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Diversity, Social Justice and Learning Assessment 2

Running Race

Link to Resource Video -


Supporting Documentation:

Game Questions

1. Were you born in Australia?

2. Were your (one or both) parents born in Australia?
3. Do you only speak English at home
4. Do your parents predominantly speak a language other than English at
home? If so, move to the blocks, if not move forward.
5. Do you ever feel othered or left out because of your skin colour or
race/ethnicity, if so move to the blocks, if not, move forward?
6. Do you feel expected to excel in a particular subject at school because of
your race/ethnicity?
7. If you have never personally experienced racism, move forward, if you
have, move to the blocks.
8. Do you ever feel like your opinion is more valuable due to your
race/ethnicity? If so, move forward. Do you feel not heard because of your
race/ethnicity?, move to the blocks
9. Do you feel represented in main stream popular culture?
10.Are your parents deeply involved in your schooling and education?
11.Do both of your parents work?
12.Scenario: You are being interviewed for a job by an Anglo man. Do you feel
your race/ethnicity may positively influence your chances of getting the
13.Did your parents (one or both) go to university?
14.Do you consider your family to be middle/upper class?
15.Are you allowed to marry someone outside of your own race/ethnicity?
16.Do you ever feel as though you have an advantage in your education,
based on your race/ethnicity?
17.Code Switching is the practice of alternating between two or more
languages or varieties of language in conversation (cite) for example
Indigenous or LBOTE students switching between the language used at
home, and the language they use at school. This can provide some
challenges in education, if you ever have to code switch, move to the
blocks, if not, move forward.
18.Were you raised in an area that is multicultural?
19.Were you raised in an area where you felt like you were part of an ethnic
20.Have you ever changed your speech, appearance or behaviour to avoid
being judged?
These questions reflect a basic representation of what could be asked Teachers
and students could potentially collaborate and generate more questions that
would reflect more meaningful responses.

Character Profiles

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