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Justin Klein

402 Summer Garden Way

Rockville, MD 20850

Extracurricular Activities

The Recycling Club (Grades 11-12): Participated in student-led organization that promoted
community awareness about the importance of recycling. Collected bins that were stationed
throughout the school in order to collect waste paper, aluminum cans, and plastic bottles.
Learned the value of grassroots activism.

POTS Facebook Support and Awareness Group (Grade 9-12): Designed and created Facebook
Page in order to build community and support for other peers who were diagnosed with Postural
Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Posted educational resources in order to empower youth
facing a debilitating illness. Kept appraised of the latest medical advances in the treatment of
this disorder.

Model Me Job Skills/Model Me Kids, LLC, Actor (Grades 5-12): Performed as an actor in
selected videos designed by a production company located in Rockville, Maryland. Stepped into
roles that required the modeling of speaking skills and eye contact. Expanded awareness about
how to create outreach in order to help to educate parents of children who were diagnosed with
Autism Spectrum Disorder. Increased sensitivity about the communication challenges facing
those who struggle with ASD.

Tucker Toys, Inc., Actor (Grades 10-12): Traveled to Baltimore in order to act in a Sizzle Reel
that served as a vehicle for promoting a new wiffle ball. Strengthened acting skills for a
company that innovated sports toys for kids and teens. Learned about how businesses generate
marketing campaigns that increased consumer demand for creative toys that encouraged exercise
such as the crush-it bats.

Bray Entertainment, Actor (Grade 11): Starred in corporate music video for New York-based
production videos that produces television content such as commercials, television series,
webisodes, and viral content. Stretched the range of acting abilities by assuming the role of the
younger version of the main character.

Jordan P.H. Stein, Actor (Grade11): Hired by a student artist who designed a video that was used
to promote an art show for a New York gallery. Assumed role as the main actor.

Community Service

Riverway Ranch Camp, Counselor-in-Training (Grades 7-12): Completed CIT Program course
in order work as a full counselor. Evolved into the role after enrolling for several years in a
camp that fosters leadership, decision-making, and responsibility. Broadened awareness about
child psychology and development.
Community Service for Autistic Adults and Children (Grades 9-10): Volunteered for CSAAC by
providing companionship and support for individuals diagnosed with ASD. Worked by serving
food and interacting during mealtime. Joined the programmatic effort to enable individuals with
autism to achieve their highest potential and to contribute as confident members of their

Bnail Brith Youth Organization (Grade 9): Volunteered at the Brookdale-Potomac Assisting
Living Facility in order to provide companionship for senior citizens. Provided support and
entertainment as part of an outreach campaign created by a Jewish teen organ


Honor Roll (Grades 9-12)

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