
this Agreement and are an integral part thereof.
1.4 Contractual relations hereunder shall be regulated by the actual regulations on the railways involved in
transport, intergovernmental and border agreements on railway communication, national regulations on
freight transport as well as legislation in force of the countries in the territory of which the Parties fulfill their
relations, in order to execute the obligations under this Agreement.


2.1. The parties are obliged to fulfill the conditions of this contract and have the right to receive information
mutually necessary for the performance of their contractual obligations.
2.2. Obligations of the Shipper.
2.2.1 To organize transportation of the Clients cargo by railway communication of Moldova, CIS and
other countries.
2.2.2 To make calculations of tariffs for the services of shipping-transportation of the Clients cargo by
railway communication of Moldova, CIS and other countries.
2.2.3. To pay out the taxes, charges, to carry out settlements with other transport organizations and other
organizations (railway fare and surcharge) due to the Client for transporting cargoes by railway
communication of Moldova and CIS countries.
2.2.4. To present to the Client (departure station) permission to send cargo within the terms and volumes agreed
by the Parties.
2.2.5. To inform the Client regarding the mode of preparation of transportation acts.
2.2.6. At the individual request of the Client at his expense and on the tariffs coordinated between the Parties
indicated in the annexes to this agreement to provide payment of financial guarantees for transit of cargoes
subject to excise in the territory of Ukraine.
2.2.7. Do not change the cost of cargo transport and shipping services while cargo is on the way to the destination
point, regardless of the increase or decrease of such costs.
2.2.8. In accordance with the order or other additional indication to carry out monitoring of cargo delivery to the
Client and provide the services of a customs broker at the Clients expense or according to the annexes
2.2.9. To prepare and send to the Client for review and signature within the terms set the Annexes, acts on
Delivery-Acceptance of services and checking documents for the latest reporting period.

2.3. The Client is obliged: .

2.3.1.To submit to the Shipper not later than on the 12th day of the the following month, transportation plan
and orders for delivery organization using the form provided by the Shipper on monthly basis.
2.3.2. Before delivery execution to coordinate with the Shipper all the changes in delivery plan.
2.3.3. To present to the Shipper the order for the supposed volume to be expedited 5 days before the
expected date of loading for shipping using the following form:
- Station of expedition, the sender of the cargo, destination station;
- cargo denomination;
- the total volume of transportation, load of wagon;
- size of the load when transporting outsized cargo.

2.3.4. To attach the shipping documents all documents required for the execution of customs procedures, sanitary
and other formalities to prevent wagons from border retention.
2.3.5. Bear responsibility for wagons idle standing at railway stations, arising from incorrect preparation of shipping
documentation, customs and other documents by the Shipper or noncompliance of rolling stock.
2.3.6. When transporting loads subject to transit declarations, the Client shall also pay in advance declarant services
at transit stations, as well as pay for performing phytosanitary inspection, veterinary, environmental and other
types of administrative control.
2.3.7. Make restitution of all due expenses and taxes to the Shipper that were not included and negotiated by the
parties, the necessity of payment of which arose during shipment and transportation of goods.
2.3.8. To ensure immediate receipt of cargo at the destination point.
2.3.9. To use wagons provided for transporting goods orders according to the plans and orders agreed.
2.3.10. Not to use wagons as the space for storing cargoes.
2.3.11. To inform the Shipper about redirecting cargo indicating the denomination of cargo, number of wagons,
invoice number, date of dispatch, the gross weight of each wagon, delivery station and railway initially set
out for discharge, the name of new station and railway of new destination, postal address of the new
recipient and his name, as well as to make payment of all the expenses related to redirection, and if
necessary, to pay additional charges due to transportation of redirected cargo wagons.
2.3.12. To inform immediately the Shipper about any other circumstances that do not depend on him that prevents
the delivery and forwarding the wagons.

2.4. The Client has the right to:

2.4.1. To use the wagons according to the Rules of Cargo Transportation and the terms and conditions
2.4.2. To withdraw the order presented to the Shipper no later than 4 days before the date of wagons supply.
2.4.3. In case the Client refuses to accept the wagons violating the terms of p.2.4.2., the Client shall recompense to
the Shipper for the de facto expenses that have occurred in connection with such refusal, that is confirmed by
calculation and the account provided.
2.4.4. To initiate amendments to the contract.
2.4.5. To require from the Shipper proper fulfillment of obligations assumed under this contract clauses.

2.5. The Shipper has the right to:

2.5.1. To require from the Client proper fulfillment of obligations assumed under this contract clauses.
2.5.2. Not to fulfill its contractual obligations and at the same time not to bear responsibility for the failure of the
Client to respect conditions hereof related to payment terms, just as other obligations of the Client, resulting
from the terms of the present contract.
2.5.3. To initiate amendments to the contract.

3.1 Costul serviciilor acordate este prezentat n Anexe la prezentul Contract.
3.2 Modalitatea de plat 100% avans. Valoarea serviciilor de transport i expediie se efectueaz in
valuta conform Anexelor la prezentul Contract.
3.3 Dup executarea volumului de lucrri stabilite n prezentul Contract, Prile semneaz Actul de
verificare a decontrilor reciproce, a taxelor i plilor suplimentare, coordonate n calculul
prealabil. n cazul n care se constat c, Clientul are restane fa de Expeditor, suma restant va fi
achitat n decurs de 3 zile bancare. n cazul depistrii neconcordanelor n notele de plat sau
conturi Prile imediat se vor ntiina reciproc i execut revizuirea calculului.

4.1. Prile poart rspundere material pentru neexecutarea sau executarea necorespunztoare a
obligaiilor sale conform prezentului Contract n mrimea prejudiciului propriu-zis.
4.2. n cazul ntrzierii plii, n cazul prorogrii achitrii plilor de ctre Client, acesta pltete
penalitati n mrime de 0,5 % din suma neachitat pentru fiecare zi de ntrziere.
4.3. n cazul neprezentrii de ctre Client a datelor necesare Expeditorul este n drept s nu treac la
executarea obligaiilor corespunztoare pn ce va fi prezentat informaia.
4.4. Prile sunt exonerate de rspundere pentru neexecutarea parial sau integral a obligaiilor
conform prezentului Contract, (cu excepia ealonrii plilor pentru transportare) dac ea este
generat de circumstane de for major, i anume: incendii, inundaii, seisme i alte calamiti
naturale, blocade, acte sau aciuni ale organelor statale sau de oricare alte circumstane nesupuse
controlului prilor, survenite dup semnarea contractului. Circumstanele enumerate sunt valabile
doar dac partea va notifica n termen de 10 zile n scris cealalt Parte despre prezena
circumstanelor de for major i confirmate ulterior prin nscrisul eliberat de Camera de Comer i
Industrie. n cazul nenotificrii sau notificrii cu ntrziere, Partea se lipsete de dreptul de a invoca
orice circumstan nominalizat drept temei pentru exonerarea de rspundere pentru neexecutarea
4.5. n cazul nclcrii de ctre pri a prevederilor contractului dat, partea vinovat compenseaz
celeilalte pri pagubile, prejudiciile suportate conform legislaiei RM.
4.6. ncasarea penalitilor nu elibereaz prile de la ndeplinirea obligaiilor contractuale.

5.1. Prile au convenit c, coninutul contractului, orice informaie i documente, care in de contractul
dat, sunt confideniale i nu pot fi transmise terelor persoane fr acordul n scris a prilor, cu
excepia cazului, cnd o astfel de divulgare ine de primirea permisiunii oficiale, documentelor de
executare a contractelor, sau achitarea impozitelor, altor obligaiuni de achitare, la fel cum i n
cazurile prevzute de legislaia n vigoare, care reglementeaz obligaiunile contractuale.


6.1. Data prestrii serviciilor de catre Expeditor n temeiul prezentului Contract este dup cum urmeaz:
- n cazul exportului ncrcturilor din Republica Moldova data prestrii serviciului este data
expedierii vagonului;
- n cazul importului ncrcturilor n Republica Moldova data prestrii serviciului este data
eliberrii ncrcturilor la staia de destinaie;
- n cazul tranzitului prin teritoriul Republicii Moldova data prestrii serviciului este data ieirii
vagonului de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova;
- n cazul efecturii transportrii nafara teritoriului Republicii Moldova data prestrii serviciului
este data expedierii vagonului din staia de expediere.
Data expedierii, eliberrii ncrcturilor i ieirii vagoanelor se determin prin tampila aplicat pe foaia
de trsur. Dile prestrii serviciilor se reflect de ctre Expeditor n Actul de prestari servicii.

7.1 Contractul intr n vigoare din momentul semnrii lui i acioneaz pn la 31 decembrie 2017, cu
prolongarea ulterioar cu acordul prilor.
7.2 Prezentul Contract poate fi modificat sau reziliat cu acordul n scris al Prilor.
7.3 Litigiile dintre pri vor fi soluionate pe cale amiabil. n cazul imposibilitii de a ajunge la
nelegere, litigiul urmeaz s fie soluionat de ctre instana de judecat competent a Republicii
7.4 Prezentul Contract este ntocmit n limba romn.
7.5 Nici una din pri nu are dreptul s cesioneze drepturile i obligaiunile sale izvorte n baza
prezentului contract unei tere persoane, fr acordul scris al celeilalte pri.
7.6 Modificrile i completrile la prezentul contract sunt valabile doar n cazul ntocmirii lor n scris i
autentificate de ctre ambele pri.
7.7 n cazul survenirii unor modificri n rechezitele ntreprinderilor, prile sunt obligate s se
ntiineze reciproc n decurs de 15 zile calendaristice din momentul apariiei modificrilor date.
7.8 Semnturile i tampilele trimise prin fax sau prin e-mail sunt valabile daca sunt confirmate de
originalele acestora n termen de 20 zile lucrtoare. Pn la primirea originalelor acestea pot fi
valabile pentru efectuarea calculeleor n contabilitate cu exceptia documentelor contabile primare.


Expeditor Client

Translogist Sistem SRL

Republica Moldova, MD-2005,

mun. Chisinau, bd.Grigore Vieru, 22/8, of.66,
Cod fiscal: 1012600034540
Cod TVA: 0608443
Cont EUR, USD -
BC "Moldindconbank" S.A.

Correspondent Bank - USD

The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Account: 890-0500-123

Correspondent Bank - EUR

Bayerische Landesbank, Muenchen, Germania
Account: 04664866

Fax: (+373 22) 00 99 71;

Tel.: (+ 373 22) 00 99 72
Mob.: (+373) 683 02 555

Director Director
Translogist Sistem SRL

_____________________ Alexandru MAXIMOV

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