Sie sind auf Seite 1von 10

{txt}log type: {res}smcl

{txt}opened on: {res}13 May 2017, 15:46:48

. twoway scatter vi_rel urban || lfit vi_rel urban
. . graph export "C:\Users\Souhail Wardi\Desktop\Scatter-plot.png", as(png) repl
ace (note: file C:\Users\Souhail Wardi\Desktop\Scatter-plot.png not found) (file
C:\Users\Souhail Wardi\Desktop\Scatter-plot.png written in PNG format)
{err}option {bf:replace()} not allowed
{txt}{search r(198), local:r(198);}
. reg vi_rel urban
{txt} Source {c |} SS df MS Number of obs ={re
s} 51
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} F(1, 49) = {res} 18.13
{txt} Model {c |} {res} 11813.3473 1 11813.3473 {txt}Prob > F
={res} 0.0001
{txt} Residual {c |} {res} 31929.8182 49 651.628943 {txt}R-squared
={res} 0.2701
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} Adj R-squared ={res} 0.2552
{txt} Total {c |} {res} 43743.1655 50 874.863311 {txt}Root MSE
= {res} 25.527
{txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{col 1} vi_rel{col 14}{c |} Coef.{col 26} Std. Err.{col 38} t{c
ol 46} P>|t|{col 54} [95% Con{col 67}f. Interval]
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{space 7}urban {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-.7940653{col 26}{space 2} .1864962{co
l 37}{space 1} -4.26{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4}-1.168843{col 67}{s
pace 3}-.4192872
{txt}{space 7}_cons {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} 96.37061{col 26}{space 2} 13.154
75{col 37}{space 1} 7.33{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} 69.93515{col
67}{space 3} 122.8061
{txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
. . display sqrt(0.2701)
. . reg vi_rel urban gdp_1000 divorce
{txt} Source {c |} SS df MS Number of obs ={re
s} 23
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} F(3, 19) = {res} 2.60
{txt} Model {c |} {res} 1844.25614 3 614.752048 {txt}Prob > F
={res} 0.0819
{txt} Residual {c |} {res} 4486.32216 19 236.122219 {txt}R-squared
={res} 0.2913
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} Adj R-squared ={res} 0.1794
{txt} Total {c |} {res} 6330.5783 22 287.753559 {txt}Root MSE
= {res} 15.366
{txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{col 1} vi_rel{col 14}{c |} Coef.{col 26} Std. Err.{col 38} t{c
ol 46} P>|t|{col 54} [95% Con{col 67}f. Interval]
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{space 7}urban {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-.0656025{col 26}{space 2} .35531{co
l 37}{space 1} -0.18{col 46}{space 3}0.855{col 54}{space 4}-.8092749{col 67}{s
pace 3} .67807
{txt}{space 4}gdp_1000 {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-.1177556{col 26}{space 2} .85
52741{col 37}{space 1} -0.14{col 46}{space 3}0.892{col 54}{space 4}-1.907865{c
ol 67}{space 3} 1.672354
{txt}{space 5}divorce {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-.5466084{col 26}{space 2} .239
5161{col 37}{space 1} -2.28{col 46}{space 3}0.034{col 54}{space 4}-1.047921{co
l 67}{space 3}-.0452953
{txt}{space 7}_cons {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} 50.40406{col 26}{space 2} 23.964
91{col 37}{space 1} 2.10{col 46}{space 3}0.049{col 54}{space 4} .2449206{col
67}{space 3} 100.5632
{txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
. . test urban gdp_1000 divorce
{p 0 7}{space 1}{text:( 1)}{space 1} {res}urban = 0{p_end}
{p 0 7}{space 1}{text:( 2)}{space 1} gdp_1000 = 0{p_end}
{p 0 7}{space 1}{text:( 3)}{space 1} divorce = 0{p_end}
{txt} F( 3, 19) ={res} 2.60
{txt}{col 13}Prob > F ={res} 0.0819
. use, clear
{txt}(1978 Automobile Data)
. . reg weight length
{txt} Source {c |} SS df MS Number of obs ={re
s} 74
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} F(1, 72) = {res} 613.27
{txt} Model {c |} {res} 39461306.8 1 39461306.8 {txt}Prob > F
={res} 0.0000
{txt} Residual {c |} {res} 4632871.55 72 64345.4382 {txt}R-squared
={res} 0.8949
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} Adj R-squared ={res} 0.8935
{txt} Total {c |} {res} 44094178.4 73 604029.841 {txt}Root MSE
= {res} 253.66
{txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{col 1} weight{col 14}{c |} Coef.{col 26} Std. Err.{col 38} t{c
ol 46} P>|t|{col 54} [95% Con{col 67}f. Interval]
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{space 6}length {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} 33.01988{col 26}{space 2} 1.333364{c
ol 37}{space 1} 24.76{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} 30.36187{col 67}{
space 3} 35.67789
{txt}{space 7}_cons {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-3186.047{col 26}{space 2} 252.31
13{col 37}{space 1} -12.63{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} -3689.02{col
67}{space 3}-2683.073
{txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
. . reg weight length price turn
{txt} Source {c |} SS df MS Number of obs ={re
s} 74
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} F(3, 70) = {res} 291.22
{txt} Model {c |} {res} 40823271.3 3 13607757.1 {txt}Prob > F
={res} 0.0000
{txt} Residual {c |} {res} 3270907.09 70 46727.2441 {txt}R-squared
={res} 0.9258
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} Adj R-squared ={res} 0.9226
{txt} Total {c |} {res} 44094178.4 73 604029.841 {txt}Root MSE
= {res} 216.16
{txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{col 1} weight{col 14}{c |} Coef.{col 26} Std. Err.{col 38} t{c
ol 46} P>|t|{col 54} [95% Con{col 67}f. Interval]
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{space 6}length {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} 24.29017{col 26}{space 2} 2.404976{c
ol 37}{space 1} 10.10{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} 19.4936{col 67}{
space 3} 29.08675
{txt}{space 7}price {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .046291{col 26}{space 2} .00960
51{col 37}{space 1} 4.82{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0271343{col
67}{space 3} .0654476
{txt}{space 8}turn {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} 35.61591{col 26}{space 2} 11.5461
7{col 37}{space 1} 3.08{col 46}{space 3}0.003{col 54}{space 4} 12.5878{col 6
7}{space 3} 58.64403
{txt}{space 7}_cons {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} -3242.97{col 26}{space 2} 233.89
41{col 37}{space 1} -13.87{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4}-3709.458{col
67}{space 3}-2776.483
{txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{com}. exit, clear
{com}{sf}{ul off}{txt}{.-}
name: {res}<unnamed>
{txt}log type: {res}smcl
{txt}opened on: {res}13 May 2017, 17:30:12
{com}. log off
{txt}name: {res}<unnamed>
{txt}log type: {res}smcl
{txt}paused on: {res}14 May 2017, 15:48:45
{txt}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}
{com}{sf}{ul off}{txt}{.-}
name: {res}<unnamed>
{txt}log type: {res}smcl
{txt}resumed on: {res}14 May 2017, 15:51:31
{com}. log close
{txt}name: {res}<unnamed>
{txt}log type: {res}smcl
{txt}closed on: {res}14 May 2017, 15:58:13
{txt}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}
{com}{sf}{ul off}{txt}{.-}
name: {res}<unnamed>
{txt}log type: {res}smcl
{txt}opened on: {res}14 May 2017, 16:56:09
{com}. . sysuse autornd.dta
{txt}(1978 Automobile Data)
. (1978 Automobile Data)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse bpwide.dta
{txt}(fictional blood-pressure data)
. (fictional blood-pressure data)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse cancer.dta
{txt}(Patient Survival in Drug Trial)
. (Patient Survival in Drug Trial)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse census.dta
{txt}(1980 Census data by state)
. (1980 Census data by state)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse lifeexp.dta
{txt}(Life expectancy, 1998)
. (Life expectancy, 1998)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse gnp96.dta
. . sysuse educ99gdp.dta
{txt}(Education and GDP)
. (Education and GDP)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse lifeexp.dta
{txt}(Life expectancy, 1998)
. (Life expectancy, 1998)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse network1.dta
. . sysuse network1a.dta
. . sysuse nlsw88.dta
{txt}(NLSW, 1988 extract)
. (NLSW, 1988 extract)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse nlswide1.dta
{txt}(National Longitudinal Survey. Young Women 14-26 years of age in 1968)
. (National Longitudinal Survey. Young Women 14-26 years of age in 1968)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse pop2000.dta
. . sysuse sandstone.dta
{txt}(Subsea elevation of Lamont sandstone in an area of Ohio)
. (Subsea elevation of Lamont sandstone in an area of Ohio)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse sp500.dta
{txt}(S&P 500)
. (S&P 500)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse surface.dta
{txt}(NOAA Sea Surface Temperature)
. (NOAA Sea Surface Temperature)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse tsline1.dta
. . sysuse tsline2.dta
. . sysuse uslifeexp.dta
{txt}(U.S. life expectancy, 1900-1999)
. (U.S. life expectancy, 1900-1999)
{bf}{err}({sf} is not a valid command name
{txt}{search r(199), local:r(199);}
. . sysuse voter.dta
. . sysuse xtline1.dta
. . sysuse voter.dta
. . sysuse pop2000.dta
. . clear

{com}. /* Part I: Bivariate Analysis
> */
end of do-file
{search r(199), local:r(199);}
{com}. clear
. use, clear
{txt}(1978 Automobile Data)
. . reg weight length
{txt} Source {c |} SS df MS Number of obs ={re
s} 74
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} F(1, 72) = {res} 613.27
{txt} Model {c |} {res} 39461306.8 1 39461306.8 {txt}Prob > F
={res} 0.0000
{txt} Residual {c |} {res} 4632871.55 72 64345.4382 {txt}R-squared
={res} 0.8949
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} Adj R-squared ={res} 0.8935
{txt} Total {c |} {res} 44094178.4 73 604029.841 {txt}Root MSE
= {res} 253.66
{txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{col 1} weight{col 14}{c |} Coef.{col 26} Std. Err.{col 38} t{c
ol 46} P>|t|{col 54} [95% Con{col 67}f. Interval]
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{space 6}length {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} 33.01988{col 26}{space 2} 1.333364{c
ol 37}{space 1} 24.76{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} 30.36187{col 67}{
space 3} 35.67789
{txt}{space 7}_cons {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2}-3186.047{col 26}{space 2} 252.31
13{col 37}{space 1} -12.63{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} -3689.02{col
67}{space 3}-2683.073
{txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
. . reg weight length price turn
{txt} Source {c |} SS df MS Number of obs ={re
s} 74
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} F(3, 70) = {res} 291.22
{txt} Model {c |} {res} 40823271.3 3 13607757.1 {txt}Prob > F
={res} 0.0000
{txt} Residual {c |} {res} 3270907.09 70 46727.2441 {txt}R-squared
={res} 0.9258
{txt}{hline 13}{c +}{hline 34} Adj R-squared ={res} 0.9226
{txt} Total {c |} {res} 44094178.4 73 604029.841 {txt}Root MSE
= {res} 216.16
{txt}{hline 13}{c TT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{col 1} weight{col 14}{c |} Coef.{col 26} Std. Err.{col 38} t{c
ol 46} P>|t|{col 54} [95% Con{col 67}f. Interval]
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{space 6}length {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} 24.29017{col 26}{space 2} 2.404976{c
ol 37}{space 1} 10.10{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} 19.4936{col 67}{
space 3} 29.08675
{txt}{space 7}price {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} .046291{col 26}{space 2} .00960
51{col 37}{space 1} 4.82{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4} .0271343{col
67}{space 3} .0654476
{txt}{space 8}turn {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} 35.61591{col 26}{space 2} 11.5461
7{col 37}{space 1} 3.08{col 46}{space 3}0.003{col 54}{space 4} 12.5878{col 6
7}{space 3} 58.64403
{txt}{space 7}_cons {c |}{col 14}{res}{space 2} -3242.97{col 26}{space 2} 233.89
41{col 37}{space 1} -13.87{col 46}{space 3}0.000{col 54}{space 4}-3709.458{col
67}{space 3}-2776.483
{txt}{hline 13}{c BT}{hline 11}{hline 11}{hline 9}{hline 8}{hline 13}{hline 12}
{com}. test length price turn
{p 0 7}{space 1}{text:( 1)}{space 1} {res}length = 0{p_end}
{p 0 7}{space 1}{text:( 2)}{space 1} price = 0{p_end}
{p 0 7}{space 1}{text:( 3)}{space 1} turn = 0{p_end}
{txt} F( 3, 70) ={res} 291.22
{txt}{col 13}Prob > F ={res} 0.0000
{com}. clear
. cii means 40 137 30, level(90)
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [90% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 40{col 29} 137{col 41} 4.743416{col
57} 129.0079{col 69} 144.9921{txt}
{com}. cii means 100 52.8 4.5
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [95% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 100{col 29} 52.8{col 41} .45{col
57} 51.9071{col 69} 53.6929{txt}
{com}. cii means 100 52.8 4.5, level(80)
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [80% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 100{col 29} 52.8{col 41} .45{col
57} 52.21943{col 69} 53.38057{txt}
{com}. cii means 32 54 5
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [95% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 32{col 29} 54{col 41} .8838835{col
57} 52.19731{col 69} 55.80269{txt}
{com}. cii means 100 52.8 4.5, level(95)
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [95% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 100{col 29} 52.8{col 41} .45{col
57} 51.9071{col 69} 53.6929{txt}
{com}. cii means 100 52.8 4.5, level(99)
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [99% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 100{col 29} 52.8{col 41} .45{col
57} 51.61812{col 69} 53.98188{txt}
{com}. cii means 100 52.8 4.5, level(99.0)
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [99% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 100{col 29} 52.8{col 41} .45{col
57} 51.61812{col 69} 53.98188{txt}
{com}. cii means 100 52.8 4.5, level(99.9)
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [99.9% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 100{col 29} 52.8{col 41} .45{col
57} 51.27381{col 69} 54.32619{txt}
{com}. cii means 100 52.8 4.5, level(99.9999)
{err}{bf:level()} must be between 10 and 99.99 inclusive
{txt}{search r(198), local:r(198);}
{com}. cii means 100 52.8 4.5, level(99.99)
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [99.99% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 100{col 29} 52.8{col 41} .45{col
57} 50.97523{col 69} 54.62477{txt}
{com}. cii means 6 3.2 3.15, level(90)
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [90% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 6{col 29} 3.2{col 41} 1.285982{col
57} .6086838{col 69} 5.791316{txt}
. cii means 6 3.2 3.15, level(95)
{txt} Variable {c |} Obs Mean Std. Err. [95% Conf. Int
{hline 13}{c +}{hline 63}
{c |}{col 16}{res} 6{col 29} 3.2{col 41} 1.285982{col
57}-.1057223{col 69} 6.505722{txt}

{txt}closed on: {res}14 May 2017, 18:26:02

{txt}{sf}{ul off}

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