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Robust Fuzzy-Based Integral Sliding Mode Control for Dynamic System

Van-Nam Giap1, Quang-Dich Nguyen2 , Te-Jen Su3, Jason Sheng-Hong Tsai 4

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Foxconn Company, BacGiang, Vietnam
Hanoi University of Sciences and Technology Hanoi, Vietnam
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Abstract- While a dynamic system is presented, we may imageable that very difficult to
control it. Under many unknown disturbances will suddenly occur in every period of time
such as this paper will present. This proposed control method performed quite well track, not
only with set point reference value but well track with sinusoidal reference value also. This
study we have analyzed dynamic system-state model with robust control method in this
system mathematical. Main contribution of this paper is applied integral sliding mode control
(ISMC), there is proportional-integral-derivative (PID) and proportional- derivative (PD)
could be used together. And we used sat function to replaced signum function for reducing
chattering in every progress of running time. For more steady-state, we apply Fuzzy controller
get into also, the most advantage of the fuzzy logic controller is to reduce overshoot value
based on fraction order characteristic. Implement this idea we used Matlab Simulink in order
to simulate this problem. In this paper, we will go through part by part to view what we have
Keywords- proportional-integral-derivative (PID), proportional- derivative (PD),
integral sliding mode control (ISMC), Robust fuzzy-based integral sliding mode control

1. Introduction
In this section we will have overview this paper prosed method and how about the dynamic
system operates. Sliding mode control has received much attention for during this few
dedicates beside robust control have many advanced practical when we combine between
SMC and robust control, at that time we have to determine the how much parameters will
hold on to every gain. SMC was developed in the Soviet Union in the mid-1950s [1]. SMC is
the one controller in there we use differential of input and output signal such as SMC surface,
and SMC surface is world-wide there scientist can self-design. SMC is an intelligent method,
the system state will be constrained slide on the costume-built [2]. Every system state will be
converged on this surface. And this surface can call sliding-mode when design SMC surface
the sliding equation have to satisfy Hurwitz polynomial. For control alter system we can apply
the variable structure control (VSC) method, such as high-frequency switching method, every
disturbance appears during progress running time system state will also adapt sliding surface,
and sliding mode can be described by reducing order equation. Then velocity and steady-state
depend on how you choose sliding mode surface, in this paper, we applied integral two sliding
mode surfaces get together, for getting more advantage form this two ISMC controller. In
which x R n is state vector, i R is the input signal, s s (t , x) is sliding surface, defines s
are manifold. In every period of time also have chattering form high-frequency in SMC
character in order to work more stable, we replace signum function by other function so-
called sat function. And then still exist overshot value have to reduce, have many methods can
apply but in this proposed, we have used Fuzzy such as powerful toll to implemented. After
that the tracking error value still not satisfied desire, we keep use ISMC surface such as a
controller. And now the tracking error value reduced. A dynamic system has been receiving
many scientist and researchers in many laboratory and institutes, by the advantage of the
system, and this also is considered such as an example equipment useful. Applications in
many fields such as turbine engines, flywheel, and many practical applications such as CNC
machines, artificial heart pump, or more precisely, the assisted device in a left ventricular
which maintains the blood flow rate [3, 4].
2. Mathematical modelling
This is a device working like motor instead of generating motivation for rotor rotating
AMBs will generate an electromagnetic force. Based on general electromagnets theorem
we have the changes of magnet force will be controlled by input magnets current [4-7].
We have system-state such following Eq. (1) below.
mx(t ) cz k p .z (t ) ki .i z ( t ) f dt z ( t ) (1)

c kp k 1
z(t ) z (t ) i i z (t ) f dt z (t ) (2)
m m m m
denote, A , B k p / m, C k i / m, 1 / m Eq. (2) can be re-written as:
z(t ) Az (t ) Bz (t ) Ci z (t ) . f dx (t ) (3)

z(t ) Az(t ) Bz(t ) Ciz (t ) d (in which d . f dz (t ) .) (4)

From Eq. (4) we separate nominal and uncertainties system such as Eq. (5)
z(t ) ( An A) z(t ) ( Bn B) z (t ) (C n C )i z (t ) d (5)

z(t ) Az(t ) Bz (t ) Ciz (t ) (A.z (t ) B.z (t ) C.iz (t ) d ) (6)

set L (A.z(t ) B.z (t ) C.i z (t ) d ) (7)

L is lumped uncertainties and give k is positive constant used as hitting gains and required
L k (8)

From Eqs. (5-8) the system is satisfied sliding mode kinds, and then we have disturbances
occurs at d . f dz (t ) scenarios.

3. Proposed approach
For reached goals, the ISMC be applied first, and fraction order fuzzy based on ISMC
surface is utilized such reduce chattering and overshoot toll. We go through step and step for
more understandable.
Step 1: SMC method design
As we know that SMC is robustness controller, and then with each kind of SMC surface
such as Eq. (9) also, can create difference power of this controller.
z(t ) f (t , z , i )
s s (t , z )
The PID-surface (10) is selected in this design.
s1 (t ) zm (t ) zr (t ) 1 ( z m (t ) z r (t )) 2 ( z m ( ) z r ( ))d (10)

s2 (t ) zm (t ) zr (t ) 3 ( z m (t ) zr (t )) (11)

With zr is reference distance and z m is measured distance; 1 , 2 , 3 0 is chosen such that

the real parts of the roots of P( s) s 2 1s 2 , and G ( s ) s 3 are smaller than zero, i.e.
polynomial in the Hurwitz polynomial [8].
Now we consider
sISMC (t ) s1 (t ) s2 (t ) (12)

To guarantee the stability of the system, considering the following Lyapunov functi
1 2
V (t ) s ISMC (t ) (Thus [8])
V (t ) sISMC (t ) s ISMC (t )

sISMC (t ) zm (t ) zr (t ) 1 ( zm (t ) zr (t )) 2 ( zm ( ) zr ( ))d

zm (t ) zr (t ) 3 ( zm (t ) zr (t ))
zm (t ) ( Az(t ) Bz (t ) Ci z (t )) 1 ( zm (t ) zr (t )) 2 ( zm ( ) zr ( ))d

zm (t ) ( Az (t ) Bz (t ) Ciz (t )) 3 ( zm (t ) zr (t )) (13)

The current is calculated as

iz (t )
( zr (t ) (2. Az(t ) 2.Bz(t )) 1 ( z r (t ) zm (t )) 2 ( zr ( ) zm ( ))
2.C 0

k1sign( s1 (t )) k 2 sign( s2 (t )) 3 ( zm (t ) zr (t ))) (14)

From this step, we get ISMC surface and considered such as controller below.
Step 2: ISMC surface controller design
This paper present about double sliding mode surfaces such as combine between PD and
PID method. As we know proportional such as calculates future of tracking error value,
integral such as calculates past of tracking error value, and the derivative is amplified tracking
error value. Then we have.
iISMC 2.k p .( s ISMC (t )) ki . ( s ISMC ( ))d 2.k d . ( s ISMC (t )) (15)

In order to reduce chattering this paper propose saturation to replace signum function.

Step 3: Design saturation function
With sign function perform not good be sat function performed we applied new one
function for more system steady-state as smooth function,
sat ( s ) sign ( s ) min{1, s }

1 if s
sat ( s) s if s ; (16)

1 if

Step 4: Fuzzy design for filter signal

Fuzzy logic is a practical mathematical addition to classic Boolean logic [9]. In many
literature items, we can apply to this study, each of these curves is described by several
parameters defining the current shape of the curve [10]. In this condition, we have chosen the
gaussmf function to test. With e is input signal approach zero and the output signal is i such
as Fig. 2 below, and the Fuzzy system includes three stages, fuzzification, inference engine,
and defuzzification. And we considered NB denotes Negative Big, NM denotes Negative
Middle, ZO denotes Zero, PB denotes Positive Big, and PM denotes Positive Middle.
We used gaussmf type in here. And the rules follow as
Rule 1: IF ( sat ( sISMC ) ) is NB THEN i is PB.

Rule 2: IF ( sat ( sISMC ) ) is NM THEN i is PM.

Rule 3: IF ( sat ( sISMC ) ) is ZO THEN i is ZO.

Rule 4: IF ( sat ( sISMC ) ) is PM THEN i is NM.

Rule 5: IF ( sat ( sISMC ) ) is PB THEN i is NB.

Where defined boundary around switching surface, coefficient r is be used in order to
adjust the width of input membership function. K are used to expand divisions of membership
function, K 1, 0.1, r 0.1.
With Matlab, the Fuzzy toolbox is a show.



r 0 r
r r
2 2



K 0 K K
2 2

Fig. 1. Fuzzy membership functions (a) input, (b) output

Based on centry of area method we have. i

i m ( sat ( s ISMC )) im dim
or i K sat ( s ISMC )
im ( sat ( s ISMC ))

r +
PID-surface SMC Dynamic system

sat ( s ISMC ) i

Fuzzy-based ISMC

Fig. 2. Robust Fuzzy-based Integral Sliding Mode Control for Dynamic System

And then we have the control current such as.

i RFISMC i (t ) (17)
And then we have some scenarios with in disturbances occur from
d . f dz (t ) 9.868 *1 (N)

And system and controller parameter such as table 1 below.

Table. 1 Controller parameters
Controller parameters k1 5.7 , k 2 80

1 1147, 2 2.51e3, 3000


System parameters m 2.565kg , k ai 40 N / A,

k ap 25200N / m, z0 1mm,
T 1kg , and c 0.001.

4. An illustrative example
In order to perform RFISMC well track we proposed the more complicated input signal

equal 0.35 10 3 sin(0.8t ) and sampling rate equal 16 5kHz , and some disturbances as
have talked before, and thrust disk such as Chen et al. [5] and then we still group some
scenarios from dynamic disturbance then tracking error value and top value of tracking error
value still good for two kinds of references signal such following Fig .3 below.

(a) (b)
Fig. 3 RFISMC distance tracking response signal, (a) set point input value, (b) sinusoidal
input signal
From Fig. 3 the distance tracking performed that well, at the 0.0525 s the goal are reached
and distance tracking error value very small equal 6.24.10 3 m with set point signal, and

0.012 s the goal are reached and tracking value 0.1274m and to of distance tracking value
equal 53m . The tracking value performs such following Fig. 4 below.

(a) (b)
Fig. 4 RFISMC tracking error value, (a) set point reference signal, (b) sinusoidal reference
Go through step by step of this paper can we see that RFISMC such as very powerfull
controller for tracking dynamic flexible and stable reference signal.
5. Conclusion
This paper performed robust control method based on dynamic system-state and combined
sliding mode control. This study use ISMC to recycle PID characteristics for more steady-
state, besides there also have changed sat function to reduce chattering on every steps of
running times. And for tracking sinusoidal input signal as well as this paper introduced
improve settling time to reach more stability. Special the disturbance signal occurs in process
working time is destroy by fuzzy logic control and sat function. The distance tracking value
quite small.

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