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MAY 1986 ISSN 0018-8190



Reflux and surface tension
effects on distillation
Theoretical and experimental data suggest More difficult separation systems (relative volatility close
to 1.0) have more uniform separation efficiencies over the
how to set reflux ratio for the most efficient entire concentration range (i.e., X has a lesser influence).
distillation separation in packed towers. A difference in surface tension can explain some differ-
ences in efficiencies. Comparing two easy separation sys-
Surface tension effects also are considered tems, one with a negative surface tension gives a lower sepa-
ration efficiency than another with a positive surface
T. D. Koshy and F. Rukovena, Norton Co., Akron, Ohio tension.
EASY SEPARATION SYSTEMS (those with relative volatili- Operating efficiency. The operating efficiency of packed
ties of approximately 2.0 or greater) are influenced signifi- towers is generally expressed as Height Equivalent to a The-
cantly by reflux ratio. Theoretical relations suggest the best oretical Plate (HETP) or Height of a Transfer Unit (HTU).
separation efficiency occurs when X, the ratio of the slopes of But note, a minimum HETP or HTU represents a maxi-
the equilibrium and operating lines (mG\{/L\), is approxi- mum separation efficiency.
mately 1.0. Then, experimental data are obtained to relate X The effect of reflux ratio is shown in Fig. 1, a plot of
to its equivalent reflux ratio. HETP versus a vapor capacity factor CY These data are for
a methanol-water binary distillation at atmospheric pres-
2.0 sure. The upper plot is for total reflux. The lower plot is for
an internal reflux ratio, L\i/G\, of 0.5. The HETP is signif-
icantly larger for total reflux than for partial reflux.
o o These data were obtained at Norton Company's Cham-
0 a berlain Laboratories in Stow, Ohio. The distillation tower
1.5 had a diameter of 381 mm and was filled with a 3,048-mm-
o deep bed of No. 25 IMTP stainless steel packing. Additiona
runs were made to examine the relation between HETP ana*"
reflux ratio. Further, HETP measurements were conducted
at a fixed boil-up rate to eliminate the effect of Cy on HETP.
Theoretical analysis. A generalized (HTU) (X ; correlation
assuming a two-resistance theory 1 - 2 is given as follows:
(HTU) 0(; = (HTU) C; + X(HTU),. (1)
If the equilibrium curve and the operating line are as-
sumed to be straight lines over a single stage, the following
Total reflux relation is obtained:
Partial reflux, L/D = 1.0
HETP = (HTU)oo(ln X)/(X - 1) (2)
0.2 0.3 0.4 Then define
Cs at midpoint, ft/s
-Packed tower rectification of methanol-water.
(3 = (HTU) L /(HTU) G
= HETP/(HTU)C; (4)
Combining the foregoing equations gives:
= ( l + X / 3 ) ( l n X ) / ( X - 1) (5)

Fig. 2 shows a plot of as a function of In X for various

values of /3. For a fixed (8, the minimum is determined by
setting the first differential of Eq. 5 to zero (i.e., d/dX = 0).
This gives:
/3 = (X - 1 - X In X)/(X In X - X 2 + X) (6)
Substituting Eq. 6 into Eq. 5 gives:
L,,, = (lnX) 2 /(X - 1 - In X)
2 3 456 810- 1 2 3 456 810 2 3 4 56 810
Slope ratio X Table 1 shows the variation of ,, with j3 and X.
Fig. 2Relationship among variables. Finding minimum HETP. If (HTU) ( , is assumed to be a con-
Reprinted from HYDROCARBON PROCESSING, May 1986
Copyright* 1986 by Gull Publishing Co., Houston, Texas.
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
stant, it follows from Eq. 4 that having a minimum also 2.500
means there is a minimum value for HETP. And since X, *- Water-DMF
and to some extent /?, varies over the range of concentration
for which HETP is measured, values of/? and X must be ob-
tained experimentally.
The righthand term of Eq. 2, (In X)/(X - 1), approaches
. 1.500
'.0 as X approaches 1.0. Therefore, Eq. 2 suggests HETP
^approaches (HTU) OG ; and it is feasible to correlate HETP as
a function of the physical properties. It is customary to use
published correlations 5 "' to evaluate (HTU)oo using Eq. 1.
Relative volatility, a, relates the vapor and liquid phase
compositions of the more volatile component in a binary
'*,, .,
separation, i.e., 0%

y = ax/[I + (a - l)x] (8) I I I III

10-' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910
Here, a is not necessarily a constant. Slope ratio X
On the other hand, if a is assumed to be constant over a Fig. 3Two binary systems compared.
small range of composition, the slope of the equilibrium
curve can be given as follows:
dy/dx = m = a / [ l + (a - \)x]2 (9)
Then when x > 1, m * I/a (10) E
and when x > 0, m > a (11)
Thus, for liquid phase compositions between x = 0 and
x = 1.0, m lies between ex and I/a.
Difficult separations (those binary systems whose a. val- 10-' 2 3 4 56 810 2 3 4 5 6 8 10' 2 3 4 56 8102
ues are not significantly larger than 1.0), have values of m Slope ratio X

that do not greatly differ from 1.0. This also implies the in- Fig. 4Literature data for isopropanol-water.10
ternal reflux ratio, L\i/G\i, which is the slope of the operat-
ing line either in the rectifying or stripping sections, for these
difficult separations will not vary significantly from 1.0. TABLE 1Variation of mm with 0 and X
This is the case because the operating line is enclosed within (3 X min
boundaries created by the equilibrium curve and the diago- 0 00 0
,nal. 0.1 28 0.469
As a result, X = mG\IL\, or the ratio of the two slopes, 0.3 5.963 1.003
__^emains close to 1.0 for such systems. One should not expect 0.5 2.817 1.373
X to be an important variable in the performance efficiency 0.7 1.706 1.660
of distillation towers making difficult separations. Under 1.0 1.0 2.0
such conditions HETP = (HTU)oo, and HETP is an ap- 3.0 0.01954 3.219
propriate design tool. 5.0 0.0936 3.836
7.0 0.0583 4.250
Easy separations, on the other hand, where a > > 1.0, 9.0 0.0412 4.560
X can have values much less than 1.0 to much greater than oo 0 00

1.0. Therefore, X becomes an important variable in the per-

formance of a distillation tower making easy separations, es-
pecially when making very pure products. der to eliminate the effect of tower loading on efficiency. For
both systems, HETP goes through a minimum at a X value
Surface tension effects can be considered using a defini- of approximately 1, although boil-up limitations prevented
tion given by Zuiderweg and Harmens. 8 They termed distil- getting data for the water-DMF system at X values greater
lation systems positive or negative on the basis of whether than 1.0.
the surface tension of the reflux liquid increases or decreases
as it flows down the column. Other data for an isopropanol-water system reported by
Deed, et al., are shown in Fig. 4.' They performed atmo-
Experimental data. Two binary systems that can be charac- spheric rectification of the binary below azeotropic condition
terized as easy separations were chosen in order to compare in a 152-mm-diameter brass column with 1,194 mrn of 13-
the performance of two high a systems and, at the same mm ceramic Raschig Rings. These data also indicate HETP
time, contrast the performance of a system with a positive goes through a minimum.
surface tension with one having a negative surface tension. Based on the observation that (HTU)oo increased rapidly
The first system was the methanol-water binary men- as X was raised, Deed, et al., concluded that the principal
tioned earlier in connection with Fig. 1. The a of this system resistance to mass transfer was in the liquid phase. This ex-
ranged from 2.6 to 8.1 and the m ranged from 0.38 to 8.1, at planation implies that, at large values of X, /? defined by Eq.
atmospheric pressure. This is a strongly surface-tension-pos- 3 increases.
itive system. The second binary system was a water-di- On the other hand, Norman, et al., 11 conclude that large
methylformamide (DMF) system whose a varied from 3.6 to variations in HETP are probably the result of poor liquid
6.8 and m varied from 0.28 to 6.8, at atmospheric pressure. distribution over the packing and variations in the wetted
This latter is a strongly surface-tension-negative system. area. This conclusion was based on wetted wall column data
The data for HETP versus log X for both systems are illus- determined by other researchers in the field who found large
,crated in Fig. 3. The HETP values were calculated using a variations in HETP in experiments with packed columns.
modified McCabe-Thiele method taking into account the However, based on recent experience with liquid distributors
enthalpy difference between the components.'' Tower opera- providing a widely varying number of distribution points
tions were held within a narrow range of boil-up rates in or- and liquid flowrates, there are no indications that liquid dis-
"symmetric separation" is used here to mean that on a
McCabe-Thiele diagram, the liquid phase compositions
of the overhead product and bottom product are roughly
equidistant from 0.5.
Case III. X is much greater than 1. The circumstances
when this occurs are:
high purity of bottoms products, i.e., x - 0 and m -
low L/V approaching total reflux, i.e., LIV * 1.0
both foregoing conditions mean that X -* a.

Cs - capacity factor V s vpc/(pL ~ PG)> m/s

GM - gas flowrate, kg-moles/h
HETP - height equivalent to a theoretical plate, m
HTU - height of a transfer unit, m
LM - liquid rate, kg-moles/h
m - slope of the equilibrium line
Vs - superficial gas flow velocity based on tower area, m/s
x - mole fraction of the more volatile component in the
liquid phase
y - mole fraction of the more volatile component in the
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 vapor phase
Greek symbols
Fig. 5Vapor-liquid equilibrium diagram.
a - relative volatility between components 1 and 2
tribution was a limiting factor for our test data. /3 - as defined in Eq. 3
X - m GM/LM, ratio of the slopes of equilibrium and
Surface tension effects. According to Zuiderweg and Har- operating lines
mens,8 a binary system is positive if the less volatile compo- - as defined in Eq. 4
nent has the higher surface tension. They demonstrated p - density, kg/m 3
that, in apparatus where the interfacial area is mainly of the Subscripts
film type, mass transfer rates for positive systems (with stabi-
lized film) may be much higher than for negative systems. G - gas phase
This generalization, however, may fail when applied to L - liquid phase
M - moles of gas or liquid
negative systems, where the reduction in contact angles may OG - overall gas phase
result in spray formation. The interfacial surface area in
such formations is not significantly affected by surface ten- LITERATURE CITED
sion changes. 1 Lewis, W. K., and Whitman, W. G., Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 16, p.,
1215, 1924.
Fig. 3 illustrated that for the range of X values for which : Whitman. W. G., Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Vol. 29, p. 247, 1923.

comparison can be made, the HETP for the methanol-water :i Shulman, H. L., Ullrich, C. F, and Wells, N., AlChE Journal, Vol. 1, p "
(positive) system is consistently lower than that for the water- 4 Shulman, H. L., Ullrich, C. F, Proulx, A. Z., and Zimmerman, J. O., AlChE
DMF (negative) system. Meier, et al., 12 who performed dis- Journal, Vol. 1, p. 259, 1955.
~ ' Shulman, H. L., Ullrich. C. F., Wells, N., Proulx, A. Z., AlChE Journal, Vol. 1, p.
tillation at total reflux on both systems in a structured stain- 259, 1955.
less steel tower packing, found that the HETP for the 6 Onda, K., Takeuchi, H., and Okumoto, Y. J., Chemical Engineering Japan, Vol. 1, p.

water-DMF system is approximately twice that of the metha- 56, 1968.

7 Onda, K., Mem. Fac. Eng., Nagoya Univ., 24 (2), p. 64, 1972.
nol-water system. R Zuiderweg, F. J., and Harmens, A., Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 9, Nos. 2/3,
For these tests, the concentration range of the methanol- p. 89, 1958.
y Neretnieks, I., Ericson, I., Eriksson, S., British Chemical Engineering, Vol. 14. No.
water mixture was 10% methanol at the bottom and 98% 12, p. 653, 1969.
methanol at the top. The range of the water-DMF system 1(1 Deed, D. W., Schutz, P. W., Drew, T. B., Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.
39, No. 6, p. 766, 1947.
was 30% water at the bottom and 99.5% water at the top. 11 Norman, W. S., Cakaioz, T., Fresco, A. Z., Sutcliffe, D. H., Transaction of the Insti-
The authors attribute the lower HETP for the methanol-wa- tution of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 41, p. 61, 1963.
ter system to its good wettability. The present study, how- 12 Meier, W., Hunkeler, R., Stocker, D., Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Se-
ries No. 56, 3.3, p. 1, 1979.
ever, demonstrates that wettability per se does not explain
the widely differing values of HETP obtained for essentially The authors
the same range of separation at different reflux ratios. The
data indicate that at X values much larger or smaller than T. Dan Koshy is manager, mass transfer devel-
1.0, HETP increases dramatically. opment, Norton Chemical Process Products,
Akron, Oft/o, where he manages pilot plant re-
Application. The practical importance of our findings can search and data correlation. Earlier he was a
be illustrated in Fig. 5 and the following: design and development engineer (distillation)
with Union Carbide Corp., Linde Division. He
Case I: X is much less than 1. The circumstances when holds a BS degree from Nagpur University, In-
this happens are: dia, an MS degree from Wayne State University,
high purity of the more volatile component, i.e., m * I/ Mich., both in chemical engineering, and an
a. AlChE membership.
high reflux ratio, i.e., L_\/G_\i ~* 1.0. Frank Rukovena, Jr., is manager, mass transfer
both foregoing conditions mean X * I/a. engineering and development, Norton Chemical
Process Products, Akron, Ohio, where he man-
Case II. X = 1. The following situations will produce ages mass transfer development, packed tower
this condition: application and mechanical engineering. Earlier
very low reflux ratio for high purity rectification, i.e., x he was a research development engineer wit
Koppers Co. and a design and project engine*, ..
-* i.o with General Tire. Holder of a BS in chemical en-
very high reflux ratio for high purity stripping, i.e., x gineering from \bungstown University, he is a
-" 0 member of AlChE.
total reflux for a symmetric separation. Note, the term

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