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Biomagnetic Pair (BMPs)

Thanks to:
Founder Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran
Translator Janice Bailey
Agenda Biomagnetic Pair Class

1) Magnetic Energies for Scanning

The physiological effect of each magnetic field
The science of biomagnetism, pH discovery Dr Albert Roy Davis

2) The Biomagnetic Pair (the work of Dr Isaac Goiz Duran BMPs)

Depolarization methods and 5 groups of pairs and over 100 regular pairs

3) Bioenergetic Management
11 reservoirs
False positives

4) Scanning and Treatment Hands on Experience

Partner exchange

5) Review, Questions and Answers

Earth magnetic balance

Magnetic Energy

Physiological Effect of Each Magnetic Field

Magnetic Energy
Counter-clockwise spin

Magnetic Energy
Clockwise spin

Scanning Hydrogen
Hydrogen is the simplest element known. Each atom of hydrogen has only one proton. It is also the
most plentiful gas in the universe. Stars are made primarily of hydrogen. The sun is basically a giant ball of
hydrogen and helium gases.
Hydrogen combined with oxygen, is water (H2O). Hydrogen is also found in all growing thingsbiomass. It is
also an abundant element in the earth's crust.

Computer image of a nano-ice double helix. Oxygen atoms are shown in blue in the
inner helix and in purple in the outer helix, while the hydrogen atoms are white
(Credit: Xiao Cheng Zeng research group at UNL)

Davis Scanning
Scan body with a negative pole
Looking for Reflexive Kinesiologic
Biofeedback tool
Reaction equals a hypocondition
Biomagnetic Reflex
The Biomagnetic Reflex Assessment scans the client in 16 locations :
1) Pineal (melatonin biosynthesis)
2) Pituitary (growth & development)
3) Parathyroid R & L ( calcium regulation)
4) Thyroid (growth & metabolism)
5) Thymus (immunological role)
6) Heart (blood flow)
7) Lung R & L (oxygen)
8) Liver R (detox blood & supplies glucose)
9) Gallbladder (bile)
10) Pancreas L (behind stomach digests)
11) Stomach L (digestion)
12) Spleen L (reservoir red blood cells)
13) Ascending colon R Descending colon L
14) Ovary R L or Prostate & Testes
15) Adrenals R L (epinephrine)
16) Kidneys R L
(filter blood & maintain acid base balance)
Structural Damage

Use the Direct Application Technique to

heal structural damage
Use Biomagnetic Pair Technique for
Energetic Balance and Prevention
Direct technique

Use a magnet with correct hysteresis and

dosage for structural problems
Biomagnetic Pair

Goiz states
The identification of the BMP arises from energetic
resonance of the pole of the magnetic with that of the
organism under study.
Resonance occurs when the respective
periods of free oscillation of two or more
different systems coincide with each other.
If two independent systems, both having
the same naturally occurring frequency,
are joined together in phase, resonance
occurs with the result that their maximum
and minimum values are reached
simultaneously. Both systems vibrate in

A vibrating tuning fork will set into

sympathetic vibration, or resonance,
another tuning fork of the same frequency.

Frequencies, in combination with each other,

can manifest aspects of additive or
destructive interaction, depending on their
points of intersection.

Scanning for right leg length discrepancy

(left side is protected by biomagnetic field of your heart)

Treatment is with magnetic pairs (+ --)

Points of opposite polarity cancel out
Normal Energetic Level

Goal of the session is to achieve

Normal Energetic Level (NEL)
no measurable manifestation

Virus (a section of RNA or DNA covered in protein

shell & requires a host cell to replace genetic comamnds)


Bacteria (very large, one celled living organism, self reproducing)

Resonating pairs

Depolarization times

Rapid at the equator

Tropic of Cancer
Colorado about 30 min
State of allowance

Scan with the negative polarity of a magnet

Place magnet on spot, say name of spot and
move heels
After treatment check legs (should be even again)
Continue scanning while in treatment

Negative point treatment with negative

charge, while positive point with positive
charge with the intent of pushing the
charges against each other forcing them to
meet and neutralize (DEPOLARIZATION)
5 Groups

Regular BMPs
Special BMPs(produce cerebral, pulmonary or renal symptoms)

Glandular dysfunction BMPs

Temporal BMPs (countless, temporary, injury)

Associated BMPs
106 points

Scanning regular points

Scanning pairs
La lista se presenta en el orden establecido por el Dr. Isaac Goiz, que es el orden que sugiere para el diagnstico.

Localize los puntos segn su localizacin en cabeza, torso, costado, espalda, brazos, piernas y bajo vientre.
Punto Localizacin
1 Pineal Coronilla, punto ms alto del crneo
2 Parietal Hueso parietal del craneo (bilateral)
3 Hipfisis Centro de la frente
4 Polo En los cuernos de Moiss
5 Seno frontal Arriba de la ceja (bilateral)
6 Seno nasal Entre nariz y pmulo (bilateral)
7 Ojo Sobre el ojo (bilateral)
8 Sien Al lado del ojo (bilateral)
9 Odo Sobre el canal auditivo (bilateral)
10 Oreja Sobre el cartlago auricular, arco (bilateral)
11 Mastoides Debajo del lbulo de la oreja (bilateral)
12 Pmulo Parte ms gorda del cachete
13 Lengua Desde la comisura bucal, casi al odo.
14 Mandbula Debajo del mentn
15 Partida Al lado del punto de la mndbula (bilateral)
16 Tiroides A los lados de la manzana de Adn (lado izq.)
17 Paratiroides Debajo del odo a la altura de la tiroides
18 Laringe arriba y abajo de la tiroides.
19 Timo Sobre el inicio del esternn.
20 Mediastino Arriba y debajo del timo
21 Cardias Extremo inferior del esternn
22 Pericardio Un poco a la izquierda del cardias
23 Estmago Debajo del esternn
24 Cabeza de Pncreas Abajo y a la izquierda del estmago
25 Cuerpo de Pncreas seccin superior e izquierda del abdmen
26 Cola de Pncreas ms a la izquierda (sobre el costado)
27 Bazo costilla 11 y 12 (arriba de cola de pncreas)
28 Axila (bilateral)
29 Subclavia Punto medio clavicular (bilateral)
30 Supraespinoso Sobre el trapecio (bilateral)
31 Deltoides Msculo del hombro
32 Hmero Entre el codo y el hombro -triceps- (bilateral)
33 Braquial
En el pileque del codo
34 Cbito Entre el codo y la mueca, lado del meique (bilateral)
35 Radio Entre el codo y la mueca, lado del pulgar (bilateral)
36 Mueca (bilateral)
37 Pleura Del lado derecho a la altura del corazn a un costado
38 Hgado Debajo de la caja torcica, lado derecho, probar varios puntos.
39 Periheptico

Borde inferior del hgado.

40 Ligamento heptico Al lado de la vescula biliar.
41 Vescula En el reborde costal del lado derecho
42 Ploro Debajo de la vescula
43 Duodeno Debajo del ploro, altura del cinturn
44 Colon ascendente Un poco ms interno que el duodeno.
45 Colon transverso Por el ombligo (buscar punto)
46 Colon descendente Lado izquierdo debajo del cinturn.
47 Uretero Del costado del ombligo a la vejiga (bilateral)
48 Utero Arriba de la vejiga
49 Ovario Al lado del tero (bilateral)
50 Testculo (bilateral)
51 Trompa Entre el tero y los ovarios (bilateral)
52 Vejiga Sobre el hueso pvico
53 Pudendo Piegue inguinal
54 Nervio Inguinal Arriba de la ingle
55 Epipln al lado del ombligo (bilateral)
56 Prstata Entre el sexo y el ano
57 Trocanter menor Entre el sexo y la ingle
58 Vagina Sexo
59 Aductor Entrepierna, porcin media (bilateral)
60 Tibia Abajo de la rodilla, parte anterior (bilateral)
61 Calcaneo Taln (bilateral)
62 Aquiles Tendn posterior entre pierna y taln(bilateral)
63 Popitleo Hueco posterior detrs de la rodilla (bilateral)
64 Citico Pierna posterior, entre hueco poptleo e isquin (bilateral)
65 Trocanter Mayor Costado del cuerpo (unin de pierna con cadera, bilateral)
66 Cadera Costado del cuerpo (bilateral)
67 Izquin debajo de la nalga (bilateral)
68 Gluteo Nalga, checar varios puntos (bilateral)
69 Iliaco Parte superior de la cadera en la espalda (bilateral)
70 Sacro Entre las nalgas
71 Cuadrado A los costados de la columna, en la espalda (bilateral)
72 Rin Costillas falsas (bilateral)
73 Cpsula Renal
Sobre el punto del rin
74 Suprarrenal Sobre la columna al centro del torax (punto del brassiere)
75 Escpula Centro del homplato (bilateral)
76 Cava Entre las escpulas
77 Bulbo Raqudeo En la nuca
78 Cerebelo Sobre el bulbo raqudeo
79 Occipital Al lado del cerebelo (bilateral)
80 Temporal Arriba del odo (bilateral)
81 Polos (cuernos de moiss)
82 Seno Frontal Abajo de las cejas (bilateral)
83 Nariz Parte inferior de la nariz
84 Craneal A la mitad de la nariz (va un poco inclinado)
85 Lacrimal En el punto ms alto de la nariz
86 Malar Sobre el pmulo
87 Gonin Angulo de la mandbula
88 Trquea Manzana de Adn (centro o derecha)
89 Esfago Al lado de la trquea, lado derecho.
90 Hiato esofgico Debajo del punto del esfago
91 Carina Entre el pezn y el esternn (bilateral)
92 Diafragma Debajo de los pezones (bilateral)
93 Condral A la altura de las costillas (bilateral)
94 Costal A la altura de las costillas (bilateral)
95 Sacro Arriba del coxis
96 Recto Abajo del coxis
97 Ano A los lados del pliegue intergluteo
98 Contraciego sobre la ingle (lado izquierdo)
99 Cava Se checa dorsalmente del lado der. altura del corazn
100 Costodiafragmtico Lado izq. (contralateral al periheptico)
101 Plexo Cervical Entre la clavcula y el cuello
102 Interciliar Entre la cejas
103 Supraciliar Sobre el interciliar
104 Atlas Nuca (bilateral)
105 Cuadriceps Parte anterior del muslo
106 Cuello Costado del cuello.
Negative scanning magnet IDs
Negative point = shortened right
leg so treat with the negative

Negative scanning
magnet IDs positive
point = right leg
lengthening so treat
with a

positive magnet +
Golden Rules
1) Scanning and therapy are simultaneously performed

2)The Positive Biomagnetic Pole is formed by hydrogen

ions H+ and or pathogenic viruses

3)The Negative Biomagnetic Pole is formed by free

radicals and or pathogenic bacteria
Golden Rules
4) Biomagnetic Poles are in vibration and energetic
5) >1,000 gauss required for depolarization
6) Only one impact is required to eradicate a BMP
7) Positive Biomagnetic Poles are asymptomatic
8) Magnets are natural
9) No iatrogeny
Golden Rules
10) Regular BMPs identify = pathogenic
microorganisms,virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites
11) Special BMPs identify = tissue alterations
12) Dysfunctional BMPs identify = internal alterations and
hormonal production
13) Reservoir BMPs = organs or tissues which support a
Golden Rules
14) Northern hemisphere of the earth BMPs negative poles
establish themselves in the right half of the body
15) Southern hemisphere there in the left half
16) Common diseases are produced by a single BMP
17) Complex diseases are the results of association of
these pairs
Point of view

Organic pathology from the vibrational point of view

The Art of Dynamic Wellness
Imanera, Janice Bailey
Scan Reservoirs 1st

Eleven Reservoirs BMPs

1. Pleura/ Pleura
2. Pleura/Peritoneum
3. Gall Bladder/ Gall Bladder
4. Renal Capsule/ Renal Capsule
5. Kidney/ Renal Capsule
6. Inguinal Nerve/ Inguinal Nerve
7. Trochanter, lesser/ trochanter lesser
8. Vagus/ Kidney
9. Cardia/ Temporal
10.Sub Diaphragm/ sub Diaphragm
11.Stub/ stub (amputation or incisions)
False positives
When a client complains of:


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