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On Resonant Tunnelling
in the Biased Double Delta-Barrier
I. Yanetka
Department of Physics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology
Radlinskho 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovakia

(Received July 10, 2009; in final form October 12, 2009)

The solution of the one-dimensional Schrdinger wave equation is presented for the potential-energy function
that describes a double delta-barrier under the application of a constant electrical field perpendicular to it. The
transfer matrix technique is employed to determine the transmission coefficient in an analytical form. Some at-
tributes of the transmission coefficient are established. The transmission coefficient is shown to exhibit maxima and
minima, the conditions for maxima and minima in the transmission coefficient are discussed. The currentvoltage
characteristic of the biased double delta-barrier is calculated numerically. It is found to exhibit the same oscillatory
behaviour as the transmission coefficient when the voltage applied to the double delta-barrier is increased. The
width of the double delta-barrier is shown to modulate the peak-to-valley ratio in the currentvoltage characteristic.

PACS numbers: 73.40.Gk, 03.65.w

1. Introduction well of an infinite extent and a finite depth eV in that

region A, in which the electrical potential is higher by
This paper presents a very simple method for evaluat- the applied voltage V . Here e is the elementary charge
ing the tunnelling current through a sandwich structure and 2a is the width of the central region A. Therefore,
ABABA that is under the application of a constant in each region A, the potential energy of a conduction
electrical field perpendicular to its interfaces (B is a very electron is replaced by its average value. In the case
narrow single crystalline layer embedded in and being of a very narrow layer B, i.e. when w0 2a, one can
lattice-matched on both its sides with a bulk crystal A). formally let the width of the rectangular potential bar-
The numerical values used in the calculation correspond rier tend to zero and simultaneously let its height tend
to the sandwich structure GaAs/Al1x Gax As made of to infinity whilst keeping their product to be constant.
GaAs as a bulk crystal A and of Al1x Gax As as a crys- Then, the potential-energy function that represents the
talline layer B. The GaAs/Al1x Gax As system is the rectangular potential barrier in Fig. 1 becomes a delta-
most known sandwich structure owing to the relative eas- -function whose strength g is equal to the product of the
iness of its fabrication as well as its close lattice matching width and the height of the original rectangular poten-
[13]. tial barrier, i.e. g = w0 U0 . Although, the delta-function
Neglecting space charge effects and adopting the is a very simplified form of the original potential-energy
Wannier one-band approximation [4], one can dia- function, it still enables one to get a proper insight into
grammatically represent the biased sandwich structure the transmissions through the high and narrow barrier
ABABA with the flat-band scheme shown in Fig. 1 structures [811]. This is also the reason why the delta-
(the horizontal full lines in Fig. 1 correspond to the lower -function potentials are often employed throughout many
boundary of the conduction band in the regions A and B). parts of the solid-state physics as a very convenient ap-
Thus, the narrow layers B, which are embedded in the proximation to more structured and therefore more dif-
bulk crystal A, are modelled by one-dimensional rect- ficult, short-ranged potentials. Therefore, it must also
angular potential barriers of a width w0 and a height be interesting for one to calculate the tunnelling current
U0 ; vide e.g. [57]. The applied constant electrical field, through the biased double delta-function potential, i.e.
which is perpendicular to the interfaces of the sandwich through the biased double delta-barrier. As far as the
structure, is simulated by lowering the bottom of the con- author knows such a calculation has not been carried
duction band in the biased regions A. Thus, there is es- out, though the transmission coefficient for the unbiased
tablished a one-dimensional rectangular potential well of double delta-barrier is available, e.g. in [911].
a finite width 2a and a finite depth eV /2 in the central Evidently, the use of the delta-barrier instead of the
region A, and a one-dimensional rectangular potential rectangular barrier is justified only when electrons trans-

1060 I. Yanetka

which corresponds to the limiting case of the potential

barrier shown in Fig. 1. In the third section, the trans-
mission coefficient for the biased double potential delta-
-barrier is presented. Some attributes of the transmission
coefficient are analysed in the fourth section. The tun-
nelling current is computed in the fifth section. Finally,
some concluding remarks are given in the sixth section.

2. Solution of the Schrdinger equation

Thus, the one-dimensional stationary Schrdinger

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the electron potential en- wave equation,
ergy in the rectangular double-barrier with the volt-
age V applied to it. ~2 2
+ U (x) Ex (x) = 0,
is solved for the following potential-energy function:
mitting through the barrier move in all the three regions
U (x) = g(x + a) + g(x a)
A near the bottom of the conduction band. Thus, the
longitudinal energy Ex of the transmitting electron (the eV
energy that is associated with the electron motion in the [(x + a) (x a)] eV (x a).
direction perpendicular to the potential barrier) should
Here x represents the longitudinal spatial variable, Ex is
be much smaller than the height of the original rectan-
the longitudinal energy of the conduction electron and m
gular potential barrier U0 , i.e. Ex U0 . Also the ap-
is the electron effective mass. Further, (x) is the Dirac
plied voltage V should be very small, i.e. eV U0 . The
delta-function and g is its strength (a positive value of
width w0 of the original rectangular potential barrier (the
the strength corresponds to a barrier, while a negative
width of the layer B) should also be much smaller than
value would correspond to a well), (x) is the Heaviside
the reduced longitudinal wavelength of the transmitting
step function ((x) = 0, if x < 0; and (x) = 1, if
electron. Thus, it must be valid, w0 = ~/ 2mEx ,
x > 0), e is the elementary charge, V is the voltage ap-
where m is the effective mass of the transmitting electron
plied to the double delta-barrier, 2a is the width of the
in the region A and ~ is the reduced Planck constant.
double delta-barrier.
As a matter of fact, the most accurate method of Evidently, the wave function (x) is to be sought in
computing the tunnelling current through the biased the form of plane waves moving from the left to the right
double-barrier structure is based on the exact solution and vice versa [514]. Thus,
of the Schrdinger wave equation for the piecewise lin-
(x) = [1 (x + a)] I (x)
ear potential-energy function ([13, 12] and references
cited therein). Usually, the effective-mass approximation + [(x + a) (x a)] II (x)
with the quadratic momentumenergy relation is sup-
posed to be valid in solving a transmission problem. Sec- +(x a)III (x)
ond, the electron mean free path is supposed to be longer
than the width of the double barrier structure. Further, = [1 (x + a)] AI e+ i k1 x + BI e i k1 x
it is also assumed that the effects of electronphonon
and Coulomb interaction are negligible. By the use of + [(x + a) (x a)] AII e+ i k2 x + BII e i k2 x
the Airy functions and the transfer matrix technique,
the transmission coefficient for the biased double-barrier +(x a) AIII e+ i k3 x + BIII e i k3 x .
structure can be computed as a function of the elec- The subscript I refers to the spatial region (, a)
tron longitudinal energy. Modern computers now allow that is on the left-hand side of the biased double delta-
the transmission coefficient for realistic energy-potential -barrier, the subscript II refers to spatial region (a, a)
functions to be computed with a relative ease. However, that is in the middle of the biased double delta-barrier
an analytical solution of the transmission problem is still and the subscript III refers to the spatial region (a, )
of an instructive value. Thus, the need for simple models that is on the right-hand side of the biased double delta-
has not decreased and just the double delta-barrier repre- -barrier. The symbols AI , BI ; AII , BII ; and AIII , BIII
sents such an archetype of the double barrier structure. represent the amplitudes of those two plane waves in
This paper presents the derivation of the transmission the respective spatial regions. The three positive wave
coefficient in an analytical form and the computation of numbers k1 , k2 and k3 are introduced by the relation
the tunnelling current through the double delta-barrier. Ex = ~2 k12 /2m = ~2 k22 /2m eV /2 = ~2 k32 /2m eV .
The organisation of this paper is as follows. In the next Evidently, the wave numbers k1 , k2 and k3 represent the
section, the Schrdinger wave equation is employed to ob- longitudinal component of the wave vector in the respec-
tain the wave function for the potential-energy function, tive spatial regions. The other two components of the
On Resonant Tunnelling in the Biased Double Delta-Barrier 1061

wave vectors, ky and kz , are parallel to and continuous 3. Transmission coefficient

across the double delta-barrier.
After straightforward algebra, one can derive the trans-
Subjecting the wave function (x) to the connection mission coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) for the biased double
formulae at the points x1 = a and x2 = +a (vide delta-barrier in an analytical form. It is to be obtained
the Appendix A) one can express it as a sum of three from the following expression:
waves: the incident wave, the reflected wave and the
transmitted wave [512]. Therefore, the wave function 4k3 k22 k1
= 4k3 k22 k1
on the left-hand side of the biased double delta-barrier T (k1 , k2 , k3 )
can be written as +(k3 k1 )2 [k2 cos(2k2 a) + sin(2k2 a)]
I (x) = AI e+ i k1 x + AI r(k1 , k2 , k3 )e i k1 x 2
+ 2k2 cos(2k2 a) + (2 k22 + k3 k1 ) sin(2k2 a) .
k3 If a = 0, one gets the transmission coefficient for the
+BIII t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) e i k1 x , biased single delta-barrier of the twofold strength [13]:
4k3 k1
and on the right-hand side as Ta=0 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = .
(k3 + k1 )2 + (2)2
III (x) = BIII e i k3 x Putting k3 = k1 = 2mEx /~ in T (k1 , k2 , k1 ) one eas-
r (k1 , k2 , k3 )t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) +ik3 x ily obtains the transmission coefficient for the double
BIII e delta-barrier with a rectangular well in between [11]; the
t (k1 , k2 , k3 )
1/2 well has the depth eV /2 and the width 2a,
k1 .n
+AI t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) e+ i k3 x . T (k1 , k2 , k1 ) = (4k22 k12 ) 4k22 k12
2 o
The quantities t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) and r(k1 , k2 , k3 ) are obtained + 2k2 cos(2k2 a) + (2 k22 + k12 ) sin(2k2 a) .
in Appendix A. Thus, If there is no external voltage applied to the dou-
1 k3 ble delta-barrier,
i.e. if V = 0, then k3 = k2 =
= e+ i (k3 +k1 )a k1 = 2mEx /~ = k and the transmission coefficient
t(k1 ,k2 , k3 ) k1
(k3 k2 + i )(k2 k1 i ) +2 i k2 a T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) is reduced to the transmission coefficient for
e the unbiased double delta-barrier [811],
4k3 k2
(k3 + k2 + i )(k2 + k1 + i ) 2 i k2 a 4k 4
+ e , T (k, k, k) = 2.
4k3 k2 4k 4 + 2 [2k cos(2k2 a) + sin(2k2 a)]
1/2 If = 0, one gets the transmission coefficient for the
r(k1 , k2 , k3 ) k3
= e+ i (k3 k1 )a two-step rectangular well, the first well has the depth
t(k1 ,k2 , k3 ) k1 eV /2 and the width 2a, the second well has the depth
(k3 k2 + i )(k2 + k1 i ) +2 i k2 a eV and extends to infinity,
e .n
4k3 k2
(k3 + k2 + i )(k2 k1 + i ) 2 i k2 a T=0 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = (4k3 k22 k1 ) 4k3 k22 k1
+ e , o
4k3 k2
+(k3 k1 )2 k22 cos2 (2k2 a) + (k22 k3 k1 )2 sin2 (2k2 a) .
where = 2mg/~2 . Evidently, AI is the amplitude of
If = 0 as well as a = 0, one gets the transmission
the plane wave impinging upon the biased double delta-
coefficient for the one-step rectangular well [5, 6, 13].
-barrier from the left-hand side, AI r(k1 , k2 , k3 ) gives p the
amplitude of its reflected wave and AI t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) k1 /k3
the amplitude of its transmitted wave. It is also evident 4. Attributes of the transmission coefficient
that BIII is the amplitude of the plane wave impinging
upon the biased double delta-barrier from the right- In Fig. 2, the transmission coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) as
-hand side, BIII r (k1 , k2 , k3 )t(k1 , k2 , k3 )/t (k1 , k2 , k3 ) a function of the longitudinal energy Ex of the trans-
gives the amplitude p of its reflected wave and mitting electron is presented for four different applied
BIII t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) k3 /k1 the amplitude of its trans- voltages V . The effective mass m of the transmitting
mitted wave. Obviously (vide also Appendix B), the electron is supposed to be 0.067m0 , where m0 is the free
quantities t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) and r(k1 , k2 , k3 ), respectively, give electron mass; the width 2a of the biased double delta-
the transmission amplitude and the reflection amplitude. -barrier is taken as 5.0 109 m, and its strength g as
Actually, r(k1 , k2 , k3 ) is the reflection amplitude from (2.0 109 m)(0.50 eV). These numerical values are also
the left and r (k1 , k2 , k3 )t(k1 , k2 , k3 )/t (k1 , k2 , k3 ) used in the other calculations. It is seen that the transi-
is the reflection amplitude from the right, they differ tion coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) exhibits relative maxima and
only in a phase. The transmission coefficient is defined relative minima. Outside the strong lower-energy peaks
as T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = t (k1 , k2 , k3 )t(k1 , k2 , k3 ). Evidently, at small applied voltages, the transmission coefficient is
the reflection coefficient is given by R(k1 , k2 , k3 ) = clearly a smooth function of the longitudinal energy of
r (k1 , k2 , k3 )r(k1 , k2 , k3 ) = 1 T (k1 , k2 , k3 ). the transmitting electron.
1062 I. Yanetka

Thus, the incomplete resonant energy Ex, max i.e. the

energy, at which the transmission coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 )
has a relative maximum, approximately obeys the maxi-
mum condition for the peak value, 2k2 cos(2k2 a)+(2
k22 + k3 k1 ) sin(2k2 a) = 0. When this maximum condition
is satisfied, the transmission coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) takes
the form
Tmax (k1 , k2 , k3 )
4k3 k1
= (k3 k1 )2 (2 +k22 k3 k1 )2
4k3 k1 + 42 k22 +(2 k22 +k3 k1 )2
It is easy to obtain that Ta=0 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) <
Tmax (k1 , k2 , k3 ) as far as 6= 0. If = 0 then
Ta=0 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = Tmax (k1 , k2 , k3 ). In the range of small
applied voltages, when eV Ex , then k3 = k1 is valid,
and therefore Tmax (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = 1.
It should be recalled that the ideal transmission
through the double barrier structure (the transmission
without a reflection) is a result of the constructive in-
terference between the waves just transmitting through
the first barrier and those being reflected off the second
Fig. 2. (a) and (b) Natural logarithm of the transmis-
one. The stronger the barriers are, the smaller the in-
sion coefficient for the biased double delta-barrier at
various applied voltages V versus the longitudinal en- tensity of the transmitted waves is and the more pro-
ergy of the transmitting electron, the barrier width is nounced the interference becomes. In the case of the
5.0 109 m. In (a), the dotted curve is at V = 0.00 V, transmissions through the biased double delta-barrier,
the dash-dotted curve at V = 0.10 V, the dashed curve there also exists some constructive interference between
at V = 0.20 V, the full curve at V = 0.30 V; in (b), the waves just transmitting through the first delta-barrier
the full curve is at V = 0.40 V, the dashed curve at and those being reflected off the second one. Unlike the
V = 0.60 V, the dash-dotted curve at V = 0.80 V, the
dotted curve at V = 1.00 V.
transmissions through the unbiased double delta-barrier
[911], the constructive interference in the biased dou-
ble delta-barrier is not strong enough to cause the ideal
Evidently, two independent resonance conditions must transmission. Thus, the applied voltage reduces the con-
be satisfied simultaneously so that the transmission coef- structive interference between the waves in the double
ficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) could be equal to unity, i.e. a trans- delta-barrier. The constructive interference between the
mission through the biased double delta-barrier could be waves is also reduced in the asymmetrical double delta-
ideal. One is the maximum condition for the peak value, -barrier [14]. Generally, the asymmetry reduces the con-
2k2 cos(2k2 a) + (2 k22 + k3 k1 ) sin(2k2 a) = 0, and the structive interference [1]. From Fig. 2 it is seen that the
other is the phase-difference condition, k2 cos(2k2 a) + higher the applied voltage, the smaller is the lower incom-
sin(2k2 a) = 0. However, these two resonance condi- plete resonant energy. The lower-energy peak, however,
tions cannot be satisfied simultaneously. Thus, a trans- disappears at an applied voltage of about 0.4 V.
mission through the biased double delta-barrier never be- Evidently, the energy Ex, min , at which the trans-
comes ideal (in the limit Ex , the transmission co- mission coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) has a relative mini-
efficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) goes to unity). mum, should approximately obey the minimum condi-
tion for the valley value, 2k2 sin(2k2 a) (2 k22 +
To find local extremes in the transmission coefficient
k3 k1 ) cos(2k2 a) = 0. If this minimum condition is satis-
T (k1 , k2 , k3 ), one has to find the first derivative of
fied, the transmission coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) can be ar-
T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) with respect to Ex and equate it to zero.
ranged into the next form
It is valid,
Tmin (k1 , k2 , k3 )
dT (k1 , k2 , k3 ) aT 2 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) dk2
dE k3 k22 k1 dEx 4k3 k22 k1
x = .
2k2 cos(2k2 a) + (2 k22 + k3 k1 ) sin(2k2 a) (2 + k22 + k3 k1 )2 +
(2 +k22 +k3 k1 )2 (k3 k1 )2 2
42 k22 +(2 k22 +k3 k1 )2

2k2 sin(2k2 a) (2 k22 + k3 k1 ) cos(2k2 a) . There also exists some destructive interference between
the waves just transmitting through the first delta-barrier
This approximation for first derivative is justifiable and those being reflected off the second one. There-
only when the double delta-barrier is wide enough and fore, one expects that Tmin (k1 , k2 , k3 ) < Ta=0 (k1 , k2 , k3 ).
is under theapplication of a small external voltage, i.e. This inequality between the transmission coefficients
when 1 a 2mEx /~ and eV Ex . Tmin (k1 , k2 , k3 ) and Ta=0 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) is satisfied as far as
On Resonant Tunnelling in the Biased Double Delta-Barrier 1063

(k3 k1 )6 (22 + k22 + k3 k1 )

(k3 k1 )2 4 k3 k1 +
8 6 2
< + 2 (k2 + k3 k1 ).
In the range of small applied voltages, when k3 = k1 ,
the previous inequality is certainly satisfied. It is also
satisfied if the transmissions occur through the double
delta-barrier that is enough strong, i.e. if k . In such
cases, it is to be expected that the minimum condition
of the transmission coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) is properly
expressed by the minimum condition for the valley value,
and the transmission coefficient Tmin (k1 , k2 , k3 ) gives a
proper value of the transmission coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) Fig. 4. Natural logarithm of the transmission coeffi-
in its minimum. cient at the longitudinal energy of 0.0025 eV versus the
In Fig. 3 the transmission coefficients T (k1 , k2 , k3 ), applied voltage, the barrier width is 5.0 109 m. The
Tmin (k1 , k2 , k3 ), Tmax (k1 , k2 , k3 ), and Ta=0 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) are full curve is the transmission coefficient for the biased
double delta-barrier, the dashed curve is the transmis-
drawn as a function of the longitudinal energy Ex at the
sion coefficient for the biased single delta-barrier of the
applied voltage of 0.30 V. In Fig. 4 they are drawn as twofold strength, and the dotted curves are the trans-
a function of the applied voltage V ; the longitudinal en- mission coefficients giving the maximum and minimum
ergy Ex of the transmitting electron is taken as 0.0025 eV. value of the transmission probability.
In both the figures, the full curve depicts the transmis-
sion coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ), the dashed curve shows the
transmission coefficient Ta=0 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) and the dotted
curves show the transmission coefficients Tmax (k1 , k2 , k3 )
and Tmin (k1 , k2 , k3 ). These curves demonstrate the valid-
ity of the inequality Tmin (k1 , k2 , k3 ) < Ta=0 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) <
Tmax (k1 , k2 , k3 ). It is also seen that the transmission coef-
ficients Tmin (k1 , k2 , k3 ) and Tmax (k1 , k2 , k3 ), respectively,
trace minima and maxima of the transmission coefficient
T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) rather well, at least at low applied voltages.

Fig. 5. Natural logarithm of the transmission coeffi-

cient at the longitudinal energy of 0.0025 eV versus the
applied voltage for three different values of the barrier
width 2a; the full curve is for 2a = 12.5 109 m, the
dashed curve for 2a = 10.0 109 m, the dotted curve
for 2a = 7.5 109 m.

cal minimum occur, respectively. The graphs show that

they are shifted towards smaller values in a wider barrier.
As it is expected, the number of maxima and minima is
Fig. 3. Natural logarithm of the transmission coeffi- increased in the wider double delta-barrier.
cient at the applied voltage of 0.30 V versus the longi- All the attributes of the transmission coefficient for
tudinal energy of the transmitting electron, the barrier the biased double delta-barrier are expected to manifest
width is 5.0 109 m. The full curve is the transmis- themselves in the currentvoltage characteristics of the
sion coefficient for the biased double delta-barrier, the biased double delta-barrier.
dashed curve is the transmission coefficient for the bi-
ased single delta-barrier of the twofold strength, and the
dotted curves are the transmission coefficients giving the 5. Tunnelling current
maximum and minimum value of the transmission prob-
ability. Generally (vide e.g. [1, 2]), the current density through
a biased barrier structure may be computed as
In Fig. 5 the transmission coefficient T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) as a 4me
function of the applied voltage V is presented for three j(V ) = dE f (E) f (E + eV )
(2~)3 0 0
different widths 2a of the biased double delta-barrier;
T (Ex , V )dEx .
the longitudinal energy Ex of the transmitting electron
is again taken as 0.0025 eV. It is seen that the barrier Here E is the energy of the transmitting electron mea-
width 2a strongly influences both the voltage Vmax and sured from the bottom of the conduction band of the un-
the voltage Vmin , at which the local maximum and lo- biased region of the barrier structure. Further, f (E) =
1064 I. Yanetka

[1 + exp ((E EF )/kB )] is the FermiDirac distribu-
tion function at the absolute temperature with EF be-
ing the Fermi energy and kB is the Boltzmann constant;
V is the voltage applied to the structure, T (Ex , V )
T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) is the transmission coefficient as a function
of the longitudinal energy Ex of the transmitting electron
at the applied voltage V . In the limit 0, the above
expression for the current density becomes
j(V ) = (EF Ex ) T (Ex , V ) dEx
(2~)3 0
(EF eV ) (EF eV Ex ) Fig. 7. Natural logarithm of the current density
0 through the biased double delta-barrier at zero abso-
T (Ex , V )dEx ] . lute temperature versus the applied voltage for three
different values of the barrier width 2a; the full curve
Figure 6 shows the calculated current density through
is for 2a = 12.5 109 m, the dashed curve for 2a =
the biased double delta-barrier at zero absolute temper- 10.0 109 m, the dotted curve for 2a = 7.5 109 m.
ature as a function of the applied voltage (the numer-
ical value of j0 is to be calculated from the expression
j0 = 4meEF2 /(2~)3 ). In the calculation, the Fermi en- is also evident that a minimum in current density appears
ergy EF is assumed to have a low value of 0.0050 eV. The at the applied voltage Vmin when the energy Ex,min , at
current density in Fig. 6 shows almost the identical oscil- which the local minimum in the transmission coefficient
latory behaviour as the transmission coefficient in Fig. 4 for the biased double delta-barrier occurs, matches the
when the applied voltage is increased. This oscillatory Fermi energy.
behaviour is also demonstrated in Fig. 7 where the cal-
culated current density at zero absolute temperature is
drawn as a function of the applied voltage for three dif-
ferent widths 2a of the biased double delta-barrier. It is
seen that the graphs in Fig. 7 are very similar to those
in Fig. 5.

Fig. 8. The peak-to-valley ratio in the currentvoltage

characteristics versus the barrier width; the full curve is
for the first peak and the first valley, the dashed curve
for the second peak and the second valley.

The graphs in Fig. 7 also suggest that the ratio

of the peak value to the valley value in the current
Fig. 6. Natural logarithm of the current density
through the biased double delta-barrier at zero abso-
voltage characteristics can be modulated with the bar-
lute temperature versus the applied voltage, the barrier rier width. For a very low value of the Fermi en-
width is 5.0 109 m. ergy, the peak-to-valley ratio is approximately given by
jp /jv
= T (EF /2, Vmax )/T (EF /2, Vmin ). In Fig. 8 the cal-
For a very low value of the Fermi energy, when the culated peak-to-valley ratio is presented as a function of
transmission coefficient T (Ex , V ) at a particular volt- the width 2a of the double delta-barrier. The full curve
age V smoothly varies with the longitudinal energy Ex shows the peak-to-valley ratio for the first peak and the
on the interval from zero to the Fermi energy, one has first valley, the dashed curve for the second peak and
j(V ) = 2meEF2 T (EF /2, V )/(2~)3 = j0 T (EF /2, V )/2. the second valley. Both the calculated curves are very
That is the reason why the graph of j(V ) is very similar to smooth. Thus, the barrier width can easily be chosen to
the graph of T (EF /2, V ). Thus, when the Fermi energy is give a particular value of the peak-to-valley ratio.
very low, it can be said that a maximum in current den-
sity, which is accompanied by a region of negative differ- 6. Concluding remarks
ential conductance, appears at the applied voltage Vmax
at which the incomplete resonant energy Ex, max of the We presented the solution to the transmission problem
biased double delta-barrier matches the Fermi energy. It in the biased double delta-barrier that represents a simple
On Resonant Tunnelling in the Biased Double Delta-Barrier 1065

model of the biased double barrier structure. The exact rewritten

" #in the form "of matrices
formula of the transmission coefficient has been employed AII AI
for the numerical calculation of the current density. The = M (II, I) ,
numerical results show that the current density exhibits
" # " #
the same oscillatory behaviour as the transmission coef- AIII AII
ficient. Thus, the negative differential resistance in the = M (III, II) .
currentvoltage characteristics appears at a voltage that BIII BII
corresponds to a transmission-coefficient peak. The nu- The elements of the transfer matrices M (II, I) and
merical results also show that a particular value of the M (III, II) are given by
peak-to-valley ratio in the currentvoltage characteris-
k2 + k1 i + i (k2 k1 )a
tics can be obtained with the modulation of the barrier M11 (II, I) = M22 (II, I) = e ,
width. The numerical values used throughout the calcu- 2k2
lation, the effective mass m of the transmitting particle k2 k1 i + i (k2 +k1 )a
M12 (II, I) = M21 (II, I) = e ,
and the Fermi energy EF , correspond to GaAs, while the 2k2
strength g of the delta-barriers to Al1x Gax As, vide e.g. k3 + k2 i i (k3 k2 )a
M11 (III, II) = M22 (III, II) = e ,
[13]. The calculation can easily be extended to other 2k3
similar sandwich structures. k3 k2 i i (k3 +k2 )a
M12 (III, II) = M21 (III, II) = e .
The great advantage of this simple model is that the 2k3
transmission coefficient can be calculated analytically. It is easy to show that det M (II, I) = k1 /k2 and
However, the possible variations in the width and in the det M (III, II) = k2 /k3 .
height of the biased double barrier structure are taken The two consecutive transfers are to be joined into
into account only in a very simple way and the effective- one,
-mass variation in the double barrier structure is fully lost " # " # " #
in this approach. Still, similar numerical results were AIII AI AI
= M (III, II)M (II, I) = M (III, I) ,
obtained for more realistic model of the biased double BIII BI BI
barrier structure [13].

M11 (III, I) = M22 (III, I)
Appendix A
(k3 + k2 i)(k2 + k1 i ) i (k1 2k2 +k3 )a
= e
Two connection formulae are to be obtained from the 4k3 k2
continuity condition for the wave function (x) at the (k3 k2 i)(k2 k1 + i ) i (k1 +2k2 +k3 )a
points x1 = a and x2 = +a. It is valid, (a + 0) = + e
4k3 k2
(a 0) and (a + 0) = (a 0). Thus, 1/2
k1 1
AI e i k1 a + BI e+ i k1 a = AII e i k2 a + BII e+ i k2 a , = ,
k3 t (k1 , k2 , k3 )

AII e+ i k2 a + BII e i k2 a = AIII e+ i k3 a + BIII e i k3 a . M12 (III, I) = M21 (III, I)
A formal integration of the Schrdinger equation (k3 + k2 i)(k2 k1 i ) + i (k1 +2k2 k3 )a
around the points x1 = a and x2 = +a leads to the rela- = e
tions, which express the discontinuity of the first deriva- 4k3 k2
(k3 k2 i)(k2 + k1 + i ) + i (k1 2k2 k3 )a
tive of the wave function at those two points; vide e.g. + e
[8, 9]. It is valid, 0 (a+0)0 (a0) = 2mg(a)/~2 4k3 k2
and 0 (a + 0) 0 (a 0) = 2mg(a)/~2 , where 0 (x) = k1 r (k1 , k2 , k3 )
= .
d(x)/dx. These two discontinuity relations yield two k3 t (k1 , k2 , k3 )
other connection formulae. Thus,
ik2 (AII e i k2 a BII e+ i k2 a ) It is easy to obtain that
ik1 (AI e i k1 a BI e+ i k1 a ) det M (III, I) = det M (III, II) det M (II, I) =
k1 1 r(k1 , k2 , k3 )r (k1 , k2 , k3 )
= (AI e i k1 a + BI e+ i k1 a ), = .
k3 t(k1 , k2 , k3 )t (k1 , k2 , k3 )
ik3 (AIII e+ i k3 a BIII e i k3 a )
Evidently, r(k1 , k2 , k3 )r (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = 1 t(k1 , k2 , k3 )

ik2 (AII e+ i k2 a BII e i k2 a ) t (k1 , k2 , k3 ) is valid. The new-introduced quantities
t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) and r(k1 , k2 , k3 ) enable one to express the
= (AII e+ i k2 a + BII e i k2 a ), relation between the amplitudes in the first and third
spatial region in the very simple form,
where = 2mg/~2 . 1/2
It is appropriate to use the transfer-matrix method k3
BI = AI r(k1 , k2 , k3 ) + BIII t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) ,
[1, 12]. Therefore, the connection formulae are to be k1
1066 I. Yanetka
1/2 k1 /k3 t(k1 , k2 , k3 )AI e+ i k3 x , which moves off to +.
AIII = AI t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) It is seen from the above equation that the incident
flux, the reflected flux, and the transmitted flux are
r (k1 , k2 , k3 )t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) AI AI ~k1 /m, r (k1 , k2 , k3 )r(k1 , k2 , k3 )AI AI ~k1 /m and
BIII . t (k1 , k2 , k3 )t(k1 , k2 , k3 )AI AI ~k1 /m, respectively. Thus,
t (k1 , k2 , k3 )
the quantities t(k1 , k2 ) and r(k1 , k2 ) give the transmis-
sion amplitude and the reflection amplitude, respec-
Appendix B tively. The transmission and reflection coefficient are
given by T (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = t (k1 , k2 , k3 )t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) and
The presentation of the physical significance of the R(k1 , k2 , k3 ) = r (k1 , k2 , k3 )r(k1 , k2 , k3 ), respectively. If
quantities t(k1 , k2 , k3 ) and r(k1 , k2 , k3 ) is to be started AI = 0, the wave function (x) can be interpreted in a
with the calculation of the probability-current-density similar fashion. Its three terms represent a plane wave,
function, j(x) = ~[ (x)(x)/x (x) (x)/x] which is incident on the biased double delta-barrier from
/2 i m. On the left-hand side of the biased double +, a reflected plane wave, which escapes to +, and
delta-barrier, it is a transmitted plane wave, which moves off to .
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