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Antimicrobial and Physicochemical Characterization of Biodegradable,
Nitric Oxide-Releasing Nanocellulose-Chitosan Packaging Membranes
Jaya Sundaram, Jitendra Pant, Marcus James Goudie, Sudhagar Mani, and Hitesh Handa
J. Agric. Food Chem., Just Accepted Manuscript DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b01936 Publication Date (Web): 03 Jun 2016
Downloaded from on June 8, 2016

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Page 1 of 29 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

1 Antimicrobial and Physicochemical Characterization of Biodegradable, Nitric Oxide-

2 Releasing Nanocellulose-Chitosan Packaging Membranes

4 Jaya Sundaram*, Jitendra Pant, Marcus J. Goudie, Sudhagar Mani, Hitesh Handa*

5 School of Biological and Biochemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of

6 Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

8 *Corresponding Authors:

9 Jaya Sundaram

10 College of Engineering

11 University of Georgia

12 597 D W Brooks Dr

13 Athens, GA 30602

14 Telephone: (706) 542-3815

15 E-mail: jayas@engr,


17 Hitesh Handa

18 College of Engineering

19 University of Georgia

20 220 Riverbend Road

21 Athens, GA 30602

22 Telephone: (706) 542-8109

23 E-mail:

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24 Abstract

25 Biodegradable composite membranes with antimicrobial properties consisting of nanocellulose

26 fibrils, chitosan, and S-Nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) were developed and tested for

27 food packaging applications. Nitric oxide donor, SNAP was encapsulated into completely

28 dispersed chitosan in 100 mL, 0.1N acetic acid and was thoroughly mixed with nanocellulose

29 fibrils (CNF) to produce a composite membrane. The fabricated membranes had a uniform

30 dispersion of chitosan and SNAP within the nanocellulose fibrils, which was confirmed through

31 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) micrographs and chemiluminescence nitric oxide

32 analyzer. The membranes prepared without SNAP showed low water vapor permeability than

33 that of the membranes with SNAP. The addition of SNAP resulted in a decrease in the Youngs

34 modulus for both 2-layer and 3-layer membrane configurations. Antimicrobial property

35 evaluation of SNAP incorporated membranes showed an effective zone of inhibition against

36 bacterial strains of Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes

37 and demonstrated its potential applications for food packaging.

38 Keywords: nanocellulose fibrils; nitric oxide; SNAP; chitosan; antimicrobial; biodegradable;

39 packaging membranes; zone of inhibition








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47 Introduction

48 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), estimates that one in every six

49 Americans gets sick from foodborne illness each year, results in 128,000 hospitalizations and

50 3,000 deaths. Foodborne pathogens deteriorate the quality of food, causing increased food

51 wastage. Recent foodborne microbial outbreaks are driving a search for innovative ways to

52 inhibit microbial growth in foods while maintaining quality, freshness, and safety and extend the

53 shelf-life of fresh produces. The Federal government advises and encourages healthy eating

54 habits, which includes consumption of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables1, 2. As a result, the

55 per capita consumption of eating fresh produce has increased to $12 billion annual sales in the

56 past few years3,4 and the fresh-cut food industry sector becomes the fastest growing segment of

57 food industries. As the fresh-cut produce market continues to grow, such producers face the

58 challenge of an increase in microbial safety for longer shelf life. From 1996 to 2006, 22

59 foodborne illness outbreaks were associated with the consumption of fresh produce. Of these

60 outbreaks, according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 18 outbreaks were implicated by

61 fresh-cut produce. Foodborne illness outbreaks also impact the fresh produce trade leading to

62 economic losses4. Food related epidemic can be prevented by means of improved surveillance

63 and detection of contaminations, enhanced epidemiological investigation, safe packaging, and

64 effective methods to identify pathogens5-10.

65 The packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the most important steps in the long

66 supply chain from the producer to the consumer. Protecting the fresh produce by packing them in

67 antimicrobial (AM) films can extend their shelf life of food11-14. They also effectively control the

68 foodborne pathogens and food-spoiling microorganisms. These packages are typically

69 manufactured by incorporating antimicrobial agents, immobilized or coated on the surface of the

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70 packaging material. Even though the AM packaging films and number of antimicrobial agents

71 have been studied for many years, commercial successes of these packaging materials are very

72 limited due to many constrains in large scale production15. Selection of packaging system and the

73 antimicrobial agents are very critical as they would influence the inherent physicochemical

74 properties of food. Now there is also an increasing demand for green labeling and environmental

75 safety, leading to an increasing number of R & D efforts in the field of biodegradable food

76 packaging materials. Instead of using polymer materials derived from petroleum products,

77 biopolymers derived from renewable sources (starch, cellulose, protein etc.) are more favorable

78 in developing an eco-friendly packaging system for food. When the antimicrobial agents are

79 combined with biodegradable packaging materials, it features the merits of the packaging system

80 in terms of food safety, shelf-life, and environmental friendliness.

81 Cellulose is one of the most abundantly available biopolymers. The cellulose pulp derived from

82 plants and trees are either mechanically or chemically fibrillated into nanocellulose fibrils (CNF)

83 having 5-20 nm diameter. These nanocellulose fibrils highly influence the properties and

84 functionality of the final products16-19. George et al made food packaging membrane using

85 nanocellulose derived from bacterial cellulose and demonstrated its relevance as a packaging

86 material for the food industry20. The prepared membrane possessed minimal oxygen

87 permeability, good mechanical stability, and controlled water permeability, which are critical for

88 food packaging materials to maintain the quality of packed food. Reinforcing nanocellulose with

89 other long chain polymers such as chitosan to develop biodegradable nanocomposite food

90 packaging materials can further improve the quality of the packaging material as well as long

91 storage life21. Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide, deacetylated derivative of chitin, which is the

92 second most abundant polysaccharide found in nature after cellulose. Chitosan is nontoxic,

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93 biodegradable, and biocompatible with antimicrobial characteristics as well and it could be used

94 as a packaging material for the quality preservation of food22, 23, 24.

95 Antimicrobial films with controlled release of antimicrobial agents are more advantageous

96 than dipping or spraying the food with antimicrobial agents containing edible polymers25-27. In

97 these types of coatings, the antimicrobial activity is lost due to its inactivation by the food

98 components leading to concentrations dropping below active levels28. There are several

99 antimicrobial agents available to incorporate into packaging films. However, each one has its

100 own disadvantages apart from their noted advantages. Sodium nitrite salt has been used for

101 centuries in meat curing. Nitric oxide (NO) released from this salt terminates free radicals

102 present in lipid oxidation and provide the typical property for the cured meat29. There are many

103 NO-donating compounds such as nitrates and nitrites that have been used for several years in

104 curing and preserving meats, fish, and certain cheeses30, 31. Nitric oxide inhibits the growth of

105 wide varieties of bacteria (both gram positive and gram negative), viruses, fungi, and yeast32-34.

106 The biggest advantage of NO as an antimicrobial agent is its antimicrobial activity against

107 antibiotic-resistant strains35-37. However, incorporating NO donor compounds such as S-

108 nitrosothiols in the packaging materials for food has not been yet studied. In this study, we

109 investigated the effects of incorporating the NO donor, S-Nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP)

110 into biodegradable nanocellulose-chitosan composite membranes for increased antimicrobial

111 activity for potential food packaging application.

112 Materials and Methods

113 Chitosan (85% deacetylated) derived from shrimp shell was purchased from Thermo- Fischer

114 (Waltham, MA USA), glacial acetic acid, glycerol, N-acetylpenicillamine, sulfuric acid,

115 hydrochloric acid, sodium nitrite, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, potassium phosphate

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116 monobasic and sodium phosphate dibasic were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO,

117 USA). Nanocellulose fibrils were bought from the University of Maine, MI. Luria broth (LB)-

118 Lennox and Luria Agar (LA) - Miller were obtained from Fisher Bioreagents (Fair Lawn, NJ).

119 Synthesis of S-Nitroso-N-acetyl-D-penicillamine (SNAP)

120 S-Nitroso- acetyl penicillamine was synthesized using a modified version of a previously

121 reported method by Clough and Thrush (1967). Equimolar ratios of N-acetylpenicillamine (NAP)

122 and sodium nitrite were added to a reaction vessel, which had 1:1 mixture of water and methanol

123 containing 2 M HCl and 2 M H2SO4, and stirred for 30 minutes. The reaction vessel was cooled

124 in an ice bath to precipitate the SNAP crystals. After precipitation of SNAP crystals, they were

125 collected by filtration and washed with water to remove unreacted salts, and air dried. The entire

126 process of SNAP synthesis was protected from light. The purity level of synthesized SNAP was

127 tested using the Sievers Chemiluminescence Nitric Oxide Analyzer and recorded greater than

128 95%.

129 Fabrication of composite membrane

130 Biodegradable antimicrobial packaging membranes were prepared in 2-layer and 3-layer

131 configurations. The 2-layer membranes contained one layer with 2 wt% SNAP (antimicrobial

132 agent) in nanocellulose-chitosan with a top layer of nanocellulose-chitosan mix without SNAP.

133 Similarly, the 3-layer membranes contained the middle layer with 2 wt% SNAP in

134 nanocellulose-chitosan with a top and bottom layers of nanocellulose-chitosan mix without

135 SNAP. The control membranes of 2-layer and 3-layer configurations were prepared separately

136 using nanocellulose-chitosan mix, without SNAP antimicrobial agent. About 2 wt % of chitosan

137 was completely dispersed in 100 mL of 0.1N acetic acid at room temperature (212oC) using

138 magnetic stirrer plate. In another beaker 2 wt% of nanocellulose fibrils (CNF) was thoroughly

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139 dispersed in 100 mL of distilled (DI) water using magnetic stirrer plate. Completely dispersed

140 CNF and chitosan were combined together and mixed homogeneously; 3 mL of 80% glycerol

141 was added as a plasticizing agent while mixing them together. The resulting mixture was

142 degassed and poured into a clean glass petri dish of 14 cm diameter and air dried. While the

143 drying was incomplete, another set of membrane solution was made as mentioned above and

144 poured on the partly dried membrane as a second layer after 24 hours. On average it took 48

145 hours to dry for 2-layer control membrane. Similarly, 3-layer control membrane was also made

146 as 2-layer control membrane with additional layer of CNF-chitosan mix and additional drying

147 time of 24 h; in total approximately 72 h to complete the processing of 3-layer configuration.

148 To prepare NO-releasing antimicrobial membranes, 2 wt % of chitosan was completely

149 dispersed in 100 mL of 0.1N acetic acid as said above. 2 wt% SNAP was dissolved in 80%

150 ethanol and 3 mL of the resulting solution was added into the completely dispersed chitosan and

151 the mixing process was continued to obtain complete encapsulation of SNAP. In another beaker

152 2 wt% of nanocellulose fibrils (CNF) was thoroughly dispersed in 100 mL of distilled (DI) water

153 as mentioned in control membrane fabrication. Completely dispersed CNF and chitosan with

154 SNAP were then homogeneously mixed together; while mixing them, 3 mL of 80% glycerol was

155 added as a plasticizing agent. This mix was degassed before casting the membrane. The 2-layer

156 antimicrobial membranes were prepared by casting membrane without SNAP first and after 24

157 hours of drying, SNAP mixed chitosan and CNF homogeneous mix was poured on top of the

158 partially dried membrane of without SNAP and air dried completely. For 3-layer membranes, the

159 middle layer was made with SNAP and top and bottom were made without SNAP in an order

160 such as CNF-chitosan mix without SNAP first, CNF-chitosan mix with SNAP second and again

161 CNF-chitosan mix without SNAP third.

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162 Physicochemical characterization

163 Water permeability

164 To determine water vapor permeability of the composite membranes the procedure followed

165 by Jaya and Das38 was used. Approximately 5 g of dehydrated silica gel was filled separately in 6

166 glass vials of uniform volume. The lid was replaced by one of the 6 membranes (2-layer with

167 SNAP, 3-layer with SNAP, 2-layer control, 3-layer control, control chitosan and control CNF).

168 All the vials were weighed and then placed in an environment maintained at 75% relative

169 humidity (RH) and 222o C established with saturated sodium chloride solution in a desiccator39.

170 The weight of each vial containing the silica gel was recorded at 24 h intervals for 7 days, and

171 the mean weight gained by the silica gel was calculated for each day. The water vapor

172 permeability, K (kg. m/, of the composite membrane was calculated using the

173 following equation.

174 =

175 where / is the slope of curve plotted between the time (day) and cumulative moisture

176 gain; w (kg) is the weight of the silica gel packed in the vials; t is the thickness of the film (m);

177 (m2) is the surface area of the composite membranes; (Pa) is the saturation vapor pressure

178 of water at 22oC; the temperature of the environment chosen for the experiment and the relative

179 humidity (75%).

180 Tensile strength

181 Mechanical attributes of the composite membranes were characterized in terms of tensile

182 force using an Instron material testing machine (Instron model 5545, USA) with 1kN load cell.

183 Test specimens were cut according to the IPC-TM-650 standards with a 6:1 length to width ratio.

184 Gauge length and thickness values were recorded individually for each sample, and carefully

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185 aligned to ensure minimal torsional forces were applied, and held by pneumatic jaws with 1x1

186 against 1x3 rubber faces. Specimens were tested at a constant extension rate of the cross head

187 speed of 1 mm/s. The tests were done at 23 2C and 50 5% RH. Data points of force,

188 distance and time were collected and analyzed for stress and strain relationships. Youngs moduli

189 of the composite membranes were derived from the stress and strain relationships. Tensile

190 strength and Youngs modulus were then calculated for each sample and averaged for each

191 material. All materials were tested in triplicate.

192 Morphology study using scanning electron microscopy

193 Film surface morphology and microstructure were examined using scanning electron

194 microscopy (SEM) (FEI Inspect F FEG-SEM). Dried film samples were mounted on a metal stub

195 with double-sided carbon tape and sputter coated with 10 nm gold-palladium using a Leica EM

196 ACE200 sputter coater. Images were taken at accelerating voltage 20 kV and a magnification of

197 2000X.

198 NO release measurements

199 Nitric oxide release from the chitosan-nanocellulose composites were measured using a

200 Sievers Chemiluminescence Nitric Oxide Analyzer (NOA) model 280i (Boulder, CO). The NOA

201 has the ability to selectively measure NO through the reaction of NO with oxygen plasma, giving

202 it the ability to reduce interference from molecules such as nitrates and nitrites40. The ability of

203 NOA to selectively measure NO has made this technique a gold standard in the field of NO-

204 releasing materials41-43. Films were punched to 5/16 diameter and threaded with silk surgical

205 suture to be suspended in an amber NOA cell. The NOA cell with the membrane is lowered into

206 a 37oC water bath while the amber cell protects the sample from light. Deionized water (3 mL)

207 was added to the NOA cell and allowed to heat to 37C. Nitrogen was bubbled into the DI at 100

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208 mL/min to provide a humid environment for the film. Both 2-layer and 3-layer membranes

209 containing SNAP were tested for initial release, as well as after 24-hour storage in humid 37C

210 conditions in water jacketed incubator (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA USA). A

211 representation of the measurement cell is shown in Figure 1.

212 Zone of inhibition (ZOI) studies

213 Antibacterial properties of SNAP incorporated chitosan-nanocellulose based packaging

214 membranes were tested against three common bacterial strains using zone of inhibition (ZOI)

215 assay. The bacteria used in the study were Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), Listeria

216 monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes), and Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis). A modified

217 version of agar diffusion standard protocol was followed to carry out this study aseptically44, 45.

218 A single isolated colony of each bacterium was suspended individually in Luria broth (LB)

219 medium and allowed to grow at 37C for 14 hours at a rotating speed of 150 rpm using a shaker

220 incubator. The optical density (OD) of the liquid suspension of each of the strains was measured

221 by UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Genesis 10S-Thermo Scientific) at 600 nm (OD600) using LB

222 medium as blank and was adjusted to 1x107 colony forming units per mL (CFUs/mL) based on

223 the calibration curve between CFUs and OD. A sterile swab was placed into the bacterial

224 culture, gently pressed and rotated against the inside of the petridish (14 cm) to spread the

225 bacteria uniformly and aseptically. The circular pieces (dia= 14 mm) of packaging membranes

226 (control and test) were placed over the bacterial culture and pressed gently. The resulting plates

227 with bacterial strain and membranes were incubated overnight at 37C for 20h. The diameters of

228 the ZOI of the membranes were compared with each other and among the bacteria strains to

229 evaluate the antimicrobial effectiveness of the membranes.


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231 Results and Discussion

232 Water vapor permeability characteristics analysis

233 Table 1 shows the water vapor permeability of the control and SNAP incorporated packaging

234 membranes developed in this study. Control membranes prepared with a single material such as

235 chitosan or CNF showed less water vapor permeability compared to the other membranes.

236 Chitosan and CNF combined control membranes (2-layer and 3-layer) had slightly higher

237 permeability than the membranes with single material even though their thickness is slightly

238 higher than the single material control membranes. In ideal polymeric structures, gas and vapor

239 permeability are independent of film thickness46. However, the result from chitosan and CNF

240 membrane showed that it behaves like an ideal polymer. It is possible that during the

241 permeability test, the side exposed to high relative humidity absorbed more water and developed

242 desorption rate independent of the thickness-resistance for water vapor diffusion. As a result of

243 this, the side exposed at low relative humidity became responsible for the vapor transfer. Under

244 this condition, the diffusion flux could become independent of thickness and resulted in higher

245 permeability than the single component control film47. SNAP incorporated membranes had

246 higher water vapor permeability than the membranes prepared without SNAP. Even though the

247 thickness of SNAP incorporated membranes with 2-layer and 3-layer were significantly higher

248 than other control membranes, they demonstrated the highest permeability indicating that the

249 membranes containing SNAP had a role in increasing the water vapor permeability. However,

250 the water permeability values obtained in this study were lower than the methyl cellulose based

251 biodegradable membranes developed by Turhan and Sahbaz48 and other starch-based

252 biodegradable films made by Para et al49 and Bertizzi et al47. The addition of SNAP to the

253 chitosan cellulose matrix likely decreases the attractive forces between the chain networks hence

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254 increasing the free volume and segmental motions, which could result in easy diffusion of water

255 molecules and thereby increase the water vapor permeability.

256 Tensile strength analysis

257 Figure 2 shows the Youngs modulus measured for control and NO-releasing membranes.

258 The mechanical strength of the membranes was studied by measuring their Young's modulus.

259 Since nanocellulose possess high mechanical strength, the membrane prepared with only

260 nanocellulose showed highest Young's modulus (1587.6 282 MPa) as compared to the other

261 membranes. Chitosan is structurally similar to cellulose except it contains NH2 group in the

262 position of the C2 hydroxyl group and mechanical properties of chitosan vary depending on the

263 percentage of deacetylation50. Chitosan used in this study was 85% deacetylated and its Youngs

264 modulus was measured at 245.4 89 MPa. The 2-layer and 3-layer control films showed higher

265 Young's modulus than control chitosan. As expected, chitosan and nanocellulose together

266 increased the mechanical strength due to increased hydrogen bonding between the polymer

267 chains of nanocellulose and chitosan51. However, incorporation of SNAP into the 2-layer and 3-

268 layer membranes reduced the mechanical strength much lower than the control chitosan films.

269 One of our previous studies showed similar reductions in strength upon incorporation of SNAP

270 into medical grade polymers, which can arise due to the solubility of the SNAP molecule within

271 the polymer matrix52. As the concentration of SNAP within the matrix surpasses the solubility

272 limit, localized regions of SNAP crystallization occur53. The localized crystalline SNAP might

273 create gaps between the nanocellulose network chains for its mobility and reduce inter-chain

274 interactions leading to significant reduction in tensile strength of the membrane. Similar to the

275 effect of SNAP on water vapor permeability, the addition of SNAP to the nanocellulose-chitosan

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276 matrix might decrease the attractive forces between the network chains and increase the free

277 volume and segmental motions, which could cause a reduction in mechanical strength as well.

278 NO release characteristics

279 Nitric oxide released from the 2-layer and-3-layer chitosan compositions were measured

280 using the Sieves Chemiluminescence Nitric Oxide Analyzer (model 280i, Boulder, CO). The

281 release of nitric oxide (NO) from SNAP is highly sensitive to heat, light (340 and 590 nm), and

282 moisture, as these catalyze the spontaneous decomposition reaction54, 55. The 2-layer and 3-layer

283 designs were implemented to see if the top layer of chitosan-nanocellulose would provide a

284 barrier to help selectively deliver NO to one side of the film. This selective release of NO would

285 be accomplished by limiting the exposure of the SNAP layer to both light and moisture.

286 However, no significant difference was observed between the 2 and 3-layer configurations (p =

287 0.36) as measured using a two-tailed Student's t-test. Release of NO from the chitosan-

288 nanocellulose composites were measured for initial release, as well as a release after 24 hours to

289 determine the level of NO that is being delivered during zone of inhibition studies (Figure 3). All

290 measurements were conducted at 37C and the samples were protected from light at all times.

291 Initial release of NO from 2-layer and 3-layer composites were found to be 0.10.03x10-10

292 mol. cm-2. min-1 and 0.18 0.07 x 10-10 mol. cm-2. min-1 respectively. In both cases, release of

293 NO decreased after 24 hours at 37C to 0.07 0.01x10-10 mol. cm-2. min-1 and 0.05 0.01x10-10

294 mol. cm-2. min-1. While the NO release appears to be higher for the 3-layer configuration, it is

295 possible the NO release from the 2-layer configuration is asymmetric and is providing a larger

296 flux of NO to the exposed SNAP layer than that of the chitosan-nanocellulose layer. This could

297 result in an underestimation of the NO release.


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299 Antibacterial characteristics evaluation

300 Table 2 shows the zone of inhibition (ZOI) of each selected bacterium strain for both 2 and 3

301 layer membranes with NO-releasing (SNAP) component as an antimicrobial agent. The chitosan-

302 nanocellulose films with incorporated antimicrobial component resulted in the varying level of

303 NO release, which resulted in ZOI (mm) with varied diameters (Figure 4) depending on the level

304 of NO release. As expected all bacterial strains (S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, and E. faecalis)

305 were found susceptible to the packaging material owing to the bactericidal effect of NO. The

306 antimicrobial activity of the membranes resulted in similar ZOI between 2-layer and 3-layer

307 membranes against E. faecalis, and S. aureus. However, L. monocytogenes showed a significant

308 difference in the ZOI between the 2-layer and 3-layer membranes. Among all the bacteria, L.

309 monocytogenes was most susceptible to both the 3-layer and 2-layer membranes. Overall, S.

310 aurues exhibited the smallest ZOI (as compared to E. faecalis, and L. monocytogenes). The

311 higher antimicrobial activity of 3-layer membrane as compared to 2-layer membrane can directly

312 be correlated to the NO flux exhibited by these films. As shown in Figure 3, the 3-layer

313 membranes have higher NO flux in the beginning which might have resulted in higher bacteria

314 killing in the initial few hours. However, over an incubation period of 24 hours during ZOI

315 testing, the NO flux reached almost the same value for both 2-layer and 3-layer membranes

316 hence resulted in similar diameter of ZOI. The difference in the antimicrobial activity among the

317 bacterial strains could be attributed to their cell membrane properties56.

318 Morphology of membranes

319 Figure 5 shows the surface morphology of 2-layer and 3-layer control (A and B) membrane

320 and the membrane with SNAP material (C and D). Membranes were showed smooth surface

321 without any pores or cracks and with good structural integrity. The membranes obtained after

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322 drying were flat and compact. All of them show the nanocellulose fibrils network structure. It

323 could be assumed that within the fibrils network chitosan was smoothly dispersed, because

324 chitosan disperses within the nanocellulose matrix with relatively good interfacial adhesion

325 between the two components50. These results could be attributed to the strong interactions

326 between nanocellulose fibrils and chitosan and SNAP, which are caused by the hydrogen

327 bonding between the hydroxyl groups of nanocellulose and carbonyl group in the chitosan.

328 In conclusion, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine incorporated antimicrobial membranes mixed

329 with nanocellulose fibrils and chitosan were successfully fabricated. Developed membranes

330 exhibited good film forming properties due to the presence of high density of amino groups and

331 hydroxyl groups and inter and intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The chitosan-CNF-NO-

332 releasing composites showed antimicrobial characteristics in the packaging membranes. The

333 addition of chitosan and SNAP into nanocellulose to develop composite biodegradable

334 membrane with antimicrobial activity showed clear effects towards inhibition of E. faecalis,

335 S.aureus, and L.monocytogenes as shown using ZOI. The membranes developed in this study

336 showed excellent water barrier property with a low value of water vapor permeability. Surface

337 morphology showed the strong interactions between nanocellulose fibrils, chitosan, and SNAP

338 materials. Tensile strength measurements showed decreased Youngs modulus for SNAP

339 incorporated membranes, which would be further studied to improve its mechanical properties.

340 Acknowledgement

341 Authors acknowledge the Poultry processing research unit in US poultry research center at

342 Athens, GA for proving the bacteria strains for this study.



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Nitrogen Bubble flow

Suspension of NO releasing film

Nitrogen Sweep flow

NO rich gas to NOA

Water bath (37C)


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530 Figure 1 Representation of test configuration for NOA cell for measurement of NO released

531 from chitosan films in a humid environment








Modulus (MPa)







2 layer control 3 layer control 2 layer NO 3 layer NO Cellulose Chitosan
control control

537 Figure 2 Youngs modulus of nanocellulose-chitosan membranes.







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NO flux (x10-10 mol cm-2 min-1)





Chitosan 2 Layer (Initial) Chitosan 3 Layer (Initial) Chitosan 2 Layer (24 h) Chitosan 3 Layer (24 h)

547 Figure 3 Nitric oxide release rates of 2-layer and 3-layer chitosan-nanocellulose composites as

548 measured by chemiluminescence







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556 Figure 4 Images of the zone of inhibition comparison of 2-layer chitosan-CNF control, 2-layer

557 SNAP incorporated chitosan-CNF film, 3-layer SNAP incorporated chitosan-CNF film and 3-

558 layer control (clockwise from top left) for (A) Listeria monocytogenes (B) Staphylococcus

559 aureus (C) Enterococcus faecalis.







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567 Figure 5 Scanning electron microscope images of the chitosan-nanocellulose film before and

568 after addition of SNAP. A) 3-layer chitosan-nanocellulose, B) 2-layer chitosan-nanocellulose,

569 C) 3-layer chitosan-nanocellulose with SNAP, and D) 2-layer chitosan-nanocellulose with

570 SNAP.












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582 Table 1. Water permeability of different types of packaging membranes

Membrane type Water vapor permeability Membrane

(kg.m/ thickness (mm)

Chitosan 7.01x10-6 0.058

Nano Cellulose Fibrils (CNF) 6.88x10-6 0.060

2-layer CNF + Chitosan with SNAP 1.56x10-5 0.126

2-layer CNF +Chitosan without SNAP 8.81x10-6 0.068

3-layer CNF + Chitosan with SNAP 1.11x10-5 0.124

3-layer CNF + Chitosan without SNAP 8.31x10-6 0.096


584 Table 2. Comparative analysis of zone of inhibition among different bacterial strains using

585 developed antimicrobial packaging membranes

Film type Bacterial strain ZOI (mm)

2-layer SNAP incorporated chitosan-CNF films S. aureus 30

3-layer SNAP incorporated chitosan-CNF films S. aureus 30

2-layer SNAP incorporated chitosan-CNF films E. faecalis 34

3-layer SNAP incorporated chitosan-CNF films E. faecalis 35

2-layer SNAP incorporated chitosan-CNF films L. monocytogenes 37

3-layer SNAP incorporated chitosan-CNF films L. monocytogenes 45





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590 Abstract Graphics

592 For table of contents only

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