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Accid. Anal. and Frev., Vol. 27, No. 3, pp.

371-389, 1995
Copyright 8 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd
Pergamon Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
ooo1-4575/95 $9.50 + .oo


Department of Civil Engineering, 121 More Hall FX-10, 2Department of Industrial Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering Building FU-20, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A.

(Accepted 29 October 1994)

Abstract-This paper explores the frequency of occurrence of highway accidents on the basis of a multivariate
analysis of roadway geometries (e.g. horizontal and vertical alignments), weather, and other seasonal effects.
Based on accident data collected in the field, a negative binomial model of overall accident frequencies is
estimated along with models of the frequency of specific accident types. Interactions between weather and
geometric variables are proposed as part of the model specifications. The results of the analysis uncover
important determinants of accident frequency. By studying the relationship between weather and geometric
elements, this paper offers insight into potential measures to counter the adverse effects of weather on
highway sections with challenging geometries.

Keywords-Negative binomial, Accident frequency

INTRODUCTION The section of Interstate 90 shown in Fig. 1

experiences a high number of vehicular accidents
Beginning in winter 1996, the Washington State De-
as a result of challenging roadway geometries (i.e.
partment of Transportation proposes to implement
small horizontal curve radii and steep grades) and
an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) on Inter- adverse weather conditions. The climate in the vicin-
state 90 (I-90) to reduce the likelihood of vehicular
ity of the Snoqualmie Pass summit is severe. At an
accidents in the vicinity of Snoqualmie Pass (located
elevation of over 900 m above sea level, the area
about 50 kilometers east of Seattle; WA; see Fig.
receives an average of over 100 cm of rainfall and
1). This ITS system is to consist of variable message
over 1700 cm of snowfall, annually. Snowfall occurs
signs, variable speed-limit signs, and in-vehicle sign-
during every month except July and August. During
ing. The intent of the signing is to reduce accident
a large portion of the year, residual snow and ice
risk by warning drivers of adverse weather condi-
accumulated on the ground contribute to adverse
tions, ice on the roadway, and lane blockages caused
driving conditions. Factors that contribute to the
by vehicle accidents and/or disablements. However,
accidents include driver behavior, geometric charac-
to evaluate the effectiveness of such a signing sys-
teristics (e.g. grade and curve radii), weather-related
tem, it is important first to develop an understanding
variables (e.g. rainfall and snowfall, intensity of
of the factors that have historically contributed to
snowfall and rainfall), interactions between geomet-
the likelihood of an accident in the study area (i.e.
rics and weather elements, and seasonal effects such
before the signing system is implemented). With this
as traffic volume, precipitation, and ambient temper-
in hand, a before-and-after statistical comparison
ature-related variations.
of the data can be conducted and the effectiveness
The intent of this paper is to focus on the nonbe-
of the signing system can be assessed. The intent of
havioral determinants of accident risk, specifically
this paper is to investigate and report the before
roadway geometries and weather conditions. The
conditions to isolate the factors that are contributing
paper begins with a review of previous research on
to accident likelihoods. *
accident frequencies in terms of their relationship
*The study of historic data is important even ifthe evaluation to geometric and weather-related elements. On the
of some future accident-reduction strategy is not being under- basis of this review, we present an appropriate meth-
taken. This is because an analysis of historic accident data can odology to establish an explicit relationship between
provide valuable information relating to the nature of accidents
and factors affecting their frequency and the likely effectiveness geometric and weather-related elements and acci-
of alternative accident-mitigation strategies. dents. This is followed by a description of available
Roadway geometries and environmental factors on rural freeways 373

data and a discussion of model estimation results. varying climatic conditions. This concept contrasts
Finally, a summary of model findings and implica- with present roadway geometric design practice,
tions is presented. which applies a uniform nationwide standard in
terms of assumed weather impacts on geometric de-
sign (Mannering and Kilareski 1990). Presumably,
much could be gained by adjusting this standard to
Previous research, for the most part, has dealt account for weather conditions that deviate greatly
with modeling relationships between accident occur- from the norm.
rences and geometric elements. Examples of this In addition to weather and geometries, it may
include the work of Wong and Nicholson (1992). be argued that human factors contribute significantly
They observed that modifications to roadway geo- to accident occurrences and hence warrant inclusion
metrics were important because of the strong as- in the modeling effort. Previous research (Treat
sociation between adverse geometric elements and 1980; Sabey and Taylor 1980) indicates that in 95%
high-accident locations. This association has been of all traffic accidents human factors are involved
confirmed in studies by Boughton (1975), National either alone or in combination with other factors.
Cooperative Highway Research Program (1978), and However, other research (Massie, Campbell, and
the Federal Highway Administration (1982). Other Blower 1993) tempers the criticism of research ex-
empirical relationships between vehicle accidents cluding human factors by pointing out that the hu-
and highway geometries have been studied through man-factors approach ignores the problem associ-
the use of statistical models to investigate accident ated with classifying collisions and their related
involvement rate, accident probability, geometric causes, be they human or otherwise. The authors
design variables critical to safety, and the accident- add that such an approach fails to address the issue
reduction potential of geometric improvements (Na- of helping drivers avoid collisions. Identification of
tional Cooperative Highway Research Program geometric and weather-related factors and their in-
1978; Hammerslag, Roos, and Kwakemaak 1982; terrelationship can be used to assist the driver in
Okamoto and Koshi 1981; Miaou et al. 1991). reducing the chances of a collision by offsetting the
In terms of the relationship between accidents ignorance factor caused by unanticipated changes
and weather elements, a number of important stud- in roadway geometries and their interrelation with
ies have been conducted (Ivey et al. 1981; Jovanis adverse weather conditions.
and Delleur 1981; Mori and Uematsu 1967; Snyder From a methodological perspective, attempts
1974). This past work studied the effect of rainfall to model accident frequencies have varied from the
and snowfall on accident occurrences and attempted use of least squares regression techniques to meth-
to quantify the contribution of these environmental ods involving exponential distribution families in-
elements to increasing accident likelihoods. Other cluding the Poisson and negative binomial models.
types of methodologies have also been applied to Previous research on Poisson and least squares (Jo-
the problem of accident analysis. For example, risk- vanis and Chang 1986; Joshua and Garber 1990; Mi-
based approaches, applied to the prediction of wet- aou and Lum 1993) indicates the inappropriateness
weather accidents, have also been documented of least squares techniques to modeling of accident
(Brodsky and Hakkert 1988), and recently, the effect frequencies, and recommends the employment of
of winter pavement maintenance on accident rates the Poisson distribution. The Poisson distribution,
has been investigated (Hanbali 1992). Finally, sea- however, suffers from an important limitation,
sonal variations in weather elements coupled with namely that the mean and variance are constrained
corresponding variations in traffic volumes have to be equal. Overdispersion (variance greater than
been examined (Jones, Janssen, and Mannering the mean) or underdispersion (variance less than the
1991) in a multivariate framework. mean) of data violates this constraint and leads to
Although past research work has provided in- biased coefficient estimates. A more general distri-
sight into the effect of weather on accident rates and bution, such as the negative binomial, has been em-
frequencies, efforts to investigate the interaction of ployed in such situations (Engel 1984; Lawless 1987;
weather and geometric elements and their conse- Manton, Woodbury and Stallard 1981) to relax this
quent impact on accident likelihoods have been min- constraint. Negative binomial distributions have
imal. The study of such interactions is important, been employed frequently in physics, medical sci-
because it could shed light on the impact of weather ences, and marketing. Documented use of the nega-
on critical geometric design elements and serve as tive binomial distribution in the field of traffic engi-
a guide in the design of roadway geometries so as neering includes applications in trip generation
to minimize accident likelihoods in the presence of (Frisbie 1980) and transportation economics (Hell-
374 V. SHANKAR et al.

erstein 1991). In terms of applying the negative bino- tribution, which includes a gamma-distributed error
mial distribution to model accident occurrences, re- term, is appropiate because it relaxes the Poissons
search has been conducted on accident proneness mean-variance equality constraint. The negative bi-
(Bates and Neyman 1952), accident migration nomial model is derived by rewriting eqn 2 as,
(Maher 1987; 1990), accident blackspots identifi-
cation (Senn and Collie 1988) and accident frequen- In A, = X,p + Ed (3)
cies (Miaou 1994; Maher 1991; Poch and Mannering
1994). where exp(sg) is a gamma-distributed error term.
The body of extant literature provides im- This results in the mean-variance relationship,
portant methodological direction for our study of
the interrelationship between roadway geometries Var[nJ = E[n&l + c&[nij]] (4)
and weather and accident frequencies. Details of
this methodological direction are discussed in the If (Yis significantly different from zero, the data are
following section. over-dispersed or underdispersed. If (Yis equal to
zero the negative binomial reduces to the Poisson
The resulting probability distribution under the
Count data are often modeled by assuming Pois- negative binomial assumption is,
son distributions (Cameron and Trivedi 1986). The
Poisson distribution is a useful starting point because r(e + ni.)
(i) it lends itself well to the modeling of count data P(nij) = r(e)n,; u;u- u$nij (5)
by virtue of its discrete, nonnegative integer-distri-
bution characteristics and (ii) can be generalized to where uii = e/(13 + A&, 8 = l/a, and I(.) is a value
more flexible distributional forms. In terms of acci- of the gamma function. Estimation of Aijcan be con-
dent frequencies, in this study we will focus on mod- ducted through standard maximum likelihood (ML)
eling the number of accidents occurring on a speci- procedures (see Greene 1993). Using eqn 5, the like-
fied section of roadway in a one-month time period. lihood function (the product of probabilities) for the
In such a case, the Poisson distribution gives negative binomial is,


where P(n$ is the probability of n accidents oc-

curring on roadway section i in monthj and h, is the
expected number of accidents on roadway section i where T is the last month of accident data and N is
in monthj. Given a vector of geometric, traffic and the total number of roadway sections. This function
weather data, A, can be estimated by the equation, is maximized to obtain coefficient estimates for j3
and (Y.
In h, = X,p (2) Careful attention must be paid to the appropri-
ateness of the negative binomial distribution in the
where X is a vector of geometric, traffic, and weather case of overdispersed data. For example, eqn 3 may
data for roadway section i in month j and p is a hold while the distribution of nij conditioned on X,
vector of estimable coefficients. As mentioned in our may not be negative-binomial distributed. In such
review of previous research, the Poisson distribution a case, the coefficient estimates will be consistent
constrains the mean and variance to be equal, (i.e. though less efficient than those for the correct
E[nj] = Var[nti]). As previously mentioned, estima- distribution. Importantly, the asymptotic variance-
tion using a Poisson distribution violating this as- covariance matrix will be incorrect and likely under-
sumption (i.e. when data are overdispersed or under- estimated. However, in practice, this underestima-
dispersed) results in biased estimates of p. It is well tion is not likely to affect substantive conclusions
known, based on the findings of many previous re- drawn from model estimation (see Lawless 1987).
search efforts, that accident frequency data tend to In addition to maximum likelihood estimation
be overdispersed, with the variance being signifi- procedures, other methods such as quasilikelihood,
cantly greater than the mean. Consequently, the weighted least squares (McCullagh and Nelder
Poisson distribution can lead to erroneous coeffi- 1983), moment estimation techniques (Breslow
cient estimates and erroneous inferences can be 1984), and regression-based estimation (Cameron
drawn. To overcome this, the negative binomial dis- and Trivedi 1986, 1990) are available. Examples of
Roadway geometries and environmental factors on rural freeways 375

the application of the moment method and regres- must be addressed. The existing literature addresses
sion-based estimation in accident modeling indicates several important issues relating to roadway section
that these methods should be used with caution (Mi- length determination in a linear regression context
aou 1994). Indications from statistical research on (Okamoto and Koshi 1989). The findings of these
the estimation of (Y,the dispersion coefficient, sug- studies show that great care must be taken in de-
gest that for large samples (N > 20) the quasilikeli- termining roadway section lengths because of two
hood and maximum likelihood methods perform best model estimation concerns: (i) the possibility of het-
(Piegorsch 1990). eroskedasticity (i.e. error terms are not identically
distributed) and (ii) the possibility of biased model
coefficients. Heteroskedasticity, especially in the
context of a negative binomial specification (as op-
The study area consists of a 61 km portion of posed to a Poisson specification), is an important
I-90 located some 48 km east of Seattle (see Fig. 1). issue due to the incorporation of the gamma-distrib-
This portion of Interstate 90 generally consists of uted error term.
a three-lane (3.66 m lanes) cross-section, in each The most popular alternatives for determining
direction, with 3.05 m shoulders and a 104.6 kph roadway section lengths are the use of fixed-length
speed limit. Virtually no variation in travel lane and sections or homogeneous sections (i.e. sections with
shoulder widths exists in the study area. homogeneous geometric characteristics; see Miaou
Data from a number of sources were gathered et al. 1991). With regard to homogeneous sections
over the period from January 1988 to May 1993. (both in terms of geometries and weather), several
Precipitation data were assembled from the Desert important problems arise. One of these problems is
Research Institute and Western Regional Climate that roadways with numerous horizontal curves and
Center and the geometric attributes of the roadway grades tend to produce sections that are less than
and accident data were obtained from the Washing- 1 km in length (i.e. to ensure homogeneity in geo-
ton State Department of Transportation. The avail- metrics). This can result in locational error problems
able precipitation data consisted of information re- because accidents, in most states, are locationally
lating to monthly rainfall and snowfall including reported to the nearest milepost (1.609 km). Poten-
average monthly snowfall and rainfall, maximum tial bias resulting from such accident-reporting loca-
daily snowfall and rainfall and number of snowy tional error is clearly undesirable.
and rainy days per month. Three weather stations Homogeneity of weather data presents a differ-
located at Snoqualmie Falls, Stevens Pass, and Cle ent problem. Weather data, by virtue of their geo-
Elum (all in Washington state near the study area) graphic characteristics, usually encompass much
were used as the sources of climatic data. Weather larger areas, and if allowed to govern section
data were assigned to sections based on their geo- lengths, are likely to result in long, geometrically
graphic proximity and elevation levels.* diverse sections, thus violating geometric homoge-
Geometric characteristics included: number of neity .
horizontal curves, number of horizontal curves un- Finally, the unequal length of sections that will
derdesigned (those curves with design speeds less result from the homogeneity requirement may exac-
than 112.6 kph, less than 96.5 kph, and less than erbate potential heteroskedasticity problems (i.e.
80.45 kph), maximum and minimum horizontal ra- unequal sample sizes; see Mannering 1995) and lead
dii, number of vertical curves, and maximum and to a loss in estimation efficiency. The resulting in-
minimum grades. crease in the standard errors of model coefficients
With these data in hand, the issue of dividing could lead the analyst to draw erroneous inferences
the study area into manageable sections of roadway with regard to the effects of model covariates.
The disadvantages of using fixed-length sec-
tions, relative to homogeneous sections, are far less
*As a result, several contiguous sections shared the same severe. In fact, most potential disadvantages can be
weather information (this can be seen in Table 1). Shared weather
data raises the issue of serial correlation of model error terms. overcome by accounting for the nonhomogeneity of
Weather information shared by contiguous sections causes any geometric and weather-related variables by includ-
shocks in data to propagate through sections common to those
data, thereby causing spatial correlation. To date, the effect of
ing detailed measures of the variability across sec-
such spatial correlation has not been specifically investigated in tions in the model specification (e.g. number of
a count data model context. However, based on experiences in curves, maximum grade, and number of underde-
linear regression contexts, it can be reasonably assumed that signed curves, and so on). If such data are available,
spatial correlation could cause some loss of efficiency of parame-
ter estimates. Studies have shown that, in most practical contexts, there is little need to constrain the analysis to homo-
this is not a major concern (Mannering 199.5). geneous sections. Moreover, fixed-length sections
376 V. SHANKAR et al.

may offer other advantages such as mitigating the temperature, and other environmental data such as
effects of accident migration, which is a phenome- daylight duration.
non involving the migration of accidents to a differ- Table 1 summarizes the averages of the vari-
ent portion of a hazardous roadway section after ables measured in this study. Mean section accident
corrective measures have been taken on some other frequency per month was 3.26 (Fig. 2 shows average
portion of the roadway (see Boyle and Wright 1984; per-month accident frequencies by section) with an
McGuigan 1985; Maher 1987). If one were to use observed monthly minimum of zero and maximum
geometrically homogeneous sections, it would be of 28 (the observed monthly variance was 16.32).
exceedingly difficult to account for the effect that Other values worthy of note include the high number
changes in accident likelihoods on one section would of horizontal curves on the 10 sections. The twelve
have on others (due to accident migration). How- horizontal curves in section 6 (sections 6 and 7 are
ever, the use of fixed-length, nonhomogeneous sec- near the summit) suggests complex geometries in
tions accounts for the possibility of accident migra- the area (i.e. about two horizontal curves per km).
tion, to some extent, because the migration across Also the average monthly snowfall, observed to be
the homogeneous subsections that constitute the 145.78 cm in sections 5-8, is quite high and reflects
fixed length section is internalized. the severe climate resulting from the relatively high
As a result of the above discussion, the sections elevation.
considered in this study were determined to be fixed,
equal-length sections. Thus, accident frequencies
and associated geometric and weather data were
compiled along ten sections of equal length over the The negative binomial estimation of section-
61 km study area (i.e. each section is 6.1 kilometers accident frequencies is presented in Table 2. This
in length). Accident frequencies and roadway geo- table shows that all variables are of plausible sign
metrics for both roadway directions (eastbound and with reasonably high statistical significance.
westbound) were used.* A total of 2,225 reported Table 2 shows that the majority of independent
accidents occurred in the study area between Janu- variables specified in this model positively affect
ary 1988 and May 1993.t Accidents were sorted by accident frequency, indicating a likelihood in in-
year and month and integrated with geometric and crease in frequency with increasing variable values.
monthly weather data into one database. The consol- The number of curves variable provides some insight
idated database, after accounting for some missing into potential geometric hazards. The number of
weather data (which resulted when weather stations curves with design speeds between 96.5 kph and
were not functioning due to mechanical failures) 128.7 kph appears to have a greater effect (0.117)
consisted of 464 observations with some sections than those designed under 96.5 kph (0.046). The
experiencing zero accidents in some months.S The higher coefficient value for higher design-speed
implicit specification of accident frequency per curves is likely capturing the tendency of drivers to
month as the dependent variable allows the modeling slow down for curves with low design speeds due
of seasonal variations in traffic volumes, ambient to a combination of the visual effect of the curve
and speed reduction signs usually found in those
*Interstate 90 has divided cross-sections with different Grade appears to have a strong positive effect
grades and horizontal curve attributes in 3 of the 10 study sec- on accident frequency, although in a stepwise, as
tions. By combining both east and west directions, we constrain
the ps to be the same. An empirical test of this assumption opposed to a continuous, manner. In comparison to
revealed that this constraint is statistically valid. those sections with grades less than 2%, those with
tin this analysis we include only those accidents reported maximum grades exceeding 2% will experience a
to the Washington State Highway Patrol (WSP). Although this
section of highway is heavily patrolled by WSP, it is likely that significant increase in accident frequency. Intu-
some minor accidents are never reported. itively, this captures the effect of speed differentials
$-Note that our data have repeated observations from the that play a significant role in accidental occurrences,
same section of roadway. That is, each section produces as many
as 12 observations (corresponding to 12 months) per year. Such although, to some extent, the presence of climbing
data raise the possibility of error-term correlation among observa- lanes offsets the detrimental impact of grades, espe-
tions produced by the same section, with observations from the cially those impacts caused by slow-moving heavy
same section sharing unobserved factors that may impact acci-
dent likelihoods (e.g. a scenic distraction). A likely consequence vehicles. In the present context, however, a geomet-
of such correlation is some loss in efficiency of coefficient esti- ric variable accounting for climbing-lane effects was
mates. However, research by Mannering and Winston (1991) not found to be significant because there is little
indicates that the efficiency loss from this source is small, particu-
larly if section-specific constants are included in the model speci- variation in this variable across sections. A review
fication (as will be the case in this study). of the data showed that any vertical grade reason-
Table 1. Sample summary statistics (section averages)

Variable Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

Accident frequency (per month) 1.80 1 2.25 1 1.66 2.49 1 7.81 8.35 1 5.92 1 4.15 1 2.81 1 2.86
Number of horizontal curves with a 1 3 1 3 1 5 9 2 8 2
design speed less than 112.6 kph
Number of horizontal curves with a 0 1 1 0 1 5 7 2 7 1
design speed less than 96.5 kph
Number of horizontal curves with a 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
design speed less than 80.5 kph I
Number of horizontal curves in 9 10 12 10 9 10 4
Maximum horizontal curve radius in 3030 3636 909 3030 1515 3030 695 1736 1736 1818
section (m)
Minimum horizontal curve radius in 636 595 595 606 333 333 347 347 347 788
section (m)
Number of vertical curves in section 7 8 9 10 8 5 1 16 1 7 1 15 1 5
Maximum grade in section (%) 5.00 1 3.00 1 1.76 3.63 1 5.29 1 4.22 1 2.00 1 2.60 1 3.83 1 5.00
Minimum grade in section (%) 0.03 1 0.27 1 0.14 0.46 1 3.29 1 0.67 1 0.43 1 0.08 1 0.20 1 0.74
Average monthly rainfall (cm) 12.53 ) 12.53 1 12.53 12.53 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75 4.83 4.83
Maximum daily rainfall in the 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 1.40 1.40
month (cm)
Number of rainy days in the month 15.95 15.95 15.95 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 9.52 9.52

Average monthly snowfall (cm) 1.70 1.70 1.70 1 145.78 1 145.78 1 145.78 1 145.78 1 8.50 8.50
Maximum daily snowfall in the 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 1 27.65 1 27.65 1 27.65 1 27.65 1 3.30 3.30
month (cm)
Number of snowy days in the month 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 10.31 10.31 10.31 10.31 1.24 1.24
V. SHANKAR etal.

Section Number (from West to East)

Fig. 2. Average monthly accident frequencies on the ten 6.1 km sections. (Sections numbered sequentially from west to east in the
study area.).

Table 2. Negative binomial estimation results (total section accident frequency)

Variable coefficient t-statistic p-value

Number of horizontal curves designed between 96.5 kph 0.117 2.437 0.015
and 112.6 kph
Number of horizontal curves designed below 96.5 kph 0.046 2.205 0.027
Maximum grade in section indicator (1 if greater than 2%, 0 0.133 2.148 0.006
Maximum rainfall indicator (1 if greater than 2.54 centimeters on 0.20!$ 1.401 0.161
any given day in the month; 0 otherwise)
Number of rainy days in the month 0.018 1.975 0.048
Rainfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum rainfall 0.184 1.239 0.215
greater than 2.54 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design speed less than
96.5 kph; 0 otherwise)
Maximum daily snowfall in the month 0.033 2.231 0.026
Snowfall-grade interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall 0.291 1.930 0.053
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and grade greater than 2%; 0 otherwise)
Snowfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall 0.387 2.137 0.032
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design speed less than
96.5 kph; 0 otherwise)
Section location indicator (1 if section number is 5, 6, 7 or 8; 0 -0.466 -1.812 0.070
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1988, 0 otherwise) 0.273 2.330 0.020
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1990; 0 otherwise) -0.167 -1.410 0.159
a (dispersion coefficient) 0.418 8.463 0.000

Number of observations 464

Log-likelihood at zero -2193.39
Log-likelihood at convergence -970.93
P2 0.56
Roadway geometries and environmental factors on rural freeways 379

ably long (longer than 2 km) and exceeding 2% had levels were observed during this year, the positive
a climbing lane. coefficient value captures unobserved effects such
Maximum rainfall played a significant, positive as unusually cold ambient temperatures resulting
role in accident occurrences. Employed as an indica- in ice-covered pavements and construction-related
tor variable, it captures not only the effect of inten- effects such as lane closures.?
sity of rainfall and potential hydroplaning of vehicles The year 1990, in a similar manner, was speci-
but also may be capturing the effects of exposure fied as an indicator variable. The negative effect of
and pavement condition. For example, the pave- this variable seems to account for some decrease in
ment surface is likely to remain wet or icy during the traffic volumes as well as extra caution used by driv-
night or early morning when daily rainfall exceeds ers in the presence of adverse driving conditions
2.54 cm. created by abnormally high levels of precipitation
The number of rainy days played a significant, that occurred during the year.
positive role in accident occurrences. This variable Finally, an examination of p2 (0.52) for the
appears to capture exposure effects such as expo- model indicates a good statistical fit, while the dis-
sure to wet pavements and lower visibility effects. persion coefficient, CX,was estimated to be signifi-
More interesting, given the fact that the Seattle area cantly different from zero (t = 8.463) indicating over-
generally experiences intermittent rainfall through- dispersion of data, a phenomenon that cannot be
out the year, drivers may be inclined to pay less handled by a Poisson distribution.4
attention to the risk of an accident during rainy Other issues worthy of note in the estimation
weather. The number of rainy days variable could context pertain to the impact of weather-related vari-
possibly be playing a surrogate role for increased ables on pertinent variables such as trafftc volume,
accident risk arising from driver complacency. temperature, and daylight time. The high level of
Maximum daily snowfall intuitively captures significance of the weather-related variables coupled
the positive effect that snow plays in accident occur- with their interaction with geometric variables sug-
rences. Maximum snowfall exceeding 5.08 centi- gests that they capture seasonal trends in traffic vol-
meters, employed as an indicator variable, appears ume, temperature, and daylight time as wel1.O The
to account for traction and lane-marking-related significance of weather-related variables and their
problems caused by increasing snow depth on the use as surrogates for traffic volumes is corroborated
pavement. In combination with grades, as evidenced in previous research (Jones, Janssen, and Man-
by the interaction term, it positively impacts acci- nering 1991).
dent frequency. This illustrates the dangerous com- It should also be noted that we tried to include
bination of traction, lane-markings, and speed differ- a variety of other interactions between two variables
entials. In addition, it also suggests that the effect and among three or more variables in our model
of climbing lanes could likely be annulled by the (e.g. rainfall exceeding 2.54 cm on any given day in
obliteration of lane markings on snow-covered pave- the month, at least one horizontal curve with less
ments. In the presence of underdesigned horizontal than 96.5 kph design speed, and a grade greater than
curves, the snowfall variable portrays a stronger
effect than the grade interaction by virtue of its tit should be noted that since I-90 is a captive corridor with
higher coefficient. few alternate routes to/from eastern Washington. construction
The section location indicator variable shows activities did not cause significant decreases in traftic volumes
in the study corridor.
that the middle portion of the study corridor (sec-
$It is interesting to note that several variables that were
tions 5, 6, 7, and 8, which include the summit and found to be significant in a Poisson specification of our model
the immediate area surrounding it) is associated with turned out to be insignificant under the negative binomial assump-
lower accident rates with all other factors held con- tion. This occurred because the Poisson specification underesti-
mated coefficient variances due to the inherent overdispersion
stant.* This is likely the result of changes in driver of data. Variables found significant in the Poisson but insignificant
behavior, with drivers becoming more cautious as in the negative binomial included average daily rainfall for the
they gain elevation and approach/depart from the month, number of snowy days in the month, average snowfall
in the month and curve radii.
Snoqualmie Pass Summit. $The absence of trafhc volume, temperature, and other vari-
The year 1988 was found to affect accident fre- ables in the model raises the possibility of a model specification
quencies positively. Although normal precipitation error (i.e. an omitted variables bias). To test for this we used a
series of month indicator variables (e.g. January, February, etc.)
and time of year variables (e.g. Winter, Summer, Spring, and
*Note that this does not imply that these sections of the Autumn). These variables are highly correlated with traffic vol-
study area have lower overall accident rates (see Fig. 2). It indi- umes (and their seasonal variation), temperature variations, and
cates only that these sections have lower than expected accident other possible omitted variables. These indicator variables were
rates when the accumulated effects of geometries and weather all statistically insignificant, suggesting the possible omitted vari-
have been taken into account. ables bias is not playing a significant role in our model.
380 V. SHANKAR etal.

Table 3. Accident frequency elasticity estimates less than unity). This suggests that, while the effect
of these variables on accident frequencies is statisti-
Elasticity with respect to Value
cally significant, they may be nearing thresholds
Number of rainy days in the month 0.2624 where accident frequencies have relatively low sen-
Maximum daily snowfall in the month 0.1012 sitivity to any changes in the explanatory variables.
Number of horizontal curves designed between 0.1346
%.5 kph and 112.6 kph To gather some understanding of the relative
Number of horizontal curves designed below 0.0968 importance of the indicator variables included in the
%.S kph model, a numerical computation can be performed
to provide an idea of the relative effect of indicator
variables on average accident frequency. This is ac-
complished by using a ratio of coefficients. For ex-
2%). However, all such variables produced statisti-
ample, the average accident frequency A, for sec-
cally insignificant coefficients and were thus ex-
tion i in monthj can be said to increase 14.0% (e.33/
cluded from our final specification.
e), if the maximum grade on the section is raised
Elasticities of independent variables were esti-
to exceed 2%, assuming the error terms are indepen-
mated to determine the impact of those variables
dent of xij and remain unchanged. Table 4 presents
on accident frequency. Elasticities can be roughly
the change in the average accident frequency caused
interpreted as the percentage change in the average
by threshold changes in the indicator variables.
frequency of accidents A, due to a one-percent
This table shows that snowfall-horizontal curve
change in the independent variable. Elasticity of ac-
and snowfall-grade indicators have a large effect on
cident frequency A,, with respect to xiik (the ktb
accident frequencies (47.3% and 33.8%, respec-
independent variable for section i in monthj) is de-
tively). Rainfall indicators also strongly impact acci-
fined as,
dent frequencies. These findings underscore the im-
portance of accounting for weather/geometric
(7) interactions when assessing accident likelihoods.

Using eqn 3, eqn 7 gives, IMPLICATIONS OF FINDINGS

The proposed model accounts for plausible and
E$ = pxijk intuitive geometric and weather-related factors that
influence accident frequencies. Specifically, the
where /3 is the coefficient corresponding to covariate model offers insight into the combined effect of
+jk . weather and geometric elements through interaction
With eqn 8, elasticities of A, for each section variables. The employment of indicator-type inter-
observation were computed and sample averages action variables allows designers to determine
were then estimated. Note that the elasticities of thresholds of geometric variables, such as maximum
indicator variables are not meaningful, so only the grade, beyond which their interaction begins sig-
elasticities of continuous variables are presented in nificantly to affect accident frequencies.
Table 3. The findings of this paper have significant impli-
Table 3 provides some interesting insights. For cations for highway design standards. Current stan-
example, a one percent increase in the number of dards establish geometric design criteria on the basis
rainy days in a month causes a .26% increase in of pavement-tire interactions on wet pavements.
accident frequencies. Similarly, a one percent in- Our findings show that, in order to reduce accident
crease in the maximum daily snowfall in a month likelihoods in areas that frequently experience ad-
results in a .lO% increase in accident frequencies. verse weather, the basis of establishing design crite-
This suggests that, at least for these two variables, ria should be expanded beyond wet pavements. Spe-
accident likelihoods may be more sensitive to rain cifically, great effort should be expended to avoid
than snow. However, these are not the only snow/ steep grades and horizontal curves with low design
rain variables in the model (i.e. indicator variables speeds in areas with adverse weather. Intuitively,
are not included in Table 3) and, as will be shown, this seems obvious, but our model provides a
indicator variables that show an interaction between method of quantifying the impacts of these geomet-
climatic conditions and roadway geometries have a ric characteristics. For example, for our study area,
large impact on accident frequencies. eliminating all horizontal curves with a design speed
Finally, it is also important to point out that all less than 96.5 kph on a roadway section that experi-
variables shown in Table 3 are inelastic (elasticity ences at least 5.1 cm of snowfall one or more days
Roadway geometries and environmental factors on rural freeways 381

Table 4. Percentage change in accident frequencies due to indicator variables

Percentage change in mean

Variable accident frequency, Aii

Maximum grade in section indicator (1 if greater than 2%; 0 14.2

Maximum rainfall indicator (1 if greater than 2.54 centimeters on 23.2 to 48.1*
any given day in the month; 0 otherwise)
Rainfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum rainfall 20.2
greater than 2.54 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design- speed less than
96.5 kph; 0 otherwise)
Snowfall-grade interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall 33.8
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and grade greater than 2%; 0 otherwise)
Snowfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall 47.3
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design speed less than
96.5 kph; 0 otherwise)
Section location indicator (1 if section number is 5, 6, 7 or 8; 0 -32.3
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1988, 0 otherwise) 31.4
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1990, 0 otherwise) -15.4

*It is assumed that the change in one indicator variable will not be accompanied by a simultaneous
change in any other variable with the exception of the interaction variables. For example, a change
in the maximum monthly rainfall variable (to greater than 2.54 cm) does not affect the location
dummy. However, by virtue of the monthly rainfalls interaction with horizontal curves, maximum
rainfall could have an additive effect because it could influence two variables. This explains the
percentage range shown for maximum rainfall

in a month, can reduce the monthly accident fre- tions, snow-horizontal curve interactions, and the
quency by 47.3% (see Table 4). Although our model various rainfall variables (see Mannering, Mura-
results are site-specific, a more global application of kami, and Kim 1994 for an application of such coef-
our approach could serve as a basis for a cost-benefit ficient stability tests). The finding of statistically sig-
analysis that could guide geometric design policy nificant instability in coefficients could then be
more effectively than the current wet-pavement ap- attributed to the variable message/speed-limit sign-
proach.* ing and the in-vehicle signing systems. Such an anal-
In terms of using our model results to evaluate ysis is important because we are not simply testing
the proposed use of variable message signs, variable for differences in before-and-after accident frequen-
speed-limit signs, and in-vehicle signing to warn cies, but isolating the true causality of these differ-
drivers of weather- and traffic-related dangers in the ences by controlling for the complex interaction be-
study corridor, a comparison of our before esti- tween geometries and weather conditions. A more
mation results (as shown in Table 2) can be made simplistic comparison of before-and-after data could
with similar estimations conducted using data col- easily lead to erroneous conclusions. For example,
lected after the signing system has been imple- one could conclude that the signing system was inef-
mented. A series of likelihood ratio tests can be fective in reducing accidents, but slight variations
conducted to test for overall coefficient stability in weather between before-and-after data could be
(between before-and-after data) and individual coef- masking the systems effectiveness.
ficient stability can be evaluated on estimated coef- Finally, in addition to being able to determine
ficients such as grade, snowfall, snow-grade interac- whether or not the proposed signing system was
effective in reducing accident frequencies, an analy-
*A more global application would be a negative binomial sis of changes in coefficient elasticities and the mag-
accident frequency model estimated with roadway sections that nitudes of indicator variables will allow us more
had widely varying geometric, traflic flow, and access-control precisely to isolate the effectiveness of the signing
characteristics (as opposed to the comparatively homogeneous
sections used in this study). Such an application would likely system. For example, we may be able to state spe-
find that variables such as lane widths, shoulder widths, peak- cifically that the signing system mitigated the ad-
hour traffic volumes, daily traffic volumes, percentage of trucks, verse effects of high snowfall on grades greater than
type of road indicators (i.e. urban freeway, rural arterial, etc.),
and type of interchange/intersection indicators, play a role in the 2%. Such specificity is needed to make definitive
frequency of accident occurrence. statements regarding IVHS technologies.
382 V. SHANKAR et al.

ACCIDENT FREQUENCY MODELS BY sual impact on drivers to decrease speeds. The result
TYPE OF ACCIDENT is an increase in both lane violations (resulting in
vehicular collisions) and vehicles running off the
In addition to modeling overall accident fre-
roadway and colliding with fixed objects. From a
quency on highway sections (i.e. as demonstrated
severity viewpoint, fixed-object collisions are more
above) separate regressions of specific accident
likely to result in serious injuries than vehicular colli-
types will also provide valuable information. Sepa-
sions in the same direction. Consideration should
rate regression models have the potential for provid-
then be given to upgrading marginally underdesigned
ing greater explanatory power relative to a single,
curves (96.5 kph to 112.6 kph) if fixed-object colli-
overall frequency model because separate models
sions show increasing trends at certain locations.
allow coefficient estimates to vary by the type of
accident. Intuitively, such variation seems reason-
Variable Number of horizontal curves in section
able. For example, we would expect a steep grade
Finding Tendency to increase same direction
to have a different effect on the likelihood of an
(all others) and fixed-object collisions
overturn accident than it would on a rear-end ac-
This finding suggests two separate phenomena. Ve-
cident .
hicular collisions in the same direction tend to in-
To evaluate the impacts of geometries and
crease on sections as the number of horizontal
weather on specific accident types, models were es-
curves increase, because speeds on curves do not
timated for accidents classified as sideswipes, rear-
decrease enough to avoid lane violations. The fact
end, parked vehicles, fixed object, overturns, and
that fixed-object collisions tend to increase with the
same direction (all others). Estimation results for
total number of curves in a section indicates the
these models are presented in the Appendix. All
increased likelihood of fixed objects, such as guard-
models were negative binomial regressions except
rails, being present on sections with more curves.
the overturn accident frequency model, which was
The presence of such objects prevents a more severe
a Poisson regression (i.e. statistically the overturn
type of accident, such as a vehicle overturn, from
data were not overdispersed).
occurring. The caveat stemming from this finding
Interpretations of the results shown in Tables
is that it is preferable to design longer but fewer
Al through A6 are presented below. These interpre-
horizontal curves where the terrain makes construc-
tations are presented by type of variables.
tion of straight sections impossible.

Variable Number of horizontal curves designed Variable Average spacing of horizontal curves
below 96.5 kph in section
Finding Tendency to increase sideswipe and Finding Tendency to increase overturn colli-
rear-end collisions but decrease parked sions
vehicle as well as fixed object collisions This finding uncovers an effect of roadway geomet-
This finding suggests that drivers tend to slow down tics that was not distinguishable in the overall acci-
on underdesigned curves with design speeds less dent frequency model. The very significant t-statis-
than 96.5 kph because of signing and visual per- tic (4.636) indicates the significant effect that spacing
ception and thus avoid severe accidents such as of horizontal curves in a section has on driver
fixed-object collisions. However, this possible speed speeds. Intuitively, if curves are spaced farther
reduction does not appear to be enough to avoid apart, vehicular speeds are likely to climb as a result
sideswipe or rear-end accidents caused by lane vio- of lower caution exhibited by drivers. Consequently,
lations or speed differentials due to braking on the there is a greater risk of an overturn if curves are
curve. In addition, it must be noted that parked- spaced farther apart in a section. Careful attention
vehicle collisions tend to decrease because drivers should be paid to the application of corrective mea-
are likely to avoid parking on the shoulder (for pur- sures in this regard. The obvious interpretation is
poses such as chaining) on a tight curve because they to decrease the spacing of curves to decrease the
perceive greater safety hazards at such locations. frequency of overturn accidents; however, it would
appear counterintuitive to locate curves physically
Variable Number of horizontal curves designed nearer as a countermeasure. The surrogate action
between 96.5 kph and 112.6 kph is to place more advance warning signs in sections
Finding Tendency to increase same direction with longer curve spacing. By placing more advance
(all others) and fixed object collisions warning signs and strategically locating them, the
This finding suggests that curves underdesigned be- spacing of curves in the drivers mind is subliminally
tween 96.5 kph and 112.6 kph do not create the vi- altered.
Roadway geometries and environmental factors on rural freeways 383

Variable Lowest horizontal curve radius in headways paying more attention to the driving task.
section Much of this attention is focused on the vehicle
Finding Tendency to increase sideswipe colli- ahead and quite likely much less is paid to the area of
sions and decrease overturn collisions peripheral vision. This overcompensation on vehicle
The lowest horizontal radius suggests the type of headways reduces rear-end accident risks but in-
terrain where the section is located. Sections with creases other accident types.
longer minimum radii could lull the driver into lane
violations that result in sideswipes. However, low- Variable Average daily rainfall in the month
radii curves are usually associated with winding sec- Finding Tendency to increase rear-end colli-
tions of highway, which decrease the likelihood of sions
gathering sufficient speed for an overturn accident. This likely is an outgrowth of a seasonal effect that
is descriptive of pavement condition. As opposed
Variable Maximum grade in section to maximum rainfall on any given day in the month,
Finding Tendency to increase rear-end and this variable captures the loss of traction due to wet
same-direction (all others) collisions pavements. An increase in average daily rainfall is
This finding suggests several processes stemming indicative of a more prolonged wet-month weather
from the presence of grades in a section. Between effect. Drivers are less likely to pay attention to
any two sections, the section with the steeper maxi- prolonged effects as opposed to short-term effects
mum upgrade will experience a greater number of such as thunderstorms. In addition, as mentioned
rear-end and other same-direction accidents. In ad- in the discussion of the overall model, the Seattle
dition, rear-end accidents will increase substantially area receives rainfall for a large portion of the year
if the maximum grade exceeds 2% in that section. on an intermittent basis. Drivers in the region may
Both effects are explained by speed differentials oc- be less likely to acknowledge the hazards of wet
curring due to the impact of grades. The impact of pavements.
grades is reversed in the presence of downgrades.
Between any two sections, the section with the Variable Number of rainy days in the month
steeper maximum downgrade will experience fewer Finding Tendency to decrease sideswipe and
rear-end and other same-direction accidents, pre- rear-end collisions and increased fixed-
sumably from lower speed differentials. Much of the object collisions
effect of the higher braking distance on downgrades It is speculated that the findings relating to this vari-
appears to be offset by the visual impact of brake able can be partially attributed to drivers reducing
lights warning drivers of the potential slowing of their speed in the presence of other vehicles during
vehicles ahead. In contrast, drivers are unlikely to rainy periods (so much so that some types of vehicle
use brakes on an upgrade which eliminates a critical collisions actually decrease). The positive coeffi-
warning sign of speed reductions. cient for fixed-object collisions suggests that this
possibility of cautious driving behavior during rainy
Variable Maximum rainfall on any given day in conditions does not transfer to all driving situations.
the month
Finding Tendency to increase sideswipe, Variable Maximum snowfall on any given day
parked-vehicle, fixed-object, and over- in the month
turn collisions and decrease rear-end Finding Tendency to increase rear-end, same-
collisions direction (all others), parked-vehicle,
This result reflects some interesting phenomena af- and fixed-object collisions
fecting driver behavior and the driving task. Acci- This finding illustrates a number of consequences
dents resulting from the loss of steering control, such associated with intensity of snowfall. Loss of trac-
as lane violations and running-off-the-roadway, are tion, reduced visibility, and obliteration of lane
expected to increase in occurrence with increases in markings act individually or in combination to in-
maximum daily rainfall. Maximum rainfall indicates crease the likelihood of accident types such as rear-
the intensity of rainfall and how that results in water end and other collisions in the same direction as
puddles forming in wheel ruts in the pavement. The well as collisions with parked vehicles and fixed
presence of such puddles contributes to vehicle hy- objects.
droplaning and also excessive lateral drag resulting
in lane violations and off-roadway accidents. On Variable Number of snowy days in the month
the other hand, as intensity of rainfall increases, Finding Tendency to increase sideswipe, fixed-
visibility decreases and drivers maintain greater object, and overturn collisions
384 V. SHANKAR~~~~.

This variable could be capturing a number of effects. advance of underdesigned curves advising drivers
For example, the loss of traction, obliteration of of poor traction and slower speeds.
lane markings, and seasonal trends in weather and
temperature could all be reflected in the significance Variable Rainfall-curve interaction
of this variable. Finding Tendency to increase rear-end and
other collisions in the same direction
Variable Snowfall-grade interaction and decrease fixed-object and overturn
Finding Tendency to decrease sideswipe, rear- collisions
end, other collisions in the same and It is likely that this variable is capturing complex
parked-vehicle collisions interactions among roadway and geometric condi-
The coefficients of the interaction between snowfall tions and driver behavior. To be able to speculate
and grade on rear-end accidents, other vehicular further on the nature of these findings, additional
collisions in the same direction, and parked-vehicle data on other roadway types (e.g. nonfreeways) is
accidents (as shown in tables A2, A3, and A4) appear necessary. This would allow us to isolate the effect
counterintuitive. However, a closer examination of of rainfall-curve interactions by providing greater
the estimation results shown in tables A2, A3, and variance in the data.
A4 indicates that the net effect of snowfall and grade
is to increase the frequency of these accident types, Variable Spring/summer month indicator
a conclusion also drawn from the positive coefficient Finding Tendency to decrease same-direction
of the snowfall-grade interaction variable for side- (all others) parked-vehicle and fixed-
swipe collisions. In order to illustrate the net positive object collisions
effect of snowfall-grade interaction on rear-end colli- This indicates primarily the effects of seasonal
sions, it is observed in Table A2 that the coefficient trends such as daylight duration and ambient tem-
of the maximum daily snowfall variable is 3.468, perature. These are important determinants of acci-
which implies that when the daily maximum in any dents such as vehicular collisions in the same direc-
given month exceeds 5.1 cm rear-end accident fre- tion and collisions with parked vehicles and fixed
quencies are expected to increase 32-fold (e3.468).In objects. The finding illustrates the impact of pave-
the presence of a significant interaction with grade ment conditions, such as black ice, as well as visibil-
on the section, (i.e. when maximum grade in the ity. It should be noted that the spring/summer
section exceeds 2%) this 32-fold compounding effect indicator was found significantly to decrease acci-
is tempered to 45fold (e (3.468-1.W))by the negative dent frequencies in spite of increased exposure due
coefficient (- 1.964) of the interaction between to the higher traffic volumes typically observed dur-
snowfall and grade. This is a very intuitive occur- ing the spring and summer months.
rence indicating that the compounding effect of
snowfall is not as severe when grades exceed 2%, Variable Year of occurrence indicator
quite possibly due to the presence of climbing lanes Finding Tendency to increase all accident types
on upgrades and driver caution on downgrades. Ex- This finding indicates that some unobserved effects
amination of the snowfall-grade coefficient in other (e.g. ice accumulation on the pavement and within-
relevant accident types indicates a similar pattern. day temperature variations) were more severe dur-
Corrective action then appears to be the construc- ing the subject year than usual, thus tending to in-
tion of climbing lanes in areas where snowfall inten- crease the likelihood of an accident.
sity is severe (exceeding 5.1 cm a day) and grades
exceed 2%. Variable Section location indicator
Finding Tendency to increase rear-end and
Variable Snowfall-curve interaction overturn collisions, but decrease fixed
Finding Tendency to increase rear-end, other object collisions
collisions in the same direction, and Section location indicators capture unobserved fac-
overturn collisions tors attributable to specific locations within the cor-
This finding is similar to those described previously ridor. Such unobserved factors could include visual
for the interaction between snowfall and grade. The distractions and other attributes of the highway sec-
net effect of snowfall on curves is tempered in the tion that are difficult to quantify.
presence of underdesigned curves (< 112.6 kph), In summary, note that the coefficient estimates
presumably due to warning signs and driver caution. presented in these tables show that there are signifi-
Corrective action to mitigate the impact of snowfall cant differences in the magnitudes of the coefficient
appears to be the installation of warning signs in estimates (and in some cases the signs of the coeffi-
Roadway geometries and environmental factors on rural freeways 385

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Accident Frequency Model Estimation Results by Accident Type

Table Al. Negative binomial estimation results monthly section sideswipe accident frequency

Variable coefficient t-statistic p-value

Constant -2.772 -4.011 0.000

Number of horizontal curves designed below %.5 kph 0.102 1.977 0.048
Lowest horizontal curve radius in section (meters) 0.01027 1.104 0.269
Number of rainy days in the month -0.019 -1.132 0.258
Maximum rainfall indicator (1 if greater than 2.54 centimeters on 0.959 3.910 0.000
any given day in the month; 0 otherwise)
Number of snowy days in the month 0.029 1.290 0.197
Snowfall-grade interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall 0.930 3.869 0.000
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and grade greater than 2%; 0 otherwise)
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1988; 0 otherwise) 0.483 2.013 0.044
a (dispersion coefficient) 0.396 1.420 0.155

Number of observations 464

Log-likelihood at zero -498.78
Log-likelihood at convergence -298.14
P2 0.40
Roadway geometries and environmental factors on rural freeways 387

Table A2. Negative binomial estimation results monthly section rear-end accident frequency

Variable coefficient t-statistic p-value

Constant -4.368 -5.346 0.000

Number of horizontal curves designed below 96.5 kph 0.080 1.679 0.093
Maximum grade in section 0.310 2.211 0.027
Maximum grade in section indicator (1 if greater than 2%; 0 1.271 1.732 0.083
Maximum rainfall on any given day in the month -0.381 -1.902 0.057
Number of rainy days in the month -0.048 -1.741 0.082
Average daily rainfall in any given month 0.149 2.324 0.020
Rainfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum rainfall 0.983 3.309 0.001
greater than 2.54 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design speed less than
96.5 kph; 0 otherwise)
Maximum daily snowfall in the month (1 if maximum snowfall 3.468 3.215 0.001
greater than on 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the
Snowfall-grade interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall -1.964 -2.382 0.017
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and grade greater than 2%; 0 otherwise)
Snowfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall -1.707 -2.262 0.023
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design speed less than
96.5 kph; 0 otherwise)
Section location indicator (1 if section number is 5, 6, 7 or 8, 0 0.815 2.408 0.016
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1988; 0 otherwise) 0.747 2.797 0.005
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1989; 0 otherwise) 0.762 2.908 0.004
a (dispersion coefficient) 0.910 3.023 0.002

Number of observations 464

Log-likelihood at zero -544.59
Log-likelihood at convergence -310.84
P2 0.43

Table A3. Negative binomial estimation results monthly section parked vehicle accident frequency

Variable coefficient f-statistic p-value

Constant -3.290 -5.523 0.000

Number of horizontal curves designed below 96.5 kph -0.167 -1.741 0.082
Maximum rainfall indicator (1 if greater than 2.54 centimeters on 0.906 2.274 0.023
any given day in the month; 0 otherwise)
Maximum daily snowfall (1 if greater than 5.1 centimeters on 2.500 3.705 0.000
any given day in the month; 0 otherwise)
Snowfall-grade interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall -1.381 -2.294 0.022
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and grade greater than 2%; 0 otherwise)
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1988; 0 otherwise) 0.629 1.385 0.166
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1989; 0 otherwise) 1.273 3.179 0.001
Spring/summer month indicator (1 if April, May, June, July or -0.819 -1.607 0.108
August; 0 otherwise)
a (dispersion coefficient) 1.505 2.375 0.018

Number of observations 464

Log-likelihood at zero -487.54
Log-likelihood at convergence - 177.51
P2 0.64
388 V. SHANKARet al.

Table A4. Negative binomial estimation results monthly section fixed object accident frequency

Variable coefficient r-statistic p-value

Constant -2.156 -5.515 0.000

Number of horizontal curves designed between 96.5 kph 0.154 1.957 0.050
and 112.6 kph
Number of horizontal curves designed below 96.5 kph -0.130 -2.737 0.006
Number of horizontal curves in section 0.285 5.032 0.000
Maximum rainfall indicator (1 if greater than 2.54 centimeters on 0.423 1.932 0.053
any given day in the month; 0 otherwise)
Number of rainy days in the month 0.023 1.821 0.069
Rainfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum rainfall -0.507 -2.144 0.032
greater than 2.54 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design speed less than
96.5 kph; 0 otherwise)
Maximum snowfall indicator (1 if greater than 5.1 centimeters 0.654 3.198 0.001
on any given day in the month; 0 otherwise)
Number of snowy days in the month 0.050
Section location indicator (1 if section number is 1, 2, 3 or 4; 0 -1.431 -::?Z 8:E
Section location indicator (1 if section number is 5, 6, 7, or 8; 0 -1.017 -3.257 0.001
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1988; 0 otherwise) 0.283 2.206 0.027
Spring/summer month indicator (1 if April, May, June, July or -0.294 -2.081 0.037
August; 0 otherwise)
(Y(dispersion coefficient) 0.282 3.078 0.002

Number of observations
Log-likelihood at zero f: 42
Log-likelihood at convergence -610:79
PZ 0.28

Table AS. Poisson estimation results monthly section overturn accident frequency

Variable coefficient r-statistic p-value

Constant -3.288 -7.961 0.000

Average spacing of horizontal curves in section (meters) 0.00784 4.636 0.000
Lowest horizontal curve radius in section (meters) -0.00461 -2.857 0.004
Maximum rainfall indicator (1 if greater than 2.54 centimeters on 0.692 3.030 0.002
any given day in the month; 0 otherwise)
Rainfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum rainfall -0.727 -2.952 0.003
greater than 2.54 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design speed between
%.5 kph and 112.6 kilometers per hour; 0 otherwise)
Number of snowy days in the month 0.039 2.264 0.023
Snowfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall 0.970 4.771 0.000
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design speed between
96.5 kph and 112.6 kilometers per hour; 0 otherwise)
Section location indicator (1 if section number is 1, 2, 3 or 4; 0 2.260 4.119 0.000
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1988, 0 otherwise) 0.465 2.868 0.004

Number of observations 464

Log-likelihood at zero -509.17
Log-likelihood at convergence -368.75
P2 0.28
Roadway geometries and environmental factors on rural freeways 389

Table A6. Negative binomial estimation results monthly section same direction (all others) accident frequency

Variable coefficient t-statistic p-value

Constant -4.007 -7.819 0.000

Number of horizontal curves designed between 96.5 kph 0.471 3.381 0.001
and 112.6 kph
Maximum grade in section 0.344 2.939 0.003
Rainfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum rainfall 0.787 3.857 0.000
greater than 2.54 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design speed less than
%.5 kph; 0 otherwise)
Maximum daily snowfall (1 if greater than 5.1 centimeters on 2.923 7.128 0.000
any given day in the month)
Snowfall-grade interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall -0.901 -2.218 0.027
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and grade greater than 2%; 0 otherwise)
Snowfall-curve interaction indicator (1 if maximum snowfall -1.232 -3.338 0.001
greater than 5.1 centimeters on any given day in the month
and at least one horizontal curve has a design speed between
%.5 kph and 112.6 kph; 0 otherwise)
Spring/summer month indicator (1 if April, May, June, July or -0.805 -2.881 0.004
August; 0 otherwise)
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1988, 0 otherwise) 0.571 2.253 0.024
Year of occurrence indicator (1 if 1989, 0 otherwise) 0.412 1.647 0.100
(I (dispersion coefficient) 0.562 2.524 0.011

Number of observations 464

Log-likelihood at zero -540.84
Log-likelihood at convergence -307.04
P2 0.43

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