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- 500AD and 1500AD. 1000)

- most violent period Key Events:
- English term : mIDDLE AGES 1. end of the Roman Empire
2. The Byzantine Survival
Medieval is the Latin Term for the 3. The Rise of Islam
Middle Ages (it comes from the same 4. rESURGENCE OF LATIN WEST
word that gave us Median in 5. Europe terrified by waves of
mathematics). invaders.
6. The emergence of Knights and
The Middle Ages is the middle period of the Feudalism.
three traditional divisions of Western 7. Heavy Romanization (religion,
history: classical antiquity, the medieval language, laws, architecture,
period, and the modern period. The government)
medieval period is subdivided into
the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages. 1. End of Roman Empire
- In the 19th century, the entire Middle Ages were The beginning of the Middle
often referred to as the "Dark Ages", The Middle Ages begins with the Fall of
Why "dark"? the Roman Empire in 476.
The metaphor of dark and light was The Romans had ruled provinces in
originally used by Christians to describe the Europe, the Middle East and North
darkness people lived in before God sent Africa for nearly a thousand years.
Jesus Christ to bring light to the world.
Petrarch - Italian scholar during 1300s
- He used the terms dark and Challenges to Roman security increased
light to describe learning instead of religion. during the first century (0-100 AD) as
He believed that Europe was in the dark after tribes from Germania (Germany) began to
the light of the Greek and Roman empires confront the Romans.
were gone. Roman legions were stretched thin across an
empire that was becoming too large to defend
Historians, and others, since Petrach continued to the Roman Empire beginning in 376 and had
use the phrase Dark Ages. defeated the Romans at the Battle of
Adrianople in 378.
They argued that during the centuries following the
fall of the Roman Empire, Europe was in a state of In Dacia (present-day Romania) and on the
cultural where. A time that: steppes north of the Black Sea the Goths, a
Germanic people, established at least two
Did not support learning kingdoms:
Created very little culture (art, literature, Therving
architecture, etc.) - a Gothic people of the Danubian
Was repeatedly invaded plains west of the Dniester River
Had no central government
Had a bad economy Religion: no known religion but Romans
Was basically a miserable place to live bought Christianity.

- but with the adoption of these subdivisions, use Settled in Dacia, the
of this term was restricted to the Early Middle Ages, Thervingi adopted Arianism, a branch
at least among historians. of Christianity that believed

that Jesus was not an aspect of God in - "ruled over extensively wide and fertile
the Trinity, but a separate being created regions".
directly beneath God. (Discovered by
Arius) Vithimiris - He ruled barely for a year
(vix anni spatio) and then he had to
Language: Gothic face the Huns in battle. The Hunnic
Leaders: king Balamber waged a long war on
Vinitharius (diuque certati) and only in
Pagan Kings the third battle, he managed to kill
-Athanaric (369381)
The arrival of the Huns in 372375 ended the
- 2 decades; many Thervings had
history of these kingdoms.
converted to Arian Christianity, which
Athanaric vehemently opposed, - The Huns, a confederation of central Asian
fearing that Christianity would tribes, founded an empire with a Turkic-
destroy Gothic culture. speaking aristocracy.

-Rothesteus (underking) - They had mastered the difficult art of

shooting composite recurve bows from
- was a Gothic sub-king under
the Thervingian chieftain Athanaric.
- The Goths sought refuge in Roman
Rebel leader:
territory (376), agreeing to enter the Empire
as unarmed settlers. However many bribed
- Fritigern or Fritigernus
the Danube border-guards into allowing them
to bring their weapons.
- (died ca. 380) was
a Thervingian Gothic chieftain whose
-The discipline and organization of a
decisive victory at Adrianople during
Roman legion made it a superb fighting unit.
the Gothic War (376-382) led to
The Romans preferred infantry to cavalry
favourable terms for the Goths when
because infantry could be trained to retain the
peace was made
formation in combat, while cavalry tended to
with Gratian and Theodosius I in 382.
scatter when faced with opposition. While a
barbarian army could be raised and inspired
by the promise of plunder, the legions
Greuthung required a central government and taxation to
- The Greuthungs, Greuthungi, pay for salaries, constant training, equipment,
or Greutungi were a Gothic people of and food. The decline in agricultural and
the Ukrainian steppes in the 3rd and the economic activity reduced the empire's
4th centuries. They had close contacts taxable income and thus its ability to maintain
with the Thervingi, another Gothic a professional army to defend itself from
people, from west of the Dniester River external threats.

Leaders: German tribes such as the Goths/ Visigoths,

Ermanaric - "most warlike king" Vandals, Angles and Saxons (Anglo-Saxons)
- committed suicide, faced with the took advantage of this weakness.
aggression of the Alani and of
the Huns, who invaded his territories

Visigoths - These tribes flourished and spread Death of Theodosius I in 395, the last
throughout the late Roman Empire in Late Antiquity, emperor to rule over both the eastern and
or what is known as the Migration Period. The the western halves of the Roman Empire,
Visigoths emerged from earlier Gothic groups (death of theodosius: was followed by the
(possibly the Thervingi) who had invaded division of the empire between his two sons
with wife, Aelia Flavia Flaccilla
Gothic War (376382), the Goths revolted and
confronted the main Roman army in the Battle of Sons :
Adrianople (378). By this time, the distinction in - first son; weak ruler (395-408)
the Roman army between Roman regulars and - his reign was dominated by a series of
barbarian auxiliaries had broken down, and powerful ministers and by his wife, Aelia
the Roman army comprised mainly barbarians Eudoxia.
and soldiers recruited for a single campaign. The
general decline in discipline also led to the use of Honorius
- second son
smaller shields and lighter weaponry. Not wanting
- reign was precarious and chaotic. His
to share the glory, Eastern
reign was supported by his principal
Emperor Valens ordered an attack on general, Stilicho, who was successively
the Therving infantry under Fritigern without Honorius's guardian (during his childhood)
waiting for Western Emperor Gratian, who was on and his father-in-law (after the emperor
the way with reinforcements. While the Romans became an adult). Stilicho's generalship
were fully engaged, the Greuthung cavalry helped preserve some level of stability, but
arrived. Only one-third of the Roman army with his execution in 408, the Western
managed to escape. Roman Empire moved closer to collapse.
VANDALS Honorius is widely considered as one of the
ANGLO-SAXONS worst of the emperors; it was during his
reign that Rome was sacked for the first
Germans migrated south from Scandinavia and time in 800 years.
reached the Black Sea (3rd Cnetury) creating
formidable confederations which opposed the The Western Roman Empire disintegrated
local Sarmatians. into a mosaic of warring Germanic
kingdoms in the 5th century, making
1.B. ROME'S GREATEST LEGACY - the Eastern Roman Empire in
CHRISTIANITY Constantinople the legal successor to the
The Barbarians desired the farmlands,
classical Roman Empire.
roads and wealth of the Western Roman After Greek replaced Latin as the official
Empire. language of the Empire, historians refer to
The unintended consequence of conquest
the empire as "Byzantine." Westerners
was that the tribes spread the Christian faith would gradually begin to refer to it as
throughout all the peoples of Europe. "Greek" rather than "Roman." The
Romes official religion since 395 had been
inhabitants, however, always called
Christianity. themselves Romaioi, or Romans.
This ended nearly three centuries of
The Eastern Roman Empire aimed at
persecution of Christians (including being
retaining control of the trade routes between
burned alive, crucified and thrown into the
Europe and the Orient, which made the
gladiatorial arenas).
Empire the richest polity in Europe. Making
Their was only one recognised church (the
use of their sophisticated warfare and
Roman Catholic). The Pope is the head of
superior diplomacy, the Byzantines
the church.
managed to fend off assaults by the
migrating barbarians.
2. Byzantine Survival

mentions both Mary and Jesus
- Byzantine Emperor respectfully it states that Jesus was
- goal to reunite the Roman world as a Christian another prophet (and not the Son of
Empire and suppressed all paganism God or divine).
After his death, Islamic forces conquered
- Ordered the codification of Roman laws in the much of the Eastern Empire and Persia,
Justinian Code or Body of Civil Law that defined starting with Syria in 634635 and
civil law in the Middle Ages and the modern world reaching Egypt in 640641, Persia between
637 and 642, North Africa.
- Crushed the Nika Riot with the help of his wife

- During his reign Latin was the official language of 4. Resurgence of Latin West (700-850)
the Byzantine Empire, but was later changed to
Greek (another difference between two regions) - conditions in Western Europe began to improve
after 700.

The Lombards had been thoroughly
3. THE Rise of Islam (632-750) Romanized, and their kingdom was stable and
well developed.
Religious beliefs in the Eastern Empire and The Franks, in contrast, were barely any
Iran were in flux during the late sixth and early different from their barbarian Germanic
seventh centuries. Judaism was an active ancestors. Their kingdom was weak,
proselytising faith, and at least hopelessly divided, and ruled by a king who
one Arab political leader converted to it. was barely distinguishable from a peasant.
Impossible to guess at the time, but by the
* JUDAISM ( is an end of the century, the Lombardic kingdom
ancient monotheistic Abrahamic religion, with would be extinct, while the Frankish kingdom
the Torah as its foundational text (part of the would have nearly reassembled the Western
larger text known as the Tanakh or Hebrew Roman Empire.
Bible), and supplemental oral tradition 4.A. ITALY
represented by later texts such as The Lombards, who first entered Italy in
the Midrash and the Talmud 568 under Alboin, (KING OF
Christianity had active missions competing LOMBARDS 569-572) carved out a
with the Persians' Zoroastrianism in seeking state in the north, with its capital
converts, especially among residents of at Pavia. At first, they were unable to
the Arabian Peninsula conquer the Exarchate of Ravenna,
. All these strands came together with the the Ducatus Romanus,
emergence of Islam in Arabia during the and Calabria and Apulia. The next two
lifetime of Muhammad (d. 632). hundred years were occupied in trying
Muhammad was the prophet of the to conquer these territories from the
faith of Islam. Byzantine Empire.
The Islamic Holy Book (The Koran) was The Lombard state was relatively
the final authority on faith and lifestyle Romanized,
for the followers of Islam. It was It was highly decentralized at first, with
recited by Muhammed after receiving the territorial dukes having practical
a vision from Allah. sovereignty in their duchies, especially
Like Christianity, Islam is a in the southern duchies
monotheistic religion (acknowledging of Spoleto and Benevento.
only one God). For a decade following the death
of Cleph in 575, the Lombards did not

even elect a king; this period is called Frankish vassals of the Holy Roman
the Rule of the Dukes. Emperor until the rise of the city-states
in the 11th and 12th centuries.
Known dukes: In the south, a period of chaos began.
The duchy of Benevento maintained its
Zotto, duke of Benevento - was the sovereignty in the face of the
military leader of the Lombards in
pretensions of both the Western and
the Mezzogiorno. He is generally considered the
founder of the Duchy of Benevento in 571 and Eastern Empires. In the 9th century,
its first duke the Muslims conquered Sicily. The
coastal cities on the Tyrrhenian
Gisulf I, duke of Friuli - was probably Sea departed from Byzantine
the first duke of Friuli (then Forum Julii allegiance. Various states owing various
nominal allegiances fought constantly
- nephew of Alboin, first king of the over territory until events came to a
Lombards in Italy, who appointed him duke head in the early 11th century with the
around 569 after the Lombard conquest of the
coming of the Normans, who conquered
region, though some scholars believe he
appointed his brother Grasulf I, Gisulf's father. the whole of the south by the end of the
- Alboin's marpahis or "master of the
horse", sometimes considered a shield-bearer. 4.B. Britain
He was, according to Paul the Deacon, "a man
suitable in every way. Roman Britain was in a state of political and
economic collapse at the time of the Roman
Euin, duke of Trent - also Ewin or Eoin, departure c. 400. A series of
was the first Lombard Duke of Trent (from
settlements (traditionally referred to as an
569) during the Rule of the Dukes, invasion) by Germanic peoples began in the
an interregnum (575585) during which early fifth century, and by the sixth century the
the Kingdom of Italy was ruled by its regional
island would consist of many small kingdoms
magnates, the dukes of the thirty or so cities.
engaged in ongoing warfare with each other.
The first written legal code was
The Germanic kingdoms are now collectively
referred to as Anglo-Saxons.
composed in poor Latin in 643:
Christianization began to take hold among the
the Edictum Rothari. It was primarily the
codification of the oral legal tradition of Anglo-Saxons in the sixth century, with 597
the people. given as the traditional date for its large-scale
The Lombard state was well-organized adoption.
Western Britain (Wales), eastern and northern
and stabilized by the end of the long
reign of Liutprand (717744), but its Scotland (Pictland) and the
collapse was sudden. Scottish highlands and isles continued their
Unsupported by the dukes, separate evolution.
The Irish descended and Irish-influenced
King Desiderius was defeated and
forced to surrender his kingdom to people of western Scotland were Christian
Charlemagne in 774. from the fifth century onward, the Picts
The Lombard kingdom ended and a adopted Christianity in the sixth century under
period of Frankish rule was initiated. The the influence of Columba, and the Welsh had
Frankish king Pepin the Short had, by been Christian since the Roman era.
the Donation of Pepin, given the pope 4.C. Frankish Empire
the "Papal States" and the territory north
of that swath of papally-governed land In 476 the Visigoth King Odovocar removed
was ruled primarily by Lombard and the last Western Roman Ruler from power.

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