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Surg Today

Jpn J Surg (1996) 26:42-45 SUIt~RYTOOAY

Springer-Verlag 1996

Case Reports

A Case of Transverse Colon Cancer Secondarily Involving the Liver,

Duodenum, and Pancreas
Department of Surgery,KinanHospital,4750Atawa,Mihama-cho,Minamimuro-gun,Mie 519-52,Japan

Abstract: A 68-year-old woman presented with transverse Case Report

colon cancer invading the liver, duodenum, and pancreas.
The patient underwent a curative resection including a A 68-year-old woman had presented to another hospital
right hemicolectomy, partial hepatectomy, and pancreati- with fatigue 4 months earlier, at which time severe
coduodenectomy (PD). The pathological examination showed anemia and cardiomegaly were detected. The patient
adenocarcinoma of the colon with a direct extension into the
was transferred to our hospital on November 9, 1991.
duodenum, liver, and pancreas. Several lymph nodes were
also involved. The patient is still alive and disease-free 2 years
Her temperature was 37.3C, the pulse rate was 110/min,
and 6 months after the operation. This case illustrates that and the respiration rate was 18/min. The blood pressure
even in patients with locally advanced colon cancer, a favor- was ll0/80mmHg. The patient showed conjunctival
able prognosis can be obtained by aggressive surgery incor- pallor, but her head and neck were otherwise normal.
porating the resection of the adjacent involved organs. The lungs were clear, but a galloping rhythm was noted
on cardiac auscultation. A fist-sized hard, immobile
Key Words: colon cancer, adjacent organ involvement, mass was palpable in the right upper quadrant of the
combined resection abdomen. A rectal examination revealed no mass
although the stool specimen was positive for occult
blood. Laboratory findings were as follows: hemoglobin,
4.1g/dl; hematocrit, 15.3%; white blood cell count,
Introduction 11,600/mm3; total protein, 6.2g/dl; albumin, 2.6g/dl;
GPT, 15 U/l; GOT, 6 U/l; lactic dehydrogenase, 388 U/l;
Advanced transverse colon cancer sometimes invades alkaline phosphatase, 6.1 KA; amylase, 135 U/l; blood
the liver, duodenum, and pancreas. However, such urea nitrogen, 15.3mg/dl; creatinine, 0.8mg/dl; and
advanced colon carcinoma often remains localized and serum CEA level, 2.8ng/ml (SW). After receiving
later develops some nodal or distant metastases. A blood and albumin transfusions as well as diuretics,
cure can be obtained by an aggressive surgical approach the patient's general condition improved. Imaging
which has been made possible thanks to recent advances studies were performed next, and fiberoptic gastro-
in anesthesia and techniques of intra- and postoperative duodenoscopy revealed an irregular ulcerated mass in
care. We herein report a case of transverse colon the second part of the duodenum which was close to the
cancer invading the liver, duodenum, and pancreas papilla of Vater (Fig. 1). Hypotonic duodenography
which was successfully treated by the combination of showed a filling defect at the same position. A barium
right hemicolectomy, partial hepatectomy, and pan- enema showed the "apple core sign" on the right side
creaticoduodenectomy (PD). of the transverse colon. Colonoscopy showed and
irregular elevation and narrowing of the lumen. Biopsy
specimens were obtained from the duodenal and colonic
lesions. Abdominal computed tomography (CT)
scanning revealed thickening of the transverse colon
wall which was thought to be malignant invasion of the
Reprint requests to: M. Suzaki duodenal wall and the undersurface of the liver. A
(Received for publication on June 29, 1994; accepted on July microscopic examiantion of both biopsy specimens
14, 1995) showed adenocarcinoma. Under a diagnosis of tran-
M. Suzaki et al.: A Case of Transverse Colon Cancer 43

in the colonic mesentery, but the paraaortic and

superior mesenteric nodes were not involved. First, the
involved liver was resected along with 1 cm of normal
liver tissue, and then the right colon, duodenum, and
pancreas were mobilized to the level of the left side of
the aorta by Kocher's maneuver. After this, an en bloc
resection was done, followed by a right hemicolectomy
and PD. Clinically, the tumor was manifested as Si
(liver and duodenum), P0, H0, N3(+), M ( - ) , stage
IIIb, curA (according to the Japanese Research Society
for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum), 1 which indicated
a curative resection. Alimentary reconstruction was
done in the following order: pancreaticojejunostomy,
choledochojejunostomy, and gastrojejunostomy by the
modified Child's method; and ileocolostomy. A macro-
scopic examination of the resected specimen showed an
8 8cm, ulcerated crateriform tumor which invaded
the duodenum and liver. There was no fistula between
the colon and duodenum (Fig. 2). A histological
examination showed moderately differentiated adeno-
Fig. 1. Duodenoscopic findings showing an irregular carcinoma with mucus-producing regions overlying the
ulcerated mass in the second part of the duodenum. site of duodenal invasion (Fig. 3). The microscopic
PAP. VA TER, papilla of Vater manifestation of the disease was as follows: si (liver,
duodenum and pancreas), lyl, v0, nl, 3(+), a w ( - ) ,
o w ( - ) , stage IIIb (according to the Japanese Research
sverse colon cancer invading the duodenum and liver, Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum). ~ A
surgery was performed on December 12, 1991. The curative resection was also indicated based on the
abdomen was opened via a midline incision. No ascites histological findings. The patient developed myocardial
or peritoneal dissemination was observed. The primary infarction immediately after the operation, but re-
tumor was located in the transverse colon near the covered with conservative therapy. On the 38th post-
hepatic flexure having invaded the undersurface of the operative day, she suffered from adhesion ileus which
anterior portion of the liver as well as the lateral required a partial resection of the small bowel under
duodenal wall. There were some enlarged lymph nodes epidural anesthesia. After this second operation, she

Fig. 2. Macroscopic findings of the

resected specimen showing an 8 x
8cm, ulcerated crateriform tumor
which had invaded the duodenum
and liver
44 M. Suzaki et al.: A Case of Transverse Colon Cancer

Fig. 3a,b. Histologic findings of the

tumor show moderately differen-
tiated adenocarcinoma (a) with
mucus-producing lesions overlying
the site of the duodenum (b)

recovered well and remains healthy without recurrence well as some mucinous lesions at the site of duodenal
at 2 years and 6 months postoperatively. invasion.
There are several operative procedures for transverse
colon cancer involving the duodenum, including bypass
Discussion surgery and a right or left hemicolectomy combined
with a partial resection of the duodenum or PD. The
The incidence of colon cancer invading the adjacent larger the combined resection area the more radical the
organs is reported to be from 7.6% to 12%. 2-4 operation, and the higher the degree of operative in-
With respect to such locally advanced colon cancer, tervention. Consequently, we should choose the most
McMahon et al. 5 have stated that mucinous car- appropriate operative procedure after carefully con-
cinoma tends to invade or fistulize to other organs. sidering the operative risks for each individual patient.
The patient reported herein had locally extensive colon The improved survival of patients with locally
cancer involving the liver, duodenum, and pancreas as advanced colon cancer after extended surgery is ex-
M. Suzaki et al.: A Case of Transverse Colon Cancer 45

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