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Transdisciplinary Life Science Course
Biosystems Science Course
Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science Course
Division of Clinical Pharmacy
The Graduate School of Life Science is one of the most recently genome. The Graduate School of Life Science offers innovative
from the Dean
established graduate schools in Hokkaido University, which itself graduate programs intended to help students acquire the
has a longstanding histor y and has been dedicated to the knowledge and skills necessary to make meaningful contributions
education of students with global perspectives for nearly 140 to the continued development of life sciences.
years. Our graduate school is taught by faculty members from
f o u r s e p a ra t e f a c u l t i e s ( Fa c u l t y o f S c i e n c e, Fa c u l t y o f We we l c o m e s t u d e n t s f ro m a l l ove r t h e wo r l d in t o o u r
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Advanced Life Science, and graduate program and offer various scholarship opportunities
Research Faculty of Agriculture) and six research institutions (
Masakane Yamashita / Dean
Graduate School of Life Science (Institute of Low Temperature Science, Research Institute for for international students who wish to study here. Please review
Electronic Science, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Institute for our laboratory list and contact faculty members at any time to
Catalysis, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and obtain more detailed information pertaining to our educational
Technology, and National Institute for Materials Science). and scholarship programs. We encourage you to join the
Graduate School of Life Science, learn advanced life sciences
Significant progress has been made in life sciences in both basic with us, and enjoy life on our beautiful campus in Sapporo,
and applied research through the use of genetic information Japan!
obtained from a variety of living matter, including the human

The Graduate School of Life Science has two divisions (Life Science and Clinical Pharmacy) and three courses (Transdisciplinary Life Science,
Biosystems Science and Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science). Students can choose a division and/or course according to their research interests.

Transdisciplinary Biosystems Science Biomedical and Division of

Life Science Course Course Pharmaceutical Science Course Clinical Pharmacy
Division of Life Science Division of Life Science Division of Life Science

Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of

Advanced Life Science Science Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research Institute for
Electronic Science Research Faculty Institute for Institute for Catalysis
of Agriculture Genetic Medicine
National Institute
National Institute
of Advanced Research Institute Institute of
for Materials
Industrial Science for Electronic Low Temperature
and Technology Science Science
Transdisciplinary Life Science Course
Division of Life Science
This course will help students develop

Research Fields and Laboratories

research skills to investigate the nature Bioinformation and functional molecules. This field offers an overview of them are very important for insight into the morphologi-
Molecular Sciences
of life from new perspectives based on life from the perspective of material science based on cal/functional alteration of cells and control mecha-
Genome-based research has made it possible to see physics and chemistry. nisms in an integrated manner. In this field of study,
a foundation in physics, chemistry, and life as a network of bio-functional molecules fusing students explore this proposition using approaches
various areas of study. Furthermore, information Functional Cellular Sciences such as advanced molecular probe design, computa-
biology. The course is designed to give gained from this research is analyzed by biomolecule All biological phenomena are caused by cellular activi- tional biology, dynamic structural analysis, molecular
individuals the life sciences knowledge simulation studies, which has been established as a ty. In this field, students learn about cellular functions imaging technology, gene control technology, and
new field of study. Students in this field will do research through studying the molecular biology of internal and production techniques of transgenic mice.
and practical skills to have an active revealing life phenomena using omics technology, external cellular communication networks, interactions
structural biology (which is an analytic technology among cells, and control mechanisms on the immune (Cooperative Education)
role in various industries. using X-rays and NMR spectroscopy of biofunctional system and nervous system. It is also aimed at analyz- Biomolecular Adaptation Science
molecules), and analysis of the structure formation and ing the mechanism and morphogenesis of stimulus Organisms that operate in sub-zero temperatures have
fluctuation mechanisms from a single molecule to a reception and cellular responses using cutting-edge special functions and biomolecules that allow them to
As a prerequisite for the course, candi- group of molecules. biomolecular imaging, and to understand the mecha- adapt to extreme environmental conditions. These
nism of biological functions in the immune and nervous functions support the development of new energy-sav-
dates are expected to have learned not Biomaterials Science systems. Efforts to clarify the cellular functions that ing methods that are difficult to establish based solely
In this field, students learn about the structures and support biological diversity enable more developments on modern technology. In this field of study, these
only biology but also the basic natural characteristics of the substances that form biological in disease treatments. biological genetic resources are explored and exam-
sciences such as chemistry, physics, and tissues, as well as the chemical interactions and
structures that are essential to biological functions. Functional and
ined by analyzing biochemical/physicochemical prop-
erties, cell functionality, and 3D molecular structures.
mathematics during their undergradu- Students also focus on how these chemicals control the Regulatory Life Science Students also learn how new technological develop-
biological responses to the external environments. Qualitative and quantitative changes occur in many ments are supported by scientific knowledge gained
ate years. Moreover, they will use state-of-the-art technology to biomolecules during cell differentiation, organ forma- from the analysis of organisms that can adapt to
learn about the development of biomimetic materials in tion, and cancer growth. Understanding these dynamic extreme environment on the genetic, protein, and
regeneration science and the creation of artificial biomolecular changes and the relationships that link cellular levels.
To cultivate the next generation of lead-
ers with innovative ideas supported by
solid background knowledge, the
course provides structured and compre-
hensive education in the life science
fields. As the program of this education,
four new essential life science study
areas are provided: these areas were
difficult to cover in previous curriculum.

Graduate School of Life Science

Biosystems Science Course
Division of Life Science
Living organisms are dynamic systems in

Research Fields and Laboratories

which a variety of organs, tissues, cells Higher Order
Cellular Functions Functional Genome Science Environmental Life Science
and cellular molecules interact to form a
Cells of microorganisms, plants, and animals Genetic information of living organisms has been accumu- All living things are exposed to environmental stresses.
complex network. In Biosystems Science display a variety of cellular functions, including lating in genomes and chromosomes throughout more than A solid understanding in the basic concepts of environ-
growth, polarity, morphology, movement, adhesion, 3 billion years of evolution. The major goals of the life mental biology is achieved through the studies of the
Course, graduate students are provided differentiation, and aging. These cellular functions sciences are to understand how genetic information is physiological processes to avoid stress injury, and the
with tremendous opportunities to learn play essential roles in higher order events in life, transmitted throughout this evolution, and to comprehend mechanisms for adapting and acclimating to environ-
and abnormality of them leads to diseases such as the phenotypes of organisms and cells by examining the mental stress. Lectures in this course will focus on how
about diverse formation of living cancer. In order to understand higher order cellular genome dynamics and the regulation systems of the living organisms sense and respond to environmental
functions, we have to know functions of signaling genome function among various model organisms. This changes, which consequently lead to a reconstitution
organisms through knowledge on the proteins and how these proteins are regulated in a approach is important especially in the fields of the clinical of the organisms. The subjects covered in this course
whole cell system. We tackle problems in mem- medicine and the applied biology. Students will gain abun- will include: 1) the energy conversion systems for
structure (morphology) and function brane dynamics, plant morphology and develop- dant insight into the regulation mechanisms of genome photosynthesis and mass production; 2) the metabolic
(physiology) of these constituents. In ment, gut physiology, cancer, and aging using function. At the completion of this course, students will regulation controlled by the functional RNA species
model organisms, plants, and animal models. specialize in the structural dynamics of chromatin, the and the post-translational processes, such as the
particular, this course will focus on the molecular bases of transcriptional regulation, the function ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation; and 3) the
of non-coding RNAs, the molecular mechanisms of meiosis cellular regulations, such as cell division, cell differenti-
mechanisms for maintaining the and genetic diseases, the molecular basis of sex determina- ation, and cell development triggered by chromatin
homeostasis and the adaptive tion, the sex chromosome evolution, the function of onco- remodeling, gene regulation, and growth regulators.
genes, and the regulation mechanism of cell proliferation.
modification of the cellular functions, as
Animal Behavior and Reproductive and
well as on the principles for the evolution System Control Developmental Sciences
of life. This course also promotes the Animal behavior is causally linked with a variety of In general, an important goal of life science research is
nervous system functions, including sensory integra- to determine the factors that regulate the formation of
integrative studies of organisms and their tion, motor control, memory formation, emotion, and germ cells and the generation of a new individual after
decision making. In this research group, insects and fertilization. Reproductive and developmental science
cells, including the analysis of the birds are used as subjects to study the organism-level has two aspects: a basic science which pursues the mech-
individual molecules dynamic behavior behavior and the underlying neural mechanisms. anisms that guarantee the continuity and diversity of life,
Particular attention has been paid to ontogenetic and an applied science which develops a technology to
in a spatiotemporal manner. In addition, development of animal communication, system-level artificially control reproduction and development. In this
understanding of associative learning, and the course, students study the general mechanisms of germ
graduate students will learn cellular computation responsible for precise sensorim- cell formation and maturation, cell division regulation,
otor coordination. Students will acquire leading-edge and differentiation in embryonic development. The
state-of-the-art methodologies and knowledge through use of state-of-the-art experimen- knowledge from this area of study can be applied to
principles of microscopes, including tal techniques, such as molecular biology, microscop- various reproductive manipulations with direct life conse-
ic imaging, neurophysiology /anatomy, and a quences, such as in vitro fertilization, contraception, and
electron and confocal laser microscopy, variety of psychological manipulations. This course the production of useful crops and animals. Currently,
will also study the theoretical approaches to statisti- social interests in this academic field are extremely high,
in order to master the high resolution, cal analysis of behaviors and mathematical modeling as represented by cloned animals and the regenerative
multi-dimensional bio-imaging system. of neural network. medicine among other examples.

2 Graduate School of Life Science

Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science Course
Division of Life Science
Innovative Genomics for Medicinal Science is 21st century strategy for drug discovery. In

Research Groups and Laboratories

Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science Course, a new educational program for training of Molecular and Innovative Nanomedicine: Establishment
Cellular Biological Sciences
Ph.D. and Master Course students will be established based on the science and technologies of an innovative drug delivery system target-
Biochemistry: Regulation of cellular ed to blood vessels; Clinical Pharmaceu-
of innovative drug design, structural biology, and genomic drug discovery. In this program, functions by lipid molecules; RNA Biology: tics and Therapeutics: Mechanisms of
Deciphering cellular and molecular process- drug interactions and scientific to regulatory
students will be able to effectively contribute to modern life sciences and medicine. This pro- es regulated by RNA molecules; Neurosci- approaches, including optimizing and
gram discusses, at the molecular level, the relationship between the disruption of the genetic ence: Understanding the neuronal functions tailor-made pharmacotherapy; Pathophys-
and disorders; Immunology: Cellular and iology and Therapeutics: Approach to
network and diseases, protein structural analysis, and structure function. In addition, the pro- molecular immunology; Biomolecular pathophysiology of diseases and clinical
Science: Protein science of host defense therapeutics; Pharmacokinetics: Pharma-
gram also includes research to identify new target molecules, the molecular design and syn- cokinetics for suitable drug therapy
Chemistry and
thesis of drugs that act on these targets, the molecular mechanisms of the immune system, Medicinal Chemistry Center for Research and
and custom nanomedicine. Natural Products Chemistry: Applica- Education on Drug Discovery
tion of bioactive natural products to biomed- Low molecular weight compounds and
ical and life sciences; Fine Synthetic biologics for intractable diseases, as one of
Chemistry: Development of novel six core centers of The Leading-edge
In Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science Course, there are three core divisions and one reactions directed towards drug discovery, Research Infrastructure Program Compound
center: the Molecular and Cellular Biological Sciences division, the Chemistry and Medicinal organic synthesis developed by transition Library Center supported by the Ministry of
metals; Synthetic and Industrial Chem- Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and
Chemistry division, and the Biopharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy division, and the istry: Synthetic organic chemistry toward Technology.
drug design and development; Organic
Center for Research and Education on Drug Discovery. Each group consists of biologists, Chemistry for Drug Development:
Rational design and efficient synthesis of
physical chemists, organic chemists, and medicinal chemists. This courses teaching staff con- drugs; Catalysis in Organic Synthesis
ducts collaborative projects within the course as well as with researchers at other institutions (at the Institute for Catalysis): Develop-
ment of novel catalysts and catalytic
and companies. Outstanding research projects include following: (1) analysis of pathogenic reactions for synthesis of new materials
including biologically active substances
mechanisms for brain-wasting diseases (e.g. Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease),
immune diseases (autoimmune diseases), infectious diseases (measles, herpes, AIDS), and Sciences and Pharmacy
metabolic syndromes; (2) drug discovery for small molecules, biologics, and vaccines; (3) the Pharmacology: Cellular and molecular
neuropharmacology; Molecular Design
logical design of pharmacological activity compounds ; (4) the development methodology of Pharmaceutics: Development of an
intracellular drug delivery system and its
for large scale synthesis; and (5) the development of a specific drug delivery system for a application to nanomedicine; Molecular
pharmacological activity. The Center for Research and Education on Drug Discovery was Imaging: in vivo molecular imaging
research for visualizing the biomarkers of
recently established in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences to facilitate academic drug the disease using nuclear medicine (PET,
SPECT) and optical imaging technologies;
discovery within the Hokkaido area. This center provides students with an opportunity for
practical research on drug development.

Graduate School of Life Science

Division of Clinical Pharmacy
The Division of Clinical Pharmacy was estab-

lished in close cooperation with the medical Department of research themes centers on therapeutic drug used to clarify their mechanisms and verify wheth-
Clinical Pharmaceutics
field, in order to expand clinical and practical monitoring, in which pharmacokinetic variations er medicines will have an effect on these diseases
Laboratory of Clinical Pharmaceutics and related to changes in physiological functions in humans. Also, it is important to develop meth-
science-oriented education and research in col- Therapeutics during pathological conditions and drug interac- ods to diagnose these diseases at early stage.
Optimizing and customizing pharmacotherapy tion are considered. These programs will aid in This department conducts in vivo molecular imag-
laboration with life science majors (Division of Laboratory of Pharmacokinetics the deployment of clinical research design and ing research for visualizing the biomarkers of the
Life Science). The Division of Clinical Pharmacy Pharmacokinetics for suitable drug therapy effective clinical pharmaceutical research. disease using nuclear medicine (PET, SPECT) and
Laboratory for Molecular Design of optical imaging technologies.
offers a four-year doctoral degree program Pharmaceutics Department of Pharmacotherapy
Development of intracellular drug delivery and Clinical Informatics Education Research Center for
aimed at developing highly-trained profession- systems and applications to nanomedicine Laboratory of Pathophysiology and Clinical Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacy, Hokkaido Therapeutics The Education Research Center for Clinical
als who possess the pharmaceutical clinical University Hospital Approach to the pathophysiology of the Pharmacy was established in April 2010 with the
abilities and expertise demanded from society. Clinical trials and optimal pharmacotherapy disease and clinical therapeutics aim of fostering pioneering pharmacists who will
Laboratory of Bioanalysis and possess the skills and leadership necessary for
Based on the practical science of pharmacy, In this field, students gain highly specialized Molecular Imaging responding to societys ever-growing needs and
clinical pharmacy knowledge and skills needed Molecular imaging research for contributing to a wide range of work fields. This
this division aims to impart knowledge on phar- for medicine and information management. In pharmaceutical sciences center operates in accordance with the 2006
maceutical sciences that contribute to public addition to experimental sciences, this depart- national educational reform of pharmaceutical
ments research includes medical systems and Drug development begins with finding the target- science and seeks to enrich the education and
health and safety, and to provide a graduate pharmaceutical regulatory sciences designed to ed molecule to which medicine is applied. Animal research that takes place under this new scheme.
meet recent societal demands. One of the models of cancer and inflammatory diseases are
education in which students may cultivate a
higher sense of ethics. In addition to basic
pharmaceutical theories and technologies, this
divisions students participate in educational
and research programs focused on advanced
clinical pharmaceutical knowledge and technol-
ogy (i.e. development and evaluation of ad-
vanced drug treatments, medical systems, regu-
latory sciences, etc.), which allow them to
develop the practical abilities needed to apply
their studies to clinical practices and to discov-
er and solve clinical issues in the medical field
through surveys and research.

4 Graduate School of Life Science

The entrance examination will be conducted 1-3 times each fiscal year.
Admission information The number of times will depend on the division and course. USEFUL LINKS
Masters (2 years) Faculty of Advanced Life Science
-Admission: April or October
-Entry requirements: Hold a bachelors degree. Consult with a prospective supervi- Faculty of Science
sor prior to submitting the application
Division of
Life Science Doctorate (3 years)
Hokkaido University
-Admission: April or October
-Entry requirements: Hold a masters degree. Consult with a prospective supervisor Related Graduate Schools
prior to submitting the application
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Graduate School of Science
Doctorate (4 years)
Division of -Admission: April or October
Clinical Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
-Entry requirements: Please contact the Academic Affairs Section in the Adminis-
Pharmacy tration Office of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy

Since each scholorship has different application procedures and eligi-
You need to have completed Step 1 at least six months bilit y requirements, please contact a prospective super visor in
prior to your intended enrollment ! advance of application.

STEP Find a Supervisor Japanese Governmental Scholarship

1 Graduate and research students conduct research under the guidance of a supervisor. To enter the The Japanese Government also provides a scholarship known as
MEXT Scholarship
Graduate School of Life Science as a research or graduate student, you need to find a faculty member
who is willing to give you instruction on your research. Find a prospective supervisor from our website: This is a scholarship system that the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology offers, and is divided into the follow-
1.Graduate School of Life Science Website ing three systems:
(1) Domestic selection
List of supervisors and research fields are available in the application guidelines
-Application Period:October November of the previous year of your
2.Hokkaido University Website(HU Researchers Database) entrance -Commencement:April

3.HUSCAP (2) University recommendation -Application Period:Around December

Apply to the graduate school (3) Embassy recommendation
Students coming to a Japanese university from their own country can
2 You can check how to apply in the application guidelines. Applicants must pay the examination/ap-
plication fee at the time of application. apply for the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship through the
Japanese Embassy or Consulate. Please inquire of your nearest
Japanese Embassy (or Consulate) for details, classification, necessary
documents, procedure for applying, and so on.
Take the entrance screening (For Residing Abroad)
3 Screening procedures for research students are conducted on the basis of documentation submitted Private Organization or
whilst screening procedures for graduate level students differ between each department. Local Government Scholarship
Scholarships from private organizations and local governments
STEP Commence enrollment procedures
You can either apply for these through Hokkaido University, or apply
4 After passing the screening process, you will be required to submit necessary documentation, pay individually.
the entrance fee, and complete other necessary procedures to become enrolled.
Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Main Bldg.

School of Science
Bldg. #2

Transd.Life Sci. Bldg. #2 / School of Science

Biosystems.Sci. Bldg. #2 / School of Science

Biomed.Pharm.Sci. Main Bldg. / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Clinical Pharmacy Main Bldg. / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University

Kita 10, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, JAPAN

For Questions on Admissions

Office for International Academic Support,
Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Phone +81-11-706-2915 Fax +81-11-706-2907

2017 Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University. All Rights Reserved.
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