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The Journal of Neuroscience, May 1989, g(5): 1774-1780

Time Course of Structural Changes at Identified Sensory Neuron

Synapses During Long-Term Sensitization in Aplysia

Craig H. Bailey and Mary Chen

Center for Neurobiology and Behavior, Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Psychiatry, College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Columbia University, and New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, New York 10032

We have used the gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex of Ap/y- effectively in the relatively simple nervous systemsof several
sia californica to explore the morphological basis of the syn- higher invertebrates wherethe behavioral analysiscan be carried
aptic plasticity that underlies long-term sensitization. In ear- out at the cellular and molecular level (Kandel, 1976).One such
lier studies (Bailey and Chen, 1983, 1988a), we described 2 model system,the gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex of the ma-
classes of structural changes at identified sensory neuron rine mollusc Aplysia californica, has proven particularly acces-
synapses that occur following long-term sensitization: (1) sible for cellular studiesof behavioral problems.This reflex can
increases in the number, size, and vesicle complement of be modified by forms of both nonassociative and associative
active zones and (2) an overall increase in the total number learning, each capableof giving rise to both a short- and a long-
of synaptic varicosities per sensory neuron. In the present term memory (Kandel and Schwartz, 1982;Kandel et al., 1986).
study, we have begun to examine which of these anatomical One elementary form of nonassociativelearning in this prep-
changes might be necessary for the maintenance of long- aration is sensitization. The gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex
term sensitization by exploring the time course over which of Aplysia acquiresthe memory for sensitization in responseto
they occur and, in particular, their duration relative to the noxious stimuli suchaselectrical shockadministered to the tail
persistence of the memory assessed behaviorally. or head. The duration of this type of learning is dependent on
Toward this end we have quantitated changes in both the the amount of training. A single noxious stimulus produces
total number of varicosities and their active zone morphology short-term sensitizationthat lastsfrom severalminutes to more
in single HRP-labeled sensory neurons taken from long-term than 1 hr (Pinsker et al., 1970).This short-term memory grades
sensitized and control animals at different intervals (l-2 d, with repeatedstimuli to produce long-term sensitization lasting
1 week, and 3 weeks) following training. We have found that days to several weeks(Pinsker et al., 1973; Frost et al., 1985).
long-term sensitized animals examined within 48 hr after the Several aspectsof the biochemical and biophysical mecha-
completion of training demonstrate an increase in the total nismsthat underlie short-term sensitizationare understoodand
number of varicosities per sensory neuron as well as an involve changesin synaptic effectivenessproduced by modu-
increase in the incidence, size, and vesicle complement of lation of transmitter releaseat a common synaptic locus-the
their synaptic active zones compared with control animals. monosynaptic connectionsbetweenidentified mechanoreceptor
The increase in the number of varicosities and active zones sensoryneuronsand their follower cells (for review, seeKandel
persists unchanged for at least 1 week, and the increase in et al., 1986). Electrophysiological studiesby Frost et al. (1985)
active zone number is only partially reversed at the end of have shownthat the samesynaptic site is involved in the storage
3 weeks. By contrast, the increase in active zone size and of the long-term memory for sensitization. Recent morpholog-
vesicle complement is back to control levels 1 week later. ical studiesindicate that this enduring alteration in the strength
The relative permanence of the changes in varicosity and of sensory to follower cell connections is accompanied by 2
active zone number and their similarity in time course to the classesof morphological change: (1) alterations in active zone
duration of the memory strengthen the evidence that alter- morphology at identified sensoryneuron synapses(Bailey and
ations in the number of sensory neuron synapses may con- Chen, 1983) and (2) a more global trend involving modulation
tribute to the retention of long-term sensitization. of the total number of presynaptic varicosities per sensoryneu-
ron (Bailey and Chen, 1988a).
Central to the study of behavior and its modification is an un- The findings that functional as well as structural changesat
derstanding of the mechanismsby which learning is acquired sensory neuron synapsesaccompany long-term sensitization
and memory is retained. Thesemechanismscan be studiedmost suggestthat at least aspectsof the memory can be localized to
a specific synaptic locus and now permit us to analyze, in a set
of neurons that are causally related to the behavior, the mech-
Received July 28, 1988; revised Oct. 10, 1988; accepted Oct. 12, 1988. anismsunderlying the acquisition and retention of a long-term
This work was supported by Grant MH37134 from the National Institute of memory trace. Central issuesinclude the following: What is the
Mental Health, Scope B of NIGHS Grant GM23540, and the M&night Endow- time courseof thesechanges?Which are necessaryfor the onset
ment Fund for Neuroscience. We thank Drs. E. R. Kandel, V. F. Castellucci, and
R. D. Hawkins for critical review of the manuscript, H. Ayers for typing the of the memory and which are required for its maintenance?
manuscript, and L. Katz and K. Hilten for the illustrations. In the presentstudy, we have soughtto determine which class
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Craig H. Bailey, Center for Neu-
robiology and Behavior, Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric
of structural alteration at sensory neuron synapsesmight be
Institute, 722 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032. necessaryfor the retention of long-term sensitization by ex-
Copyright 0 1989 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/89/051774-07$02.00/O amining the time courseover which they occur and, in partic-
The Journal of Neuroscience, May 1989, 9(5) 1775

intrasomatically pressure-injected with HRP (Type VI, purchased from

r . l-2 DAYS Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis) at a concentration of 20 mg/ml in
o I WEEK distilled water. Following a 2 hr incubation period to allow HRP to fill
. 3 WEEKS the neuropil arbor of the sensory neuron as well as its axon in the siphon
nerve, ganglia were fixed, histochemically processed, and embedded in
Epon (Bailey et al., 1979). Each sensory neuron was completely recon-
structed by serial 20 pm slab-thick sections, and the total number of
HRP-labeled varicosities for each cell was counted through a blind
procedure using high-resolution light microscopy (Bailey and Chen,
1988a). In all, 23 sensory neurons were analyzed in this fashion.
For the analysis of active zone morphology, 19 individual 20 brn slab-
thick sections containing HRP-labeled varicosities were randomly cho-
sen, re-embedded and serially thin sectioned. Complete sets of over 200
serial thin sections were taken from each re-embedded thick section.
Ten thin sections (each spaced approximately 20 thin sections apart)
from each re-embedded slab thick section were quantitatively analyzed.
kfh I I I I I 1 I
All HRP-labeled profiles on each of these thin sections were photo-
0 5 IO 15 20 25 30 graphed and analyzed through a blind procedure. To examine in detail
the fine structure of synaptic terminals of each cell we analyzed a total
PRETRAINING TRAINING RETENTION of approximately 200 thin sections containing profiles of 693 sensory
neuron varicosities taken from 14 animals.
DAYS When an electron-dense label is present in the presynaptic neuron (as
is the case for the HRP-labeled sensory neurons), the full morphology
Figure 1. Behavioral time course of long-term sensitization. Retention of presynaptic specializations can be masked by the blanket of reaction
of sensitization was tested at different intervals following the completion product. Under these circumstances, active zones can be reliably iden-
of 4 d of long-term training. Behavioral performance of animals in each tified by the coexistence of rigidly parallel apposed membranes bounding
group was estimated by comparing their behavioral scores with their a widened synaptic cleft that contains electron-dense material. As we
pretraining scores. This was achieved by summing the responses for have previously demonstrated (Bailey et al., 1979, 198 1; Bailey and
each daily session (10 trial block, intertrial interval 30 set) and express- Chen, 1981, 1983, 1988b) all these features are coextensive with the
ing each as a single score compared with their own pretraining score. presynaptic specializations and are identical to active zones found in
Animals in behavioral experiments were killed at l-2 d (Z, 529 f 121 unlabeled synapses in Aplysia. We have used them to identify active
SEM, N = 6) 1 week (ZZ, 700 t 173, N = 4), and 3 weeks (ZZZ,414 + zones in the present study. Quantitation of active zone parameters was
86, N = 5) following training and the structure of sensory neuron syn- made using a Bioquant II digitizing tablet (R&M Biometrics, Inc., Nash-
apses in each group analyzed. ville, TN) interfaced with an Apple IIe microcomputer running the
Bioquant II morphometry program. The extent of active zones was
determined on prints enlarged to a final magnification of x 60,000 by
ular, their duration relative to the persistenceof the memory measuring the length of the active zone segment (determined by the
Bioquant II software based upon a digitized tracing) in each section.
assessed behaviorally. We report here that only changesin var- The number of vesicle profiles associated with each active zone was
icosity and active zone number persist in parallel with the re- determined by counting the total number of vesicle profiles in each
tention of long-term sensitization. The relative permanenceof section that fell within 30 nm of the presynaptic active zone membrane
thesechangesand their similarity in time courseto the duration (Bailey and Chen, 1983, 1988b).
of the memory suggestthat alterations in the number of sensory
neuron synapsesare the most likely of the structural candidates Results
to contribute to the maintenance of long-term sensitization.
Time course of the memory for long-term sensitization
Materials and Methods The behavioral time courseof long-term sensitization following
Aplysia californica (70-l 10 gm) were used for these experiments. An- 4 d of training was examined by monitoring the duration of
imals were individually housed for a minimum of 5 d in circulating
seawater before behavioral training. To assess their responsiveness, we siphon withdrawal (Pinsker et al., 1973). The retention of sen-
delivered 2 jets of seawater to the siphon with a Water Pik. Animals sitization for all animalswas tested at l-2 d and then either 1
were accepted for the experiment if the mean duration of their first 2 or 3 weeksfollowing the completion of training. The behavioral
test responses (interstimulus interval, 30 set) was 10 set or longer. The performance of animals in each group was estimated by com-
scores (total of 10 stimuli) were ranked, and the animals were randomly paring their behavioral scoreswith their pretraining scores(Fig.
distributed into a control (untrained) group and a group for long-term
sensitization. There were no significant differences between the groups 1). Animals in behavioral experiments were killed l-2 d (I), 1
before training. Long-term sensitization training followed the protocol week (II), and 3 weeks(III) following training, and the structure
of Pinsker et al. (1973) and was produced by giving animals training of sensory neuron synapsesin each group was analyzed. By
sessions on 4 consecutive days. Each session consisted of exposure to examining the nature and extent of morphological changesat
4 electrical stimuli (100 mA for 2 set), each separated by 1.5 hr. All
electrical stimuli were delivered to the neck region through bipolar sensory neuron synapsesat these different intervals following
capillary electrodes. Control animals were carried under identical con- the completion of training, we have been able to compare di-
ditions but without training. rectly their duration to the persistenceof the memory.
Experimental (N = 15) and control (N = 8) animals were tested for
retention of sensitization l-2 d, 1 week, or 3 weeks following completion Time course of changes in the number of varicosities of
of the respective training sessions. Animals were then anesthetized by identified sensory neurons during long-term sensitization
intracoelomic injection of isotonic MgCl, and the abdominal ganglion
was removed from each animal and transferred to a solution of sup- Chemical synapsesin the Aplysia CNS are preferentially located
plemented artificial seawater containing high Mgz+ (200 mM) and low at small, irregularly shapedvaricose expansionsthat occur along
Cal+ (1 mM) to block synaptic transmission during pinning and de- or at the end of fine neurites. The axonal branching pattern of
sheathing. After desheathing, the ganglion was bathed in seawater with
a normal Mgz+ (55 mM) and Ca2+ (10 mM) content for a minimum of individual mechanoreceptor sensory neurons has been de-
30 min. To label presynaptic varicosities, a single sensory neuron from scribed, and the types of varicosities that could be found along
each animal was chosen at random, identified (Byrne et al., 1974) and their neuropil arbor have beencharacterized(Bailey et al., 1979).
1776 Bailey and Chen - Time Course of Structural Changes During Sensitization

A A 0.6



(N=2) (N=21 (N=2) iN=3i (N=2) (N=3)
6 6


(N=2) (N=Zl (N=Z (N=31 (N=2l (N=31
l-2 DAYS WEEK 3 WEEKS (N=i (N=2) 1N=31
Figure 2. Enduring structural changes at sensory neuron synapses dur- l-2 DAYS I WEEK 3 WEEKS
ing long-term sensitization. A, Duration of changes in the total number
of varicosities per sensory neuron. B, Duration of changes in the inci- Figure3. Transient structural changes at sensory neuron synapses dur-
dence of sensory neuron active zones. To determine which class of ing long-term sensitization. A, Duration of changes in active zone size.
alterations in the functional architecture of identified sensory neuron B, Duration ofchanges in the vesicle complement of active zones. Unlike
synapses might underlie long-term sensitization, we compared their the changes in varicosity and active zone number, the increases in active
duration to the persistence of the memory. By examining the structure zone size and associated vesicles peak at l-2 d following the completion
of sensory neuron synapses at different intervals following the comple- of training and then return to control levels at 1 week and 3 weeks,
tion of training- l-2 d, 1 week, and 3 weeks-we have found that only making them unlikely candidates to contribute to the maintenance of
the duration of changes in the number of varicosities and their active long-term sensitization. Each bar represents the mean + SEM.
zones parallels the behavioral time course for the retention of long-term
sensitization. Each bar represents the mean * SEM.

As reported in an earlier study (Bailey and Chen, 1988a), we erentially released(Heuseret al., 1979; Heuserand Reese,1981;
have found that long-term sensitizedanimalsexamined within Atwood and Lnenicka, 1986). The active zone at Aplysia syn-
48 hr after completion of training demonstrate an increasein apsesis similar to that describedin other higher invertebrates
the total number of varicosities per sensory neuron (2841 * as well as vertebrates (Palay, 1958; Gray, 1959; Pfenninger et
372 SEM, N = 6) compared with control animals (1521 ? 66 al., 1969; Ring, 1976; Muller and McMahan, 1976; Wood et
SEM, N = 3, t = 2.4, p < 0.05). We now report this increase al., 1977; Vrensen and Nunes Cardozo, 1981) and consistsof
persistsunchangedfor at least 1 week (3066 ? 554 SEM, N = differentiated paramembranousappositionsthat arecoextensive
4 vs 1356 * 154 SEM, N = 3, t = 2.6, p < 0.05) but is not with focal regionsof intramembranous specializationsand ves-
statistically significant from controls at the end of 3 weeks(1878 icle accumulation (Bailey et al., 1979, 1981; Tremblay et al.,
?246SEM,N=5~~1232t-211SEM,N=2,t=1.51,p> 1979;Bailey and Chen, 1981). The active zonesat HRP-labeled
0.1; Fig. 2A). sensory neuron synapseswere reliably identified using previ-
ously establishedcriteria (Bailey and Chen, 1983).
Time courseof changesin the morphology of sensoryneuron We have found that long-term sensitized animals examined
active zones during long-term sensitization within 48 hr after completion of training demonstrate an in-
Our ultrastructural analysisfocused on the active zones at re- creasein the incidence (0.395 -t 0.03 SEM, N = 2 vs 0.21 f
embedded sensoryneuron varicosities from control and long- 0.02, N = 2, t = 4.6, p < 0.05) length (0.51 Km * 0.02, N =
term sensitized animals. These modified sites are thought to 2 vs 0.24 pm f 0.01, N = 2, t = 16.3, p < 0.01) and vesicle
representregionsof the synapsewhere neurotransmitter is pref- complement (4.2 t- 0.19, N = 2 vs 1.65 f 0.15, N = 2, t =
The Journal of Neuroscience, May 1989, 9(5) 1777

. Habituated Table 1. Number of varicosities, number of active zones, and ratio of

0 Control
A Sensitized active zones to varicosities of sensory neurons from control and long-
term sensitized animals l-2 d, 1 week, and 3 weeks following
completion of training

Vari- Active Ratio of active zones

Animal cosities zones to varicosities (%)
At l-2 d
2500 . . Sensitized
1 49 21 43
2 36 13 36
1 53 10 19
2 60 14 23
I / / I I I I I I At 1 week
OO 400 800 1200 1600
% of Pretraining
1 41 17 42
2 50 17 34
Figure 4. Correlation between changes in varicosity number and long- 3 57 23 40
term memory. Data points taken from the present and a previous study
(Bailey and Chen, 1988a) and represent animals trained for long-term Control
habituation, long-term sensitization, and untrained (control) animals. 1 100 24 24
Structural changes (total number of varicosities per sensory neuron) are 2 34 7 21
plotted against changes in behavioral efficacy. The responses of each 10 At 3 weeks
trial session, 24-48 hr following the completion of training, has been
summed and expressed as a single median score compared to each Sensitized
animals own pretraining score (Spearmans rank correlative coefficient 1 36 10 28
0.825,p < 0.001). 2 41 11 27
3 39 10 26
10.65, p < 0.01) of sensoryneuron active zones compared to Control
control animals. The nature and extent of these changesare 1 70 14 20
similar to the results of a previous study (Bailey and Chen, 2 27 5 19
1983). The increasein active zone number is maintained at 1
week (0.386 + 0.02, N = 3 vs 0.22 * 0.02, N = 2, t = 4.9, p
< 0.05) and is only partially reversed at the end of 3 weeks
(0.27 f 0.01, N = 3 vs. 0.19 f 0.01, N = 2, t = 8.2, p < 0.01 sensoryneurons(Castellucciand Kandel, 1974; Klein and Kan-
(Fig. 2B, Table 1). By contrast, the increasein active zone size del, 1978, 1980;Castellucciet al., 1980).Lesswell characterized
and vesicle complement is shorter lasting, returning back to are the morphological basesfor the changesin synaptic effec-
control levels 1 and 3 weekslater (Fig. 3, Table 2). tiveness that underlie the short- and long-term forms of both
habituation and sensitization.
Discussion To addresstheseissues,we have combined a variety of cell-
labelingtechniqueswith quantitative morphological approaches
A simple behavioral systemfor morphologicalstudiesof to examine structural changesat identified sensoryneuron syn-
learning and memory: structural plasticity at identijed apsesthat may accompany both short- and long-term memory
synapses (Bailey and Chen, 1983, 1988a, b; for review seeBailey and
We have exploited the cellular specificity ofthe gill- and siphon- Chen, 1989). For both types of studies, we have identified the
withdrawal reflex of A. cal$ornica to study how the structure of presynaptic varicosities of sensoryneuronsby the intrasomatic
the synapsemay be related to its plastic capabilities.This simple injection of HRP as originally described by Muller and Mc-
behavioral preparation undergoes2 elementary forms of non- Mahan (1976). We have increasedthe methodological power of
associativelearning,habituation and sensitization,both of which the HRP technique by combining it with the analysis of serial
can exist in a short-term form lasting minutes to hours (Pinsker sections.This approach has made it possibleto study quanti-
et al., 1970; Carew et al., 1971) and a long-term form that tatively completereconstructionsof unequivocally labelediden-
persistsfor several weeks (Carew et al., 1972; Pinsker et al., tified synapsesin both control and behaviorally modified ani-
1973).Aspects of the mechanismsfor both types of learning are mals.
known and involve changesin efficacy at a critical site of plas- We have found that the long-term memory for both habit-
ticity-the presynaptic terminals of identified mechanoreceptor uation and sensitization is accompaniedby morphological al-
terations on 2 levels of synaptic organization: (1) changesin
The differences in the values ofactive zone measurements between the present focal regionsof synaptic membranespecialization- the number,
and the 1983 study are most likely due to the different methods of analysis size, and vesicle complement of sensory neuron active zones
employed in each case. Since individual sensory neuron varicosities and their
active zones were completely reconstructed in the earlier study, values such as are larger in sensitized animals than controls and smaller in
active zone size actually represent the total extent of active zone membrane. In habituated animals (Bailey and Chen, 1983), and (2) a parallel
contrast, the present study relied on a more stochastic approach, and changes in but more dramatic and global trend involving modulation of
active zone morphology were based on the analysis of random thin sections.
Nevertheless, the percent change between naive and sensitized animals for all the total number of varicosities per sensoryneuron (Bailey and
active zone parameters was essentially the same in both studies. Chen, 1988a).The nature and extent of thesestructural changes
1778 Bailey and Chen * Time Course of Structural Changes During Sensitization

at sensory neuron synapses are consistent with the known be- Table 2. Length of active zones and number of associated vesicle
havioral efficacy of long-term habituation and sensitization profiles at re-embedded sensory neuron varicosities from control and
(Carew et al., 1972; Pinsker et al., 1973), as well as with the long-term sensitized animals l-2 d, 1 week, and 3 weeks following the
results of biophysical studies that indicate an enduring alteration completion of training
in the strength of the sensory to follower cell connection fol- Number of
lowing long-term training (Castellucci et al., 1978; Frost et al., vesicle profiles
1985). Active zone length associated with
There is a positive correlation between the changes in vari- Animal (m-4 each active zone
cosity number and each behavioral modification (Fig. 4). This At l-2 d
effect is bidirectional-sensitization increases behavioral per- Sensitized
formance as well as the total number of sensory neuron vari- 1 0.495 k 0.04 4.0 + 0.4 n= 21b
cosities and habituation has an opposing effect decreasing both 2 0.525 f 0.04 4.4 + 0.5 n= 13
behavioral effectiveness and varicosity number. The correlation Control
between these structural changes and the differences in the de- 1 0.230 i 0.03 1.5 f 0.4 n= 10
gree of behavioral efficacy exposed by 2 different experimental 2 0.245 k 0.02 1.8 + 0.4 n= 14
manipulations supports the notion that changes in the number At 1 week
of sensory neuron varicosities may contribute to the persistent Sensitized
synaptic plasticity that underlies both long-term habituation and 1 0.304 2 0.03 2.6 k 0.4 n = 23
sensitization. 2 0.290 t 0.02 2 f 0.3 n= 17
3 0.315 k 0.02 1.8 + 0.3 n= 17
The time course of structural changes at sensory neuron Control
synapses vs the behavioral time course of long-term 1 0.397 + 0.05 2.7 k 0.8 n=7
sensitization 2 0.226 * 0.02 2.1 f 0.3 n = 24
In the present study we have examined which class of structural At 3 weeks
changes at sensory neuron synapses might be necessary for the Sensitized
maintenance of long-term sensitization by exploring the time 1 0.318 + 0.06 1.5 * 0.5 n= 10
course over which they occur and in particular their duration 2 0.260 I 0.02 2.4 k 0.2 n= 10
relative to the persistence of the memory assessed behaviorally. 3 0.255 k 0.02 1.8 + 0.3 n= 11
By examining animals at different intervals following the com- Control
pletion of training, we have been able to compare directly the 1 0.365 k 0.08 2.2 * 0.7 n=5
duration of structural changes at sensory neuron synapses with 2 0.288 f 0.02 2.2 k 0.3 n= 14
the retention of the memory. This approach has allowed us to QValues equal mean k SEM.
distinguish between transient and more permanent effects and b n, number of active zones analyzed.
thereby determine which class of structural alterations at the
synapse might underlie long-term memory rather than being a
stage in its development or a byproduct of its formation.
We have found that increases in the size and vesicle comple- Increasesin the number of sensoryneuron synapsesparallel
ment of sensory neuron active zones present 24-48 hr following the time courseof the memory for long-term sensitization
the completion of training do not persist as long as the behav- In contrast to the changesin active zone size and vesicle com-
ioral signs of long-term sensitization. These data indicate that plement, we have found that the duration of changesin vari-
insofar as modulation of active zone size and associated vesicles cosity and active zone number are more enduring and that both
is one of the structural mechanisms underlying long-term sen- persist unchanged for at least 1 week, while the incidence of
sitization, it is associated with the acquisition and initial days active zones is only partially reversed at the end of 3 weeks.
of maintenance of the long process and not to its persistence. The relative permanenceof these changesand their similarity
This phase seems to represent the initial long-term phase that in time courseto the behavioral duration of the memory suggest
appears to be a continuum of structural and functional changes that alterations in the number of sensory neuron synapsesare
at sensory neuron synapses that contributes to the progressive the most likely of the structural candidatesto contribute to the
transition of a short-term memory trace to one of longer du- maintenance of long-term sensitization. Additional support for
ration. This notion would be consistent with the results of recent this idea comes from a recent study examining the effects of
biochemical studies on short- and long-term facilitation in Aply- long-term sensitization on the structure of an identified post-
sia (D. Sweatt and E. R. Kandel, unpublished observations), synaptic target of the sensory neurons-the gill motor neuron
morphological studies on short-term habituation in Aplysia L7. Quantitative ultrastructural analysisrevealed an increasein
(Bailey and Chen, 1988b), as well as studies on the induction the frequency of presynaptic contacts onto L7 processes in sen-
of long-term potentiation in vertebrates (Chang and Greenough, sitized compared to control animals(Bailey and Chen, 1988~).
1984; Applegate et al., 1987). To explore this possibility directly The increase in synapse number during long-term sensitiza-
will require a more detailed temporal analysis of the sequence tion in Aplysia is similar to results from studiesin vertebrates
of morphological events that underlies the acquisition of long- which indicate increases in the number of synapses following
term sensitization. By studying the onset of these changes, it various forms of environmental manipulations, learning tasks,
should be possible to distinguish how rapidly they arise and if and electrical stimulation (Globus et al., 1973; Greenough and
there is any preferred order as to which class of morphological Volkmar, 1973; Garey and Pettigrew, 1974; Greenough et al.,
alterations is first expressed at sensory neuron synapses during 1979;Lee et al., 1980; Changand Greenough, 1984;Turner and
the acquisition of the memory. Greenough, 1985;for reviews, seeGreenough, 1984,and Green-
The Journal of Neuroscience, May 1989, 9(5) 1779

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tribute to memory formation and its maintenance (Greenough zation in the isolatedgill-withdrawalreflex of Apiysia. J. Neurobiol.
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