Sie sind auf Seite 1von 28

o +tr 4

rr, .t
{t Architectural lightirtg s olution s for
.t inStroued efJicucl', color a,nd control.
n .,$.

.. q
s, :,

(laftrulite TTID Systern

ightolier: intlodtces a
Standard ind!stry c0re and co baJlast ercased n p0Ly

uerr" and exclu-"ive frtrme ester/sand nateria , reduc ng noise dut ng 0perat on
o oo,u.,q.1c. 1 oo d5 prtio iDo,0t
rnor compact than standard F Cans.)
coucept for Calculite III)

svslcnrs lhat saves tinte and

Calcu lte rel ectors are des gned w th carel! Iay ttaclrg and
elfectively lowels insta[atiou c0mpLter a ded technlq!es to flaximlze lurn naire effic efcy
afd !Lare controlf0r each amp type Prec se ref eclQr conto!rs
res! t lf exacl v s!al cut-Offt0the amp and amp mage
ancl maintenance costs. It is
Ca cLrlite reflectors are formed and I nished n olr own facilit es
to exacting qira ty stardards

thr: only fi:aming systern ou

the rlarket with a complete

ballast socket


allowing i
the ballast

to be installed

or changecl a{ter the eeiling

is in place in apcrtures
Rug g ed
veftica constMl|rn assules
qt dorvn to 4'l, irrches - all rigid installat on 0flhe frame assembly

*f withott tools.

Calc! lte dowr ghts leatule "!nitlzed optics" the Ieflectol afd ampholder snap l0gether ln
53 a
one positlof so thai the lamp ls always prec sely foc!sed n the reflectot. The ert re optlca
assemb y is then he d f ush to th ce fgwilhslee retarnin! sprincs. Calcu te construct orl
ensures the opt cal integrlty ol the system so the spcifirs feed rot \,!0rry that a hLlrrled
& ',c,d drior '. eL lur .rr. p"r'or rance.
Tnnovative HID Lrrrninaires

The Calcu lte Tangcnt adluslrb e, Lrl zin! the double ended T 6 I\,4eta Halide
amp, afd Scn] Becessed adjLrstab e, urllzing PAR 30 and PAR-38 Nletal Halide
arnps prov dc lclcalso !t ons for disp ay and merchafdise areas.

The ProS pec famiy ol

recessed HID dowr ghts is
nterded to he p !htlfg
speclflers ach eve artistry I
lght by prov din! a wlde
ar-ay of rminairs that sim
p fy contro fg the intenslty,
d rectiof and coior of the
lght source uslng h gh y effi
cient, co or co[ected,
c era mic arc tube lvletal
Ha de PAF amps.

(D(D,:rya, .:.::$..

(''! '
" \q-
Adlustability Control Media Wall Wash Luminaires

ProSpec featr.rres f! tlt ProSpec a ccepts control ProSpec le n sed wal wash

I adjustment: !p to 45"
7'l': lfch apert!re afd 40"
6 fches An oftset aimlng
p vot pos tions the amp so
nedla a owifg the desl!ner
to tint, shape, and sh e d the
PAB amp beair
downlights, Lrtiliz ng PAF 38
Nileta Halide lamps, a low
tre creatiof of smooth,
graded vert cai !mi
that the beam exits thro!!h
the center ol the apefture,
even at f!ll adjustnrent.
Arlvanct--s in Metal Halitlc Technolog,v-

'[oda-v's Metal I{nlicle lanps

Wfl etrudtofa lueta

are the ruost etficiert. full- Hir de i]rts reqr r! a
proteil \ie il ass !!ad n

the r mlfa rc. fc!i

speetrun "poiut" sources
opef JLrm falra afips
fcorporatc a s e eve
availa$le. They producc up it trLid tha arc i!be t!
P'olear tl'c arr\'c oPe I
rase oifa ure, e fi firtf!
to five timcs mole lttrllens tra fcrd 1!r ar, rle ra
rm na re ens Tl ese
pe1' \ratt than incaldest ent afips represerL a nalo.
breaktl]lo!qlr l]y sirp f\i
ft re afrpl r!. the elll
laurps anrl enjoy an avcr:age o,nrerirq ser,r ie losts
0pe r rirtel [,1eLa Ha dc
irc I tr !.!L! s a,,a ab a I
rated lifi: from 6,000 ro
b!lh i D-17 airps lor
ite[e ar r n]i:at of. ard
20,000 hours. Thc maj<-rrity r PAR afirs tor d rel
I ofa rq

of lamps listecl in lhis catalog

have war:m to r:ool color: tent-

peratules (;1.000'K -
3,900'K) and cokrr lender

ing suital'le for architectur-al

inreriors (65 ro 92 CRI). :\s a

resrrlt, Calculite Metal

Halitle luminaires, v-hie h are

nol' available il more than

one color ternperatare, lllend

wt'll with othel larnp Fources,

such as turrllsten halogen and

corupact 11[olescer]t,
Ner Metal Halide Opporlmilies
Afe,rqererf t0i0[ [.4eLa Hii de amps!t ze
\Yith irnproved color tempela-
ieririr c ill[ t!bes to tle! aie l]e s r0'taonr f!s
alt adt0fa ['leta Ha der!artztecr]o0qi,:
aflp'i| anp calcr !araiior,reatlvey or,Jcoor ture, hetter color rendering.
'ef aer f! ird-ar-rs, ir rd ao or ah! r!lrs o!'cr thc
leoltre amp Tre reviPCAlP!yCrysta fe
A r o o.\ ol " o
greater color stabilit,v, highcr

.ll efficac-v and reduced fIV

t 0f Lletr Ha de la nps, th!s y e d f! !Jreilte'

eflc!all, rproT cd a! 0r 'cniler f!1, afd !reater

ernissior.r, Calculite luminnires
c! !r s:3 b iv

Lower UV Enissio n
rvith Cclarnic lletal l{aiide
',1. ! t. q

irrc trtle irnrs 0[iesld!ra!lcfactorratn!]

have Lh-.
arc tube latrps oller the
frorf 0lrir! o t enor!l! cfiiss ons afr wl pr0rr de
l re llest rs!r]]fcca-(afstmatcra ladnqu]ref
d1]s !f f!l ,r!th [,4eta H3 de. Standard N'letal Ha de speciliier excitiug, nerv
afips ha!c a dara!Je laitor 01.!2, vir e tlre r,e,xi
carafi r soL]lics ra\]e a damate 1ac1!r of 20, il
solutions rtith effir:ient, lorrg-
frmbcr c0nparab e to that rl ra oqef irrps

Co lor Slability Iift Hll) sources.

Cerirmll [,leLa Hi] de artrps efsu -D cotlr slab t,y'

0!er Lrer Ie ,"! I r urr ! a rrirrLrte \ia ai Df i.200'K

0!1:r a rp fel, ionpa cd t0 sta rda'd ['leta Ha de
c r cafto 600'K to$ra ds thc
s r f1 rip
Accent and Display Lighting:
blIe/g eef efd of the spcctrr n ovcr ts I le. Ceramic Metal Halide PAR lamps
Be c a lse of th s rc ativc y sfia io 0r sh lt, spot
provide sparkling theatrical eftects
rc anplng s prss ll e urlth lrleta Ha ide
for display lighting applications.

Color Tenrperat!re
l]era Ii l\4eLir Hr le p !r' des a ra rlle nf co 0r General Lighting: General service
10 ln !!le
\'1,'arn a|11
r ,,r tlr
corlolable ef\ilr0-mefts
rear y f,re ilres the eff ca.\'. lis
s fi a
& ceramic Metal Halide lamps cleate
an environment that is sirnilar to
te ghL i3000'K) o ferrr col] e c0 o s
Irar|r,,\'li incandescent or halogen ambiance.
13,900'(i b e rds ,,!el v.'ilhotherpopLrarlrteror ight ,;.1 0pen Alzako retlectors produce
s(rITces s!ah as aompactf !oresceft a rd halo!lef. sott-edged beams that feather into
adjacent pools of light. These Iamps
Colo r Rendering are ideal for downlight and wali
lieram r [,4eia Ha de amps offer erce1ll 0 ri], Lrl de wash appiications.
spectft encer r rdex, 1:R i85). i]s gnoo
ro !r r! as
derLNet phrsphor f.,oresc"art 0nfs Trerhlgr
Surface Architectural: Ceramic
CFI rrkesther 0f den cr0il]ef.r nd.o
Metal fialide lamps ofier the benefits
d sl iry IDf .at o.s.
of l-ll0 with design flex;bility. They
are ideally su;ted {or srrface :
pendant 0r wall bracket lrminaires.
Crlar c['lcta Ha de amps de iier !p lo !5 ! re rs
pcr urat1, J0 t0 20 percent iretter tlar staflard fu]eta

Ha dc. Th s hlith eflic ercy makes llrese few

For detailed lamp information piease
souraes i] !a ia a ter raLlie L! lllf ]des0errL 0 ra o
see !aqe 24.
! e r, e spe i l a ,y'
r,' re r c ir fs d e r f !l ceramir l!'leta Ft-
Ha de s 6,000 t0 12,000 rcu anp le Add t ora I,
fewer !r fa es aTe ec! red I a !l\ief sprce,
'edrc f! hoth operat f!t and ni ftefr rce costs #
HID Product Selection Matrix

rT-' ft
--* !. '*' ,.ag i.-a *'Wl
0pen 0pen 0pen 0pen Ellipso id aI Lens
Downlight Downlight Downlight Downlight Downlighl Downlight
Narrow Medium Wide Beam PAR lamp
Bea m Beam
i,fetr Hr de PAR38
lSB0tN6lde,rerj I brl or iSB ]0I3lol
norN !ftfron rl!re' eft{lre !htn!lor spert.rr H D glt lfe1 Hr de PAR2!
PAB30 and PAB38
ei1clre i! rl n! !rth
r! lerstar rq 1SR I0 s tre? r ISR I llr,,ll
,15'!sra rrl olr 0ten brinrsprealsisn05
081 Cm: te opef

0l l0]ljrcrrr rcre

:r'r4 r i mr it eC
fe !lhts

412" PAR.20 CV]l-] DL4P-p 10

ED-17 open DL6A'p.8 ELBA-p,12

ED-17/BD-17 enc osed EL6B p 12

PAR-30 DL6P-p,10



T-6 (double-ended)

ED-17 open DLTG p 9 DLTA-p 8 DITE- p9

ED-17/BD-17 enclosed DL7H"p.9 DLTV-p.8 D[7F.p,9 LDTV- p. 13

/ J/0
PAR.38 DLIC-p l0

8 34', ED-28/BT-28 enclosed ELSB p 12

ED-17 open D[9A - p 11

10" ED-llBD-17 enclosed DL9B-p.11

ED-28/BT-28 enc osed DL9B-p 11

12" ED{8/BI-28 enc osed DL128-p,11 LD12D-p.13

CX,4l]= Ceram I lileia Ha ide


Rellector Trim
Ell IW


BK SreN!arErrlArl
[4ccd Trm B]nq
0PT|0NSkee paq".s20 2l

CL StcLrar ear A DiC

MG B arl [4r i Crcore 8afl e P r'o rre( Seliarse

Emer!-orri timo
enenla Lllrtn!

I Se, page 25 lor ronp et stol

v For a conplete downlighl you need lo specily both lhe Refleclor and the Frame-ln Kit.

Refleclor Family ri.ish 0ptions Beileclor option

See finish options page 25. See REFLEcToB @ @ Fptto;n
reflector and frame opti0ns page 20-22. tamily Ballasl trame oplions
E Frame

o @ @ tapt"C
HID Product Selection Matrir

9ii Sl* f'"
Adiustable Semi- Tang ent 0pen Lensed Square Surfa ce
Accent Recessed Adiustable Wall Washer Wall Washer Lens Cylindet
PAR lamp Adiustable Accent Downlight

!hts adirstabeto45' trbrorlSRlllof llrt

Ertca yind 358' hor
o'downiqrlo! n tub! i\,leta Ha de as rirg to!etlrer !,/lh
s oped ro nss ird Pir38Mcla 0ptcsare Ces !ned 1o Ne n0 by allrirt!c
LrsnqN D Meta Ha de
ca !ard358'horion gri(ed !ht,wth a
!pto 100\\r oll\rl-.ta
int 0ta \' ers
dorn lhts rdnrbr ryLnder ari 250\( of
fulela Ha de n a ]2
h!h ar! c ! ire

AA4P-p 16 LW4P-p.15


PAA6P30"p.l6 SBP3OlVl11-p,17

PAABP3S-p 16 PLW6P38-p.15


WWTA-p 14 CSSE/G-p 18

CS8F/H-p. 18

PAA7P38 p.l6 SFP38[4H-p.17 PLW7P38-p l5

WWSB-p.14 SDl2D .p.13

WW9B-p.14 CS12B'p.19



0PTl0NS lsee fagas 20.22)

0t Dotrnllht 4l12 dia A 0ten Befhdor ErB anrps 35 39W lerumr i lg core lC Ch
Penln I
EL E pso da 6' dia B t-r oseij Bel ector E/B amps 70 70\4/

WW 73i8 da C t0 t!0w l0 E f\
0pen Wa Washer
ProStec LersVia Vlasher 83r4 da D
PAR38 amps
lens !n!s EIB ants t5 t50w Mela lla oe t1
Ejnergency Lamp
tuse l20V rl,
ProSper AolNiahe Allem
Adi!*b Arcent
l0 dE
12 da orsq
t 0pen RelerlorWdc Beam EiB amps
EnN Ned nel{torU/d-g B-oam tiB anls
tus,e Zllv
l20V Ertron c

0len BeieNttr Nars"r BeanrErB imps 40 ,100\tr 8a lasl Mela Ha d-o

LensWa V,rasher Enc0sedRelectorNarr0 Eeam EiS anrps
CS Cy,ndc.Srrfiie Ceran rArcTrbe Wde Food llanqentl EBZ 2li\] teclmn r
cW Cy nderlva Brarket K Ceram r Ar T!be Nan0r'l S00tlTarsentl Bi an hls1a Ha de
cP Cy nder P".rdari P PAB20/PAR30 amps I
SD Sqlare0 r ght V ilten or enr Ned Reiector EiB anps S Slpp em-'nla
qhi nq 1ry nderl ltI
Calculiteo DL6A 6" Aperture (Open Lamp) Coeff icienls ol lJtilizalion

TIIf) l,urninaires lqlqctor DIEACIW lcellr! 80 120"! | oori

I L!!L I]LBAT0HC !W4 5ll 30 l0
tarJrlr 70W F! 17 MH .9 161 60 59
an,0 Lumcfs
Open Downlights 3 5/8 1A 1i?
nprt !!art!
lll >54!t/|
Medium Beam
245 rr
oN473937 {! !?
I tlf c enry
FIlr..v a] r?lv
54 61;
:14 lP\!
I :rrar, t'i,ltr
07 Ero :! :s :3

Application Dala
-l 152 mm I rroli 6 9/lll
[/]u tllr c Llnlts I
Candlepower Curue

How to Specilyl Spac rq n tl. \\hlts

on loot pet
DLGA70HC 70$l ED l7 N'lH 0r Cnanr r UH' Center candles Sq il
DL6A 10HC 100$l ED l7 f,4l1n lrram c lt'lH' l]90
oL6AT0SA ltutE 17lB t7 HPS 8 51 t4l
DL6A 10SA t0!Ui E 17 / B r7 HPS 9 4! tll
r0 32 090
'FF ] trc,A,tn;fzTB1'EBz '\? 23 0 63

Coeflicienls Dl Utilizalion
DITA 7 3/8" Aperture (Open Lamp)
rr DtTA[tW ',;le nq 80 {20n F oorr

DLTAiOHC 5ll 30 lU
lli!lh lf cleicy lum fa re prov des ghtin!t f0r general !!p l!![ l! ]l l\rlll .9 I il5 04 63
L,rflp LLrrens 8001
applicatlof. L0w brlghtfess 0ptica system with superi0r
ln0ul \,\'alts l?[ i5 52 49 41
45'visua c!t off 0pen ref ectors w m med !m beam 4t 1
tun r! re tu r!rs
oit I
1640 ?
d str but 0n prov de more plrnch al same spacifg than Efl cierc,/ 58,)i JJ rt il
,,!lde beams 0pen ampdesgna Owslumfalet0be Efl rar\' at l21lV 36 tP\! : !t 17 3-q
pole-relamped 3'n qo :f:s3t
Beflector l6 ga. Specu ar A zak. a !mln!m lw th 8
Applicarion Dara Candlepower Curue

Ll.V res stant, f0n lad ng f 1sh)45" c!t Off to larnp How to Specify:
and lamp mage
Siraclrq nlt d \rvatls
Rellecror + Frame tamp {coaled) on Foot

Trim: Sell f anged matte wh te finlsh covers cel in! Dt?A@. 0t7A ?01{C lOlV tl li tvltl o, Cc,:rililtl' lenter c.rnd .s Sr Ft

0pef fg wlth0ut light leaks Also ava ab e wlth p0- @ DLTA 10Hc r01l\a/ ED ri f,lH 0r Cerimr. [/]H' 0 129

shed se fflaf!ed trim or white m0 ded tr m rlng

E Dt?A 15Hc.* rso\rv tD r/ l!tH. E 13 ]lri
B DITA 70SA 711\r!ElTiBllHPS 9 57 155
(lield paiftable ) Ml DITA rosA 'rl]ow E r7 / B 17 HPS r0 46 r?ll
Mounting Frame: D e formed steel, l6 ga vert ca y
"l AJ--l fiT;n E, rt, rr;E81, t8t 12 3? 088

0riented for maxim!m rlgidlty C0mes with 4 m0uft-

fg brackets to accept standard 3/4' 0r 1 lathlng l/2 DLTU 7 318" Aperture (Enclosed lamp]
Relerence Dala Cdefi icienls of Ulilization
chanre s (by 0thers) or l/2
EMT p pe (by others) or ULTVCL\rl %[c iq 80 12011!]u!
0pt 0fa moLrft fg bars (1950 0r 1951,see page 20.)
Ballast/Junction B0x Assembly: Ballasl ard splice
box on l6 ga. p ate BaL ast asse rb y s moufted 0n ,/
ml \,n
Lanrp l00\{/ ED ]7IV]H
!!p tumers
nlrur Watls
tLn na rc Lurens

'rt,\ryr !l
.9 103
30 r0

snap off j!ncti0f box cover which s accesslb e from \zui nr o8 41 4lt
FlllrllL 5q ll",i 3N
bel0w wlth0ut too s for inspect 0n and rep acement. Eff cacv at 1ZlV :i6 LP!r"" ;I4t 3U tib

Ballast: DuaL tap 1201271Y, I ql power facl0r, Sr.c n.t Bat o I 1l ro ls :,6 :ra

encased and f edwthaspecia thelma yc0fduc J rr8

L Lulo l=
Applical'on Data Candlepower Crrve
tive lnsLrlat on mater a
How Specify:
203 rr f"ltrr!eLlnLsl t
Sraclr! |lir \latts
Relleclor +Frame Lamp {coaled) or lml per ;
DLTV@+ 0L7v 70HA l0fl tD I 1 I BL ll l"lH 0r Cerim | ['1N" tiexer r! l es Sq ft
E-M Specu ar C ear Aliak wilh Wh 1e Se f F ange
@ DLTV 10HA r00W tL ri l BL 1r MH 0f ieram I \lH"
@ Specu ar C ear A zak with Po isherl Se f F anle E DLTV /osA $rt17rBliHPS 8 t5 197
@ Specu ar C ear A zak Beflector EI 0L7V 10SA r00\f E r7 i E r7 HPS ! 5! lll
B SpecLrlar B ack
A zak Cone
Grnave Baff e
fieTJJr, tzJB1, EBr l
MGI B ack l\/lLr

LC: Chicago P enum
A: ALrx iary Lighllfg ror a eonpleie downlishtyou neediospcify bothlhe RelleclD.andlhe Frame-ln Kit.
E: Emergency Lamp
I Fl: FLrse 12lV Refleclor Family Finish 0piions nefleclor oplion

F2: F!se 2i'7V
EBI: l2lVtlectr0rr Ba aslf0rCeramicl\4HiC0nsLrlFaclDryl
@ t"*l Fpi*n
E82:ZTTVEectrDrrBa ast ior leram r ['1H 1consu t Fad0 i] Frame Family Ballast Frame oplions

F*l @ Fpi;n
Based 0n 60 i 60 Room lB[B = 21 80/5i]/20% B,terraftcs
llsrs anps especla I de! q -!d Ior usc
Su {lard [']H .nrps i0 enr 0s{l r aircs r !i
n0t operar? n
"uses slrndard MH amrsf0rrse . enf.s-"d ur falres G ass

'"N01e Not ava ab c for Ch calo Plerum.


DtiE 7 3i8" Aperture {0pen Lamp)Wide Beam

Coetf icients ol Utilizalion Calculiteo
Refiector ltlllll %ae nq 80 120% F oorl
ITII) Lrrrnin ailes
hirre Dt7El0Hll lirwa 50 30 l0
Lamp 100\r\ tU ll MH 9r 6t 60 5!
\\ r/ 2
I !:i:srts
> \ 4/ Jl 4l
0pen Downlights
l2 l18' 4r :7
308 nrm :7
o8 38 35
Wide & Narrow Beams
Effcinrct 54 gorb 12

_ 23 5/8 I l2ilv
Efl car\, at
slrc|rq llal.
35 tP\'\ :935:230
ro 33 2! 2i
600 rr 10

Cutoul 8"
Irrlu ti! e Llr ts I
Candlepower Curue

Sp.c 1a
lr lt'afts
tamp (coated) on Fool per
DL7 @+ DLTE 70HC i0urE! lilllH0rCeanrrlvlil'
@ DLTE 1oHc r00!!ED riktH0rceramrLtH.
@ 8 l] tg',
g 56 r55

' fia, Al, F -.rBr,EBa '12


Coefii.ients ol Util;alion
DLTF i 3/8" Aperlure (Enclosed [amp) Wide Beam
H,.l DITCL\4/ l"le I nq 80 i2!oii, F oor)
Frame !L7F11]HA
LanD 100\{ EU rT MH
'r 6t 60 59 WIDE
:5351 49 W de smooth fle d of energy eff c enl fr spectrum H D !ht
lnout !!at1s 126 ! 4/ 44 ,11
lao .d b op"" prD. d" or /d" p.'q
LLrm s
n. re Lunre 439:
Etl r 54 9%
betweef Lm na es W de var ety of open N4eta Hallde amps
Efi racy at 35 tPW
9353230 a o!,/s flex bil tyto choose mosl econom ca,,!atlage of source
!pa!!!r la!! I ll fl:3?!l afd redLrce maiftefance costs thror!lh simp f ed re ampifg
Conceitrated beam de vors more ighl fro.n higher ce ngs,
Spacnlr rta
ti! e Llr ts I
; mak ng eilecl ve ghl ng poss b e w th ow,,r'allage N'lela
or Foot per Fd e. p ape " r. / d"b". t.o
DL7 @+ DL7F70HA l0MD ll I BLr l7 tuiH 0rlEram r llH" Cenler cand es Sa ft appeara rce, maklfg m x lg types posslb e when ce nghegrts
.@ DL7F10HA l0il\4 ED I / I Bl rr l,'lH 0r ft;m r r,.1 "
E 8 7t 197
B Bellector: 16 ga Specr ar Aliak a Lrmlnum 1,,! th U V
m res slEnl. nof fadifllf n sh)50'cLrl off lo lamp and amp
rc, AJJtFr, EBr, EBa 0uu lmage
Trimt Sc f f anged mrlte wh 1c finlsh colers ceil rC oper rO

Cocllicienrs ol tltiliTatinn w ihoLri iqht eaks A so avai ab e wilh po ished se t f anged

DLTG 7 3/8" Aperture (0pen [amp) Narrow Beam ie f!
qctor DITCLW %[a nq 80 F oorl
1r m or wh mo/ded 1r m r lf e d pa nlable )
ReJ 120%
DtlGl0H[ i\\/a 50 !l] t0 Mounting Frame: e formcd slee , 16 ga vlrt ca y or
Lamo 100\r! E! t7 MH efted for maximun r g d ty l]onres with 4 mount ng brackels
L :464443 loacceptstandard3/4'orIl/2 ath n!lchanne s 1b,/ olhers)
t2 t/8'
r26 i5424033 0r 1/2 E[4T p pe lby olhers)or opl]ona mounl ng bars ll950
ir:lr 31 36
EII c 44 21i or 1g5l, see page 20 )

13 5/ll 1 l2lv
Ell cdrv at 28 tPW Ballast/Juncti0n Box Assemblyr Balast and sp ce
600 rnr
Soacrnq Rat o | 6 boN of l6 ga pale Balaslassernby s rnounted or snap olf
CurouL = 8"
Applicalion Dala lLrncl on box cover wh ch s access b e frorn belor\i \a/ thoul
/Ll3 UulrpcLlnrsr1frCF=31 too s for inspcctlof afd ep acemeft.
How lo Specify:
Spac n t: !\rarts = Ballastr D!a tap 120/277V hlgh power lactor, efc.sed
on loot por and f led I{r Ih a spec a therrna I condL]cl ve nsu al of
DL7 @+ DLTG 70HC i0\f tl li U or lcram c [1 ]' Center candles Sq ft mateT a
@ 0t7G'l0HC lnnl,! lll 17 l"lN .r lpr:rnr r MH' :t nl
Speclr ar Clear A zak !,/ilh Wh te Sell
Spec! ar llear A zak wilh Po shed Se f Flafge
F anqe

Lc. AJJr-r, EBr. [sr_ Spec! ar Clear A zak Fefledor

SpecLr ar Black A zak' Cone
Cocfiicienis ol UiiliTation B ack N4u ti Graove Baff e
DLT[l 7 3/8' Aperture {Enclosed [amp) Narrow Beam
Fe{ erl|r Dtl[t[/ 'ii[p ]q 80 120% f- oorl
Frame DITH]0HA %tl,ir 50 3! l0 Ch cago Plefurn
L:m! l!ll[ ED ]7 l!'lH .9 I 50 l9 48 A: Auril ary L l]htiig
t:mp tLrmers 800! # 3 46 41 43
E: Emergency Lamp
'.2Ii? flLrt \{!tts 126 ; 5 42 40 3! I
't? 1tE Fl:
Lun ra rr Lumcns :53a ; i :! 37 36 Flse 120V
Ellic ,onrv 14 2rr; ! I 38 36 35 F2: Frse zJiV ur
T 3303433 EBl: l20VEerlro icBa asrlorCl]cmc ['1HlC0nsutFacllry) I
E82: 277V E eclronic Ba asl fDr Ceram c L4H lC0nsu t Faclorvl

-f 7l ADDlicalion Data -l
Culout = 8
How to Specily:
Sparlr! nlt a Watts =
ele r 0\,rn qht!ou need t0 sper fy roth tne
F0r a D0nrp
Rcflrctor and lrc l:r:rc n K t v
Reflecior + Frame Lamp (coaled)
0rleriir "
o. loot per ; 1 Bas-od 0n 60 x 60 R00nr iFl]F = Zl. 80/s0/2!",1, Belled:inres
' rlses anrts estec I
I dss qned 10r lse n op-.n !tr-r nir res
Dt7 @+ Dl7H70HA /t\![D]rrB!17l,j Center cand es Sq Ft
@ DITH 10HA tN0iir tl
t7 / 8! tt l/N ll :arijr I [1N.. Slandard MH amps ior eni osed um na res no1 0oerete n
@ 197
B -Uses slanrard MH anrps ior use lr enriosed rnr r. res 0 ass
@ r0 ll
tic, A-JiJ, JBT.EBT-I ll )l)
Calculiteo DLAP 4112" Aperture PAB-20
Coeflicienls of Ulil;zalion
ler ector D!]!l!!{ !!q l,o 80 120% Fbll
ITIfJ Lumirtaircs 50 3o i0

0pen Downlights I t4
Linlr tullets
Lunrina re
!t4P3l!A !!!I

231]ll E
r 110 108 tl]/
!l!L 39\t Pr\F 20 Ft l4{ .9 3
r02 1!! !g
38 5
jlso 94
PAB-20, PAR-30 & PAR-38 Metal Halide !l!! enlr o8
9! l rq = 31 8li 8i
Al !111!!qat'r?1]! !l!P!! : ll 89 rLt 84

-l ^-Lr ts Spacl q RatLo ro B/ 84 82

Curout = 5lrl6"
l2! nnl Uu 1pe 1

How 1o Specifyl ng n di
Sla. 1 Watls =
Lamp Dr 1001 per
DL4PM + Dt4P 35HA 39u/ PAF 20 Cer.m c frlH Cexer f! d cs Sq lt
@ 5 !8 154
lE{wt 7 50 07!
I 38 030
I 2/ 041
'f l iTrJr, EBT'EB, ,l 10 2,1 0 39

Coetlicienis oi Utilualian
DL6P 6" Aperture PAR-30 80 l|lllllurl
lljllltor Dt0Pt!{ ",;lc rnq
ii,\\/a !0 30 ]0
I fullll DtbPT0fA
[,4eta Hal de PAB 38 and Ceram]c Mleta Na de PAR 20, lil trirp i0[!AU]llL!LH .9 I 1| r03 1118
I tamn tumons 45l]il E 3 ro3 ror -!q
PAR 30 and PAF
wattages afd beam spreads
38 amps are available n d ffereft

cu te opef refLector dowrlights provide vety ow

i r0 1/2
267 rm
>"4 atr npur\lriri
/htnrn !!!!qetmP\
I Fll.
Efncary.r l20V
!i :i; o8918888
- ! 98 94 !2
e! j!

cei ng br ghtness lor afy cei ng he ghl app cat 0ns,0r 7.t 55 LP\f

1or display and accent lighting in 0\,! t0 medlum ce rg

Spa!!tL&i!L 06 m Ft a4 B't

he ghts *6 CuLout = 6 9,'16

Application Dala Candlepower CuNe
152 flm
Rellector: 16 ga Specrlar Alzaki a uminum lwith 167 nrm uu tLl] e lln ts I >.
ll V resistant, n0n fading f nish) 45" cut-olf to amp How to Specily: n!
Spirc lra \ryiritr
and amp image
Lamp on Fnot per

0L6PM+ DL6P 35HA** 39!\' PAll 30 lfianr c lrlH Center cand es Slr ll
Trim: Se f f anged flratle whlte f nish c0vers ceiling @ DL6P T0HAEB 7ll\,\]PAB 30 lerrm r [/]H 6 lll 222
0penlng with0ut ght leaks A s0 ava ab e with po ELI 1e e.tror r ra ast on vl 8 lL I25
lshed se I flanged tr m 0r wh te m0 ded tr m Iirg 9 5! ll8u
(f e d pa ntable t0' 48
tic-r,lZ ]] rl9
E81,Eq4 066
Mounting Frarne: D e-formed slee , l6 ga veft ca y
or ented f0r maximLrm rlgid ty C0mes with 4 mount-
ng brackets to accept 3l4 at1ll2
athingchanfes DLOC 6" Aperture PAR-38
C.elf icients oI u1;li2ation

lby 0lhers) or 1/2" EMT pipe (by others) or Optlora

Fef ector Dt6CCl\\' llltLltrll 80 120% F oo l
50 30 l0 ut61]0HA !r;Wa
mo!nt fg bars (1950 or 1951, see page 20 ) I aml] r00lv P!!!lll!ll1 .e I 100 9L9t
Ballast/Junction Box Assembly: Ba ast and sp ce L tan]d]tltlltjl E,rd|8q
box or l6 ga p ate. Ballast assemb y s m0!nted 0f
r1 l/4 #->=' t0 rr" lltput !!!]ls
267 nr i !4!!,1re Lrmens

l?q ';78597{l89 16 84
sfap Off box covet wh ch is access ble from Fllc cicv 88 2% oBn:8078
be ow w th0!t lo0ls f0r nspecllons afd rep acement t Ell racv at l20V 38 tP\! Eg er le rr
Ballast: 0Lra Iap 1201211U, h gh power factoI, er-
cased and filled \/lth a spec al thermaJly cond!ct ve
lfslrLat on materia 70W PAB-30 avai ab e wlth e ec
- ;sfrl,
-L lurrrut = 6
Soa!]lq8qll {] 5 Er!

Applicalion Data
l! ]7 t!
Candlepower CuNe

How to Specify:
Uu 1 ple
trofic ba ast on y n al 1 Wans =
(]n Fool per

Dtoc [cLE + DL6c ?0HA 70\\ PAB 38 Ml]:r ['1] 1[eram 1]l le rer rard es Sq Ft

M Specu ar C ear Alzak with lvh te Se 1 Flange [aLPl DL6c10HA ]0"'r\,iPAF -18MH.rrMHlleamrl 6 r48 iiL
m Specu ar C ear A uak lrlth Pol shed Se f F arlce E B8:lll
M ! 150
@ Specular c ear A zak Fel eclor r0 5L 128
B Specula Black A rak' Cone "f ] tic.FlE EB1, t8- - | 44 I04
lBRWlSpecr ar B ack Alzak Cone wllr Wh Ie Se I Flanle
re Black N4! t Groove Baff e Coefl icienls ol lJlilizalion
DLTC 7 3/8" Apenure PAR-38
BdE!!!r ltie nq 8l {2l]lillqtri
!4!e Dt7!111!A 1!l4l 51r :0 r0
LC: Ch caoo Plenum !!L'100t(PAF38Ft['lE .: Ll 08 In6 IN!
A: ALrxi ary L ghtinC Io.Hrl r tamp tuners $00 6 I llll 'lll 'lh
I E: l1 lo fti nlrln !!at1s 125 >5
95 92 !0
Emerqercy Lamp 8
Lunrcrs 91 88 8E
Flr Fuse l20V
Lrnr na r,o 5200
94 0o/i o8 89 86 81
t2:F!se 277V
/ \ Trtll l20V
Eificac,/ ar 44 tfly E
E! L 87 sa 82
I EBl: l20VEectrDnr Ba ast jorl]e aml [']Hl0onsulFactorll .l L I F oro -l !!!q!s Ear o 0! E ro 85 83 80
-l EB2: 277V E ertron c Br ast for l]eram c llll] lconsu t Facto l, .. ,ttif; -. culout=
Application Dala Candlepower Curue
v How to Specily:
203 mnr ti! e !!tt!L
[']u -
Spiic l]!t r tia \{/a1ts
F0 a conp el do r lixyou need 10 sperf! boih Lhc
Bellector + rrame Lanp on Foot per
I Fderlorand lhc Frame ln K1
1 Sas0d on 60 { 611 F00m {EIE 7 80]5!/20% Eef edirnc0s DLTcreIWl+ DL/c70HA t\D' 8\' '. Center candles Sq ft
III "'Note not ava lab e for Chicago P en!m [dLFl DLTc 10HA 10!\r! PAF
l\4H ]18 lcerimrc) 6 159 350
E DLTC 15HA"']50\T PAR 38 MH 8 !L re7
rU m 9ll
10 57 l2b
@ taa. FiJr, EBr, EB, t1' 47 104
DL9A 10" Aperture (Open Lamp) Coelticienls ol Utilizalion Calculiteo
IIII) Lrr rnin nires

t/6 0pen / Enclosed
t4 t,/!
35S mr
tllr enc! 60 7-"1,
?3 5lB" I Eff cacv.t l20V 39 L.P\!
r8 Very Wide Beam / Very Narrow Beam

Application Dala
Cutoui = l0 5i8
How to Specily:
trame Spacrq nt! \{/rih =
Relleclor +
Lamp {coaled)
DL9V 10H[4'* ] 00\{/ ED ]7 MH 0 ljeramic [,lH'
o loot
Ccnllr cand es
Sq F1
@ Dtsv TosB 7ow E23 r/2 HPS tl8 350
M DLgv rosB rDo\/i E23 r/2 HPs 197
@ DLgvr5sB r5ow E23 r/2 HPs !
50 088
'E.ll tic, A, E. H. rr. tBr. tBtl 34 084

Coefiicienls oI Ulilization
D[98 10" Aperture (Enclosed [amp)
Bellrcrn Dt!Blt[/ %[c ]ll B0 120% oorl F
Frame DtgVl7Hg %\r!tr 51 30 i0
Lanrtr 175!\' ,Ell 28 lvlH .9 165 6362
I4llllll E35552a9
14.1 l1 11! l)! nn nn 1lva s ?lt5 :.l 4i 43 40 Very Wide (DL9)
i;!rl ll:'r L;,i,aie r,Le,Ls gzu o830322!
'=i403633 De vers r !h eff clency ard u t a w de beam slread from u/E
i::rirri Efl clenc! 58 6",i
scaedapeiure Su iab e for mediunr to hlgh cei ings Wae!ari
Eff cacy at l20V E9in?9,6
zrrts I 40 tPW
ro 30 26 23 ty of sources avallab e nclLrd rq open l\4ela Ha de ED ll amps,
6{ll mm
- - regLr ar ED 2B/BT 28 Meta Nr de and E 23li'2 H PS
C'tou1= l0 5/! Application Data Candlepower Curue
Rellector: 16 qa. Specu ar A zak alLrm rum prD! des wide
257 mnr
How to Specify: beam distrlbut on
Sparr! nit n \ ra1ts =
Relleclor +Frame Lam! {coated) Aperture Cone: 16 qa Spec! ar A zak- alum f Lrm lw th
or loot per a
oLsB@ +DL9V 10HJ* lll0r
ED Center candls Srr Fl U V reslstanl. fon ladlfq f n sh) 55'cul off to lamp and
@ otgv 17tlB l5lrr EDlg r tT2g [/H- i 162 4 ril amp malle ntegra f ange
@ DLgv25HB t5ol\ t!t9 r sr23 r/H- t0 79 205 Very Narrow {0112)
lrtw 12 55 r42 Prov des I tra farro],\i beam spread to de]lver | 0h footcand es
t4 40
'tAE -l
I Lc,A. E Fl.Tr.EFrttBtl 16 31 0!l from very | !h ceil ngs. Low br ghlness parabo c reileclor pro
v cles fLr 45" .!t ofl lo amp and amp imaqe
Reflector: l6 ga. Specu ar A zak a un'rinLrm 1w th Ll V
icienls ol Ulilization
DL12B 12" Aperture (Enclosed Lampl Coefl res stant, fDn fad ng fif slr) 45'cLrt oif lo lamp and rnp
Dt] 2Bttw mage nlegra f a nge
ftame Dtl2817Hg
M0unting Frame: D e formed siee. l6 ga vefica yorefled
li li4 l'l mtr
LamD r75W El) 28 l/lH
tamp Lumens for max mlm rg d ly Comes wth 4 morrt n! )acketst0accept
l4 /,-d-\ T r;li" 1400q
16 /\ t! 5t8 npul Witrs 205 standard 3/4' or 1 l/2'' athlfg chaffe s lbyOthcrs)or l/2' EfJT
lrr mm \ ,/ 1+I -5!" plpe lby others)or 0pt ora mounliig bars 1l950 or 1951, see
L >2 I55n Eff c qLtq-v 57 7%
page 201
Eff cacy at l20V 39lPY{
Spac no Batlo 05 EallasVJunction Box Assembly: Ba ast and sp ce box
on 16 ga. pLate. Ba ast assen'rb y is mounled on siap off j!nc
:05 nm Cutout = t2 ti2 t of bor cove'which is accesslb e irom be ow wllhour too s for
317rl L'lrrpethtlsl
How to Specifyr = inspecl on and rep ecernenl
Sparinq nit a Walls
Rcllcclor + Frame
on loDt Ballast: Du! tap 120i211U. r gh power factDr encased afd
DL]2B EIW+ DU2B 17HB r75W ED28I BT28 MH.. Center cand es Stl Fl f ed w th a spec a therma ly c0rductile lrsLr at on materla
@ + Dtl28 25HB 250W ED28 / BT28 MH- 1 114

DL12840 m+ DLr28 40HB 400!V ,1028 / ET78 l\4H..ii

= M SpecLr ar I ear A rak' w th Wh f F.f!le
1"" Se

14 44 ICLP I Specu ar C ear A zak w th f F ange

Pol shed Se
'l-\a] LrSA,trr tb 33
|8! B-KWI Specu ar B ack Alzak (].f -" wilh White Se f F !f lle
i rth"r norna nna ai 0n rlirLnr 0rs inl lak r!r 400W [,]|jn Ha d! aa ru t! be;rs a l,']ark:i Sper
lT arC 0r 10 0
the !nrar? sr0t'0r'e5rer1a !5e ard :hal 5!.:r i ed 5par n-qs m!5t be ra nta rec helreer
I renrers ofailffa : Jn ra res 3 .eel LC: Ch cago PLenunr
?ltre in a r. rsn:cr ar: rc ra I l12 hcl A: Aux ary L lhl nq
3 trel0!0tte un ra re dnd arrtr olenead trLr J f! tretrbers : nrres
Er Emergefcy Lamp
Flr FLrse l20V I
F2: Fuse 2/lV
EBI: 120\lElecirof r Ba asil0rCer:nc MH1C0nsr1Fircloril
EB2r 277\i Eleclr0r r Ba ast f0r Ceram r [r]H il]0rsuli Fact0ryl

For a rrmp ele dir f lli ri r f-'si 10 rrdr lt hrl llre lel erLoi
I Based 0 r 60 i 3l 2. 50r50r:0.q, Fe' e anre5
B00m 1BCB =

' Lscs 3 nr.s cspcr a rse r oper Lrm f r res

tr lcs gned f r I
S13 da'd l'lN anp for cnr oscd !n ra rcs rr 0pni:e w
"Lsesnanrar l,rH an$'0rrse renr|red umfarr5
lj ass irrarf s ncrieC tU
""Note: fol aval able for lhica!lo P enLrnr
Calculite' Et6A 6" Aperture {0pen [amP] Coeflicienls ol Ulilizalion
Ellsstor EM!{ !.1[ertr]rr9l 120",; oor) F

IIID LLr rninaires !al!L n6Al!!11 LWa 50 lll l!

tamo l00W FD 17 !!E 915:5251
Lamo tumcns j:qgle4,1
Ellipsoidal Downlights 14 3/t
l!ru!W41!L 38!B
';i L 4!
r .q -iL t6
356 nn !!lal e tLrmcns o8:/3432

.T !1tu1!!!,v lfq ,12

Ellrllt !!!20! LPll
l35b Spaq!q8!1L-lll ll io 33 30 24
llulort = 6 !/16"

How to Specily:
l6i Rrm

ng n al
1p! Uf ls

on Foot per
EL6 M+ EL6A TOHN 70ti/ ED li f.ilN or Ceranic [/]H' Ccnle cand es Sr lt
EL6A loHN l00W ED l7 f,4H or lcramic [4H' 6
: !
B 9 9 I55
-t @l l A, EJtrrJB-1, EB2_-l

Coefi icients ol Ulilization

EL6B 6" Aperture (Enclosed Lamp)
Prqllg!]ll Et6lt!{ llqDs 80 120% llqqrl
Frame EtEBlOllP %Wa 50 :il l0
EIL ps0ida ref ector down ghts offer superior g are c0f !4rp tiltlfi/ t!:]l l\4r .9 153 5251
I galtumens !ll!q E3aBa6a4
tro wlth minimufir apertLre, medium beam spread with 14:/8" nput \l/at1s l/[ :.543433!
evef d stributi0n, 0w brighlness, wtho!tdistract fg 365 mm
356 rn tum nairc tuners 380! ii3911634
g are from the amp0r amp mage. Top re ampab e, or Effrctgllv 47 69'. o8373432
relampab e from be ow. !fuic!,ll]!!L 31l LPW E g ns .',2 rto
23 5/8
600 mr
Spar rq Fal o Il 3it ii 3o 24

Rellector: 16 ga. specLrlar Alzakr alum lum, provides -

wide beam distr bution. -6"152 mn IutouL = 6 91]6

How to Specily:
Uu t PLe Unns I ;
Aperture Cone:16 ga specLlar A zak' a !min!m Spaclnq fll al Watls
Bellecror + trame tamo lcoaled) o Foot
{w th ll.V resistaft, n0rr lad ng finlsh). Per
+ ELEB 70HP l0i( l! ll1 BD ll \1N 0r leram I1,1H" Cenrer es
cand So tu
Mounting Frame: Die f0rmed steel, l6 ga verlically Et6B 10HP r00vr':l] ll i 3D ll [4H irCerrn I l'l!" B 111 350
0riented for raximum rig dity Comes w th 4 mo!nt-
ing brackets to accept standard 3/4" 0r I 1/2' lathing !' 49 155

channels (bV 0thers) 0r l/2

EMT pipe (by others) 0r l! 40 126

opt 0fa m0!ntifg bars (l950 or 1951, see page 20 )

IEEIIEIEIE-a 1? 7t 088

BallasvJunction Box Assembly: Ba ast and sp ce

Coelf icients ol lJlilization
box of 16 ga plate. Ballast assemb y is moLlnted on ELSB 8 3/4" Aperture (Enclosed Lamp)
Bcflector EtSltW %[e fq l0 l?0'/; FLoor]
snap off junction box covei wh ch ls accessib e lrom !4L EtsBll!! lWaL 50 3ll lq
41 40
be ow wlth0Lrt t0o s f0r lnspectlon and rep acement. Limp l75W ED 28 tultl 9142
Ballast: Dual Tap 120/277V high power factor,
! Lary!!l!!!L l2ul]ll E L3! -!L 3l
29 28
r3:i4 hllt Wllts
20b ;5
'i7 !2
encased and f
edwthaspecial thelma yc0nduc- 349 mm !!!rrq,'e !!!r!!L {!1{ ?B 75 ?t
tlve ns!lat on mater al. Fllic cncv _37!:! al 120! 4 LP!{ Es a 2r zrl
SparrqFalo ll ;10
SpecLr ar C ear A zak- vr lh W I te SeLf Fla rge
- . !1i4"
Alzak w th Po shed Se f Flafge 22Znm
Specu ar C ear 235 mm [/]u r ple Uryql
Specular llear A zak- Beflector How 10 Specify: Spaclng al rlt Wans =
Specu ar B ack Alzak Coie Bellector + Frame Lanp (coaled) or Foot Per
Spec! ar B ack A zak' wilh Whlte Se f F ange M
ELsB 25HB 250W ED2l
BT28 Lletal Hd
ET28 Mela
H: de"
[enler cand es
0 138
Si] Fl
Black [V]Lrlt Groove Baff e E I

@LC: Ch caqo Pler!fir "f


] tiT.ArF.Fr l
2 05


A: A!xl ary Lightlng

E: Emergeicy Lamp
Fl: Fuse 120V
F2: FLrse 277V
EBl: l20VEectronicBaLaslf0rCeramcN4HiC0nsulFalloryl
EB2: 277! Electronlc Ba ast for lecm c l!1H lConsu 1 tadoryl
\tr For a c0mp ele do 'r llht you need t0 s!e. lY botr tlre
I fief cct0r and the f-r3me n K t
T Based 0r 60 i 60 fioom lFl]F = 21 80/50,/20% Fci eclafces
-l ' LJres amps esper a r designed t0. Jsc n 0pen um lla res

v , \'dI
.. o o0 r'- I o
I 'i"
G ass luard s nc uded

LDTU 7112" Aperture Cncfl icicnls nf UliliTati.. Calculite@
HTT) T,rrnrirra ires
tanrrl lllw ED 17 UN .e1484544
nprl Wtlll ll[ i.5 34 32 30
Lensed Downlights
'1fr6 Lun|a eLLmms it46
""", [ific cnrv 41 6%
Ellirar,f dl l20V 26 tPW :928?3?1
rtl z ,r rg
Cutoul = I Applicalion Data Cardlepower Curye

How to Specify: q nra

Slrc \lraxs
or Foot pcr
LDTV W+LD7v70HA /0r,f lU lT/ED l7l.4H0rleramrf,4H' Cefter cafd es Sq Ft
mLDTV 10HA r00W E! l7,BD rl l,/lN 0r lerax I l,/ll'
LDTV /OSA /D\'/: ]/]B ]/ HPS 8 54 137
LDTV 10SA t0nt! f_ t7/! ]] llPS 9 4? 155

'F.E__-.l [e, A.E, rtE;EEi,tE ]

Reterence Dala Coetlicienls ol Ulilizalion

LD12D 12" Aperture
fullqllor tDl2DrrH .icel n! Ell 120% F 00 )
Frame tDl2Dl7HB 'i;Wa 50 30 l0
Lf [ lan]lr ]l5ui ED 28 N4H .e r /2 i0 68 lvledi!m soft edged d str b!t on of light from deeply
\oF\''oEoD 51 47
regressed fresfe efs. Sec!red n celling by attract ve
\ \ .00.. llxl
l!o!!l{,rll! :. 5 43
OF-pl l"t ."0 d0^- q p p\ot 0,p. 0, a.t O . e!
. 8o i
:\ .- l.51r' UGE!q s lq :o :l ofthe amp 0!a ty ens design assures low brightness,
Ellcrcvallzov 38 LP!\r ?
l:=ilr .: lt -
I z;rs E ! 37 :2 2! redlrcing h gh ang e g are.
.-.' tD7V, tDI2D. SDI2D
ll05.irf -* Cur0d = 12 lr2 Appticalion oata Candtepower Curve Mounting Frame: Die-f0rmed steel, 16 ga vertlcaly

How to -]Specify: - l'lr]ft p e uf ls T \--rl; oriefted for maximum rigid ty. Comes w th 4 moLrnt
Frame (coaied) nq ar watl! \\\\'.]-: lng brackets t0 accepl standard 3/4' 0r I 1/2" lath ng
+ Lanp Spac n
l\\\(\-i : channe s (by others) or 1/2' ENIT pipe (by 0thers) 0r
M rorzo zsHs /0^ D.8 B.E\.'" o
\\\ 'l: opt onal m0!ft fg bars (1950 or 1951 )
' rc. ajTlrr l BallasVJunction Box Assembly: Bal ast and splice
TT natr0t0nr00ih0rronna rsld dr0f nstruoiofsafirnia,ki'rls i;= ; \, J Xt box 0n 16 ga plate. Ba last asse.nbly ls m0!fted 0n
'\'d " q o I /v srap off lufct 0n box c0ver which saccessbefrom
' I d r'r..'.. t-t' "3
!nna,e snotto,resdenta lse and rhal spec r ed spac n;;;;;; r61 31 080 T5 I 25 e be ow with0ut to0ls f0r lnspect 0n and replacement
Nmantaneibeiweer llcenter0raclacent rmnares 3feel,2lthe um na r0 rhLcr ar s dD rd l li2lNrL.3 tli0topoiLhr utr dr0 Ballast: DLra lap 1201211V, h gh power factor,
ard a,\ o?rh""ad bL, rl ig meoher 3 rh* encased afd fi ed w th a spec al thermaly corduc
tive lnsLrlation materia
SDIZD 12" Sq. Aperture Fresnel Lens: o d o q
", Co 0..p ed i

Fegressed 1 3/4" from ceiling line Stlpp ng on back

of lens cofcea s lamp image. Whlte 0r b ack baff e
with integral wh te fLange
- Prismatic Lens: 1l ' dla Begressed 2 l/4'from
ce lng lne
Step Baffle: Wh te or black lin sh w th iftegral white
f afge.
We shie ded distributlof delivers c0mf0rtab e !enera
lllum fat 0n Sha ow (7 1/4" deep) p enum fresne lens
Lrnlts are avallable w th over ap splay. Fresfe lens s
1 3/4' regressed above ceilifg fe. White beze with
Cneff i.icnts.t UliliTalion
Wh te Bel eclo !^JiTr Wh te SE f F.nqe
r Black A /ak'w lh While Se i
#l 46 43 4l
>t t(l t7 14 Chicago P enLrm
Ell I e..v 48 2:/" :7 34
3r z! A: Alxi ary Lightifg I
Efi c.c\r at l20V 3l tPW
E9l| 17 14
E: Emergency Lamp /i
12 rir 28 ,5 J3 Fl: Flse 120V \r
F2: F\)serlt\ I
Application Dala Candlepower Cuive
lurouL = l2li8 sq EBI: l20V E ectronic Bal as1 f0r l]eram r MH lC0nsu t Facloryl
How to Specily: EB2i
277V ectro ic Balasl f0r Ceram c UIH lC0nsu t Farlory) -l
Sparirq nitla \ /atts = xr&r$rrr..a:
Comolete Luminaire Lamp (coaled)
SDI2D 7oHVWH 7DU/ ED l7 BD l7 Nlllor [Dram c
/ Ull'
of loot
Center candles
Sq Ft
For: conrp e1e do\,r qht you need t0 speclly brth the Bef eclor
SD12D loHVWH lODW ED 17 / BD 17 f"'lH or lora rc|/]l' and th Frame nKt lercepli{rrSDl2Dl I
SDI2D C0mpLele unr naire is ord!red:s 0n0 caLa 0! number
9 48 155 T Based 0n 60' r 60'Boom 1BIB = 21 80150/20e; Bei rctarces trI
' Uses slanrard MH 0r Cer.m c ['lH anrps for rse n endosed
' AJJtlr, EBI'EBr- 1r8]l
um nir res G ass qLra'd ls nr udei tU-
"Uses slrndard MH amos I0r use n ef.0sed u r na res G ass
Calculite@ WWOA 6" Aperture (0pen Lamp)
HII) T,urninailes !v\4/6ACr0Ha
l0!'rrl/ ED 1l lrlH

0pen Wall Washers

23 518

Multiple Unils: Footcandles on Wall"

CLrlout = 6 9/16
Unils 3 Feel hom Wall

How to Specily:
RellectDr 18r-8 r 3 .r L
ww6@ww6Ac 70Hc
Lamp {coaledl
l'11!! ED l7 ['1F.0r Ccram c [/]H'
3m@@ 3', 25 23 !L
m ww6Ac 1oHc 100\\, ED ]luH 0r lsra n r f/lH' 546464l 5', 74 ?4 71

E i'' 4t 4t 4l I?l?llL
g', 3,i 3"'r 30 s 2,r 24 lL
| 21 2r. ?L rt44L
'f-- l tLcjl-rr. tsi, EB, I t3' t5 15 15 ]l' lh la 15

WWTA 7 3/S" Aperture (0pen LamP) rr!\!iltfi
rr!!,/7AC I 0Hl
0per Wal Wash downl ghts prov de wide, lniform, r nn\t Flt r / l!'tH

wash nq t0qethet \,!lth r0omside
unscal oped
dowflight f!, us fg ll lD [\4eta Halidelamps Hgheffi-
1 !-f l 17rB
ciency down ght c0ntr blt 0n matches compan of dOwf
Jl . i,0 | 0L or I "ll"r 0 orplo , o o,r. ir" 23 5r8
d0wn qhtlnq paltern where adjacert L0 wa s - 600 mnr r Multiple Units: Footcandles on Wall"
Downlight Rellector Specu ar c ear A zak' a Llml-
C,rlout = 8
llnits 3 Fcel from Wall lJnits 4 Feel lron Wall
203 mm
num lwlth ll.V resistant, nof fad ng fin s r), 16 ga
0p" rg ""tot O.^ fip torl0r .i o0oP
How to Specily:
i' z! :11 z! r =-=
13 14 13

f0Tm as wa washeT [,4ay be reor]etted afd ocked Ww7@wW7Ac 70Hc 70tf,/ ED ll MH 0r r l!lH' EEOJ
alter Lrminarels fsta ed Ref ector sLrpplied with @ wwTAc 10Hc r00WEll ll|]]lrr[eramc['1H' 559 545! 5',35 31 35

white tr m ring or nte!ral f ange [f0 wwTAc 15Hc** ]5lfl ED li l'/lH

M0unting Frame: formed stee,l6 ga. vert ca y
D e ! 29 !! t!' 73 t3
oriented for maximLrm r gid ty. Comes w th 4 m0!nt LC. Fl, t2, EBl, t82 )3 2? 22 77 ?a la
if! brackets to accept standard 3/4 or 1 l/2" ath rg
channe s (by othersl 0r 1/2" Elvll plpe (by otlrers) or
optiona m0uftlng bars 11950 or 1951, see page 20 ) WWSB 9 U2" Aperture (Enclosed [amp) ,.rl!!9ll I{
BallasvJunction Box Assembly: Ba ast afd splice I !!\!9Bfi0U l

box 0n 16 ga plate. Ba last assemb y is moLlfted on I

r 11r!! Flt r7 uH

snap-olf lLrfct 0n box cover wh ch saccessibefrom t5 '+1-r ll ,8

bel0w with0ut too s f0r ifspect on and rep acemenl.
.Bmnr 1 Lt il:',ir..

Ballast: D!a Iap 1201217U hiqh power faclor,

encased and f
led w th a special therma y c0rduc
-- 2]58
tive insulat on mater a . Multiple Units: Footcandles on Wallh
245 mm
lutoul = l0 li8
UnrLs 3 Feet lr0m Wall Uniis 4 teel lrDm Wall
25/ mn
How to Specifyl r'r B.r-
I t8 18 18 I l0 ll] lll
teMt SpecLrlar l]Jear A za( wrlh Wh le Se f F ange
3'E@E 3?1 21 71
@ Spec! ar 1] ear A rak w th Pollshed Se f F ange WWg [-L-Wl+ WWSBC l0HJ* ]lllf
tLr liBD li I'lH fi l.-rn'r [r1]"
l/5! tL28rBT28l!'lH- 5484548 52828 18
E SpccLr ar .j ear A zak Rei eclor EIq WWgBC
2sHB 25011 E'r?8/tsT18 l"1ll- t' 44 1? lL
@ "T--l
11 ?4 73 jL
t: ti 17 17
l1 77
13 17
LC: Ch c!!o P enLrrrr tic. AErt;E, EBr, EB-l 17

A: Aux L ary L ght fg

E: Emerl]ency Lamp
F1: FLrse l20V
F2: FLrse 277V
EBl: 120V E ertr0n c Ba ast lor l]eram c fulH lloisull Factoryl
E82r 2TiVEErlr0rcBa aslf0rl]eramrNlHiC0rsulFatlOrll
ur F0 a crnrr-40 do!\r r l.rht y0u ned t0 speclii b01lr the
Felerlor and the Frame lr Kl
I lBased on m n flrum,rf 5 ur ts

-l "pFq"0o'
Stirndard tulH anrDs nn e c osed rn na res not oper:te

"Llses sl.nd d Ml 1:rps for use n erd0sed

I ur.aies 6 dss quard s rc uded
"No1e Nol ava ab e for Ch cago Pienufil

LW4P 4U2" Aperture PAR-20 Calculite@
w,1Pt !\/
H ll) l,rrlrinaires

I*;;" L.mir 39\r! PAB 20 FL [/]H

,E:TTiI L.]lJr! LLnnens 2300 Lensed WallWashers
-ff rz l

l-l rza nl

4:lt6 19"
- 483 mm
Multiple lJnits: Footcandles on Wall"
Lulout 51/16 Units 3 Feel from Wall
How to Specify: 129 mm

Lamp .IU 25 .lLl

LW4PM+ AA4P 35HD 39[/ PAF ?O Ceram I MH B

@ 42 47 30
I'RWI l7 6
'tl tl
-f _l
tfl,lt EB1, EBr-_l

LW6 6" Aperture PAR-38

Pt\r6P38 t0H
tdnrp Lefsed wa washers prov de the ! t mate n hl0h
_\-,,- 100\t PAF 38 \ryFt MH
s pF o o,'PlJ ,gof ."r 'o l d.F op

ii +
ta rp tune 6800
des gned to provide wide, even y graded ight, with a m n-
mal d0[/r ghtcomponeft dea] for wa I mounted aft 0r

_T r 533 mm Mulliple Units: Foolcandles on Wallh

she vifg Lersed wa lwashers are the prelerred too 0f
des gners for creat fg a v s!al balafce between horizonta
afd vertica sLrdaces
How to Specify: Crtout= 6rl/r6 Unils 3 Feet lrcm Wall
. I llt PtW
@+ PLW6P3070HEB1 70/r PAF ll ["'ram r Ml
74 1t ?4 Housing: Prepa nted ro ed and die formed stee wth
tiRWl 1r20Y: ectron r ba asion,ii
:E17rlE 62 1 t2 leveIngtocei ngfrom nsdeorolt
a umirLrm covers,
[6KFl Ptw6P307oHEBZ ic\t PAR J0 t?raii r [4! 5 66 65 116
!i 4! 5L s de the hous ng, top re amping, jLr rct on bor iftegral to
ET}] 17i7r' irerlron I bi isi on \l 7454545 35 34 35 hols ng for easy access; nsta s ncel ngsLrpt0 11,/8'
P[W6P3870H 7ll! PAF il8 [4H 0 lerri] r MH -o 3t 3t 3l ?4 74 74 th ck
PLW6P38loH 100\'l PAB 381\4H 0r l]Drrr c l\,lH tB t8 t8
'f l FlJr, EBr. tBa l t3 tB tN t8 144 Lampholder Assembly: D e-cast alumln!m afd stee
yoke, die lormed steel sprifgs celrter the lixed p0s ti0n
amp to apert!re.
LW7 7 U2" Aperture PAR-38
Bellectors: SpecLrlar A zak w t.r po ished se I f afgei
trnrrr 100$/ PAfi 38 VWFI [/]H opt cal y prec se c0ntour ng assures low brightness at
tamp tumcns bB00
normal v ewirg anglesi ur t zed 0ptics Semi specular
kick reflector
Lens: Assembled t0 rel ectOr trlmt heat res stant
I 1 1lz" s
MIltiple llnits: Footcandles on Wall"
corcave pr smatic O ass.
l9l mm
llniis 3 Feei from Wall Ballast: D
"l;p I 0 .r
encased and f I ed with a spec
V 'i1l p0^"r 'd ro,
a thenna ly cOfduct ve
How lo Specifyl
LW7 M+ PLW7P38
70H l0 /PAR38[r]l0rCcramcMH :mmm ifsLr atiof materiaL

W PLW7P38 10H 100\t PAR 38l,lH rr Cerdn I [4H

@ t\t 5t 5t 41 4ti 44 ctwl Specu ar C ear Ahak' Cofe w th While Se f F ange
@ u :t!l !! t9 3t 3t 3l
m Specu ar C ear
Alzak wlth P0 s red Se f F arle
'f l titFr, EBl. rB- l 13 lf l) fl Il lu ]ll
BKFI Elack A
Cone w
lh Polished Se f F ange
IBRW Specu ar ack A Core w th Wh le Sell F ange

Fl: Fuse l20V

F2i Ft)se 2ll\
EBI | 120t E eclr0n c Ba last l0r 1]erafl r [4H 1C0ns! t Fart0fil
E82: 2i7! E DclrDn c Ba last i0r lcram c [4H l0onsr t Farrortl I
fun l cirlti el-" l0wn qlrr yrLr feed r0 sperilr' bdh rlre Fel eci0r
TTB.sed or rilrlm mr nf 5 L

Calculiteo AA4P 4112" Aperture PAR-20
FTII) Luminaires :!
Adjustable Accent Li ghts =:
PAR-20, PAR-30 & PAB-38 MH Lamp 0" A mlrq Afq e A= 30' A m nq A.g e
DFC L 0 cFc L w W
1l iL PJP
8 46',284 t9 t6
rH,P 1l " lo ltsll 7

5 r11 6
l2! mftr
-1 li 15L-r26 rb 12
BErlr :rreil nr al , lElP 20' 70 : b' 3 5
63 r26 28 24',
16 97 11 31 32
tSaP ltl
How to Specifyl
i44!Ij! L!!!! 25 4b 44 !! 20'|5',45 47 40
:girr PAP:l I
AA4P @+ AA4P 35HD 39u/ PAB 20 lerdric MH
rlt I /\ 6rE732 32 5 2:l 158
l/\ 8',9443',43 t 40 B0
i!5!,l8lP l0' E! 54' 54 9 52 48 66 5E

l-Ft.4lq'E8z l t ]l',64',32 8]', B

PAAOP30 6" Aperture PAR-30 0'A mlr! Ans e A=30'Au gAr!e

:3ti,rN:t lir'lsl r5 187 26 26' t0' 58 273 23' 20
F!lly adjustable recessed dowl ghts provde accent
lghtlng 0r dowrlighling in sl0ped ce fgs Deep truncat
ed c0ne s integrated with ampho deI assuring 0w
brightness appearance, fu
adlLstability and optca
ntegr ty Top and bottom re amPab e.

Housing: Prepa nted ro ed and d e fOrmed stee wth
a umln!m coveTS; eve ling t0 cei fg lrom nside or
0!tside the hoLrsing, top re amp ng, l!nclion b0x lnte
gra to ho!sing for easy access, insta s n ceiL lgs up
to 1 1/B" th ck
tampholder Assembly: Die'cast a !m n!m and
stee yoke; die formed stee spr fgs cefter the fixed
pos t of lamp to aperture Accepts Prospec 4 3/4"
f ters and louvers, see page 2l
PAAOP3S 6" Aperture PAR-38 0'A ml qAr!e
Conesr Specu ar Alzak w th pa rted white 0r po litir'1fr:lll!l !l t0 ?80 26 26' 8', 46 284 28', 24
lshed se f f ange; optica y ptecise c0fto!r ng
,'-; ; = " T _ 20 I Z
' ,5" ,u,24 3! 3t t2 6I] 12612 U6',
assures low brightness at n0rmal vlewifg afg es, 571 mm
16 92 ir 50 4g',
Lrn t zed optics
\2r^ rLr !I
-2 fi .ilT 5
i|ii :!llll.i.t'! ilfl
ri 25' 4b 6 6' 6 6 20'| 5 45 71 jl
IYZ ltl,n :
Adiustabilityr 35'max mum f0r 4 1/2" apert!re 40'
maxlmum fot 6" aperture afd 45' 1or 7 3/B' aperture
Ballast: Dua lap 12A|D1U, h gh power factor,
IW''Jl-l l] r,*
d,ll mm
- : nif r.N $i

30' t2
Ir5:ii!:ir 16 63
8',750 43', 43',
ft 64 u4
8 8I 13 5! 6t 95
40'104 73', 62


f edwtha specia therma yc0ndLlc :8l] llll.flii '.lrlilri 20' 4010 i 10l 16 75_41t',t 9l
encased afd =
lLxouL 6IIr'16 fl{'r tur xl il f ll 15,1i8 Ug',39 10 58280:5 3u
livc insrlat of mater al. l71l m r
How to Specify:
-t, 53
r r5- 2o roo 53 45
r3' 15' 67115
66' 20 |5',65 7t 6t
,,-t,*, tiu,*.r' 25 64 66
Spec!lar Clear A zak witr Wh ie Se f FLafge AA6 FMSlr'l + PAA6P38 70H 70W PAB 38 [i]H 0r [eram I [r1H :NlP lllll.fil : l.llllr 30 44 7 9 7 ! 25 144 42B! i6',
Spec! ar C ear A zak \\i]lh Pol sfed Se f F afge l@ PAA6P38loH l00ul PAF 38 tulH '.r Ceramlc [4N .r'l,"t,\!tr [ 10 2]0 54, 54 8 46213 59 50
SpecLr ar B ack A zak w th Whlte Se f F ange .lL] 15'193 I0' :19 12 89 95 88 74
Bcirn slrNr 5l', lgl"
2! 5310 7 10 7' 16', 2', 5311 7', S g "o

Flr FLrse 120V

'f l F1;8. iBr, EB, I i,lll:lllll.f rl': ill! 25 34134134 20 115 rl4r46 124
F2: F!se 277V
EB1: l20VEectrnnr Ba aslforCeramic[4HlConsuttactoryl
E82: 277V E eriron c Ba last ior 1]eram t f./lH ll]onsu I tactory)
PAA7P38 7 t/2" Apenure PAR-38 0.AnrrnqA,qe A.30' A n iS Ar! e

lll;,|fr:llllll 1t 28| 72 24
2fi 26' 8 46 284
, _. ll
,'' 1? l'-1 :: l:
12 36 12 60 r2
q 0 " r"i'.b0 20' 70 5 3 5: 16 92 71 5b 4.9',
I lrrn rurd t:,i',:stl
F-ol eclor ard tlre Frrme ln ( t - l -BbA
r'Doo 20|5 457l 6l
t\ 8 , ;.c| t3 x. 1 35',212 51 43
qr D o4 o t0 40'104 73 E2
I 13 58 61 95 8O',
-l - q" : I )t] 4oo o 16 75 4111/ 99
v Howlospecifyr
ll0 mn
:, r 15'2o roo 53 53'
10' 58 280 35',
t5' 67115 5:
Reileclor +Frame LamP 25 64 66 66 20'ltt 657l 61
AATM+PAA7P38 70H 0 oaD 8lV 0 \' .0 ,j q
o\'o "60 \'' t. 25 144 42 88', 76',
m PAATP3s loH l]o DD " . ll n q 59 5l]',
uI q
B', 46 213
1. ", 30" i5'r93 Bo 3B 12',8! 88 74
tU t6'I?',53|t',I3
;rni[e:r trlll'ni' 21] 5310 7 1o 7'
@ 'i l f.lJZ. EB1, EBt l :Eli:llll. ': l5lllr 25 34134134 z0 115 34146 124
SRP30 6" Aperture PAR-30 Calcu liteo

I lr.: r
Ei4::W FIII) I-runinaires

17 12 r.- l.^.^' 0'-" A=:0' A nr rir A.!l e
A m nll An!
n -' ll^

" DFCLWDCFCLW Semi-Recessed
_ 16 ;,' lo o I
0 i9 ,a
lutout = 6 !/16
167 rn tsrir rrrn !:l,.l8lP ?5 jt 44 14 20'| 5 78 .t /' 4u
How to Specily: t-lF :t0J
CompleleLrminaire Lamp frr'4 1:Nri illi 30' 53 52'52 25'144 50 58 31
SNP 3OMH EBI i0U/ PAR 3l Ceram c LlH :""0 ,io r

1!! I tel 1120! ," edron c ba an oN yl

SRP 3OMH E82 70W PAE 30 [er.m c ['] l .r'..1 \ 10 70 73 73' 3 52'58 !] 76'
1277V e ectror c b! asi 0f y)
41 95 !5 12 119 32 122101'
itiP i Ji0
'tF B. EBi, EBt i lfL:i 1lH!rIiff 16 27]l6ll6 15 tJl ?u152 126

SRP38 7 3/S" Aperture PAR-38 n ,.4 , .5o:.

/". ia
l/<.) \L \\ t qq,,i*
l,.r '- ..:1,,,,r"
0'ArnrQAnse '\ 30'AnrnqAn{re
V FLr ly adjustab -" semi recessed accert d0wn ight gives

the appearance 0f a semj recessed track head Uses

Par 30 and Par-38 l\/eta Halide amps Par 38 !flt
lll;1'" Dtc L w D cFc t w accepts opt 0nal cube cell louver, pr0vides 45'c!t offj

,',: lr;,. ..
- 1.. 8 -' fr" lli it'jt1 X,t
\ "
15 I 3so re' r0o 58o 28{r
r78 q 35'n0'tl a s0 accepts additi0fa 4 3/4' diameter c0l0r 0r contr0l
media (AF4 ser es) (See page 21)
'i:.{ l
203nm leirjflerfri5ll.l8i:25 64 6 60 20trb 65 tt 61
How to Specily: tBtP roltr llorizonta adj!stmeft 358', vertical adjLrstmeft 45'
Conplete Luminaire tamp F;rrd rHr.rlSll 30 14 7! 7! 25':4! 4? 88 16 Ballast
sRP38t!,tH 100\rtpAF38[,iH. rtu.rrr.]H l,'!l;l;l
, /rn rn sq c4 B./:6 213 ae 5!
to D r.l ,o ,/0 . .V o ton". d ror. dgt p'
/\r! 80 r'r r" 8:r 95 88 74', stafdard F caf. 70W PAB 30 comes urith af e eclron
/ \ 15
c ba ast on \r.
l.;n :0 :id a: ! :liPr 20 53 1|7'107' t6 g2 5:117 9!'

'|l1.i2:E!LE3a ] flarflll: l-x iri! 25 34 r34 r:! 20'f 5 :4 146124' @

Fl: FLrse l20V
F2r F!se 277V
EBlr l2llV E eclrof c Balast for Ceranrlc l,4lllCofs!h Faclor\'l
E82r 277V Ele0tronic Ba lasl for Cerarnli LlH {CoIsu t FactorV}

SR7 6" Aperture T-6 l]0 p ete Lrm n. re s 0rdered as onc c:ta 0q ! her

Fu V adl!stable optics Lrse c0mpact 70W Cerrmic N4eta
Na de amps in a cho ce ol 20'spot or3l'x37" food
dlstribLrtiofs Wh te Jin sh.
Rellector:q,. 0 O -", ".'"oo" r. Spo o
flo1rd aislrihLrlinf

Lamp Shield: D e formed alLlmlnrm; "butteff y"

desigf sh e ds distract ng per phera brightfess LJse
w th spot rellect0r or y
Adjustable housing: Die cast a !mirum Tllts 0't0

,tr :i
B0" verllca y. White lin sh

Lamp guard: C ear ternpered glass lvleets amp

manulactuieis crileria f0r LJ V lilterirg Beta fed by
=: =: removal r
thfee sprlf.ts and notched for easy

rl'-51 0'AmngAr!c A=:l'Amn!Afqe Ballastr D" o 0---.,q po^ do I

l[7n ,, DFC L W D CTC tW 'd0 ,. E, =
1 "1 l^.8 " oa rJ "r
'u- 235/8 _ '

rr I I i
li!ll nm
uutort= lj gltE i
r0 19 67 ra 9' 5i 60 8i 5D Fl: -l
l6i Fr :.;m;!:;d a:"- il:P 13 l1 8 7 i Lt tZ A -q 31 ,' 1 7,!
T: F2i Ft)se 211\'l ,\
How to Specily: :.qit r 5,'rt EBl: l20VEc0tr0nicBa aslforCeramcfulHllansuLfu0t0r!i l:,
flalE:11:r-s : Irlll 16' :9 1!7 89 15 87 22 ll9 g3
EB2: 277V E ectron I Ba ast for Ceramrc lr,lH ll]onsu t Ftctoryl -
SRTJ CIV + SR7 7oclvl 70WT6D.L,h.l.ri,rMN I L8 I rc,l.]..
lBy lh ps.r d (jtl
s87K CM l'oor F0r a c0mp ete d0\"rni !th1 yrnr eil t0 5p.ociiy b0th rl.e
trr llF3frri5lilBir 16 6? 56 5! 13 l1 6t 62 53' flef ector and r c r-reir! nKI rU
iEiP I m"rl
FrJr. rBaT6-.l'eiHrr ll 20 40 71 ll 16 -ql 40 76 6t @
Calculite' CSSE/CPSE/CW8E Wide Beam {0pen [amp) ol utilization
Fei erlrr lsCL "/icei lnq 80 i20"ii 00rl

IIID Luurin aires -ame [SBE]lHf "i;Wa 50 30 lL

Lr,mo 100!! ED 17 MH .9 I 61 60 !1
tmptumens 800! 5 ! s3 5r ag
18" tnLrl \r\8tls 126 :. 5 47 11L/44 4l
157 flnl lr9 i
l, Fn lr o 8
P l.o

['lL] p! !llt1!l
Surface Cylinders How to Specify:
Bellector + Frame" tamp
ng n 1r
\rrratls =
on F0ot Per
8" Diamelel cr@ + CS8t70HF /0WED l7 l/H 0rCeranric[4 ]' Cenle cand es S! ll
B CSSE l0HF i01l\r! ED l7 [/]l 0r Celamir tu]H' G r2i 3!0 ?
@ 8_ 7t I It/
9 j6 I55
1l' 46 I lb
"r I ts--j 1? 32 01lll

Coetlicienls of lJliliu ation

CSSF/CP8t/CW8t Wide Beam {Enclosed [amp]
H-,fcctor llBtL ]lqqL!!80 lZu"i; oorL F

Fhnra CSBFlllHti :i, i! 5LlLrl]

Laqr r 00,rV t0 ll MH 9l6rEilt9 Et
1 l!!lp Lunrerl 80u! I trl
t8' !]!!!!{a ! l?! -5
';t4rt7t! 41 44 41
457 nrnl Lurn n. re trnrqfi 4ll!f
Efl rLer.! 54 91i o{r 38 3a 32
qlcaryr!?lL i! !f![ E",
!!!q!!rBal!r lq ro :3 !! ?7

703 nnr
tu]! r]r D Llr ts T
""cs8 How to Specily: =
lnc .\
Laflp lcoaledr
ffovat ve manulactul fg makes tllese cy fderc0mpalt,
!,vh e rcreas ng the size of the !mef package !tilized E + csBFT0HG Tlli/ tD i/rBD ll llH,ir ftrin r l"rll" Cenler candles Sq Fl

Special heat-s rk design a ows up to l00W I a B"

B CSsF 10HG l00L\rtU 'ji3! l7 i'lF 0r l-" I [ll" 6
d ameter cy ndeL S!itab e for damp locat 0ns 9 56 l:5
l| 4u l lli
Beflector: 16 ga. Specu ar Alzak' alum fum (w th
U V reslstaft, non fad rq lin sh) 50" cLlt-ofl to amp
'f- ] r3- --1 12 32 088

and amp mage

Coefi icients of Ulilizalion
Cylinder: Seanr ess 0 093" a !min!m, wh te baked cssG/cP8G/CW8G Narrow Beam {0pen Lamp)
[efleqtor Ugl-L 9'.[e rq 80 120% ou] F

erame f nish llral 50 :l l[

Ballast"Heat Sink Assembly: C0re afd col ba asl ffif]1 !I!I!q
L.nrp tuncrs
r0l\r! ED 17 ['j[ 91504348
,1T tJ Ju
attached w th screws l0 alLrmln!ft1 sand-cast heat ,
b rut \rydlr! 126 >r 42 10 ltg
slnk Heat sifk weided t0 cy nder Ba ast rated f0r !!!!a re tunens !t!?:n l5!! Era.r3736
Elt. crc,i o838liil5
c ass B, soufd rated app lcations.
M EilL.a.,/ !t I20! 3a x
Ballastr Dual tap 120/277V, c0re afd c0ll aLltotrans
former, h igh power factor
I 11
ADDlication Dala
!q tP\\/
06 ro
=l -36
35 i3 32
Candlepower Curve
How to Specily: Spirf rg n tl. r"{ratls =
fCLl Soecu ar C ear A zak' llef ecto r. lool Per ;
m Specu ar B ack A uak l]one E+ CSSG 70Hr 70!VED l7 l N 0rCcraricuH' Llnter c:nd es St Ft

mB al]k l\ilLrft GrDov. Bafl e E

CSsG 1oHF 1ll0\4" tD l7 lllH 0r CDramlc [r]H' 6
@ _
Sr SLrpp emeftal amp
tr -'.. 12 26 !B8

cnrp ete ci rd-oryou need tr !pcc fy r0thlre RPIlcctor cnefi icienrs ol Ulilizalion
F0r a
cssH/cP8H/cw8H liarrow Beam (Enclosed [amp)
and the cv lrder bod!
For Pendant. chanqelhe cvlinderbody numberl0 CP8
FDrWall Brackel, chanqe lhe cylinder b0dy number to
",;Wa b0 3ll lL
]a!l{ e I s0 49 4!r
I I Basel0n!11 r60 F{rrnlRCF=21, 80,50,201: cef elldnccs , \-
ll,\,' ;.

t\ frl fll osld ur !!
{r Srariard arrDs enr ra ras nrt cper?le n

EIcaryr!?lll 28tPW E 9 36 34 :3

I " UsDs nafdard [r]H amDsf0rrse nenroseC fuqcriBato !! E r0 35 33 11

unr ares I suard s .c ud3d
-l ass

ADDlicalron Data Candlepower Curve
v How to Specily:
Spaclr! 1a
e Lln ls 1 LBCE=3]
n Wdlls =
I lrer
C8 E +CS8Hi0HG 70l[t! irB!rl[4H0rlererrl/]H" [erter rand es Sr] lt

llt m +CS8H l0HG l00lr :N llr 8N ll r,'lH 0r aeranr I l/lH" 6 102 ll 5u

m B 58 137
tU 9 45 rIL
r0' 37 l/l
@ "r- -.1
ls I ',t 26 0 88
cslzBlcP12 B/CW 128 Wide Beam Coefiicients ol Utilizaiion Calculite@
frel Cl2C! %le nq 80 {20% F rorl
Hll) l,rrnrinaires
Frame CS]2B]THG liiwa I 50 30 l0
Linrp l75W ED 28lvlH .: 1 65 63 62

22 rru \raus 205 - 5 4l !! !q
559 mm tum ia re Lume.s 11210 i I 40 36 33
-l 80" o B
". t9
r .t E , / /.
t p" qo"o ,r 0 0 o
*1?L Applicalion Dala

How to Specityl
Lamp (coared)
ng ln t a
t0 -o Llnits I 1FCF=31
Surface Cylinders
on Foot per
l2" D iameter
c12 @ + CSl28 17HG 175W ED28 / BT28 [IH. lnter cand es Sq
csl28 25HG 250W ED28 / BT28 t"4H.


"r l|_. .l
16 3t 080

'lon'h.r*,,, "*cP12B
95 mm


fnovative manufactur fg makes these cylifdets c0m

pact,wh e ifcreas fg the s ze 0fthe Lrmen package
!tllized Spec aheat sifk design a lows irp to 250W
10ver 20,000 lumens) making it the sma est, hlgh 0utp!t
, d" a."rl"bLp 5t "
o, can p o o or
Bellector: 16qd Spp L" a ol a, r - po
vldes w de beam d stribut on.

Aperture Cone: l6 ga Specu ar Alzak' a um n!m

(with Ll.V resistaft, n0r Jading fln sh).55" c!t off to
amp and lamp image

Cylinden Seam ess 0.093" a um n!n, white bakd

ename f fish.
Ballast-Heat Sink Assemhly: Coie afd co ba ast
attached with screws t0 alum nLlm sand cast heat
sink Heat slnk we ded to cy lnder
Ballast: Dual tap 120/277V c0re and coll autotrans
lormer, h gh power factor Ba ast rated for c ass B,
soLnd rated app cat ons

Finistt 0otions {see paqe 25f

El SpecLr ar C ear A zak Ref ector
lBRl Specu ar B ack A rak Coie
lMGl B ack l,4Lr ti-croove Baff e

S: Supp ementa amp

F0ra c0mp ele ry ndery0u reedt0 spcr fy both rhe Bel".r10r

and the ry nder body I
**For Pendant. change the cylinder body nurnber to CPl28.
For Wall Brackel, change the cylinder b0dy number to
I Sdsed 0. 60 x 6ll F00m {EIE = 2]r 8il/50l2il% Belle.bnces
' Uses stand. d NIH amps lor use n enclosed um n! res
6 ass suard ls nc ured

Calculite HID General Accessories, Options and Wiring

Mounting Bars and CliPs UL Listing

Calculite um naires are shipped wlthout mouft ng All luminaires are IJL listed for through branch
bars or clps. For suspended cei ngs use Cat. No. circLrlt wlr ng with maximum of I 14 ln
4 o!r) No.
lg50 or 1951, plus 1956 T Bar c ps, if deslred. 0r 12 supp y 90'C rated cofd!ctors Sultab e for
use bars or channe s by others. damp locat ons.

18' Lonq, set of 2 bars. (0rder separately) 1950

Care and Maintenance ol
2/ Lorq, sel ol 2 bars. {0 der sepdralFly) 1951

\ T-bar Clips anchor 1950 or 1951 to T bars.

Alzak' Reflectors
Set of 4 clips. (order separately) 195 ll handllnq of reflectors with Alzak' fnish ls
required, the Lrse of c ean white or plastic fiLm
gove, is r"' o rne-d"o .o dJo d lrqelo': 1"
Thermal Protection Al,aF surrar es car o" ' leo eo b\ .rp orowinq
methodsr Wipe ofi with soft c ean, dry lft free
A!l recessed Calculite Llminaires are therma y cloth; or wlpe off wlth a solt cloth dampened n
prore..eo ' dcco dd-ce w _ \dl o al I e(n - mild detergeft so Lltion, rinse, then wipe dry with
Cod e and UL requirements. lft-free cloth or paper towe; or wlpe off with
cLean cloth dampened with a so Llt on oi wettlfg
Chicago Plenum (LC) age_] d 0 wa e .su' l' a. 2 ot oe oa o-
D'u o_
lMost modular construction Calc! ltes are avai- Marked Spacing 162-LF" by Wynandotte Products) or liquid s!ch as
abLe with constrLlction approved for use Glass Wax' then wlpe dry !\r th a
nt_free cloth or
ln addition to other standard lnsta ation nstruc paper towe Avoid qritty cleanin! agents.
Chlc aq o Alr Plen!m. Cofsu t your L ghtolier repre'
t ons and rnarkings, a lvlarked Spacing, 400W
Metal Halde Calculite bears a labe lndcating
that rhe lunrlfalre is not lor resldential use afd
Fuse (Fl, F2) that speclfled spac ngs must be maintained Genesys
betvveefl The Calculite' prodLrcts and photometry featured
ln Lif e fusei
F1 120 volts 1) centers of adjacent luminaires:3 feet in thls catalog are incorporated into the electron
F2 277 volts 2) the Lrrn naire center and side wall: 1 l/2 feet ic database of LightoL er's GENESYS tighting
3) the rop of the l!mlna re and any overhead Workstatlon. GENESYS permits the des gner to
buildlnq members: 3 nches seLect prod!cts by qenerlc descr pt on and to cal'
Sloped Ceiling Adapters Luld_e d w de d_qP o g-1rng doo ( allonc us o
For mountinq Ca culite downlights in the proper the stored photometry. CAD interface, prolect
orientatlon if
sloped ce llngs. Heavy gauqe, Electronic Ballast (E81, E82) management, and doc!mentaton are just a few
se f-flanged alumlnum adapters ln matte white lin- E ectronic ba asts are available on many 39W tasks the GENESYS makes sirnple. Ask yo!r
ish are available for six common ceilings sope 70W and 100W l\,4etal Ha lde franres. Cons! t your Lqnlo e epr"'F_IaL!eIorao"-ronsIId o

ang es. Adapters are !sed wlth compJete !mi_ Lighto ler representative for avallab lty. The slan_
nalres onlv, ordered separatelV. Specify adapter dard Electronic H D l\/letal Ha lde ba ast uses ow
cata og number and adapter slope suffix. Examp e: frequency, constant wattage squale \,1ravc
Ad"p-er o
D-aD ser Fs
20' "looeo cer|ng is techno ogy. The benefits of a stable power so!rce
79201\,4 F are onger lamp lfe and greater color stabl lty ln A ballast systems emit some nolse, which may be
add tion, ow startin! c!rrents permit more l!ml a!dible dependinq on lumina Te mountifg and

Apetture Compatihle AdaPter Adapter na res on a sing e circ!lt. PAR 30 Ceram c l\,4etal 'pd. ng. , elr lrg lyoe a d
oon a.o .l ' s
S:ze Complele Calalog Suffix Ha lde Lamps onJy avalab e with eiectronlc bal_ Whetherthe no se is obiectloiable d epends most-
Lrm. Series Number lasts. lV on the natule of the space and the amount of
ambent noise. Lighto er !minaires have been
4 112" MC 5" e,ted o \oireC-lel ddlonee cd'cB' llel a
MD 10"
ME 15" Dimming
MF 20'
l\,4anv Ca c! ite unlts can be Llsed w ih Wide'Llte Gustom and Modifications
MG 25'
DL7A, DL7C, HJD contro s. Consu t W de Lite for deta s.
MH 30"
DL7E, DL7I, .o tarn( d w op raloe o .1 -a ec
This cara,oq
DL7G, OL7H, a"d d dge .-lbe'o lrr.nd fl'' opions
D L7V LDTV Color Shift Nevertheless, ceftain projects may Ieq!ire fon_
standard product, which Lightoler cai ably han_
8314" All [/]eta Ha lde lamps experlence co oT shlfts as dle on a proiect basis. P ease cons! t the factory
10" they age. Co or shitt may be exacerbated by input ior a discussion on the alteTnat ves.
voltage varlat on. And there may be some lnlt a
12' DL128, LD]2D
var ation l.e new lamps as well. This ls a general
characterlstlc of the soulce ltse f and slrould be
I considered when se ecting the llght ng system

Calculite ProSpec HID Accent Light Accessories

Color Filters (4 3/4" dia.)

Descri0lion Cataloq No. The accessories shoun on this page offer ud.ditional
Primary Colors:
Jlexibility to the CalcuLite ProSpec fumily of ad.justuble

uctent lights. Neu non-diffusing Color Fihers and

Bl! e

Secondary Colors:
Speciahy Fihers are rimless tempered glass. Light tr'rost
I\rled Lrm IMaq enta ,AF4t\,1 t\,1

BlLre-Gr-"en fthers soften beam pu.tterns uith,ou.t loushing out inten-

Ye ow G reen
Med um-Amber AF4I\,1A sity. Per;meter Frost Jihers softly diffuse edge of bearn
lvlixing Colors: uhile maintairting center beant candlepou;er. Rimmed
S!rprise P nk AF4SP
Liqht Straw stainless steel screen, sets block light from 15 to 61 per-
Stee Blue AF4SB

cent, nithout ch,unginp; source col,or temperature. MatLe

Day ight
Liqhr Plnk
black hex cell and cube ceII louters prouide additional
Mlxinq Colors are shown in the two co or combina
tions that mix to the relatlve white light
Dayliqht F ter 1M red Shift of l37l converts:
brigltntess control.
2800"K source to 4500'K
3000"K so!rce to 5100'K
3200"K so!rce to 5700'K
zl 311 inch diameter accessurLes can be userl uith any

6 inch or 7 112 inth uperture Prospec accent light.

Filters and Louvers (4 3/4" dia.)
Tno color or specialty Fihers can be useel sintultane-
Description Calaloq No

ously, except any c ornbiruation of tuo of the follouing

Syrnrnetr c 55 deoree AF4SY
colors: RetI, Green, BIue, Med. Magentu or Blue-Green.
Asymmelric 5 x 55 degree AF4AS
Liqht Frost AF4LF
Perlmeter Frost AF4PF

Specialty: Refer to accessory specifi.cation sheets or your Lightolier

U trav o et Reduction AF4UV
lnfrared Reduction AF4 R raprese n t u t i ue for more i nformat ion.

Liqht Elockinq Screens:

Set of four:
12)15% B ock ng
(2)40% B ock nq

Ce Black
Crrh-" [,4anc AL4CC

AuriJiary, Supplemental Lighting Emergency and Starting Confitions

HID Emergency Iighting lor Becessed HID Luminaires(E)

IVlany Ca c! with an Auxiliary or Ernergeicy
te HID down lghts are aval ab e
A tungsten halogen ampholdet lwithout the sw tching dev ce) ls prov ded
tLrnqsten-ha oqen mlfl caf socket as a standaTd variant. HID cylnders are
with the !minaire for attachment to an AC 60 cyc e polver supply. Power
avalab e with a SupplementaltLrngsten ha ogen system as a standard vall'
supply by others.
anl. Reler to speclf catiof sheet A/E/S tor details.

Supplemental Lighting lor Cylinder Luminaires (S)

Auxiliary [ighting lor Recessed HID Luminaires(A] A minl can socket and sw tching dev ce, (for Lrse w th a I20V t!ngstef_halo_
H.l D. arnps require a "warm'up" period ol5 to l0 minutes to reach full out_ gen amp), operate the tuf gsten-ha ogen dur ng cool_off to re stan per od f
put. Add tionally, when these amps are ext fquished they musi coo for 5 to the H D arnp qoes o!t due to a temporary power outage. The tLlnqsten_ha o-
l5 minltes before they will relight. 0Lrlage can be caused by momentary gen larnp remalns on unt the H D lamp starts. Atthis tlrne the tLlnqsten_ha o-
power la !Te, sLrbstant a voltaqe red!ct on or cycle changes. gpn arprssw c eoohd ot-e llDt"-tD-end son.
To provide a minimLrm level of illumlnaiion, a mini-can socket and so id state Note:The S!pp ementa system is not emergency light ng and wi on y oper_
switchlng device, (for !sewith a l20Vt!ngsten-halogen amp) operate dur ate when there is power to the lumlna re.
lng initial N. .0. Iamp warm-up, or co d off and-restaft period. The Supplementa system is available ior elther 120V or 277V branch circ!lts
The tunqsten-ha ooen Jamp remains on !ftilthe HID lamp reaches approx _ with a ba asttapsuppivinq l20Vtothetunqsten-haogen amp
marely 60% of ts light output.
Note: The auxiliary is not emergency ghting and will ony operate when
there ls power to the lumina re. The AllX system ls aval atl e for e ther 120V MODE OF OPEBATION
or 277V branch circu ts \,1r th a ballast tap s!pp ying 120V to the tLlngsten_ ]tll
haloqen lamp. INITIAI- START:
r't!r, H.l.D lamp energlzed and tLrfqsten ha ogen atnp is off.
N.l.D lamp starts warm fq !P


H.l.D lamp and tungsten halogen lamp both ener
gized. H.l.D arnp starls warm ng up; tLrngsten ha o
qen lamp atfLr outp!t.
HlD. arnpatfull outp!t;tungstef-ha ogen lamp oJf.

tr't H.l.D amp and t!ngsten-ha ogen arnp both energlzed.
H.J.D Lamp too hot to start;tunqsten-ha oen lamp at full
oltput. After H L.D. amp coo s down and starts, cycle
H.l D. amp reaches approxlmately 60% light ourpLlt;
tunqsten-halogen lamp switched off.
.,C\ begins as n " ilt a Stan' above.


/\ l-l.l.D lamps at 100% lqht oltput



H lD. lamp and tunqsten-haloqen amp both ener_
gized. H..D larnp too hot to start; tungsten ha oqen
lamp at fu outpLrt. Atter H.l.D amp coo s down and
stafts, cvc e beqins as n "Ln t al Start above


Starting Conditions
All maqnetlc bailasts operate with a starting cLrrrent, cons derab y more than
the operat nq current, circuits shoLr d be sized accordlfg y

Ballast ANSI Voltage Max. lnput

Code Amps Watts
39W r,,'rH 1,4130 1201211 0 90/0.40 56
70w t\4H N/98 12v211 1.S0/0.80 95
100w t\,,]H N/190 12a/T1 2.60/1.15 13!
t50w N/tFt N/1102 12t/211 3 65/1 58 185
I r75W IVtFt M57 12AlT1 Bo/! Bl 210 1

,.t "torLDl2 250W MN MsB 1201211 2.5A11 12 253

ur See pa gc l3 for lnstal alion requ remefts. 400w M t [,45S 120121t 4ADl1]A 455
I 70w HPs s62 1201277 I 45/0 65 94
t00w HPS s54 1201211 2 20/0.95 128
-l 1s0w NPS S55 1?AlTl 2SA/1.25
2 SA/1.25 lBB

How to use

Calculiteo DL6A 6" Aperture (0pen Lamp) Cnefi iniPnrs nl UrilDaiion

H ll) l,rrnrin:riles

0pen Downlights
Medium Beam I,/ \::'' r:
tl ,;,',; -', Ell rar! ar
Spa. ri Hano
120! 34 LP\!
': r
11 4r
ll 37


0.* Candlepower Curue

I 0.,1d,1= 6
How to Specily:
rm \'lL iIeLlrils i -a-
Sta. rq \|atts
rr f_.01 ter
Dt6A@+ DL6A 70HC,0!i, E! l/ f.'ll] Dr C.rim. LIN'
@ DL6aloHc r00]]\'ED riMF.ra-aim, Mu. r9! l!q
@ DL6A TosA 70,\/L'irIl/UPS
m 0L6A 10SA 1001,1,/ E l7 r 8 l7 PPS

m t0
'fa, a l Irc,al fl, Fr, EBl, EBrl

8a 8b t1 10

H gh efficiency l!mina re provides ght ig ior genera 1

dool "0 o/b,J " oo d ".\L .L'" o (l,Lbr ! fl i,i,,r

45" v sLa 0pef rcf cctors \,/it r ancdiLm beam 32 3
111d, r ,r'

dislr bul on prov de more pLrnch al same spac ng lhan

w de beEms 0pen amp des gf al ows um faire to be 4
po e.relamped
I t tl r '' -_
Reflector: l6 ga Specu a. Al?ak'alrm n!m 1w lh
U V res slaft, non ladif! f n shl 45'cul olf to amp 4b ll, llt, r,r rn,l lrrni rtri, . ltr rhi. hn,ill 11 r,r!,' alr al iltr (L,rrll-
ard lamp mage 5 l.L,'i",LL',,l,rr,-i,,, -: -i,1.,',,l r,,, \,\\- 1,r.[, & tr'li]irLl
Trim: Se fJ an!ed matte write fif sr covcrs ccl rg 6 I r ,'i"r . ilrrLu',.-ir.\ r iLl,
open ig withoLrl ghl eaks. A so aval able wllh po ',.r',!1,, '1tr.
.t.d " q"d ro.rr",od"t .. q 7

lfie d pa rtab e l 8 O'(1.' , ! !ui,l,. li,, , !,i'ri rL,. ,l,n,rrl lI r1r

Mounling Frame: ll e fornred stee,l6 !a verticalv \rrInrl r,, rr, r\ li, lL ,, 11,, ,,, r'rl . l. ,. !,.
' '
or enled for rnar mum r g r ly Comes wilh 4 mounl . 1,, l,r 1,, , nLil,irl i,Ltrr
in! brackets to accept sta rdard 3/4 0 I atrlr0 l/2 . rrrr,, rtrL,sL, ,rrnh.
chafie s lby otfers) or l/2
E[/]T pipe lby othersl or . l,-,,r1ni,,, ,j (,, i'L! nf'lN
option. mo!nl ng bars 11950 or 1951,see paqe 20 ) strL ili, , r,1i {tr.,1ri1.,1,1, i,'i I il- tr,1i, r r, ,'rl,1L,,i \ .frl l.,,t,r ,i r-
Ballasl/Junclion 8ox Assembly: Ba asl and spl ce r,1t!ir, 1,,, .
ll, ,,1 ,,1,,
, !,,1 .

box 0n l6 ga. p ate Bal ast assemb y s mounted orl

8b St" ili ,'1,1i r'. 11r lll], 1,,r I r .li,li, L l ,rri'
snap ofi !nction box cov-"r 1,r'hich is accesslb e tronl
be ow w tfoLrt tools for nspectiof afd rep acemert I (i.111,l,r,r. n I rl l?,il tr' ill
i\llr L, sh1,1l ,r,,, r ,.nrr, + rirltl,.l rrhnrr
Ballast D!a tap 120/'277V high power factor
efcased and fi ed \/ilh r spec a therm! ly conduc
' ",,lrl, ,, ,""'
t ve lsLrlatior materia \,,,,1 lLinirL.rr.\\,,,, ri l^ti. rr 'rL', \ Irf,l, h,f,1s \ I I \l .l:
l, nlrl, \ $iLltli ,,1 r"r,i
ffi Spear ar I er:r A nk w th Whllr Sc f I anqc ' l.l.l: l.i! I lrF- [,(r,) ,l rl+ r iLr, L,,fi i ,, t{,1iir ,, ]. l,il[.r 1.,(1, ,. i,, i rl
@ Stecu ar I ear A /dk w rh P. shed I irlqe S-D F
4a Lrirniirt ,Lir Ll, Irt, rrlnrr
E Specu ar C e!r A zi,( Helector lo
m Spec' ar B ack A:al Cnne
@ B ack [/]u ti Groo\'e Bafi e l1
.l',, 1,tr,1,!r,,)1',',llit'l, L iLL"r',-11 \rr\iri:r-l,r,ijji.irL!r)lr'\r)l) i,,ri
tC: Ch.ago P -.num 12
A: Aui iary t ghtlrg .l0Lt): \1tr,'l rnr1,rrrlLirrrl r lrr i rl,, Jr^rL
E: Emer0enc,/ Lanrr . l.L i'ti L"' r., -: l, I rl L',rF
4b .lft{,1 \\,1, ,rL(,-l,rLlr- ,,rs",,t, ,,,1[ni],!lrL:,rn,l
Fl: tuse l?0V li,ttsnt t,r:t l:l
F2: .1 ,'.' , 1"
hrse 277V
. l.l il i,ri r: 11.,, !, riiLit,,l l r'f t, l.,Lf n.L','trilll tL l,r Irnilji.rirr rt
EB2: .l.lfiilrrl:l.LLlir,rLi,r'L rr.-+lr i,r triLr-|!.rn1ilit, l,rLr f,rirrll l.rrrn.l,r\\nLr
. Sl,itr i r lixl ,,: 51',( rili,rli,r\lll l,' irlrLt, t,ri =\1.\. ri r.r, 't r!l,r,r,r, r,t r!
t Bi!:ilr f 60 \40 FD.mlFL_F=? tilr50r20l Bele.tarej . \Lr I'nnr t[]!rfLl,,trrl...!r'(rllLLLrrr(11rn(L(L(-igndlr.i,,!,. 1r hnln -l
' Llres amps
*p{ ? rdes qied l0 Ne r olei !fl ]a rer
[]lF;npst.reroser rm ra ?;{ rotoperaE i (irr.,,,l !1,- 11tr Ll,ir I,ri,
"U!:! nanddd l/l airrs 1x !\: r er | 0sed .nr rJ re! E ri I
"N0tE Noi ava ab,e io Ch caoo P enr0r I

High Intensity Discharge lamps

The f0llowing is a selection 0f metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps that may be used in Calculite HID fixtures. A1l Metal Halide lamps
are c0ated except the ToW T6 for Tanqent. "Enclosed Luminaires 0nly" Metal Halidelampswi ln0t operate in "0pen Lamp" fixtures.0nlY
"0pen 0r Encl0sed Luminaires" type lamps wjlL operate ln these fixtures.

lile c dk.

Ceram c llela lla d? i'AB Larnps

39 PAF21] fu PHTPS tDM35i PAB20i FL/3( Mr30 lkd um 9000 6.000 30 3000 8l
]9 PAB2O SP PI] L PS COM35i PAB21]/SP/ 3K Mt30 [1ed rm I000 28000 t0 3 000 8l

PAB31]IFt PHTPS CDM35]PAB31]UFI-/3K I'1130 Medrm I000 8900 30' 3 000 8l

PAR31]ISP PHtfs CDI35/PAB3I]L6P/3K Mt30 Medrm 42.000 l0' 3000 81

PHTPS [1]43/ M98 6000 I000 40' 3 000 83

PAR30t Ft 1]DM/OPAB31]UM/FL'3K MedLrnr

PAB30t Ft GE l]MH/I]/U| PAB3O!40 lr98 thd m 6 000 / 000 40' 3.000 85

PAB31]ISP PHt PS CDIL{/0/PAffi0L]M/ SP]3K L4l43 / lLl98 Medlum 6.000 62000 10' 3.000 83

i0 PAF31]I SP l]E 1]I,IHIOII],'PAffiOLN 5 M98 llhd unr 6.000 25000 ri 3 000 85

l0 PAR3OI tu' 0stsYt MPD/0PAi30/rN/ui 830i Fr M98 I'hd urn 6,000 r.600 3i 3150

70 PAF31]I SP' 0SISY MPll/0PAR3Oi tNlU/830/SP M98 lL{erlrm 6.000 46500 3 r50

/1] PAB38 \IFt PI]tPS IOM/1]/PAR38AVFU3I1 Mt43/M98 [1edum /500 5.000 60' 3 000 sl
/1] PAR38 Ft PIILPS C0[1/0iPlB38rtU3K r,ll43i M98 Medrm / 500 18000 25' 3 000 8l
/O PAR36 Ft GE [Ml]70i Ui PAR38/10 ll98 [hd rm 6 000 i0000 40' 30D0 85

/O PAR38 SP PHtiPS I]DI,IIl]/ PAB38/ SP]3K [1]43i M98 fuhd rm t 500 50.000 l5' 3000 8l
/1] PAB38 SP i]E I]MN/O]UIPAR38]]5 Lig8 Medrm 6000 50.000 t5' 1000 85

]OO PAB38 \'r'FL PHTPS CDlLllO0/PAR38llFU3l( Mr40 / 90 l,ledium r0000 000 7 60' 3.000 113

100 PAB38 tu 9HtPS CDI'll00]PAR38/FL'3K Mt40I N90 l ed unr r0 000 000 25 25', 3000 83

100 PA 8tu CE CMH]1]O/U]PAR38/4O M90 |,led unr 6.000 20000 40' 3000 85

]O1] PAF38 SP PH PS'DM]I](]/PAB38]SP]3K Mr40/ M90 10000 70000 15 3000 83

GE l[1H]00iU/PAR38lls M90 lkdum 6000 60000 ]1 30C0 85

Nared l lial Boan color

B6e tile Lunms SFFd Temp. CBI

lhou6) lKellin)

00"'n Flure ED 17 CeErc fukla Ha de Lamos

ED-ll cl]aled
Fl 17 mderl

PS 1]Dl.lP701Cil/ /3K
l'1140 / 1,190
r2 500

i00 3.00c

!r{ r\ed F,.tr e ED 17 BD 17 Lrram I lLlltr H,r d- L,rmts
70 El-lTmared PHIIPS CD[l70/CiU]l/3( Mr43I r 98 i'led unr r0 000 6 200 3000 83

/0 ED-limaEd PHtPS Ct[170i0]llill,.rK Mt43I M98 I'led un r0 000 5.800 3S00 92

l0 BD lTmat?d GE Cl'iN70/Ci Ur830/MtD M98 l,{ed un /500 5.8S0 3 000

li]0 ED llrmled PHLPS IIM]1]i]]C/U]M Mr40/ M90 lkdum r2500 s200 3 000 85

r00 ED rlioded PULPS iDMr00,UL]i[ri4( Mr40/[190 [1ed rm r0000 8/00 3 900 92

100 8! rlmaled GE l[1N]l]0lCiL]rMtD M90 Medrm r0.000 8740 3000 85

70 TifiJirited PHIIPS [Dl,lr0,/TD/830 [1] 39 / M85 R/S r2 000 6 200 3.000 82

GE I]MH/0,{D83O/RIS N85 RiS r0 000 6200 3,C00 85

'N0r-aermr Ar Tr[e hgrrN0rrerd (i i0la ii dePAR amp

'' S?e palr 22 lfi a( d I ona ilomalion 0n Slai ng l0rd 1 0 n

Meral Halide tamps-Convenlional

00" '0rpd("n" obP dd.d loedl
70 ED17/I!4FD N,l98 4800 2900 l5 15,000
100 E0t7/r\itD N490 7S00 2900 l5 r5,000
r50 ED17/N4E0 [,1102 12 000 2!00 15 15.000

1A PAB38/t/tE0 SKT [498 3500 3200 75 I500

r00 PAB38/t/lE0 SKT t\490 5500 3200 75 8,500
r50 PAB38/IVlED SKT lvr 02 8800 37{t0 15 8.500

Erc osed Lumina res Only, Coated

I 7r [D]7/VIED MS8 5300 3200 70 12 000
1!0 017/l"1ED N190 8500 3200 70 15 000
,\ r50 EDIT/N'IED N4r02 12.500 3200 70 15000
{r r75
ED28 BT28/M0G
10 000
I 400 FD28,8T28/[/]0G t\,45S 36 000 :600 70 20.000

Hiqh Pressure Sodium tamps-Ditfuse Coated
70 ED17/MF0 s62LN 70 5860 2r00 21 24,000
1l ED23 r/2 /MoG s62MF 70 5860 2100 21
r00 ED]7/MED s54SH r00 8800 2100 21 24.000
I 100 80231/2 /[,10G S541,/lC 100 8800 2100 21 24,000
150 Et23 r/2 /[40G s55MD r50 t5.0oil 210(l 21 24.000
||t Limp dat! sho\\'n s typica C0nnr t lamp mafulactu er ior avaiab ly 3nd pcfformance.

Trims and Reflector Finishes

Calculite HID High-Performance Reflectors

T0 manufacture Calculite HID reflectors. Lightolier uses only the best high-purity aluminum alloy available. Beflectors are first
spun t0 the precise optica I sha pe, then p0lished to the d esired spec ula rity, and then anodized to brig hten and sea I the aluminum
aqainst corrosion.

Clear Specular Alzak6 with Whiie Black Specular Alzakc

(t D
Self'Fla ge
C ear Specular are ihe most popular
Specu arB ackAlzak provdesthe
owest br!lhhess poss ble, rduc ng
qreat v source identiiicatiof in the
afd readily avai ab e reflectors for
ceil nq. Gnera lV icht loss is aboLrt
Ca cu ite H D down ishtin! systms
20% lor point source lamps,
ThV provdeth hiqhestefiicienc es White Painted FIanqe
10 15% for PAR anrps compared to
from th ifsralled source, visua ly A 5/8" ntegralfange, pa med matte
C ear Specu ar A zak'
nteqrating with rypical ref lcror f n- white, is avaiab e on selected Ca culit
BKW- Comes with while painted
lshes ol parabo ic ouvred HlDirims.We use a precise nraskirq
BKP Comes with black Alzakd pol- technique to assur there is no over
ished self-flanse spray on th refecrlng
Clear Specular Alzakd wiih Polished
BK- Comes with white molded lirn
rjnq Polished Flanse
A 5/8" integralf anAe, polishedto
Provides al the features of Spec ular
match the reflector interor. is available
ClearAlzak'p rs a self ovr ap Seamless Nlatte Black on se ctd Calculite HID tims.
flan0e, polished to maich rhe iellec Aluminum lMuhi-Groove
" Consult your Lighto/ler.presenraive
I\,4u i-groove aperlure lrlms provrde a Jor otherfinishes notshown
seam ess mall b ack a um num baf,
Clear Specolar Alzak!
1e that captures stray light ln ts pre.
cis saMooth profile They jrrodrc
Comes with molded whit tm rin!
vry low brightness, idealfor low
which can be easily pa nred in rh nraintef ance aras. General y light
oss s about 20% for po nt source
amps, l0 l5% for PAF amps com-
While Rellectorwith White
pard to Clar Specular Alzak. Trim Rinss
IVIGW - Comes wiih white A 7/l6 molded polycarbonate trirn rinS
painted llanqe is our standard derail selctd. The r ng
A matte white p6inted ref ector n,irh
white overlap flanqe that DrodLrces a MG Comes with white m.ldcd trim is reta ned bVthe sliqhtlip ofthe rellec
p easin! transition with mosr ce ling ring tor The moldedtrim ring can be easily

Cat. No Page Cat. No Page Cat. No Page Cat. No Page Cal. No Page Cal. No Page
AA4P35HD 15,r 6 DL4PCLW t0 DLTAl\i1G 8 DL9ACtW 11 EtsCLW 12 PLW6P3SION 15
AA4PCLP 16 Dt6Ali]SA DtTCll]HA t0 Dt9BBKW 1l LDTV]OHA 13 PLWTP3BlOH l5
AA4PCtW 16 0t6470HC DtTCIsHA 10 DtSBCtP 11 LDTVlOSA 13 PtWTP3BT(]H 15
AA6BKW3l] t6 Dt6ATl]SA Dt7C70HA 10 Dt9BCLW t1 tDTVTOHA t3 S Dl2Dl OHVWN 13
A46BKW31] 16 DL6ABK DLTCBK 10 DL9BMGW ll tD7V70SA t3 SDl2DT(]HVWH 13
446CtP30 16 DL6ACL B DLTCCt t0 DL9V](]HJ tDTVBKW
11 13 SF77l]CN4 1l
AA6(]tP30 16 Dt6ACLP B DtTCCtP t0 DtgvlOHN4 tDTVWHW 13 SFTJC[i] 1l
AA6CtW3O l6 DL64CtW I DtTCCtW t0 DtgvlOSB LDI2Dl7HB 13 SFTKCN4 11
AA6CtW3O 16 Dt6AMG I DtTCL I Dtgv]55B LD12D25HB 13 SBP3OI.VIHEBl 11
AA7CtP30 16 DL6CTl]HA 10 DLTCtW I DL9V25HB tl tD]2DWH 13 SRP3BN4H 11
AATCtW3l] 16 Dt6CBK t0 DtTEr0NC Dt9VTOSB 11 tW4PBKW t5 WlV6ACl 1]HC t4
IBBK 18 Dt6CCt l0 DLTETl]HC Dt] 28I7HB 11 tW4PCtP t5 WW6ACTl]HC 14
CBCL ]B Dt6CCtP 10 DtTFll]HA Dt]2825HB 11 LW4PCtW 15 WW6Ct t4
CI2BK 19 DL6P35HA 10 DLTGl OHC DL]2B4OHB 11 tW6BKW 15 WW6CLW t4
Cl2MG 1g DL6PBK t0 DLTHll]HA DLI2BCtW 1l tW6CtW 15 WWTAC]5HC t4
CSSGl OHF 18 DtTAlOHC DtTVTOHA EL6BK 12 PAA6P3O35H t6 \,T\VgBCll]HJ t4 -l

7 HB 14
CS]2825HG t3 DtTABK DLTVItW ELBB]7HB 12 PAATP3BIl]H t6 56995 11 lrI
Dt4P35HA 10 DtTACt DtTVt4G ELBB25HB 12 PA47P387OH t6
Dt4PCtP t0 DtTACtW TI I]AC P ELSCLP 12 PLW6P3l]7l]HEB2 t5 @

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