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Queens for the King

May 2017 Newsletter

We are all smiling ear to ear as you can see now that our little
family of four is all together. We have enjoyed having
Elizabeth back from the States. We are excited to baptize
new house visit believers soon. Learning new bible songs and
verses has been so fun. Grade 7 girls are learning about great
women of the Bible. May is jam packed with God's goodness &
grace on display.

Bible verse Time

After we teach the bible story at kids club,
children can line up and memorize bible verse
for prizes. We are using the same verses our
children learned in bible drills or in
AWANA. This has been a huge hit with the
kids. It is a great way to hide God's word in
their hearts that will stay there their whole
Tutoring Time
Tutoring is really going well with the
grade 5 kids at Sibong. They finally
got a new teacher last week which is
a huge answer to prayer. Her name
is Nkosi and she is happy to let
us continue to teach the children
bible stories and tutor them in
English and Reading. We praise God
that two of the children in this class
attend Hilton Baptist regularly now.
Pray for our time there to be
fruitful in growing children in Jesus.

Design on a Dime
Grade 7 girls this term are
learning about great women of
the bible. Now we are studying
Queen Esther. They really
enjoyed learning how God used a
young orphaned girl like Esther to
save her people. Designing their
vision of what Esther's wedding
looked like was a fun (shown
here). They are also memorizing
the books of the New Testament
to earn an adult bible soon.

"Father Abraham had many sons"

The little kids club in Shiya is doing so
well. The children really enjoy learning
new bible songs. They learned the
Father Abraham song last week. The
hand motions are their favorite part
as you can see. Pray for these little
ones to come to know Jesus as their
Lord and Savior someday.
Check out
benches we

"Baptize them"
We combined our two groups in Shiyas last week so that Thomas could fully
explain what it means to be baptized as a new believer in Christ. We are excited
that 7 believers in Shiyas desire to publicly proclaim Jesus as their Lord and
Savior in baptism. They will undergo believer baptism next Thursday at a local
sister church baptistery. Pray that each believer will fully understand this next
step in their discipleship with Christ and the Father will be glorified.

Interns Serving
The Tear Fund interns did a
great job explaining the
mystery of the Trinity to the
folks in Shiyas. Ellis (pictured
here) made a diagram in IsiZulu
that helped them start to
comprehend the role of the
Holy Spirit in their lives. Please
continue to pray for the interns
as they move into the Howick
community this month. Pray for
a refreshing time of vacation
this week in Cape Town so they
return ready to minister their
final two months.

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