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terranes in the Andes of Ecuador and n~rthwesternPeru1

Geological Survey of Cmada, 1 Observatory Crescent, Ottawa, Ont., Canada KIA OY3
Received December 3, 1985
Revision accepted August 21, 1986

In Ecuador and northwestern Peru the Andes and adjacent country, particularly on the Pacific side, are colnposed of at least
five distinctive geologic terranes. The teranes are distinguished from one another and from cratonic South America to the east
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by dissimilar basements, cover rocks, intrusive rocks, and Bouguer gravity anomaly fields.
The Pii6n terrane, occupying most of coastal Ecuador, has a basaltic basement characterized by the largest known on-land
positive Bouguer anomalies in the western hemisphere. The Tahuin terrane occupies most of northwestern Peru and the
southwestern comer of Ecuador. The terrane has an especially complex basement and is the site of generally positive Bouguer
anomalies. The small Bir6n terdne has an unusual basement composed in part of cordierite gneiss and amphibolite that give
consistent Late Cretaceous K- Ar mineral ages. The wedge-shaped Chaucha terrane lies in part on the western Andean slope.
between the oceanic Piii6n terrane on the north and the continental Bir6n terdne on the south. The vast Santiago terrane com-
poses the high Andes of southern Ecuador and northwestern Peru. It is the site of the unique Santiago Fornlation, a thick
succession of Lower Jurassic limestones found nowhere else in the region.
Geologic and geophysical evidence supports the view that the five terranes a= parautochthonous or allochthonous fragments
emplaced against cratonic South America from Middle Jurassic to Late Eocene time. Continental-border subduction alone
(at the so-called "Andean margin") may have keen an inadequate engine for orogeny. Additional allochthonous terdnes
perhaps await identification at other places along the Andes. Whether the emplacement of allochthonous terrdnes has been an
important process elsewhere in the tectonic development of the Andes remains to be established. Geologic mapping on the
oceanward western border of the Andean orogen, studies of basement petrology and chronology, and paleoinagnetic studies
are particularly needed.
The distribution of mineral deposits (including petroleum) in Ecuador and northwestern Peru is not unifoml but is instead
related spatially to the five terranes and cratonic South America. This relationship can be useful to prospectors.
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Dans 1'6~uateuret le nord-ouest pCruvien, surtout du c6tk du Pacifique, au moins cinq terdnes gkologiquement distinctifs
composent les Andes et les regions adjacentes. On peut distinguer chaque terrane de ses voisins et du craton de 1'Amkrque de
Sud 21 l'est sur la base des caractkristiques du socle, des roches intrusives, de la couverture et du champ des anomalies gravi-
mitriques Bouguer.
Le terrane Pii6n couvre la plupart de la c6te de lYfiquateur.I1 a un socle basaltique qui se caractCrise par des anomalies
positives Bouguer terrestres qui sont les plus fortes connues dans l'hkmisphkre occidental. Le terrane Tahuin couvre la rnajeure
partie du nod-ouest pCruvien et le coin sud-ouest de 1'Equateur. Le socle du terdne est particulikrement complexe et s'accorde
2I des anomalies Bouguer gCnCralement positives. Le petit terrane Bir6n a un socle peu commun composC en partie de gneiss h
cordikrite et amphibolite dont les minkraux donnent des Ages K - Ar indiquant la fin du CrCtacC. Le terrane Chaucha, en fomle
d'un coin serrC entre le terrane ockanique Pifi6n au nord et le terrane continental Bir6n,au sud, est situk partiellement sur le
flanc andin occidental. L'immense terrane Santiago compose le coeur des Andes de 1'Equateur mCridional et du nod-ouest
pCruvien. I1 est le site de la formation de Santiago, qui est unique puisque composCe d'une succession Cpaisse de roches
calcaires du Jurassique infirieur qui ne se trouvent nulle part ailleurs.
L'Cvidence gCologique et gCophysique soutient 19idCeque les cinq teranes y n t des fragments parautochthones ou alloch-
tones acscolCs contre le craton de 1'AmCrique du Sud du Jurassique moyen 2I 1'Eocltne tardif. Cette observation affaiblit l'idke
que seule la simple subduction 21 la marge continentale (souvent nommk wmarge andine*) pourdit avoir CtC suffisante pour pro-
nlouvoir 190rogCnltse.D'autres terranes allochtones peuvent &re pdsents dans les Andes. I1 reste 2I ktablir si la mise en place
des terranes allochtones a jouC un r6le important ailleurs dans le dCveloppement tectonique des Andes. Pour ce, on a besoin
surtout de la cartographie gCologique de la marge occidentale de l'orogbne andin, des ktudes de la pktrologie et de la chrono-
logie du socle et des Ctudes palComagnCtiques.
La rkpartition des gisements minCraux et pktroliers en ~ ~ u a t e et
u rdans le nord-ouest ptruvien n'est pas homogbne mais est
fonction d'un rapport spatial entre les cinq terrane et le craton de 1'AmCrique du Sud. Ce qui est d'une gmnde aide pour le pro-

Can. J . h r t h Sci. 24, 266-278 (1987)

Introduction (1) The crust under western South America changes dramati-
The geology of Ecuador and northwestern Peru has been cally at the Gulf of Guayaquil, from oceanic in the north to
interpreted more or less comfortably within the classical geo- continental in the south (Lonsdale 1978). This change, noted
synclinal framework for more than half a century (Steinmann by Gansser (1973) as one of the outstanding enigmas of
Andean geology, implies a nonunifornl geologic history from
1929; Sauer 1965, 1971; Faucher and Savoyat 1973). In recent
years, however, the application of plate-tectonic theory and place to place along the Andes.
(2) Regionally metamorphosed rocks in Ecuador and north-
topical studies of metamorphic phase petrology, gravity
surveys, and isotopic dating have raised questions regarding western Peru are diverse. Rather than constituting a uniform
the validity of prevailing geological interpretations. Three basement of great antiquity, these rocks range widely in
observations in particular merit discussion. composition, metamorphic history, and age (Feininger 1982).
- Major faults commonly separate regions of unlike basement
'Geological Survey of Canada Contribution 22686. rocks .
Pnnted in Canada 1 11nprilnCau Canada
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FIG. 1. Distinctive geologic temnes (bold capital letters) and their bounding faults (lower-case letters) in Ecuador and northwestern Peru.
Faults are dashed where located approximately. Heavy line with saw teeth is axis of the Peru-Chile trench.

(3) High-grade sillimanite- and cordierite-bearing meta- of square kilometres in area and commonly bounded by major
morphic rocks that give consistent Late Cretaceous K -Ar ages faults, which in its geology and gravity anomalies differs sub-
(Feininger and Silberman 1982) crop out nearly to the Pacific stantially from neighboring regions and from cratonic South
shore in southwestern Ecuador. These young metamorphites America to the east. Using classical methods of stratigraphic,
lie to the west of the Andes, in places inore than 75 krn ocean- lithologic, or metamorphic correlation, it is difficult if not
ward of a coeval magmatic arc. impossible to tie one terrane to another using a comnlon geo-
The purpose of the present article is to identify and logic history or a simple paleogeographic reconstruction. It
characterize five distinctive geologic terranes that compose seems probable that the terranes have been brought to their
much of Ecuador and northwestern Peru (Fig. 1). The term present sites by tectonic processes. Some may be far-travelled
"terrane" is used here to refer to a discrete region, thousands fragments - allochthonous-whereas other may be parauth-
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FIG.2. Physiographic map of Ecuador and northwestern Peru. Specific physiographic features are in light type; provincial capital cities are in
bold type. Triangles are active and dormant volcanos. Heavy lines are terrane boundaries, dashed where located approximately. Heavy lines with
saw teeth is axis of the Peru -Chile trench.

ochtsnsus, having been displaced limited but unknown dis- vince, composed on the Andes and their foothills with a medial
tances by regional wrench faults. depression, the Inter-Andean valley, in the north. To the
A brief overview of the three major physiographic provinces south, the general elevation s f the Andes decreases progres-
that constitute continental Ecuador and northwestern Peru sively into northwestern Peru. Foothills flank the Andes on the
(Fig. 2) will help orient the reader. Dominant is the Sierra pro- east nearly without a break, but on the west they are discon-
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TABLE1 . Summary comparisons of five distinctive geologic teranes and cratonic South America in Ecuador and northwestern Peru

Pificin temne Tahuin temne Birdn terane Chaucha terane Santiago terdne Cmtonic South America

Composition Basaltic Granitic on basaltic Granitic Granitic(?) Granitic(?) Granitic
Rock types Diabase and pillow basalt Sillimanite -garnet Cordierite gneiss Schist and quartzite Gneiss, schist, Felsic and intermediate
gneiss. migmatite. with interlayered quartzite, and granulite
schist, quartzite amphibolite, schist phyllite
phyllite; on amphibo- phyllite, and
lite and greenstone quartzite

Metamorphism Nil to prehnite-pumpel- Nil to high amphibolite; Low greenschist to Greenschist Greenschist to Granulite
lyte low-pressure facies middle amphibolite; amphibolite; low-
series low-pressure facies to medium-pressure
series facies series
Cataclasis Rare Widespread
Dominant opaque mineral Graphite Pyrite
K -Ar ages (Ma) 110-72 743 - 196 76 -74 1 180 (in Colonlbia,
150 krn north of
Ecuador) a
Cover rocks
Rock types Intermediate volcanic Bedded volcaniclastic Intermediate volcanic Intermediate volcanic Limestone, shale, Limestone, shale, 2
rocks, clastic sedi- rocks, rubbly to rocks. sedimentary rocks sandstone, volcanic sandstone, volcanic
mentary rocks with a massive intermediate rocks rocks rocks
major volcanic com- volcanic rocks. ininor
ponent, a volcanic arc. limestone and con-
calcareous flysch, an glomerate
olistostrome complex
Age range Late Cretaceous to Early Cretaceous to Cretaceous(?) to late Cretaceous('?) to late Early Jurassic to late Devonian to late
Holocene Pliocene Tertiary(?) Tertiary(?) Tertiary Tertiary
Intrusive rocks
Composition and distri- Quartz diorite to grano- Quartz diorite to Quartz diorite to Granodiorite Granodiorite to Granite
bution diorite; < 3 % of the alaskite; 10% of
- granodiorite; granite
terane the temne > 10% of the
K- Ar ages (Ma) 75 -20 214-24 13 - 10 175 - 148
Simple Bouguer Strongly positive with Generally positive; trend Negative, isogal Negative Negative Weakly negative
anomalies anomalies to 179
+ of isogal contours has contours trend
mGal; negative a strong easterly com- north
over deep sedimentary ponent in the north
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FIG. 3. Genemlized geologic map of Ecuador and northwestern Pem, taken chiefly from Direcci6n General de Geologia y Minas (1982) and
Instituto de Geologia y Mineria (1975). Heavy lines are terrane boundaries, dashed where located approximately. Heavy line with saw teeth is
axis of the Peru- Chile trench. Provincial capitals (excluding Quito and Guayaquil) are indicated by bold single letters (See Fig. 2).

tinuous and commonly isolated from the main ranges. sources in the high Andes. Elevations range from 500 m at the
East of the Sierra, the upper Amazon basin constitutes the edge of the Sierra province to less than 200 m in the east.
Oriente (or Selva) physiographic province. The Oriente is a The Costa physiographic province comprises the coastal
vast, nearly featureless sloping plain mantled with dense rain plain and low country between the Sierra and the Pacific shore.
forest and drained to the east by major tropical rivers with The width of the Costa ranges by an order of magnitude from
less than 20 km at the provincial capital of Machala to nearly to the Cerros Illescas, 150 km distant.
200 km in central Ecuador. The Las Aradas fault also constitutes the western border of
the Santiago terrane, although in the extreme north, near the
Five distinctive geologic terranes city of Riobamba, the terrane may be limited by the Romeral
fault (Fig. 2). The eastern boundary of the Santiago terrane
Five distinctive geologic terranes in Ecuador and north- passes from the high Andes at Riobamba, southeastward into
western Peru can be distinguished by dissimilar basements, the Andean foothills east of the provincial capital of Macas,
cover rocks, intrusive rocks, and Bouguer gravity anomaly and on into the lowlands of the Oriente. The trace of this
fields (Table I). The five are here designated informally as the boundary is covered by younger rocks.
Piiion, Tahuin, Birdn, Chaucha, and Santiago terranes.
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The location of the eastern border of the Bircin and Chaucha

Major faults, in many places prominent in the field, bound terranes is unknown. It may coincide with the northward pro-
these terranes (Fig. 1). The entire northwestern part of longation of the Las Aradas fault and lie buried beneath the
Ecuador is separated from the rest of the country by the thick blanket of young, unconsolidated, pyroclastic deposits in
Romeral fault (Feininger and Bristow 1980), which as well the high Andes. On the other hand, the border may fall some-
constitutes the eastern border of the Piii6n terrane. The western where on the rugged and yet unmapped western Andean slope.
border of the Piiicin and Tahuin terranes is the fault contact
with the actively subducting Nazca plate at the Peru-Chile Pin"& terrane
trench, 75 - 100 km offshore. The common border of the Bihn The Pificin terrane covers 62 000 km2 in Ecuador between
and Chaucha terranes is the Jubones fault, named after the Rio the Romeral fault and the Pacific coast and extends northward
Jubones, which flows due west in a conspicuous straight into Colombia an unknown distance (Barrero 1979). Owing
valley, leaving the high Andes near Machala. Basement meta- chiefly to its unique basement, the Pifi6n terrane is the most
morphic rocks of the B i r d terrane on the left bank of the Rio distinctive of the five terranes. Its complex history has been
Jubones are cataclasites with prevalent phyllonites . Thirty documented elsewhere (Feininger and Bristow 1980), and only
kilometres to the south, the distinctive metamorphic rocks of salient points will be summarized here.
the Bir6n and Tahuin terranes abut one another at the east- The Piii6n terrane is named for the Piiion Formation, a
striking La Palma fault (Feininger 1978). This prominent block-faulted unmetamorphosed mafic basement of Cretaceous
age that underlies the northern two thirds of the Ecuadorian
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break is marked by pods of serpentinite and a zone, gen-

erally > 100 m thick, composed of brecciated rock and Costa (Fig. 3). Most outcrops of the Piii6n ale pillow basalt,
mylonite with vertically dipping layering. Into the Andes, the but relatively deeper erosion west of the provincial capital of
fault turns southeastward, coinciding with the Portovelo fault, Portoviejo exposes diabase in a sheeted-dyke complex. Rocks
which separates continental volcanic rocks of Cretaceous (?) of the Piii6n Formation were considered deposits of an early
age on the north from high-grade metamorphic rocks on the stage of geosynclinal volcanism that were laid down on a sialic
south (Fig. 3). floor (Sauer 1965, pp. 120- 121; Goossens and Rose 1973),
The eastern boundary of the Tahuin terrane is the south- but geophysical evidence casts doubt on this interpretation
striking Las Aradas fault (Fig. 1). In Ecuador, this fault is at (Feininger and Seguin 1983). Intermediate to mafic lavas and
least 100 km long and is well depicted on 1 : 100 000 scale tuffs of a Late Cretaceous volcanic arc constructed atop the
geologic maps published by the Servicio Nacional de Piiicin basement make up the intensely deformed Macuchi
Geologia, Quito. It emerges from beneath a young volcanic Formation (Henderson 1979) at the eastern edge of the Pifibn
cover near the Provincial capital of Loja. The northernmost terrane in the Western Cordillera, adjacent to the Romeral
30 km of the fault trace is particularly well expressed topo- fault. Other cover rocks on the Piii6n terrane include the Cayo
graphically. At El Tingo, due west of Loja, the fault is cut by a Formation, a Late Cretaceous volcaniclastic and sedimentary
stock of granodiorite that has given concordant Eocene horn- apron deposited on the sea floor behind the Macuchi arc; the
blende and biotite K-Ar ages of 50 and 47 Ma, respectively San Eduardo limestone, a calcareous flysch shed from algal
(Kennerley 1980). Farther to the south. topographic expression reefs that lay to the east in Middle Eocene time; and the vast
of the Las Aradas fault weakens. Within 15 km of the Peruvian Santa Elena olistostrome complex west of Guayaquil, slumped
border, the trace of the fault is covered by Pleistocene glacial in Late Eocene time from the Talara basin in northwestern
deposits. In Ecuador, the Las Aradas fault coincides with the Peru. Oligocene or younger sedimentary rocks occur in local-
western limit of distinctive metamorphic rocks that underlie ized deep basins. Intrusive igneous rocks in the Piii6n terrane
the high Andes and the eastern slope in the southern third of are limited to scattered stocks and small batholiths of Tertiary
the country (Feininger 1982). This relationship is relatively age composed chiefly of massive, medium-grained quartz
less evident in northwestern Peru, where the trace of the fault diorite, dispersed along the length of the Western Cordillera. A
is commonly covered by Tertiary volcanic deposits of the stock of fine-grained quartz diorite underlies the town of
Calipuy Formation. The southward prolongation of the Las Pascuales, 15 km north of Guayaquil.
Aradas fault may be the major north-striking fault that passes Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the Pieon terrane is
3 km east of the town of Huancabamba (Instituto de Geologia its huge positive simple Bouguer gravity anomaly where the
y Mineria 1975). This fault is everywhere west of the south- Pifi6n Formation crops out or is veneered only thinly by
ward extension of the metamorphic rocks in the high Andes of younger rocks (Fig. 4). For example, anomalies at the town of
southern Ecuador and also isolates on its Pacific side all out- Daule, 45 km northwest of Guayaquil, reach +I79 mGal
crops of Precambrian metamorphic rocks in northwestern (1 mGal = 10 pm s-') and are the largest on-land positive
Peru. Southward projection would carry the fault to the coast at anomalies recognized in the western hemisphere. Anomalies
the city of Chiclayo (lat. 6"45'S). where the straight Peruvian over a surrounding area of 6000 km2 exceed + 100 mGal. Such
coastline has a pronounced inflection. Southward from the city large positive anomalies demonstrate the oceanic nature of the
as far as the town of Pisco, 900 km away, the coast trends Piii6n Formation and signify that it is not underlain by con-
unfailingly S30"E. North of Chiclayo the coast trends N62 "W tinental crust.
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-- -I
li .

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FIG. 4. Simple Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Ecuador and northwestern Peru, taken from Feininger and Seguin (1983) and unpublished
mapping by the Instituto Geofisico del Peni. Contour interval is 25 mGd. Positive anomalies are shaded. Heavy lines are terrane boundaries.
dashed where located approximately. Heavy line with saw teeth is axis of the Peru-Chile trench. Provincial capitals (excluding Quito and
Guayaquil) arc indicated by bold single letters (see Fig. 2).

Tahuin terrane the Cordillera de Tahuin, a prominent foothills range west of

The Tahuin terrane covers about 50 000 km2 in northwestern the Andes in southwestern Ecuador (Fig. 2).
Peru and adjacent Ecuador, occupying the western "shoulder" The basement of the Tahuin terrane is particularly varied and
of the South American continent. The terrane is here named for includes no less than three distinct metamorphic belts, each

restricted to the terrane itself (Feininger 1982). The oldest is downwarping at Talara.
composed of Late Precambrian plymetamorphic greenschist Intrusive igneous rocks in the Tahuin terrane range widely in
and amphibolite of the Piedras Group in an east-striking belt age, composition, and texture. The Tahuin Group is riddled
75 km long located near the northern edge of the terrane (MI, with oblong stocks of medium-grained rocks of uncertain ages,
Fig. 3). The overlying Tahuin Group, of Paleozoic age (M2, chiefly quartz diorite to alaskite, that typically are foliated
Fig. 3), comprises a thick, nonvolcanic flysch in an arcuate and have a pronounced metamorphic texture. Particularly
outcrop. concave to the south, and limited on the north by the characteristic is porphyritic granodiorite with blocky, cream-
Piedras Group or the Portovelo fault. To the west and south the coloured orthoclase megacrysts 3 - 10 cm long. A stock of
outcrop is progressively reduced in size by faulting and an variably serpentinized ha~burgitein the Piedras Group partly
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encroaching sedimentary cover, becoming a series of discon- encompasses the Mesozoic Raspas Formation at the northern
nected exposures at Cerro Amotape. Silla de Paita, Cerros edge of the Tahuin terrane. Cover rocks are host to a variety of
lllescas (Caldas et ul. 1980), and Isla Lobos de Tierra (Figs. 2 young intrusions, mostly massive, medium-grained quartz
and 3). Metamorphism of the Tahuin Group is variable and diorite or granodiorite, with a spread of ages from Early Creta-
ranges to the top of the amphibolite facies. No regionally meta- ceous to early Tertiary (Kennerley 1980). The intrusions range
morphosed rocks then crop out west of the Andes until the in size from small stocks to the vast Tangula batholith, about
Paracas Peninsula. 1000 km to the southwest. A third and 3000 km2 in area, that straddles the Peruvian-Ecuadorian
unique metamorphic belt is the high-pressure, ecologite- border.
bearing Raspas Formation of Mesozoic age (too small to show The Tahuin terrane is characterized by positive simple
on Fig, 3) that constitutes a narrow, 27 km long band along the Bouguer gravity anomalies, which at Silla de Paita and Cerros
La Palma fault (Feininger 1980). Illescas exceed + 100 mGal (Fig. 4). Negative anomalies
Cover rocks on the Tahuin terane range in age from Early occur only in the high Andes along the eastern border and on
Cretaceous to Quaternary and embrace a wide variety of the northwestern corner of the temne, adjacent to the deep
facies. Small patches depicted as Triassic and Jurassic volcanic Neogene Progreso basin under the Gulf of Guayaquil. The
and sedimentary rocks on the geologic map of Peru (Instituto Tahuin terrane is probably underlain by continental crust
de Geologia y Minena 1975) in part are continuous across the somewhat thinner than the crust typical of the Precambrian
international border with rocks mapped as the Celica Forma- shield east of the Andes on which weak negative simple
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tion of Cretaceous age in Ecuador. The distribution of these Bouguer anomalies prevail (Breville et ul. 1973). It is signifi-
purported older Peruvian rocks is uncertain (cf. Cobbing et nl. cant that isogal contours over the northern part of the Tahuin
1981). terrane trend east-northeastward. This observation suggests
Two sedimentary basins are of particular significance: the that the crustal structure of the terrane may be unrelated to that
Lancones basin and the basin at Tdard. of the adjacent modern high Andes, which are characterized by
The Lancones basin, located south of the Cordillera de north-trending isogal contours (Fig. 4).
Tahuin, is filled with northeast-striking, well-bedded, and Bircin terrane
tightly folded marine volcaniclastic rocks known in Peru as the The small Biron terrane, here named after an agricultural
Copa Sombrero Formation and in adjacent Ecuador as the district located along its southern border, covers about
Alamor Group (Fig. 3). The rocks are late Early Cretaceous 1500 km2 of the Ecuadorian Costa and western slope of the
(Aptian) to Late Cretaceous (Senonian) in age, and their maxi- Sierra, south of the Provincial capital of Machala. Only the
mum thickness in places exceeds 3088 m (Morris and Aleman fringes of the terrane have been mapped in detail, and geo-
1975). On the Peruvian side of the border, Morris and Aleman logically it is not well known.
(1975, p. 57) emphasized the abundance of volcanic breccias The basenlent of the B i d n terrane is composed chiefly of
and tuffs and stated that "it is difficult to find beds not pelitic and quartz-rich metamorphic rocks that range from
volcanic in origin". The present author has made the same greenschist to mid-amphibolite facies of a low-pressure facies
observation in the Alamor Group. where the only rocks free of series (Feininger 1982). Cordierite gneiss is particularly char-
volcanic detritus are thin and geographically restricted black acteristic of the relatively higher grade rocks. Intercalated
limestones. mafic metavolcanic rocks are widespread and, in places, con-
The basin at Talara, located on the Peruvian coast southwest stitute layers of amphibolite as much as I km thick. Shear
of the city of Tumbes, contains rocks that contrast sharply with zones slice the basement apparently at random, and postmeta-
those in the Lancones basin only 50 km to the east. Rocks in morphic deformation is pervasive. K -Ar ages on hornblendes
the basin at Talara are largely covered by younger sediments, from two amphibolites and biotite from cordieritc gneiss fall in
but they have been studied intensively in the subsurface by the narrow range 76 -74 Ma (Feininger and Silberman 1982).
means of thousands of wells drilled for oil over the past Stocks of massive intermediate to felsic intrusive igneous rocks
century (Travis 1953). The basin is filled with 12 750 m of of unknown age make up more than 18% of the Bir6n terrane.
marine, terrigenous, clastic sedimentary rocks that range Cover rocks are unconsolidated sands and gravels of late Terti-
in age from Late Cretaceous (Campanian) through Late ary and Quaternary age, washed westward from the Andes. If
Eocene; Paleocene and Eocene rocks alone account for 98 15 m the eastern boundary of the Birbn terrane coincides with the
of the section (Petrbleos del Peni, unpublished report). The Las Aradas fault, then volcanic and sedimentary rocks of
sources of the sediments were low-grade, quartz-rich meta- Cretaceous(?) and Tertiary ages in the high Andes would form
morphic rocks, presumably Cerro Arnotape and the Cordillera part of the cover on the terrane. This possibility can be
Larga (Fig. 2). Minor tuffaceous sediments first appear in weighed only by additional mapping.
Upper Eocene rocks near the top of the section. The oldest Gravity anomalies over the small Bir6n terrane are domi-
rocks at Talara correspond roughly in age to the youngest rocks nated by the strong negative anomalies of the adjacent Andean
preserved in the Lancones basin. Cessation of subsidence in root. Isogal contours over the terrane do not depart from the
the Lancones basin appears to have coincided with the onset of regional northerly strike (Fig. 4).
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Chaucha terrune east. It is in fact instructive that all outcrops and subsurface
The Chaucha terrane occupies an area of about 10 000 km2 occurrences of the Macuina and underlying Devonian
in the high Andes and their western slope, the Costa, and the Pumbuiza Formations are to the north and east of the Santiago
eastern part of the gulf of Guayaquil. It lies between the Bir6n Formation.
terrane to the south and the Pifi6n terrane to the north (Fig. 1). Taken together, these observations lead to the suggestion
The terrane is here named after the settlement of Chaucha, site that the areal distribution of the Santiago Formation and Paleo-
of a porphyry copper prospect located 45 krn west of the pro- zoic('?) metamorphic rocks on the eastern Andean slope in
vincial capital of Cuenca. The Chaucha terrane has neither the southern Ecuador and nearby Peru delimit a unique terrane.
oceanic basement characteristic of the Pifion terrane nor rocks This, the Santiago terrane, is sandwiched between cratonic
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distinctive of nearby cratonic South America. Basement rocks South America to the east and the Pifion, Chaucha, Biron, and
of the Chaucha terrane, low-grade quartzite and biotite schist, Tahuin terranes to the west (Fig. 1). The southern limit of the
are exposed only in an erosional window (too small to show in Santiago terrane is unknown.
Fig. 3) at San Pablo de Cebadas, a settlement located roughly
midway between the cities of Machala and Cuenca. Cover Cratonic South America
rocks on the terrane include intermediate volcanic rocks of
To evaluate the significane of the five distinctive geologic
Cretaceous('?) age on the western Andean slope, late Tertiary
terranes identified here in the Andean orogen of Ecuador and
sedimentary rocks and Holocene alluvium on the Costa, and
northwestern Peru, it is necessary to define the border of
Teritary and Quaternary volcanic rocks in the high Andes.
cratonic South America and to characterize the rocks of the
Stocks of granodiorite are prominent on the western Andean
ancient continental edge. This is no easy task because young
volcanic rocks erupted from the active Andean arc together
Santiago terrune with an extended sedimentary apron shed eastward from the
The high Andes and adjoining Oriente in southern Ecuador rising Andes mantle critical areas in the high Andes and the
and bordering Peru constitute another distinctive geologic ter- Oriente.
rane, here named the Santiago terrane after a singular forma- Basement rocks of cratonic South America in Ecuador are
tion of the same name confined exclusively to the terrane granulites, probably the western edge of the Guiana shield.
itself. The uniqueness of the Santiago terrane is supported by These rocks do not crop out, but they have been reached in
For personal use only.

two particular geological observations that hinge, respectively, several wells in the oil fields of the Ecuadorian Oriente. The
on the distribution of metamorphic rocks and on the Santiago Pumbuiza Formation, a thick sequence of sparsely fossil-
Formation. iferous, marine black shale and siltstone of Devonian age,
Low-grade, intermediate-pressure Cretaceous rocks meta- overlies the basement. These rocks in turn are unconformably
morphosed in early Tertiary time (M,, Fig. 3) dominate overlain by richly fossiliferous limestone of the Permian
the eastern Andean slope in northern and central Ecuador Macuma Formation. The Pumbuiza and Macuma formations
(Feininger 1975). South of latitude 2"S, the low-grade rocks crop out in Ecuador at Cerro Macuma (Fig. 2) and farther to
are crowded out progressively by a belt of older (Paleozoic?) the south in the Peruvian foothills. The continental Late
metamorphic rocks of relatively higher grade and characterized Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Chapiza Formation, in places
by the sporadic occurrence of staurolite (M,, Fig. 3). These more than 4500 m thick, unconformably overlies the Paleozoic
rocks are wholly unlike those either to the west on the Tahuin sedimentary rocks (on the Santiago terrane the Chapiza lies on
terrane (Kennerley 1973) or to the north on the eastern Andean the Santiago Formation). The Chapiza is composed domi-
slope (Feininger 1982). They appear confined exclusively to nantly of redbeds, though the uppermost part of the formation
the Santiago terrane. is volcanic and comprises tuff, volcanic breccia, and lava.
The Lower Jurassic Santiago Formation, more than 1500 m The western border of cratonic South America, at least in
thick, is composed of marine limestone and shale, with minor Mesozoic time, is incompletely known. In northern Ecuador,
interbedded sandstone and siltstone. The formation crops out the border may coincide with the Romeral fault (Feininger and
extensively east of the Andes in northwestern Peru (the Pucara Bristow 1980). If so, it would lie deep in the high Andes.
Group; Geyer 1979) and in Ecuador as far north as the pro- South of latitude 1" S, however, the border is presuinably
vincial capital of Macas (Fig. 3). Immediately to the north and situated on the eastern edge of the Santiago terrane, which
east of Macas, however, the Santiago Formation is present means that is warps eastward from the high Andes, through the
neither at the surface nor at depth in any of the numerous wells eastern foothills, and into the Oriente, leaving the Andean
of the Ecuadorian oil fields (Canfield et al. 1982). A particu- Cordillera perched entirely on the four southernmost terranes.
larly arresting example occurs in the Andean foothills at Cerro This proposed geometry may account for two morphological
Macuma, where the Macuma Formation of Permian age is oddities of the Andes in Ecuador and Peru. (I) The triple junc-
overlain unconformably by Upper Jurassic continental redbeds tion of cratonic South America with the Pifi6n and Santiago
of the Chapiza Formation. The Santiago Formation is terranes marks the only place where the Andes plunge to the
altogether absent, although it makes up the entire Cordillera de plains of the Oriente with no intervening foothills (Fig. 2).
Cutucu only 15 km to the west (Fig. 2). In this context, it may (2) The average elevation of the Andes decreases progressively
be significant that in Ecuador the base of the Santiago Forma- southward into northwestern Peru, where it reaches the lowest
tion is nowhere exposed (Canfield et al. 1982, p. 1077). It is point of the entire Cordillera. At latitude 6 " s a trans-Andean
not even known on what rocks the formation was laid down. oil pipeline is able to cross the entire range and nowhere
The conventional view that the Santiago rests on the Macuma exceed an elevation of 3000 m.
Formation is speculation. Rather, the basement may be the Redbeds and volcanic rocks of the Chapiza Formation show
relatively high grade Paleozoic(?) metamorphic rocks exposed that beginning in Late Jurassic time the border of cratonic
on the eastern Andean slope south of latitude 2"s and related South America in places was an emerged continental volcanic
spatially to the occurrence of the Santiago Formation to the arc. Conditions changed abruptly in late Early Cretaceous time
when, with the cessation of subduction (Feininger 1980), the The basement of the Bir6n terrane is composed in part of a
border developed into a vast shallow-marine platform typical singular cordierite gneiss that is petrographically unique in
of a passive continental margin like that of modem Brazil. A Ecuador or northwestern Peru. Also, the Late Cretaceous
transgressive white orthoquartzite of late Early Cretaceous age K-Ar age of the metamorphic basement is distinct from the
(in Peru and Euador, respectively, the Agua Caliente and K -Ar ages of other metamorphic belts in the region (Table I).
Hollin formations) was first laid down on the platform, It is older than the early Tertiary belt on the fringe of cratonic
followed by a succession of dark, fine-grained clastic rocks South America but much younger than the metamorphic base-
and limestone of Late Cretaceous age (the Chonta and Napo ments of either the Tahuin or Santiago terranes.
formations). The rocks thin and become sandier eastward The Tahuin terrane is characterized by positive Bouguer
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toward their source but thicken westward and southward from anomalies (Fig. 4). Although the anomalies are not as strong as
about 260 m near the Colombian border to more than 708 m on those on the Pifi6n terrane, they are unlike the negative anoma-
and east of the Santiago terrane. West of the Cretaceous plat- lies on the Bir6n and Santiago terranes or on cratonic South
form, in central and northern Ecuador, along a line roughly America. A particularly arresting geologic contrast with the
coincidental with the eastern base of the modem high Andes, Santiago terrane and cratonic South America is offered by the
was a shelf edge beyond which, in the deep waters of an open volcaniclastic rocks of the Cretaceous Copa Sombrero Forma-
ocean, fine-grained clastic terrigenous sediments were laid tion and Alamor Group. These rocks, restricted exclusively to
down to form a vast continental-rise prism. The prism was the Tahuin terrane, were laid down beginning in Aptian time in
deformed and metamorphosed beginning in Maastrichtian an actively subsiding basin close to their volcanic source. Syn-
(latest Cretaceous) time, forming the low-grade metamorphic chronously, the wholly nonvolcanic Agua Caliente - Hollin
rocks (M,, Fig. 3) of the eastern Andean slope when and Chonta - Napo formations, an order of magnitude thinner
decoupling of South America initiated eastward subduction of than the volcaniclastic rocks, were being deposited in a mark-
the abutting oceanic plate from a trench located perhaps at the edly different environment: a shallow, stable continental shelf
site of the Romeral fault (Feininger 1975; Feininger and spread across the Santiago terrane and the western edge of cra-
Bristow 198Q).The absence of the young metamorphic belt in tonic South America. Today only 75 km separates the Alamor
southern Ecuador and northwestern Peru may be due to the Group from the Hollin and Napo formations (Fig. 3). Had the
intervention of the Santiago terrane. respective rocks been laid down at the sites where they are now
For personal use only.

An eastward-thinning apron of sediment was shed onto the found, the Hollin and Napo formations could hardly have
continent from a source in volcanic mountains ancestral to the escaped substantial volcanic contamination. During the Creta-
modem Andes beginning in Late Cretaceous time. With few ceous, the Tahuin terrane is here interpreted as having lain
breaks, this back-arc sedimentation has carried on to the appreciably farther from tlie Santiago terrane and cratonic
present. South America than its modem proximate setting.
The scale of the Santiago Formation makes its restriction to a
postulated allochthonous terrane a more likely explanation of
Are the five terranes allochthonous? its confined occurrence than, for example, elimination from
General statement adjacent areas by erosion. The largest foothills east of the
Substantive geologic and geophysical evidence, marshalled Andes in southern Ecuador, the Cordilleras de Cutucu and del
below, upholds the view that the five distinctive geologic C6ndor (veritable mountain ranges in themselves), are made
terranes are displaced with respect to one another and that most up exclusively of the Santiago Formation with a discontinuous
of the Andean Cordillera in Ecuador and northwestern Peru is capping of Chapiza redbeds, in places at elevations greater
a composite of parautochthonous or allochthonous fragments than 2508 m. On cratonic South America, on the other hand,
emplaced against cratonic South America from Middle the Santiago Formation is represented by the angular unconfor-
Jurassic to Late Eocene time (Fig. 1). Little can be said quanti- mity that, usually deep in the subsurface, separates the
tatively about the provenance of the five terranes: whether they Paleozoic Pumbuiza and Macuma formations (apparently both
are far-travelled pieces of a global tectonic jigsaw puzzle, that absent on the Santiago terrane) from the overlying Mesozoic
is, true allochthonous terranes, or whether they were merely Chapiza Formation.
shunted laterally only relatively short distances by regional Taken collectively, geologic and geophysical evidence indi-
wrench faults. cates that this part of the Andean orogen is a composite of
parautochthonous or allochthonous terranes of unestablished
m e evidence
provenance banked against an integral cratonic South America.
The five distinctive geologic terranes identified in Ecuador
The disparity of the five terranes and of the adjacent continent
and northwestern Peru share few common properties (Table I).
is too great to account for solely by classical processes of
To demonstrate convincingly that the terranes are displaced
uplift, faulting, and erosion.
fragments, their geological and geophysical incompatibility
with the contiguous South American continent must be shown. Chronology of emplacement
The Pifi6n terrane is the most divergent. It is a youthful Emplacement of the Santiago, Pifi6n, and Tahuin terranes
terrane whose basement is younger than most of the cover can be dated with some precision on stratigraphic relation-
rocks on adjacent cratonic South America. The terrane is a ships. The dates of emplacement of the Chaucha and Bir6n
relatively unmodified parcel of ocean floor united fortuitously terranes are conjectural.
to the South American plate by a seaward jump of the conti- The Santiago terrane was emplaced in Middle Jurassic time,
nental-border subduction zone (Feininger and Bristow 1980). perhaps by strike-slip faulting. The absence of rocks of Tri-
The enormity of the positive Bouguer anomalies (Fig. 4) points assic or Early Jurassic age on the western border of cratonic
out that this type of pristine oceanic terrane is not common and South America implies that that part of the continent was then
that the Pifi6n terrane may be a unique example in the emergent and undergoing erosion. It is speculated that during
Americas. deposition of the Santiago Formation in Early Jurassic time,
276 CAN. J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 24, 1987

the terrane was more distant from the continental edge than its sources in areas now occupied by the Pacific Ocean. Outstand-
modem setting, judging by the reduced component of terri- ing examples are the Devonian central Andean intracratonic
genous sediment. By Late Jurassic time the Santiago terrane basin of Bolivia and southern Peru (Isaacson 1975) and
was in place, because it and cratonic South America are jointly the Lower Cretaceous clastic rocks on the coast at Lima
overlapped by the Chapiza Formation (as well as by all (J. F. Concha, personal communication. 1983). The varied
younger cover rocks). metamorphic basement of central Chile (GonzBlez-Bonorino
A complicated history has already been proposed for the 1971) may have a history no less complicated than that in
Pifi6n terrane (Feininger and Bristow 1980). The terrane is Ecuador (Feininger 1982).
interpreted as having become fixed to the South American The possibly significant role of allochthonous terranes in
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plate coincident with the collision of the superjacent inactive orogeny is being seriously evaluated in the current geologic
Macuchi arc in Early Eocene time. This event, which followed literature. Some geologists and geophysicists suggest that most
long intervals of strike-slip motion on the Romeral transform orogenic episodes are the result of the collision of simple or
fault and oblique subduction, initiated a short spell of volcanic composite allochthonous terranes with continental masses
tranquility until a new subduction zone, stepped 300 km to the (Ben-Avraham and Nur 1983). On the eastern rim of the
west of its predecessor, reestablished subduction, which has Pacific basin, the importance of allochthonous terranes as
continued to the present. This renewal of subduction, well- fundamental tectonic elements in Alaska, the Canadian Cordil-
dated stratigraphically, coincides with the major reorganiza- lera, and the conterminous western United States is now
tion of plate motions in the ancestral Pacific as recorded by the acknowledged widely (Jones et ul. 1977, 1982: Coney et al.
bend in the Hawaiian -Emperor seamount chain (Feininger 1980; Monger st al. 1982; Bourgeois and Bott 1985). Mexico,
and Bristow 1980, p. 871). long the b6te noire of plate reconstructions because of its sub-
The Tahuin terrane is held to have been emplaced by colli- stantial overlap on predrift fits, is now interpreted as a collage
sion in Late Eocene time, having been driven northeastward on of allochthonous terranes brought together chiefly during the
the proto-Nazca plate to lodge between the Pifi6n and Santiago Mesozoic (Carfantan 1983; Campa and Coney 1983).
terranes. The collision is judged to have depressed the sea floor South America's 7000 km long Andean Cordillera and adja-
on the adjacent Pifi6n terrane and the northwestern edge of the cent Pacific coastline remain largely undissected by tectonic
Tahuin terrane enough to trigger the massive northward sub- analysts in their search for allochthonous terranes. In fact, the
For personal use only.

marine slide and deposition of the Upper Eocene Santa Elena possible presence of such terranes in the central Andes is
olistostrome complex on the Pifi6n terrane. west of Guayaquil. specifically excluded by some recent workers (Jordan et al.
The complex, with a volume of thousands of cubic kilometres, 1983).
is the failed northwestern margin of the Talara basin (Feininger A uniform absence of allochthonous terranes in western
and Bristow 1980). The presence of the olistostrome complex South America would be a significant observation in support of
on the Piii6n demonstrates the juxtaposition of the Pifi6n and the view that subduction alone is an adequate engine to drive
Tahuin terranes at least by Late Eocene time. orogeny. On the other hand, the presence of allochthonous
The dates of emplacement of the Chaucha and Bir6n terranes terranes documented here in at least the northern Andes lends
are speculative. The spatial distribution of these terranes support to the view of Ben-Avraham et al. (1981) on the
dictates that they were emplaced after the Santiago terrane but general importance of collision in orogenic episodes. Cer-
before emplacement of the Tahuin terrane. The possibility that tainly, collisional accretionary tectonics appears to have had a
the Chaucha terrane was united with the Santiago terrane and role in the development of the Andean orogen in Ecuador and
that they were later emplaced as a unit in Middle Jurassic time adjacent Peru where, beginning in the Jurassic Period, succes-
cannot be ruled out. The youthful age of the basement makes sive emplacements of allochthonous terranes coincided with
this interpretation unlikely for the Bir6n terrane. orogenic events evident in the stratigraphic record. Emplace-
ment of the Santiago terrane in Middle Jurassic time, for
Tectonic significance example, immediately preceded or in part may have been
From the time of Dewey and Bird's (1970) synthesis to the coeval with substantial uplift and deposition of the continental
present, the Andes have been viewed chiefly in simple terms Chapiza Formation, which culminated in widespread felsic
within a plate-tectonic setting: long-standing and uncompli- volcanism. Coupling of the Pifi6n terrane to nuclear South
cated subduction of oceanic lithosphere at a continental border America brought about a distinctive hiatus in continental-
causing plutonism, volcanism, and spasmodic orogenic pulses. border volcanism in Middle Eocene time, marked by the
In fact, so comfortable is this concept that the term "Andean deposition of deep-water calcareous flysch free of volcanic
margin," interpreted as an ancient analogue of the modern debris (Feininger and Bristow 1980). Subsequently , deforma-
model, has lately been applied to regional syntheses in the tion that accompanied emplacement of the Tahuin terrane in
Canadian Appalachians and elsewhere. Late Eocene time is interpreted as having led to deposition of
Evidence has long been available that the Andes are far more the vast Santa Elena olistostrome complex on the Pill611
complex geologically than allowed by the simple Andean terrane. Perhaps the Huancabamba deflection itself is a con-
margin model alone. Examples abound from beyond the sequence of the emplacement of so inany allochthonous
restricted geographical area treated here. Ages of igneous terranes within such a restricted stretch of the continental
intrusions are progressively younger toward the continent in border (Heki et a / . 1983).
Chile (Clark et ul. 1970) and Peru (Giletti and Bay 1968), but The presence of multiple allochthonous terranes in the
in Colombia the reverse is true (Irving 1975). Ancient rocks of Andes of Ecuador and northwestern Peru may not be unique.
Precambrian age crop out west of the Andean axis in Colombia Perhaps allochthonous terranes await identification elsewhere
(Restrepo and Toussaint 1978) and on the Pacific shore in the in the Andean orogen (Howell et al. 1983). Whether they are
Arequipa massif of southern Peru (Shackleton et a/. 1979). as important areally in the Andes as they are in the North
Some major sedimentary basins have westerly continental America Cordillera is unknown. The geological picture in the
Andes is blurred extensively by vast expanses of youthful Ecuador): the National Geographic Society, Washington; and
volcanic deposits and because throughout most of the orogen, the National Research Council of Canada. Additional material
geologic mapping falls short of the detail achieved over corres- supported was provided by PETROPERU, Lima and Talara;
ponding areas in Canada or the United States. Tests remain to and the Instituto Geografico Militar, Quito. Helpful reviews by
be carried out, and definitive results will come only from a E. Irving, R. A. F. Grieve, P. B. Robertson, and two addi-
diligent mix of geologic mapping and structural studies tional readers substantially improved the text.
(particularly along the oceanward western border of the
orogen), stratigraphic analyses, studies of basement petrology ALBERS.J. P. 1981. A lithologic-tectonic framework for the
and chronology, and paleomagnetic studies. metallogenic provinces of California. Economic Geology, 76:
765 -790.
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Allochthonous terranes and the distribution of mineral of Buga and Roldanillo, Colombia. Publicaciones Geologicas
deposits in Ecuador and northwestern Peru Especiales de Ingeominas, Bogotri, Colombia, No. 4. p. 75.
The nonuniform distribution of mineral resources in Ecuador BEN-AVRAHAM, Z., and NUR,A. 1983. An introductory overview to
the concept of displaced terranes. Canadian Joumal of Earth
and nearby Peru among the five allochthonous terranes and Sciences, 20: 994 - 999.
cratonic South America may afford a useful guide for prospec- BEN-AVRAHAM, Z., NUR,A., JONES,D., and Cox. A . 1981. Con-
tors. Similar observations on the nonrandom distribution of tinental accretion: from oceanic plateaus to allochthonous terranes.
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been made in Alaska (Berg 1981), California (Albers 1981), BERG,H. C. 1981. Metallogenesis in accreted terranes in southeast
and Mexico (Campa and Coney 1983). Alaska [abstract]. Geological Association of Canada, Program and
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Ecuador); on the coast of Peru southwest of Tumbes (the field mentology of Upper Cretaceous rocks in coastal southwest Oregon:
at Talara, Peru, has been in continuous production since 1874 evidence for wrench-fault tectonics in a postulated accretionary
terrane. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 96: 1007- 1019.
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field); and on the Santa Elena Peninsula, west of Suayaquil. WILCOX,L. E. 1973. A Bouguer gravity anomaly map of South
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and the Piiion terrane, respectively. Petroleum on the Piiion MO, Technical Paper 73-2, p. 2 1.
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