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Electronic Journal of Ichthyology

November, 2007 2: 46-60



Katarzyna ugowska
Dept. of Animal Physiology University of Podlasie, Prusa 12, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland

Accepted: August, 2 2007

Abstract: The aim of present study was to estimate the effect of single and binary combina-
tions of cadmium with copper during the embryonic development on hatching success and
quality of common carp larvae. The results were compared to those obtained after copper ex-
posure, during the same experiment (Witeska and ugowska 2004).
The study was done on common carp newly hatched larvae, the embryonic development of
which took place at 0.2 mg/dm3 of cadmium (Cd group) and 0.2 (0.1+0.1) mg/dm3 mixture of
cadmium and copper (CdCu group), or in clean tap water (control K group). Newly hatched
larvae were counted and inspected, and for 20 days from hatching reared under control condi-
tions. The results show that cadmium (0.2 mg/dm3) reduced the success of hatching and
caused an increase of number of deformed larvae among the newly hatched ones. The results
obtained in the same experiment after copper exposure (Cu 0.2 mg/dm3) (Witeska and
ugowska 2004) indicate that toxic effect of this metal on hatching and quality of larvae was
stronger than the effect of cadmium. No differences in effect of cadmium exposure (0.2
mg/dm3) and its co-exposure with more toxic copper (0.1 mg/dm3 Cd+0.1 mg/dm3 Cu) on
hatchability and frequency of deformations were observed. These results indicate metal inter-
action, which in this case probably was antagonistic. Metal exposure decreased survival of fed
and starved normal and deformed larvae. Fish died gradually just after hatching. The com-
parison of effect of cadmium and Cd+Cu mixture shows that the mixture of both metals was
more toxic than cadmium alone, but not stronger than copper alone. These data suggest that
effect of metal mixture can be additive. Detailed classification of deformed larvae in the pre-
sent study showed that cadmium alone and in co-exposure with copper caused the same types
of larval deformations: vertebral curvatures, body and yolk sac deformations. Under optimal
conditions in laboratory culture, vertebral deformations may recover.

Keywords: cadmium, metal mixture, embryonic development, fish, deformations

Introduction Most studies of the effects of metals on fish

Cadmium is one of the metals most concern exposures to single metal. Polluted
commonly occurring in polluted natural water bodies, however, usually contain ele-
waters which may affect the early stages of vated levels of various metals. Many data
fish development. The data by various au- show that certain metals affect accumulation
thors show the adverse effect of cadmium of the others in fish. It seems that interactions
especially on hatchability (Williams and among various metals are related to their
Holdway 2000, Calta 2001, Gonzales- competitive uptake from the environment, and
Doncel et al. 2003, Sikorska and different distribution in fish tissues. Interac-
ugowska 2005) and quality of larvae tions among metals may be different, and
(Weis and Weis 1977, Woodworth and therefore the effects of their various mixtures
Pascoe 1982, Witeska et al. 1995, Hallare on fish survival may also differ. The effect of
et al. 2005, Fraysse et al. 2006). mixtures of two or more chemicals is com-
monly referred to either as additive, synergis-

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

tic or antagonistic (Jezierska and Witeska Materials and Methods

2001). The study was done on common carp
In natural polluted waters cadmium is newly hatched larvae, the embryonic devel-
very often accompanied by copper. There- opment of which took place at 0.2 mg/dm3 of
fore, it is interesting to evaluate combined cadmium (Cd group) and 0.2 (0.1+0.1)
effect of both metals on survival and de- mg/dm3 mixture of cadmium and copper
velopment of larvae. (CdCu group) or in clean tap water (control
Toxicity of metal mixtures to fish dur- K group). Metal solutions were made using
ing development and growth was studied CdCl22 H2O and CuSO45H2O. The ex-
by Kazlauskien et al. (1996), periments were done in 3 series.
Kazlauskien et al. (1999), Petrauskien Newly hatched larvae were counted and in-
(1999), and Stokus et al.(1999), who tried spected. The percent of hatchability was cal-
to simulate natural conditions of contami- culated as a number of hatched larvae per ini-
nated water bodies of Lithuania. However, tial number of incubated eggs. Among freshly
the data on the effects of metal mixtures on hatched larvae the share of deformed ones was
embryonic development and hatched lar- evaluated. Each deformed larva was examined
vae of fish are very scarce. and classified according to the types of mal-
Kazlauskien and Stasinait (1999) formations using the catalog by Jezierska et al.
evaluated effects of heavy metal mixture (2000).
(Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Fe) on the eggs and For 20 days from hatching, the larvae were
growth of rainbow trout larvae. Authors reared under control conditions: dechlorinated
revealed that even low concentrations of tap water, temperature 22C, oxygen satura-
the toxicant significantly decreased vitality tion about 80%, pH 7.8, hardness 230 mg/dm3
of eggs and larvae. Eaton (1973) exposed as CaCO3.
Pimephales promelas to copper, cadmium In all three series, the larvae were reared
and zinc mixture and estimated growth, separately in the 50 cm3 glass vessels of 7.5
spawning and hatching success. The mean cm diameter. Each vessel was individually
terminal weight of both males and females marked in order to identify each larva. During
was less in the highest metal mixture con- the experiments, the fish were starved. Their
centration. Spawning in all higher concen- morphology was examined daily, and mortal-
trations (above 0.01 mg/dm3 of each metal ity was recorded.
in mixture) was greatly reduced (78% or The observations were made using a thick
more) as compared to control results. Au- slide with a concave chamber, which was
thor concluded that it was possible to de- filled with clean water. Each larva was care-
termine whether or not the metals in the fully placed in the chamber and observed us-
mixture were additive in their effects, be- ing binocular (magnification 1.5x1.6) con-
cause each of them had one or more spe- nected with camera, and computer image
cific and identifiable toxic action. analysis system MultiScan. The observations
The aim of presented study was to esti- were recorded in photographs.
mate the effect of single and binary combi- Additionally, in series III, the fed (twice a
nations of cadmium with copper during the day with Artemia sp. naupli), and starved lar-
embryonic development on hatching suc- vae were reared in the 100 ml glass vessels, at
cess and quality of common carp larvae. the density of 20 fish per vessel. Normal and
The results were compared to those ob- deformed larvae from K group, and deformed
tained after copper exposition, during the ones from Cd and CdCu groups were reared
same experiment conducted on the same separately. Survival was recorded daily.
fish and presented by Witeska and
ugowska (2004). Results
Metal exposure caused significant reduc-
tion of hatching rate and numerous body mal-

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

formations (Table 1). No differences in more information about changes in body mor-
both parameters were observed between phology of starved deformed carp larvae. In
Cd and CdCu-exposed groups. the Cd groups (Figure 2a-c) all the larvae
In both Cd and CdCu-exposed groups showing G-type deformations died first, and
the same four types of body malformations only 1 of them partly recovered. Similarly,
were distinguished (Table 2). The changes also E-type larvae died soon after hatching,
in yolk sac were the most frequent, ob- and only 2 fish in series I completely recov-
served in 13 (Cd group) and 14 (CdCu ered, and survived until 15 and 19 day. The B
group) larvae, respectively. In other 9 and deformation was reversible completely only in
3 individuals from these groups vertebral 1 series II fish, partly in 2 (series II, II) fish,
deformations were observed, and in 5 and and B-type larvae survived until the 5 (series
4 fish body shortening. I) and 13 (series II) day post hatch. On the
Normal fed larvae from the control contrary, A deformation was reversible in all
group (Figure 1), reared under optimum larvae, and these fish showed the longest sur-
conditions showed very high survival rate, vival.
while deformed ones (from control and Cd In CdCu exposed groups the larvae show-
or CdCu exposure) kept dying over entire ing G and E-type deformations died soon after
experimental period. Only 6 deformed in- hatching. Among them, only 3 E deformed
dividuals from the control, 3 from Cd- fish (1 in each series) partly recovered, and all
exposed and 2 CdCu-exposed groups sur- larvae died until the 14 day from hatching.
vived until the end of experiment. Most of The B deformation was reversible in only 2
the starved control larvae survived 13 days fish (1 complete), while other fish died be-
post hatching, but before the 20 day all tween 2 and 9 after hatching. In all series, the
larvae quickly died (Figure 2). The de- A deformation was reversible, and larvae sur-
formed larvae from Cd exposure (single or vived until 15 (series I) and 17 (series II, III)
binary with copper) gradually died from day post hatching. Figure 4 shows some ex-
the beginning of the experiment. Until the amples of gradual recovery of deformed lar-
13 day in group Cd survived up to 5 (Cd vae observed in the present study. Fish in the
group) and 2 (CdCu group) larvae respec- Figure 4a and 4c after hatching showed sco-
tively. All larvae from Cd exposure died liosis.
before 19 and CdCu before 17 day. De-
tailed observation of individuals provided

Table 1. Hatching rate and quality of newly hatched larvae.

Series Group % of hatch % of deformed larvae
K 89.9 14.6
I Cd 73.3* 25.5*
CdCu 61.7* 24.2
K 71.7 14.2
II Cd 46.9* 33.3*
CdCu 46.7* 28.4
K 76.7 4.4
III Cd 58.3* 35.2*
CdCu 53.3* 30.7*
(* values significantly different from control, U-Mann-Whitney test, p 0.05, n=5)

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

Figure 1. Survival of the fed carp larvae.

H - hatching
Kn normal larvae from the control
Kd deformed larvae from the control
Cd d deformed larvae from cadmium exposure
CdCu d deformed larvae from cadmium and copper mixture

Figure 2. Survival of starved carp larvae.

H - hatching
Kn normal larvae from the control
Kd deformed larvae from the control
Cd d deformed larvae from cadmium exposure
CdCu d deformed larvae from cadmium and copper mixture
I series I, II - series II, III series III

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

Figure 3a. The changes in body morphology of starved deformed carp larvae.
(Cd, series I)
H hatching
deformed larva
- gradual recovery
normal larva
+ - death

Figure 3b. The changes in body morphology of starved deformed carp larvae.
(Cd, series II)
H hatching
deformed larva
- gradual recovery
normal larva
+ - death

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

Figure 3c. The changes in body morphology of starved deformed carp larvae.
(Cd, series III)
H hatching
deformed larva
- gradual recovery
normal larva
+ - death

Figure 3d. The changes in body morphology of starved deformed carp larvae.
(CdCu, series I)
H hatching
deformed larva
- gradual recovery
normal larva
+ - death

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

Figure 3e. The changes in body morphology of starved deformed carp larvae.
(CdCu, series II)
H hatching
deformed larva
- gradual recovery
normal larva
+ - death

Figure 3f. The changes in body morphology of starved deformed carp larvae.
(CdCu, series III)
H hatching
deformed larva
- gradual recovery
normal larva
+ - death

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

Figure 4a. Complete gradual recovery of the starved larvae exposed to Cd during em-
bryonic development.

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

Figure 4b. Partial gradual recovery of the starved larvae exposed to CdCu during em-
bryonic development.
Curvature started to decrease already on that at 0.01 mg/dm3 of Cd only 46% of mirror
the first day post hatching, and disappeared carp larvae hatched. Cadmium in concentra-
until 6 and 5 day, respectively, when the tions 3.3 and 33.3 mg/dm3 reduced number of
larvae looked quite normally. But in some hatched Melanotaenia fluviatilis larvae (Wil-
cases the recovery wasnt complete. Newly liams and Holdway 2000). Gonzales-Doncel
hatched larvae from CdCu (Figure 4b) et al. (2003) observed a decrease of Danio
showed C-shaped body, and their spine rerio hatching rate at Cd concentrations of 20,
started to straighten gradually, beginning 40, and 80 mg/dm3, and Hallare et al. (2005)
from the first day post hatching. On the 3 at 0.25-10 mg/dm3.
day fish still sowed slightly curved tail Exposure to Cd caused also an increase in
region which remained curved until the the number of deformed larvae among the
death of the larvae. newly hatched ones. The results of the present
Discussion study confirm data obtained by other authors.
The results show that cadmium (0.2 Witeska et al. (1995) reported that 47% of
mg/dm3) reduced the success of hatching larvae were deformed after exposure to 0.02
(Table 1). Decrease of hatching rate with mg mg/dm3 of Cd in comparison to only 1%
increase of cadmium concentration within in control. The proportion of mirror carp de-
the range of 0.001-0.02 mg/dm3 Cd was formed larvae increased with increasing of
reported by Witeska et al. (1995), and in cadmium concentration from 0.002 to 0.05
0.2-0.7 mg/dm3 Cd by Sikorska and mg/dm3 of Cd was observed by Calta (2001).
ugowska (2005). Calta (2001) observed

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

Fig. 4c. Complete gradual recovery of the starved larvae exposed to CdCu during embryonic

The results obtained in the same ex- olivaceus exposed to Cu, Cd, Cr and Pb indi-
periment after exposure to 0.2 mg/dm3 of cated that copper was the most toxic to em-
Cu (Witeska and ugowska 2004) indicate bryos (Wu et al. 1990). This indicates that
that toxic effect of this metal on hatching copper is more toxic than cadmium at the
and quality of larvae was stronger than 0.2 same concentration.
mg/dm3 of Cd: the hatching rates in Cu Different toxicity of cadmium and copper
groups were 60, 38.3 and 40%, while in the on embryonic development can be a result of
present study in Cd groups: 73.3, 46.9 and
different uptake and accumulation of metals
58.3%, respectively. Percentage of de- by the eggs. According to Beatie and Pascoe
formed larvae after Cu exposure were: 41, (1978), Michibata (1981), Burinson et al.
64 and 66%, while in Cd exposure: 25.5, (2006), the most of cadmium is accumulated
33.3 and 30.8%. Also 48 hours LC50 of in the egg outer shell chorion, and only
heavy metals for embryos of Paralichthys small amount in the embryo. However, no

ugowska K., 2007 Effect of Cadmium

data are available on copper accumulation, sac in rainbow trout were reported by Stasin-
which as an essential metal, and is proba- ait (1999) after Ni, Zn, Pb, Cd, Fe and Mn
bly taken up into the embryo. exposure.
No differences in effect of cadmium ex- In laboratory culture, the hatched lar-
posure (0.2 mg/dm3) and co-exposure with vae were reared in clean tap water. Therefore,
more toxic copper (0.1 mg/dm3 Cd+0.1 observed survival of larvae was affected only
mg/dm3 Cu) on hatchability and frequency by the conditions of the embryonic develop-
of deformations were observed. These re- ment, when eggs were exposed to metals.
sults indicate metal interaction, which in Metal exposure reduced survival of fed
this case is probably antagonistic, as it was (Figure 1) and starved (Figure 2) normal and
suggested by Jezierska and Witeska deformed larvae. Fish died gradually after
(2001). Also the results obtained by hatching. Similar, but slightly stronger toxic
ugowska (2005) showed that the effects effect of copper on survival of larvae was ob-
of cadmium and copper mixture on various served by Witeska and ugowska (2004).
parameters of embryonic development The comparison of effect of cadmium and
(such as swelling, mortality of embryos, mixture cadmium and copper shows that the
deformations of larvae and yolk sac vol- mixture of both metals was more toxic than
ume) were weaker than the effect of each cadmium alone, but not stronger than copper
metal separately. alone. According to various data presented by
Detailed classification of deformed lar- Jezierska and Witeska (2001), these results
vae in the present study showed that cad- suggest that effect of metal mixture can be
mium alone and together with copper additive.
caused the same types of larval deforma- Similar interaction between Cd and Cu in
tions: vertebral curvatures, body and yolk mixture was observed by Jezierska et al.
sac deformations. Exactly the same types (2006) on feeding activity of common carp
of deformations of carp larvae were ob- larvae. Exposure to copper in mixture with
served by Witeska and ugowska (2004) cadmium impaired food uptake much more
after 0.2 mg/dm3 copper exposure. than in cadmium alone.
Detailed observations and assessment of
These types of malformations are not
deformed larvae in laboratory culture (Fig-
cadmium- (or any other metal) specific,
ure3) showed that complex malformations
and they were observed also in fish ex-
caused death soon after hatching, and only
posed to other heavy metals. Similar mal-
spine curvatures were reversible. Similar ef-
formations such as: deformed yolk sac,
fect after 0.2 mg/dm3 Cu exposure was ob-
curved spinal column, enlarged head and
served by Witeska and ugowska (2004), and
edema were described by Jezierska and
recovery was possible only in larvae with ver-
Somiska (1997) in copper-exposed
tebral malformations. Thus, under optimal
common carp larvae. Jezierska and
conditions some deformations of larvae, par-
Grzyska (1998) observed shortening and
ticularly curvatures of the spinal column, may
curvature of caudal part, vertebral malfor-
mations, and yolk sac malformations in
common and grass carp after copper (0.2
and 0.3 mg/dm3) and lead (5.0 mg/dm3) References
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Smolartz Library of Life Sciences and Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel; 8. The National and university
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