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Ke n Va d e r

NGo a n Ng u y e n
C h r is t o p h e r p in a
Our objective is to create a console based quiz game in the style of Name That
Tune. This project will incorporate sound objects that are played backwards,
asking the user to guess what the song is. There will be three categories with five
songs each, for a total of 15 songs. To win the user needs to get one correct

As it relates to the course, our objective was to demonstrate our ability to create
sound game logic and demonstrate our ability to work with and manipulate sound.
Deliberation: Our first task was to come together and brainstorm. After throwing out some ideas, we
narrowed down our choices and voted for a winning project.

Delegation: Our next step was to divide the project and assign responsibilities. Our group has managed to
work well together and collaborate whenever an issue arises. We divided the the project into four stages:
Game Specifications and Design, Media Creation, Game Engine and User Interface.

Implementation: Once the project was broken up into defined portions, each team member went to work
on their specific portions. Certain portions needed to be completed before others could be started, so
communication was key. Our group maintained open communication and team members sought
feedback from the rest of the team at every major juncture.

Testing: Testing is a complete group effort. We have learned from other team projects that every member
can provide a very valuable perspective when it comes to debugging. The project is published to Github
so that every member can have access and make any necessary changes.
Ngoan Nguyen Chris Pina Ken Vader
My major role was to develop the outline We utilized Object Oriented
With our clear objectives and proper and game specifications. The initial Programming principles to
planning, we were able to achieve a outline of the program provides a road
map for those responsible for coding
implement our Audio objects, in
final product that was well-designed, certain portions of the project. It was also an effort to give them more
highly stable, and fun at the same my responsibility produce the media for functionality and easier usability.
time. With this assignment, we also the project as well as all other content. Debugging the code was a group
learned how to collaborate in an The final project is reviewed by the entire
team for any bugs. effort.
efficient manner using source control.
Players are welcomed and provided with the
rules of the game.

The first step is for the

D EM O player to select a
category. Three are
provided. Each category
has five song files that
the player can guess.


A random song from the

selected category begins
to play. The song is
played backwards and
the player must select
the correct title.
W h at w e l ear n ed
Ken Vader Chris Pina Ngoan Nguyen
Through this code I learned had the I learned exactly what this course
opportunity to see how powerful well intended for me to learn: Python and
I learned how to manipulate media multimedia programming.
written code can be. A few lines of code
files in Python and the underlying can alter and entire image or sound file. Using a very powerful (yet elegant and
concepts behind how to work with The course was a great intro to Github, lightweight) language, I learned how the
media in any language. which I had very little experience with. I inner workings of media such as audio
feel much more comfortable using Github and images, things that are usually taken
as a collaboration tool for granted.
I improved my ability to work with Debugging was also a very important skill Another fundamental lesson learned in
someone elses code. for this course. I really developed my this course was team collaboration using
ability to identify errors in my code and the source control. This skill will be very
code produced by others. useful in my future career!
I learned how to use Github through
the command line and through the
desktop application.
h t t p s :/ / d o c s .g o o g le .c o m / a / c s u m b .e d u / d o c u m e n t / d / 12 0 M T Gd g M o -
7 Za m I 4 9 9 e k FJ c 6 ld E N _ a N T u q Ug q o M lAa k / e d it ? u s p =s h a r in g

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