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How Donald Trump becoming president affects the global economy

Goals for today (08/05/2017)

- Get the topic approved by the project manager & teacher (Everyone)
- Study the background attitudes and aspects of Donald Trump in terms of economic
management (Pooh, Mook)
- Economic policy of Donald Trump (Cartoon)

Learning Process
Background attitudes and aspects of Donald Trump in terms of economic
- Donald Trump was good in studying and he was also an energetic person. So he
became a star athlete and leader at school because of his personality.
- Trump involved in many real estate development. For example, Trump Plaza Hotel
and Casino, Trumps castle, condominium project.
- Although he is now known as one of the most successful developers in the US, his
company once turned out to be quite unprofitable. However, he didnt give up and set
another campaign on building and renovating the whole Hyatt hotel which didnt have
big, successful hotels at that time to become one popular landmark,which caused
him to be one of the most successful developers in the area.
- He was the representative of the Republican party and won the majority of the
vote. Then he became the 45th president of the United States.

Economic policy of Donald trump

Donald Trump, the president of the United States talked about the investment base
on the infrastructure of utilities of America and he said in the past America paid a lot
of money for other countries while America's infrastructure is decaying. He thinks this
is the main issue that requires a great development and should be solved
immediately, for urging economic and employment by investing 1 trillion dollars.
Including tax reform by decreasing tax for middle class people in America and he will
be Narcotics Suppression that poses a threat to American youth and destroying the
economic structure of country.

Cartoon : Today our group think about topic and get the topic approved by project
manager and teacher and search information. Our topic is talk about Donald Trump
becoming president affect the global economic. We choose this topic because we
want to know the attitude economic of Donald trump. How he plans and has reasons
about economic of the world. We research information about the economic policy
and attitude of Donald Trump. So, I research the information about economic policy
of Donald Trump.

Mook : Today our group come up with the list of topics that we want to research
about. Finally, we choose to do about how Donald Trump becoming president affect
the global economy, and this topic get approved by the teacher and project manager.
Today, our goal is to do some research about Trumps attitude and background
information because we want to know the basic information about him and his
characteristic first before getting into his career and job. We want to know his
characteristics and attitude so we can understand more about him. We achieve our
goal today but we improve more for the next day by working faster and find more

Pooh : Today, we decided to do the topic about how Donald Trump becoming
president of the USA affects the global economy. This research topic got approved
by both the teacher and project managers. The learning process for today is not very
progressive because it was almost at the end of the class that we finally came up
with the topic. However, we are able to accomplish all goals for today, which include
getting the research topic approved and also study the background attitudes and
behaviors of Donald Trump in terms of economic management. Finally, what I want
to improve for next time is thinking and working faster so that we can save time and
complete all goals for the day.

Goals for today (15/05/2017)

- Study about how Donald Trump becoming president affects the economy in Asia
- Study about how Donald Trump becoming president affects the economy in America
- Study about how Donald Trump becoming president affects the economy in Europe

How Donald Trump becoming president affects Asia economy.

- Donald Trump becomes a president it means barrier to trade has more violence
- If Donald Trump abort his policy the stock market agreement in Pacific or TPP, it has
effect trade cant process.

How Donald Trump becoming president affects economy in America
- Increases the US growth rate for more than 2.2 % of during Barack Obamas second
term due to the fact that the party prefers the Republican president and would help
increase the public spending and relax debt limits.
- Creates tax reforms which would tend to create bigger deficits that will eventually
stimulate more growth and inflation.
- Creates deregulation (reducing some regulations) in businesses in America,
discouraging imported goods and supporting the national economy, allowing
American nation to gain most of the benefits into their own.

How Donald Trump becoming president affects economy in Europe
For European countries except for the UK
US might set a more strict rule for trading.
Dollar may drive up the Euro on the foreign exchange.
The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) wont be possible
because Trump is against this concept.
The financial market still remains calm as normal. There is no much changing sign

For the UK, this country wont have any trouble with the economy as other country,
because Britain is the second biggest exporter of service in the world. So this
country is still significant for America.
But UK still needs to beware a little because Trump focus more on cheap
manufactured goods than expensive service.
Anyway, Trump has said that UK is the one among all the first countries for the new
trade deal. So there is almost nothing to worry about for this country.

Mook : Today I do a research about how Donald Trump becoming president affects
the economy in Europe. Then I summarized the information into main points. The
source of information used quite difficult words so it might be difficult for
paraphrasing. But I am happy that I and my group work much faster than last time. I
improve from last time because now I learn to paraphrase the information so I
understand more about the passage. I accomplished my goal for today.

Cartoon: Today I research about how Donald Trump becoming president affects the
Asia economic. And I write an important details and summarized overall information.
Im searching the detail in thai language and then translate into english by myself. I
ok with my group, I think we can do finish the goal every class in time and helping
each other to do the project.

Pooh : Today I had to do the research about how Donald Trump becoming president
affects the economy in the US as a whole. This is not a quite simple task for me as
there are a lot of difficult words and economic terms used in the article, which took
some time for me to understand the meaning of each one. However, I was able to
learn the definition of some of the important terms, paraphrase the information using
my own words, summarize it into three main points, and eventually accomplish my
goal for today.

Goals for today (16/05/2017)

- Study how Donald Trump becoming president affects global economy, stock market,
financial markets, commodity market, and world trade system, etc.
- Each one helps summarize each part of the information individually.
- Stock market are growing.
- Decresing Tax (from 35% to 15%)
- They have more relax business rule in United
- Discourage import goods
- Support the nationalism of economic
- Us dollar are more appriciation
- Peso mexico are collapsed
- Yuan is weak
- price of oil have a little bit change
- price of gold is rising

- Financial market will fluctuate for some period of time. It will both go up and down
because the financial market didnt expect that Donald Trump will win the election.
- He will increase government spending on defence and infrustrature. For example, in
building a wall.
- The US will grow above 2.2% average annual rate during President Barack Obama,
because Donald Trump increases government spending.
- Inflation and higher interest rate might occur because of public spending and
reducing of tax.
- Developing countries might have big trouble because of protectionism ( High tax to
protect home industries from oversea competition)

- Conducts the Supply-Side Economic Policy, creates tax reforms
- Creates deregulation (reducing some regulations for doing business) in the United
States, allowing the nation to gain most of the benefits.
- Creates the policy involved discouraging imported goods from China by creating 45
% tariff wall against China (However, this might not possibly happen as it is
contradicted to the World Trade Organization regulations)
- A few impacts to Thai economy, creating short term stock market volatility, Thai Baht
gets weakened a bit. However, it would affect more significantly the imported goods
to the United States


Cartoon : Today our group are help each other to research and summarized the
detail into bullet point. But our group search the information in Thai language
because it easy to understand and it has enough information that we want to know.
So I think today our group help each other and can summarized all information and I
ok with the result of the works from today.

Pooh : Today, we decided to help each other summarize the overall information by
individually working on specific parts of the whole information. This time, I used the
Thai website so that it will be a bit easier for me to understand the details and
economic terms (still hard by the way) and then translated into English. Today
everyone got their own task done and accomplished all goals for today.

Mook: Today we do a research about how Donald Trump affects the global economy
in term of financial market, trade system and other topic that related to economics.
We understand more about his influence on the worlds economics. We help each
other to find the information for the same goal so we can help each other to find
broad information. For today, our group work faster than the first and second time
and can paraphrase the information from various sources. Today our group
accomplished the goal.

Goals for today (17/05/2017)

- Think about the design of the product (Everyone)
- Talk to each other and decide what product are we going to make and how are we
going to make it (Everyone)
- Buy some decorations for making the product (Mook)

Process Journal
- We decided to make a product by using a notebook, put some information in it , and
do some cutie DIYs
- Plan about the materials
Cartoon: prepare the glitter for decoration
Pooh : prepare the notebook
Mook: prepare the stickers for decoration
Mook: Today our group decided that we will finish with our research then go to plan
about our product. We decided to make a DIY book and insert some pictures and
information into our product. Today we might be confused with our goal at first
because we dont know if our information is enough or not but then we decide that
we can finish with our research and plan with the product.

Cartoon: Today our group finish all the research then our group plan to do the
product, so we decided to do the scrapbook.

Pooh: After this class, I will buy a notebook for doing the product (scrapbook). Next
class we will talk later about the job for each person.

Goals for today (22/05/2017)

- Bring all the materials that we need to use for creating the product (Everyone)
- Start creating the product (scrap book)
- Write down the information down onto the book (Everyone)

Process Journal
-Bring all the materials
-write the cover page and information about background attitudes and aspects of
Donald Trump in terms of economic management and effect to economy in Asia.
Mook: Today our group start with the product. We bring the materials that we need
and start to write the cover page and also the first page of the book. We write about
the attitudes and aspects of Donald Trump in the first page. Tomorrow, we will insert
the picture into our book and continue writing the information. We cant help each
other much today because we cant write in the book at the same time. So I decided
to take the book home and do as homework.

Pooh : Today, we began to do the cover page and the first page of the book. All we
did for today (in class) is for Cartoon to decorate, write the topic on the cover page,
and a bit of information on the first page of the book. The second page will be for
Mook to do it at home. We couldnt help each others as much as we were not able to
write down the information all at the same time. So, tomorrow will be my job to do the
next page of the book in class (also with more decorations and stuffs).

Cartoon: Today our group start to make the product, we do the scrapbook. We start
to do the cover page and start to write the first page about attitude economic of
Donald trump. Today, I write in the first and then tomorrow pooh and mook will write
next page.

Goals for today (23/5/2017)

- Continue writing the next page of the book. (Pooh)
- Cut and draw the picture for decoration in the book. (Cartoon)
- Keep record of the learning process (Mook)
- Write introduction of our project on the classs webpage (Pooh)

Process Journal
- Continue writing the next page of the book about how Donald Trump becoming
president affects the economy of the USA.
- Writing the introduction on the webpage.
Mook: Today my group continue doing the product by writing in the book about how
Donald Trump becoming president affects the economy in USA and also write the
introduction of our project on the webpage. We divided the work into many parts like
someone drawing and someone writing. We will continue doing the work at home
and tomorrow we will continue doing the product.

Cartoon: Today, our group did the product like yesterday, but today Pooh wrote in
class and I will bring it to write at home because yesterday Mook brought it to do at
home, so today is my turn and tomorrow are Pooh turn.

Pooh : Today, I continued writing the scrapbook in class. What I wrote in class was
about how Donald Trump becoming the president affect an economy in Europe. After
I finished, Cartoon will take it with her to continue doing it at home. The time was still
left so I decided to start doing the introduction for the web page. Ive not finished it
yet, so, tomorrow, it will be my turn to do the introduction in class and finish the
scrapbook at home.

Goals for today (24/5/2017)

- continue writing the next page about how Donald Trump affects the economy in
Europe and how he affects the global economy, stock market, financial market and
- draw picture for decoration the book
- continune writing introduction in the website.

Process Journal
- Continue writing the next page about how Donald Trump affects the economy in
Europe and how he affects the global economy, stock market, financial market and


Cartoon: Today, our group continue doing final product, so today mook write the
information, pooh continue writing the introduction and I will decorate the book.

Mook: Today our group continue doing the product. We write more information and
add some decoration. Now the writing part of the product is already finished.

Pooh : Today, I continued writing the introduction for the webpage and finished it in
class. For the product, we have already finished doing it.

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