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Sharon Acosta


World History


Individual Freedom

What are some ways you could improve things such as the government,religion,economy,or

even the role of women within a living society? All four of these individuals four topics were

thought and answered by a group of philosophers(these are types of people that believed theres

answers to the way human nature and society was through reason.) that lived in the late 17th and

18th century period. The answers that they found the solution to are to this day a big role to the

society that we either already have or are still fighting for.

The philosopher that played the role of finding how to improve government was called John

Locke,he was born in 1632 and at that time Englands form of government was an absolute

monarchy. This meant that the king and queen had all the power to rule but of course they asked

Parliament for help from time to time. Locke according to what he wrote in the Second Treatise

of Civil Government in 1690,theres a short sentence in which he states that all men are a state

of perfect freedom...within the bounds of the law of nature. This meant that John really believed

that everyone as long as they live are equal, but we get our labels from society. He then goes on

to talk about how government shouldnt just be ruled by a selected few but instead the people

should rule.By doing so he suggested a 2 branch government, called legislative and executive.
The second philosopher who was responsible in showing to improve religion was

Francois-Marie Arouet or also known as Voltaire who was born in Paris France in 1694. He was

a prolific writer who composed poems, novels, essays, plays and even over 20,000 personal

letters. Hes best known for being a supporter of tolerance which means acceptance. What he

found out was that he saw how people in England only allowed one religion in the whole

country. If there was more than one religion the government would even as to cut one anothers

throat because they believed in different things from everyone else. He of course didnt like this

idea at all and suggested that society should have more acceptance over having more than one

religion allowed. All people had the right to have the freedom to practice the religion they


The third philosopher that looked at economy within a society was Adam Smith who was

born in June 16, 1723 in the United Kingdom. At the time he was able to live and see the Era of

Mercantilism which is where the state was becoming rich,and also the people at the time thought

the only person in charge of economic decision making was the monarch.This meant that the

average person could and werent allowed or capable of decision making at all. So what Adam

Smith stated as can be seen in the first paragraph is that he supported that the people or the

individual should have the control as they produced more value to themselves.By letting the

people pursue their own economic gain they were able to make society better.What all of this

means was people should be able to make economic decisions not the government.

And last but not least was the fourth philosopher named Mary Wollstonecraft who discussed

the issue of the role of women in society.Mary was from England and she was most known for

writing novels along with many other things. During her time alive she had to face a society that
believed women should be beautiful,emotional and dependent to a man. Since this was the only

purpose a women had in life they were discouraged and didnt really find interest in studying

things such as history, geography, and rhetoric. If women were allowed to do these things they

wouldnt be able to make logical and reasoned arguments against anyone.So she believed that all

women should be equal to men,but doing this she suggested to free women and allowing them to

take part in inherent rights of mankind.

All 4 of these philosopher of course stated solutions to the improvement society needed. John

suggested people should have power over the government, Voltaire wanted people to accept one

and anothers religions believes, Adam thought individuals should make the economic decisions,

and Mary wanted women to be able to have an education level as men did. But what was the one

thing in common that was always repeated in each persons beliefs? All 4 philosophers all stated

that we should all be equal to each other no matter what.Of course many of the things they

wanted did come true, but not all over the world to this day many still face problems over the

four areas of human society. But those type of places on earth are counted theres more that are

more equal and free than those that arent.

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