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Collin Young
32 Coach Crest Dr., Asheville NC, 28806
Buncombe County Schools Graduation Project
The Killer from within; Alcoholism

The psyche is a thin and malleable piece of identity that is easily persuaded and

manipulated, for better or for worse, that it is easily tripped up in which desires and goals are

flipped becoming wishes and nightmares. Ethanol, more commonly known as alcohol, is one of

the most notorious substances to misshapen anyone's health, spirit, and mind, but has a side

effect of which facilitates the destruction of relationships and families. Even though alcohol is

legal, when used in excess or dependently, it has many hazardous effects to the self and others.

Many believe that since it is legal, it is not addictive or even that harmful. However, it is

an actual disease that affects millions in so many different ways. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is

a medical condition that doctors diagnose when a patient's drinking causes distress or

harm.("Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help.") There are Multiple

stages- Mild, moderate, and severe. ("Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting

Help.") Out of the three categories, mild, moderate, and severe; any kind can get out of control.


There are people that drink every day but still go to work and function in daily life.

There are also people that drink to excess and may become violent towards others physically or

verbally or both. When people think of alcohol, or spirits, it is associated with a good time and

parties. However, Alcohol itself is a depressant that will get worse the more the person uses.

Binge drinking is when the abuser drinks a lot in a short period of time. This is usually done to

chase the high feeling. ( Alcoholism is non-selective with who

it affects. Some people, children and adults alike, are predisposed to addiction and dependence
Collin Young
32 Coach Crest Dr., Asheville NC, 28806
Buncombe County Schools Graduation Project
due to genetic factors, family life, and to traumatic experiences throughout life. ("A National

Leader In Addiction Recovery Treatment.")

Since alcoholism can affect anyone, it is important to understand the signs of dependency

and abuse. Some signs of alcoholism are: feeling the need to continue drinking more, putting

alcohol before responsibilities, and spending a lot of money on alcohol. Alcohol also provides a

break from reality and can make people forget their worries for a while. (Calbicsek) Some other

things to look for are tolerance build up and not stopping when it is appropriate. The Abuser had

times when they drank more than they should or for longer time periods. Failing to cut

down/stop drinking is also a warning sign. A person that might have AUD would spend a lot of

time drinking and thinking about drinking. Also, The need to consume more than before to

achieve desired effects starts to happen. ("Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting


Some reasons people turn to alcohol are loss, relieve stress, to feel good, and to cope

with anxiety. They will have physical withdrawal symptoms where alcohol feels like the only

solution. Sometimes, winding down with alcohol can backfire because getting through daily

stress with alcohol can lead to dependency. Sometimes, people turn to alcohol at parties or with

friends to ease the tension. Drinking lowers inhibitions making social situations easier for people

with anxiety. This can lead to addiction. (Calbicsek)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder often goes in hand with alcoholism. Those with PTSD

often report a dependence for alcohol and those dependent on alcohol express symptoms of those

with PTSD. A general view for those with PTSD that report alcohol addiction often had problems

before and after being afflicted with PTSD. In response to a trigger many people with PTSD and

a alcohol use problem will engage in what is known as binge drinking. In addition to PTSD,
Collin Young
32 Coach Crest Dr., Asheville NC, 28806
Buncombe County Schools Graduation Project
Women who experience trauma are more likely to develop an AUD. Women with a AUD often

have been ...sexually assaulted at some time in their life. Women and Men both have a

statistically higher likelihood of substance abuse when they have been sexually assaulted in

comparison to those that have not been sexually assaulted. Problems that arise with alcohol

generally derive from a confused and disorderly life. ("PTSD and Problems with Alcohol Use -

PTSD: National Center for PTSD.")

While recognizing these signs is very important to the healing process of an alcoholic;

their attention should also be turned towards the family in the event there is one. One in every

five adult Americans resided with a relative who abused alcohol in their adolescence.

(AACAP). Families are greatly impacted by an immediate family member suffering from

Alcohol use. This can be very stressful and is important that you try and care for the dependent

individual; however, it is also extremely important that the care provider takes care of

themselves. ("Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help.") A danger to

extended family and children is that they are able to become codependent or, to a lesser extent,

be affected. Most children and adolescents that undergo this are at a higher likelihood of have

emotional troubles. Statistically speaking, children who are raised by an individual that abuses

alcohol are approximately 4 times more likely to abuse alcohol as well. Another problem is that

even though parents do not recognize their swings in behavior but their children do. Children

often find themselves to be the cause which can result in Self-blame, guilt, frustration, and

anger as a child attempts to understand or define why their parents are behaving in such

ways. This confusion can be harmful in which Intoxication can lead to domestic violence and

child abuse. In the many cases of domestic violence that have been filed, 92% of the victims

reported that their assailant had consumed alcohol or other drugs the day of the assault. ("A
Collin Young
32 Coach Crest Dr., Asheville NC, 28806
Buncombe County Schools Graduation Project
National Leader In Addiction Recovery Treatment.") Recovery groups exist for children of

alcoholics and many differing programs to help children cope with alcohol abuse. Sometimes

these treatments are not effective but they are aimed to provide an outlet and coach children to

avoid becoming alcohol-dependent. ("A National Leader In Addiction Recovery Treatment.")

Often times, the confusion and disorder the parent suffers with trickles down into family

life. This can cause a lack of closeness within the family and leads to more problems that arise

from it. With those problems and The confusion of a life with a drinking problem can then

lead to it being ...harder to be a good parent. ("PTSD and Problems with Alcohol Use - PTSD:

National Center for PTSD.")

Not only does alcohol affect families it often times is a battle on the inside for the

alcoholic. The idea that Persistence is key, yet an individual is more likely to relapse when

subject to periods of stress, exposure to people, and/or being in or nearby places associated with

past drinking. Subjectively speaking, stressful scenarios are also mediators in the relapse

process which could potentiate its possibility of happening. These scenarios include, but not

limited to, divorce, death of a family member, and socioeconomic crises. ("Treatment for

Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help.")

Moreover, alcohol presents an immediate danger to the public and the safety of which.

Drinking slows reaction time and reflexes making driving dangerous. (Calbicsek) 1.4 million

arrests are made for drunk driving each year in the US alone. ("Alcohol Addiction and Abuse.")

Drinking can increase a persons likelihood of getting into fights, displaying disorderly conduct

in public, driving under the influence, and becoming involved in domestic disputes or violence.

("A National Leader In Addiction Recovery Treatment.")

Collin Young
32 Coach Crest Dr., Asheville NC, 28806
Buncombe County Schools Graduation Project
Not only is it dangerous, the economic factors make a comeback and do more damage

than foreseen. Alcoholism can interfere with goals in life, personal relationships, and overall

health. Once addicted, alcohol takes over and the abuser feels powerless to alcohol. (Calbicsek)

Alcoholism can endanger ones life because it impairs decision making skills. Work, home, and

school will suffer. Alcohol lowers your inhibition rate leading to spending money that should not

have been spent. Most of the time it is not the alcohol itself that causes financial trouble but the

effects of its consumption. Intoxication often leads to spending more money in general. The

effect known as beer goggles often convinces the intoxicated to see an item More attractive

and the purchase price more inviting. Many alcoholics place blame on their consumption of

alcohol to excuse their actions. Unfortunately, the blame is usually misplaced or is not relevant

to the problem at all. Studies have shown that college students who binge drink may actually

suffer from lower grades. This has a ripple effect and will potentially affect their salary

potential and possible employment. ("A National Leader In Addiction Recovery Treatment.")

More often than not, Binge drinking will lessen the effects or sensations of a/the trigger

but causes significant and sometimes irreversible damage. Drinking while having a PTSD

episode can lead to worse symptoms and exacerbate already existing ones. ("PTSD and Problems

with Alcohol Use - PTSD: National Center for PTSD.")

Personal health takes an extreme toll when alcohol becomes a need rather than a want.

Studies have shown individuals with an AUD are 2-3 times more likely to suffer from major

depression and anxiety throughout their lifetime. This has also lead to the observation that

depression and anxiety often go hand-in-hand with ("Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding

and Getting Help.") Drinking in excess reduces brain activity and can make breathing difficult at

times. Also, vision can get blurry making many situations unsafe. Long term health problems
Collin Young
32 Coach Crest Dr., Asheville NC, 28806
Buncombe County Schools Graduation Project
include brain defects, liver disease, and heart problems. Cancer is also more prevalent in

alcoholics as well as bone loss. The cancers most likely to develop are breast, liver, mouth, and

esophagus. (Calbicsek) Alcoholics suffer a brutish force when reaching out for medical help, too

however. Not only do alcoholics have to pay more for their premiums and health care plans, the

one in need will more than likely have to cover transportation costs, lost wages while out of

work, and will likely have to afford the copays that come with treatment. ("A National Leader In

Addiction Recovery Treatment.")

The physical and emotional effects are synergistic when alcohol is consumed, more so

with individuals that also suffer from another mental disability. Many War Veterans, more

specifically Vietnam Veterans, often seeking treatment for PTSD often have a alcohol use

problem. Veterans over the age of 65 are considered to be at a higher risk of a suicide attempt if

they suffer from PTSD and either an alcohol use disorder or afflicted with depression.

Preexisting conditions do not dictate whether or not someone will become dependant on

alcohol, only that they are more likely to suffer from alcoholism. Drinking causes problems with

concentration, productivity, and the ability to enjoy all aspects of life. Moreover, a common use

for alcohol is used for sleep, however; Alcohol may be a depressant but that does not mean it can

or should be used as a tranquilizer. Using alcohol before bed can ...get in the way of restful

sleeping and also ...affect the quality of sleep making it less refreshing. ("PTSD and Problems

with Alcohol Use - PTSD: National Center for PTSD.")

Those suffering from alcoholism are not alone or in this battle with solely their

willpower. There are many of resources for recovery and plenty of available options that one can

take to achieve a sober life. There is no one-size-fits-all solution within treatment and what

may work for one individual may not suit another. It is suggested that you identify a treatment
Collin Young
32 Coach Crest Dr., Asheville NC, 28806
Buncombe County Schools Graduation Project
program and choose a program that offers medication and if mental health issues are addressed

together with addiction treatment. It is recommended that your treatment provider or program

measure success as it will provide more comparable options. It should also be known that it is

important you feel respected, understood, and that there is feeling(s) of trust that this person,

group, or organization can help you. It should be recognized that any attempt to stop drug usage

can be hard and sometimes deadly. You should speak with your Primary Care Physician if there

are any considerations for treatment. ("Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting


The alcoholic must detox their body and mind from the addictive substance in order to

begin their abstinence. Healthy ways to detox the body are proper nutrition, sauna heat, and

exercise. ("Alcohol Addiction and Abuse.") Treatment is broken down into three stages: detoxing

the body, rehabilitation, and maintenance. The sooner a person gets help, the easier and more

successful the treatment will be. The first phase, detox, should be done with medical supervision

because the withdrawal symptoms can be intense. Treatment is definitely a process that takes a

life long commitment. (Calbicsek) Quit avoiding the problems that cause you to drink. Seek

treatment if you are unable to address the problems that cause you stress. ("PTSD and Problems

with Alcohol Use - PTSD: National Center for PTSD.") There are two types of rehabilitation:

inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient is an intensive treatment program that requires checking into a

facility for 30, 60, or 90 days. Outpatient allows individuals to participate in recovery while

continuing daily life. After rehab, many people need support groups, counseling, or other

therapies to ensure sobriety. (Calbicsek) Mutual Support Groups are commonly known as

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)... meetings that is led by fellow addicts and recovering addicts

which is aimed towards being a group for people quitting or cutting back on drinking
Collin Young
32 Coach Crest Dr., Asheville NC, 28806
Buncombe County Schools Graduation Project
and substance use. There are other programs offered as well that generally consist of a 12-step

program. However, due to the anonymity of these groups it has been difficult for researchers to

properly evaluate the success rates in comparison to those led by health professionals.

("Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help.")

Mutual support groups are not the only solution for an alcoholic that desires sobriety

again. Behavioral treatments and medications exist, too, to help boost or promote a healthy

recovery. Currently there are approximately 3 different medications approved for the reduction

and/or cessation of the consumption of alcohol. Generally, they are prescribed as a stand-alone

treatment and sometimes accompanied by counseling. There are some concerns that these drugs

maintain the potential of abuse, however, all approved medications are non-addictive. Among

medications, Behavioral treatments are aimed at the individual's drinking habits and receive counseling

that are led by health professionals and backed by scientific study. A Primary Care Doctor may refer an

alcoholic to a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Social Worker, and/or to an Alcohol Counselor. ("Treatment for

Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help.") Generally, medications are prescribed in tandem to

therapies to help aid in the progressing remission. Medications are not a given fail-safe and will not

always work. That is why it is important to speak with a medical professional if you wish to continue

treatment but the specific regime is not beneficial. Always remember that treatment is decided based on

the patient and that what the alcoholic wants or would like to feel more comfortable is within the best of

the caregivers interest.

With this information, the understanding that the psyche is thin and malleable has been placed

into perspective. More so than not, it should be identified that alcohol is an extremely powerful substance

and without proper control can lead to serious and sometimes deadly results. Alcohol should never be

used to remap, hide, or remove emotions from your psyche and if you have any problems emotionally to

seek professional help rather than situating oneself on top of one of the world's strongest substance.
Collin Young
32 Coach Crest Dr., Asheville NC, 28806
Buncombe County Schools Graduation Project

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