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Q50 uMLedsenen 1983-60 Wh WaMTUPWe Ups Lh ComaGLecr uh QuPWeUT SAjas PLiyseyLor UTig.crnt. uMQUINeT Sut WG Aupueire Qeng wm STLOUTQE LMgcrngyiLd Hus SEG ascot CousinOrd SST) LEPMeyLst Cas Lh WaTOQUPWeMeRLD “UuGGoust” coin 4A oupmudeony. In 1983, Shri Venkatesan sang this poem in front of Mahaperiyava. After c this poem, he requested that any devotee whenever sings this poem, Periya come there. Periyava simply said "I will come. What a great and selfless Shri Venkatesan, who was so kind enough to share his same experience and blessings to all devotees in the world. Mahaperiyava’s anugraham is compl limitless! This incident was narrated by Brahmasri Vedapuri mama in this book.... When I was typing this poem, I could enjoy each and every line — si amazing... really request some volunteer to try for a translation in English to share thi poem to non-Tamil readers/devotees too. I sincerely dont have time for that! ACTNT Culg uLoret FHIETST aseneugs Cudgral Ener smisyes AHO SUT MHUGE eager AMS GHaror sngA smisyoor Ghouls oMemuuy sTéGb smayer FEeGonG SO Qenconuig, smsyest Aeros HoneoGasnret 2 FF smHsyeor amples FSAGW sajsou shieyett THBMOT Spegld oYPeooE smsyssr FTHOWwb sGMNOb gems smsyoo Qbyot QG6ACU aeog Gd shisyjoi Quyujeledeor geile smisyes BAG GagsHer 2 Ounce smieysr SMMuGurd sGsCwomf eoomnjpsaud smueyjosr SMES QenwG.ned STs Gib shsyjos SHSM saujhsonor cMHsGw smeyjosr Adios tomnstgyhy) wWACpL FmEToor Segoe uma HHASHAGW shisyoor impleting should levotee his tely imply great Sorry! CHuMdeon F5HUFHl oo 2 Go smEyoor Gyre FFA ouljené@w emsyest AjensHAjd SoMSH oo HrigGw shisyer HOST NMS HM HsTUTE FBT OTAUCMLLMT WETS MSG smisyot OMS AIGULOT SGE5D smEyoor SoralCergcnmi SenevQ“anret esos euro SGBerayd sm_Gw smeyett arses Gummi Cor emieyest Adu wrmogencr Ghewb shayor Oust AG Hou AuGGE sma Geuciahect srs HOw Cougs smisyot Mus Cur AGd smeA shaysr AMMHZ ML CarsiOHlGu MGheHd shisyer AGUIZSAecveorid smiisown smsyor Aarapnid weirgQomi NermGd smsyosr FHA oulgeud Caren ahsy smisyett SIQUSOSLLMS GL s,s emsyosr STOMA UF LewMuyLh SroGemg FmEyot STNGSMy GL IOS SOL smisyer Jer BHA QHHsmonr snsGb shaper ANQGIGT CUMSCL ES LMU FM! aes sn SAITSTL FOOTE Sb SGM smeyzer SUSSITT CGSTSAGD CeOVsSHAl. smeyer Wg sHA spogms siLgw emisyjosr AGiuMa AGAaLbduroe AGQsranGugerd zengss aims Celis shisyoot SUNT Soo Awd Grog smhseGMNevnd ui sbSy Cray GG Mpegs olursyip uf uns GG smieg Cuma) Curd Susur sjoauoMumla werQufweun Gumby Gumsch OgW Ogu FHET amy any emer Ogu Agu shay amy any sma7r§G_éAmmibueo1d eye

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