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1. Login to
Pass: cpc1992-02-20
2.Click new, then type for "LAMP" in the searchbar.
3. Click for "LAMP" with Publisher "Bitnami". Click create
4. step 1: Basics config:
type a name (note of this)
let SSD as is
take note of username (note of this)
change authentication type as "password" and indicate password (note of
create new resource group and indicate your new name for resource group
(note of this)
Click ok
5. step 2: Size
Look for and click F2s Standard (worth 85.56$ per month).
Click select
6. Step 3: settings
Use managed disks (yes)
Click ok
7. Step 4: Click ok
8. Step 5: CLick purchase
9. While waiting for VM to be created, create an App Service by clicking new, an
d search web app. Select Web app by microsoft. Click create
10. enter app name, and for resource group choose "use existing" and look for th
e resource grp you entered earlier. App service plan (chose Lop/Southeast Asia)
and turn app insights On
11. From dashboard, click the Virtual Machine you created. Note the Public IP ad
dress and visit it. You should be welcomed by Congrats page by bitnami
ATABASE START ################
12. On the Virtual Machine Dashboard, scroll down to Support+Troubleshooting (bo
ttom part) and click Boot Diagnostics. It will open up a new "blade" with text l
ogs in it. Scroll down to around line 880, or look for something like "Setting B
itnami application password to ____". Whatever the value in the _____, note of i
t. It will be your phpmyadmin password. This cannot be found by ctrl+F.
13. Open your PuTTY app, At the left side of the configuration, Scroll down the
category and look for SSH, click plus sign and click "Tunnels"
14. Enter 8888 at source port, and "localhost:80" without quotes at destination.
Don't forget to click add button
15. At the category at the left side, scroll back up and click Session. Enter yo
ur ip address for the VM. You may type a name at "save sessions" and click save
button so you don't have to reenter ip address everytime. Make sure IP address h
as no trailing slashes, or http://
16. Click open. A command line will appear. Enter your username, and password.
Be careful with password since it won't appear, not even masked. So type careful
ly and slowly. Press enter. You should see a bitnami welcome message. LEAVE THIS
17. Go to your browser, go to You will see ph
pmyadmin. Enter root as username, password is the Bitnami application password y
ou searched earlier
18. On login, click the new on the left side to create database. Name it 'allabo
utpasta' with collation utf8-general-ci.
19. After creating, drag and drop your allaboutpasta.sql file and wait for it to
be fully imported.


20. On your local computer, go to your xampp htdocs allaboutpasta folder (i prep
ared a ready made version online for you)
21. Enter application/config/config.php. At the $config['base_url'], change the
value to 'http://YOUR-PUBLIC-IP-ADDRESS-HERE/'; make sure you have a slash at th
e end. Save. exit the file
22. On the same directory, look for database.php. Scroll down the part for "pass
word" and enter the Bitnami app password (same as what you enter at phpmyadmin).
Save and close file
23. Go back to the allaboutpasta folder level. You should now see files and fold
ers of "application", "system", etc. Take note of this directory level (copy the
url or path at the window)

24. Open your FileZilla app, Click the button below the file menu "Open the site
25. Click new site, enter ip address under host, choose SFTP. Logon type is norm
al, ente username and password here
26.Click ok
27. Click the dropdown beside "open the site manager" and click your newly creat
ed site setings
28. On the dialog box, click "Always trust.." and click ok
29. On the remote site, type "/opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs" and enter
30. You may opt to delete all files here or keep them all in a single folder
31. On the local site, paste here the folder path from your local window (refer
to number 23) You shall see the contents of the local version of allaboutpasta (
with the application folde ,system, user-guide ,etc)
32. Select all of those files and folder from the local site side (left side). R
ight click then click upload
33. Wait for upload to finish. Depending on speed, it will take around 20-30 min
s. Allaboutpasta folder size is around 190MB.
34. access your ip address or http://ip-address/login/index to view the site

################ HOW TO GET CUSTOM DOMAIN ################

35. On your dashboard, look for your created App service. APp services is the gl
obe/world logo on the left side. It will list all app services. Click your app s
36. On the Left side of the app service dashboard, scroll down to Settings and l
ook for Custom Domains
37. Click + icon beside buy domain
38. Search for any specific domain (include extension) to see if available and s
ee other suggestions. (ex: is available)
39. tick the box beside the selected domain
40. CLick contact information and fill up the contact info. Use my email:
cpc1992-02-20 OR if it doesnt work make it Cpc1992-02-20
41. Click ok
42. Click ok again
43. Click buy. Wait for the domain to be purchased.
44. Check my email, there should be new email named "Azure" and has confirm butt
on. Click it to open new window saying you confirmed
45. Let it do the purchase for 10 mins more. Go to your azure app service. go to
custom domain and click the domain you buyed
46. On the new blade, click advance management. It will open new window. Look fo
r your domain it should be saying "is just sitting there..". Clck the gear at up
per right and click MANAGE DNS
47. Check records. There should be atleast 2 entries. if more entries were place
d, the better. Look for the row with type "A" and name as "@". Click the pencil
button and edit the ip address "points to" to your VM's Ip address. Click save.
If there are no records with type "A", create the following records.
Click Add at the lower left of Records box
Select A as type, host is @, points to -your-ip-address-, TTL custom, seconds is
600 seconds, click Save
Click Add at the lower left of Records box
Select CNAME as type, host is www, points to @, TTL 1 hour, click Save
48. Wait for 2-3 minutes. After which browse your domain (example: allaboutpasta You should be able to access the site
49. Go back to your filezilla, on the remote site look for application/config/co
nfig.php. Change the base url to
50. Save and close. Visit site using

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