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December 11 - 21, 2016

All Rights Reserved

Nicole Nardone, LLC
Welcome! .............................................................................................................................................4
How This works.........................................................................................................5
The Logistics................................................................................................................ 5
40 Day Practice ..........................................................................................................7
Space Holding .............................................................................................................7
Facebook Group + Questions ................................................................................8

Day One: 12/11 ................................................................................................................................9

Setting Sacred Space.................................................................................................9
Living Ceremony in Your Home ........................................................................10
Video: Opening the Directions ..........................................................................11
An Invitation...........................................................................................................12

Day Two: 12/12 ............................................................................................................................13

Your Meditation Practice ..................................................................................13
The Importance of a Committed Practice ....................................................14
Kirtan Kriya .............................................................................................................16

Day Three: 12/13 ........................................................................................................................18

Working the Directions ......................................................................................18
The South .................................................................................................................. 19
The South Offering ...............................................................................................21
Kundalini Meditation: Breath of Ten ...........................................................23

Day Four: 12/14.......................................................................................................................24

The West .....................................................................................................................24
The West Offering ..................................................................................................26
Kundalini Meditation: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya.....................................28

Day Five: 12/15 ............................................................................................................................30

The North .................................................................................................................30
The North Offering ..............................................................................................32
Kundalini Meditation: Listening for Angelic Whispers .........................33

Day Six: 12/16 ..............................................................................................................................34

The East ......................................................................................................................34
The East Offering ...................................................................................................36
Kundalini Meditation: Reverse Adi Shakti Kriya ......................................38

Day Seven: 12/17......................................................................................................................40

Earth ...........................................................................................................................40
An Earth Offering .................................................................................................41
Kundalini Meditation: Divine Shield Meditation ....................................43

Day Eight: 12/18.......................................................................................................................45

Sky .................................................................................................................................45
A Sky Offering .......................................................................................................... 46
Kundalini Meditation: Isht Sodhana mantra ..........................................48

Day Nine: 12/19...........................................................................................................................50

The Seventh Direction: Your Inner Heart ...................................................50
Energy Clearing Call Details ............................................................................50
Preparing for the Energy Clearing .................................................................51
During the Call ......................................................................................................51

Day Ten: 12/20 ..........................................................................................................................53

Make a Giveaway Bundle (Winter Solstice Ceremony Part 1) ...............53
Just Be ..........................................................................................................................55
Bedtime Story ...........................................................................................................55

Day Eleven: 12/21 ....................................................................................................................57

Happy Winter Solstice ..........................................................................................57
Ceremony ...................................................................................................................58
Gratitude ...................................................................................................................59

Extra Suggested Reading .......................................................................................60

I am so thrilled you have chosen to take this journey with me, with us, with yourself. It is
incredible what happens when a group of people gather with the intention of knowing
themselves deeply. Even across the ethers, we connect in a powerful way and generate a
cloud of awakening energy that bends time and space, allows us to remember ourselves
deeply. Thank you for doing this work. Thank you for being you.

Please take a moment to honor the wise one in you who has brought you here. Take a
moment to feel into our group of hearts that have gathered. You are wildly powerful and
loving beyond measure. A ceremony, a journey is only as powerful as the person giving it,
taking it. And YOU. ARE. POWERFUL. Rest into that passive power and know it as your

Go ahead. Ill wait. Breath in that

This course is designed to illuminate your Sacred Dream. This is a word I use to describe
what great dream your Soul would like to bring forward into the world. This is the inward
spiral towards the center of you so that you may journey back out into the light, bearing your
gifts. Both the inward and the outward movements are equally important. We MUST go
deeply enough within so that we may uncover what is truly at our heart of hearts center. We
must. If we dont, our dreams have no fuel. We have not returned to the deep well within
from where we came from. This is the secret, the eternal fuel, the essence of manifestation
energy. This is where it all begins. The deeper you journey inward, the more vibrantly,
creatively, and fully you are able to live your life and share your gifts.

The Soul is what guides this journey. That is the animal were after here. It is a deep descent
into darkness that requires we lose all normal vision. The time of year of the winter solstice
is the perfect time for such a journey. Light is low. We are required to lean on our inner
knowing, our inner seeing, to find our way. In this way our trust in ourselves is deepened.

I have journeyed deep into this place many times, and each time come up knowing secret
things that have left me feeling refreshed, energized, illuminated, knowing. These inner
descents have brought me the greatest gifts of my life, the greatest joys, and a deep inner

My hope and intention for you is to come upon some part of yourself that has gone deep
underground. My wish is that you uncover some piece of you that you wish to bring out into
the light, or many pieces. The power of the Winter Solstice is that you descend deeply into
the night in order to rise up into the light. We are on a journey of moving into the dark.
When its time, youll know what is right to bring out into the light.

But for now, well focus on reconnecting to YOU.

Welcome to the journey towards the inner sanctum of YOU.

How This works

There are essentially two pillars of this course that will make the experience a profound one.
They are: setting the space to journey in and doing practices to clear away the dust
and dirt and remnants of old life. These two practices are what it all comes down to.
The process youll be guided through is one of FIRST setting a sacred, holy space that is all
your own. This will be a sort of preparing the vessel, getting ready, making the space for
Soul. The second is all about clearing the rubble, out with the old. We must go down into the
depths, clear away what is not working in order to see light, in order to see ourselves clearly.

The way well do this is through 1) creating sacred space using the four directions and 2)
kundalini yoga practices to clear the subconscious, the body, the mind, the energy. This way
we are ready AND able to SEE what arrives. These two pieces are the cornerstones of all my
work - personal and professional. Im thrilled to be sharing work that has been so profoundly
sacred to me.

The Logistics
Every day Ill be sending you an email. (Be sure I am added to your contacts so that I land in
your inbox. You may need to check your promotions tab). The theme of each day is
outlined here in this e-book. You may choose to read ahead, or dive into each topic as it
comes each day.

To make the most of your experience, youll want to make time for a minimum of 30
minutes a day on this material. That will include:

reading through the material of that day (e-book portion associated with that day)

Kirtan Kriya meditation

If youre able, you may want to set aside a full hour a day. That will allow you to do the
meditation that goes along with the direction for that day, as well as some journaling.
Some days might be a little more, some a little less. I urge you to devote as much time to
YOU as you can with this. These practices are meant to give you YOU! The more you put in,
the more youll get.

Of course, life isnt always predictable. We have resistance. So going at your own pace is
perfect, too. Do not worry about falling behind or that you arent doing it right. That is
not possible for you. Wherever you land with these practices is just where you need to be. Its
just the right medicine. And remember, you have access to these practices long after the
course ends. So there is no rush. You have time.

Youll receive 8 videos. Each are approximately 20-30 minutes long. Theyll arrive on Day 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The video topics are outlined here in this e-book. The first video will be a
sacred space setting and opening to directions to get the energy moving and to get you
centered into this journey. The rest are Kundalini Yoga meditations and one bedtime story.

There is one main Kundalini Yoga Meditation that we will be doing together - Kirtan Kriya.
This is one of the cornerstones of this journey together. If you can make time for JUST
ONE meditation, make this the one. I say this because of the significant energy this
creates when we practice together. I will be practicing alongside you. When we work
together, our progress is amplified.

The other 6 meditations are also incredible and could be done on their own for a significant
length of time (see below on 40 Day Practices). My purpose in giving these extra meditations
for each day is to give you more material to work with if you want it. Its not necessary that
you do everything. For example, you could choose to just focus on Kirtan Kriya (our main
meditation for the course). Then, after the course is done, you could go back and do the other
meditations. You could even spend an entire 40 days on the meditation for the South, for

Ive added instructions for each of the meditation in this book. When you do practice on your
own, you can choose to follow along with the video, or practice on your own using the
instructions as your guide. Either way, Id recommend reading through the
meditation instructions even before watching. Its not necessary, but can help you
fully grasp what you are going. The more informed and comfortable you are with a
meditation, the more powerful it can be. If you are practicing on your own (without the
video), be sure to read the instructions thoroughly so that you can get the timing, mudras,
and mantras all right. If you have questions about a specific meditation, please post in the
Facebook group. This is a service to your fellow travelers, too! If you have the question, its
likely someone else does, too.

So essentially you have two basic options with this e-course:

ONE: commit to doing the ceremony practices and Kirtan Kriya each day

TWO: commit to doing the ceremony practices and Kirtan Kriya PLUS the extra Kundalini
Meditation practices given each day. If you choose this option, Id recommend doing your
Kirtan Kriya meditation at night, and the extra practices in the morning.

Option One allows you to do one thing well at a time. Option Two allows you to pull wisdom
and inspiration from many sources. You might land strongly on one end, or somewhere in
the middle. These are simply suggestions. This course is for you to make your own. So feel
into it and decide what is best for you.

40 Day Practice
It is a common practice in Kundalini Yoga to commit to one meditation for 40 days. That is,
you do the same meditation for 40 days in a row. If you miss a day, you begin again at Day
One. This breaks old habits, and rebuilds new ones that are life-affirming for what you are
wanting to create. It rebuilds the personality based on the Soul life. Powerful stuff. Any of
these practices can be done for 40 days. If one topic in particular speaks to you, go with it.
Sometimes these practices can speak to us with staunch resistance. If you find yourself really
strongly reacting to any of the meditations, it could be the one for you. We often resist what
we most need. It is a clever trick the Universe uses to hide our most sacred treasures inside
our deepest wounds more on this later

With this e-course, youll be starting on a 40 day practice of Kirtan Kriya (if you so choose).
Well be starting on 12/13/15. If you want to do a 40 day practice, your 40th day will be
1/21/15, just in time for the full moon in Leo on the 23rd. More on this topic when we dive
into Day Two: Kirtan Kriya practice.

Space Holding
This e-course is designed to support you on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, energetic,
spiritual. The ceremony and altars well be building and the meditations are anchored in the
physical realm. Real change can happen when we have the added boost of support from the
energetic and spiritual realms. This is my specialty. Because of my lifetimes of work in this
realm, I am able to offer you added support from my team in the unseen world. This may not
be tangibly felt by you, and it may be. Either way, felt or unfelt, it is there and doing deep
work. In the interest of complete transparency, this is the anchor of this entire course. When
we plug into Spirit deeply and with reverence, together, incredible things happen. We can
know the unknown. All the other practices are important, of course. They help to anchor this
Divine Force into your life NOW.

This kind of space holding does not know time or space. So even if you cannot complete the
course material in the allotted time, not to worry. You havent messed anything up. Youre
fine. Relax. The way this energetic space has been set up is so that you can have just the
energetic and spiritual support you need, when you need it. This will last long after the
course ends This space is infinite and free of boundary. Yours.

The space is here for you to become who you came here to be. Simple. Wildly
transformational. Ready or not, here YOU come.

Facebook Group + Questions

The Facebook group is your place to ask questions. If you have questions about course
material, your experience of the material, or anything else, please ask them there. In order
to keep my personal energy up to hold space for all of you, I wont be answering
personal emails about the course material. If youre needing extra support on
your journey, have questions that are bigger than what is offered on the
Facebook forum, you may set up a private one-to-one session with me to get
those answered.
Day One: 12/11
setting up altar spaces

watch Setting Sacred Space Video

Setting Sacred Space

This is one of the building blocks of our time together. The Soul is mysterious. It flows
without your direction. It has its own agenda based purely on your evolution. You cant
direct it with your ego. But you can learn to partner with it, co-create with it. Thats what
were interested in.

I think of this Soul as a wild creature. Untamable, highly sensitive, fierce, and loving. There
should not be a taming of the Soul. There should be an invitation for it. A working with it. It
should be followed and treasured.

The simple act of inviting your Soul to step forward is the first step. Its an intention, a call
out to the Universe, a request, a demand That your Soul be the guide. Its very simple.

We can make these requests all the time. In fact, we do. Youve probably done it. Perhaps
youve prayed in some way to be guided towards your purpose, to awaken to some dream, to
be more connected. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. One of the keys Ive found in
making this requests known wide and far is in setting sacred space.

There are ancient rites and ceremonies that we humans have been doing for longer than we
can know. There are ancient traditions that we still know somewhere in our bones. Look to
ancient Egypt, the ancient Priestess traditions, native American, Celtic, and so many others.
What we can find here is a power in orienting ourselves in the Universe, in anchoring
ourselves here and now.

If we spend too much time floating around in the ethers and praying to Gods and Goddesses
outside, we are not anchored in the here and now. We are not anchored in our real lives. We
are not anchored in our homes, in our jobs, in our families and relationships. And as a result,
the prayers never make it back to those parts of our lives. If we pray from the head, the
prayers are only received in the head. If we pray and make offering from our whole lives, our
whole lives are blessed. That is what we are creating here. That is the power of living
ceremony. Im going to teach you how to do that. This course contains an energetic
activation for you to remember the old ways of praying, of offering, of staying
connected to the Soul. Yeah. Big stuff.

Do not underestimate the power of sacred space setting. These are simple practices, but
practices that have been sent down through lineages for eons. It is magic hidden in plain
sight, the best kind of magic. And remember, a ceremony is only as powerful as the person
giving it. And YOU are very powerful, granted you know how powerful you are ;)

Living Ceremony in Your Home

Living ceremony is practicing ceremony as a way of life. You live in it. You breath it. Ive
practiced this in my own life for many, many years. Its profound, transformational, and
connects us deeply to life and Soul. These practices are an offering, a doorway in. You will
take what works for you, and leave the rest. You may need to tweak things to make them
work for you. These are suggestions. You may post on the
Facebook group about your personal struggles and triumphs
in making this work for you.

We will be creating altars in each of the four

directions of your living space. Youll be placing an
altar in each of the four directions of your home - south,
west, north, east, and then a main altar somewhere in the
house where youll be meditating and reflecting. So thats
FIVE altars, yep, thats right:


ALTAR (also for earth & sky)

Youll need to find out where the four directions are in your home. For now, just clear out
a space off in each direction. Find a shelf to clear off, make a little space on a table, a
windowsill, wherever. Find some surface in each direction that could be made into a tiny
altar. It doesnt need to be big. It will only need to fit a few tiny things.

Right now, you want emptiness. Its a symbol of receptivity, an open vessel, ready for the
Universe, Soul, something sacred to rush in. Clean it up a bit. It doesnt need to be spotless.
Just clear away dust bunnies, clutter, etc. This is a sign of reverence - not only for your space,
but the space you are making for your Soul. GO - clear space for your altars.

The beauty of this is that EVERYTHING is sacred. My west altar is in my bathroom, right
next to my hairbrush, toothpaste, and everything. My north altar is above my printer. This is
good. It allows you to see your whole life as sacred and divine. Even the mundane can be
connected and fulfilling. I can wash my face as I am reminded briefly to confront my fears
that lay in the West. I can be printing up tax documents while Im reminded of my teachers.
This way the sacred bumps into us throughout the day, little by little. In this way, we are
reminded that we are Divine, always.

Youll also want a main altar. Perhaps you already have one that you place sacred objects
on, pray near, etc - use that. It doesnt matter where it is. This is where youll be meditating,
reflecting, and more. So you want this area to be a comfortable place. It should be
somewhere quiet where you can be left alone. Again, it doesnt need to be fancy. Just a table,
shelf, or spot on the floor will do fine. Once youve picked your spot, clean up a bit, make it
cozy. You could bring in some blankets, pillows, or other creature comforts in.

If the full house setup wont work for you: These altars could also be all on one
single altar (your main altar) separated into four quadrants like a pie. Youd do the same
thing in this case. Find out which direction is S, W, N, E. Clear off a little space on the table
in each corner as a symbol and gesture of openness and receptivity.

For now, begin to clear some space for yourself. Set aside some space in your home for
you to be left alone, to be quiet. This is the minimum requirement. Find a room, a nook, a
corner that is all yours. Ideally one that can be all yours for the entirety of this course. Its
ok if other people need to use the room. But best if the space can remain untouched and
treated with reverence and respect. It is the Divine, your Soul, that you are evoking after all.
That deserves the utmost care and honor.

Video: Opening the Directions

Before watching the first video, set yourself up at your main altar. If you do not have an altar,
make one. I am all about simple altars. The essence of your altar should be very YOU. Dont
put things on there simply because you think you should. Each object you put on your altar
should mean something to you. When you place meaningful things there, the space builds
energy and becomes more powerful. Before you know it, simply sitting down near it puts you
in a reverent, sacred space. But the most important thing is to feel a personal connection to
the objects there. Here is what Id recommend placing on your altar to begin with:

fire - something to represent fire - a candle perhaps

water - a small dish of water to represent this element

earth - a special stone or other earthy object

air - a feather, crystal, or simply your intentional breath

other sacred objects that are special to you

We will be working more with your main altar, but this is a good jumping off point to let the
energy begin to build. Its best if its somewhat clear to begin with. You could just leave it
empty if you wish. Again, symbolizing an emptying out, a listening, a zero point.

To watch this video, youll want to be near your altar. Be in your quiet place. Have your 4
other directional altar spaces picked out. Orient yourself as to where each direction is.

The reason for this video is to invoke these directional energies into your space. I have
worked extensively with these directions. I have helpers in each of them, energy that I call
on. When we call in these directions together in this video, youll also be tapping into that.
Thats the reason for the empty altars. I also want to allow you to FEEL each of these
directional energies FIRST before going further. Energy first, physical realm second.

Sosit back, sense into what youre embarking upon. Be in your space. Make it yours. And
prepare to welcome your own Soul back home.

An Invitation
Once youve watched the video, sacred space has been set, you may want to offer a sincere
invitation to your Soul to step forward and guide you. This is all I can say. I dont know your
way. But some part of you, the deepest, most honest part of you must offer up an invitation
for that deep, wild Love in you to show her/him self. Do it quietly or loudly. Do it in words or
without. Dance it. Sing it. Shout it. Or do it as you are chopping vegetables. Find your way
into the center of these four directions, and offer an invitation.

Perhaps place an offering (flowers, fruit, chocolate, corn) on your altar as a gesture for this
wild Soul in you to step forward and show you the way.
Day Two: 12/12
Kirtan Kriya video & practice

Your Meditation Practice

This is the main Kundalini Yoga Meditation we will be doing together. This is one of the two
cornerstones of this journey (the other being directional work). This practice holds the keys
for turning deeply within. As your journey inward, it allows you to gently but powerfully
release all that holds you back from accessing this deep, wise part of you.

Kirtan Kriya well begin today. Well do this meditation every day until the final day of the
course. 10 days. If youd like, you may choose to keep going. A 40 day practice would be

As I outlined in the Welcome section of this book, you have a couple options in this course.
One is to just do this meditation, Kirtan Kriya, as a daily practice (skipping the other
meditation videos youll be sent). Youll just watch this video or practice this meditation on
your own. This will allow you to go deeply into a single practice. Id recommend this option if
youre short on time or wanting to simplify things. You have access to the other videos and
meditation after the course, so you can dive into the other practices later if you choose.

Your second option is to do it all - the daily meditations sent to you, the ceremony/
directional work, and Kirtan Kriya daily. If you choose this option, Id recommend doing the
video meditations in the morning, and doing Kirtan Kriya at night as the sun is going down,
or at bedtime.

A third option (more of a sample platter), is to skip the daily practice of Kirtan Kriya and do
each meditation video as it comes. Youll only be practicing Kirtan Kriya once. This way
youll be experiencing the breadth of the practices offered here, flowing with the energy of
each day.

There is no right way. Choose a way and make it right. Commit to whatever you choose and
stick with it. Thats what matters most.
The Importance of a Committed Practice
When we commit to a single practice or meditation, or even just set aside the time to do
something, we begin to build a trust with ourselves. This deep self, the wild Soul, a bit like a
wild animal, must be coaxed. There has to be significant stability in this relationship built
before the Soul reveals its secrets and treasures. This part of us must know that it will be
cared for, listened to, treasured, valued, and that its desires will be acted on. So the act of
meditation, of building a 40 day practice or continued practice builds this trust. The entire
self learns that there will be a time set aside for inward movement, for dipping your bucket
into the deep well. The Soul, the Spirit, the heart love this. And this kind of trust MUST be
built if we want to know the deep dreams in our hearts. We must show we are courageous.
We must show that when resistance arises, we will bring our warrior selves to slay the
demons. We must show our teeth and decide to move inward still, past the barking dogs with
no bite. We absolutely must keep moving inward. This is what a continued practice does for
us. It allows us to choose our Soul over and over again. Its not always a pleasant experience.
Its sometimes awful, we have a horrible meditation. We cant focus. We cant concentrate. It
doesnt matter. This is all fluctuations of the ego. Dont get caught in it. Keep going with the
meditation. You show your sacred dream that you are serious, that you have the strength it
takes to bring this dream forward. And even if the practice is blissful, no matter. You dont sit
for longer. You dont get attached to the joy of the practice. You know it might be awful
tomorrow. Ecstasy or terror, its all the same. You maintain your focus through the choppy
waves. If you do this, you always find your way to a deep, anchored center within that is
beyond all of those fluctuations. A deep Soul center. This is the birthplace of your sacred

Kirtan Kriya in particular commits you to spiraling inward towards the center of the Self.
The mantra Sa Ta Na Ma brings you through the cycle of life. These seed sounds echo the
human experience - life, death, rebirth, etc. You are allowed to feel the fullness of life - all
that joy and terror, and not be swayed by it. You just keep repeating the sounds. The current
of life becomes more palpable. Youre smack in the middle of it. Youre not removed from it
or getting caught up in one single aspect of it. You are free and flowing.

The sounds youll be making will move from an aloud voice, to a whisper, to silent, then back
to a whisper, and aloud again. This symbolizes a movement from the outer, tangible world,
into the inner, sacred world, then back out again. This is profound. You start where you are,
your practical, every day life. Then you gently draw yourself in. Youre guided by those seed
sounds Sa Ta Na Ma so you can trust that where you go will be perfect and just the medicine
you need. As you travel inward towards the sacred self, you gather an experience of that
space. During the silent meditation you are creating an experience of your Soul. You are
entering the very center of the spiral. This is the longest portion of your meditation. What
treasures are gathered here will be different for everyone. I cannot tell you what youll find.
Be open. I will say that often what is found here is beyond words. What you experience here
is yourself. Often, there are no words for this. This is why art, poems, dance exist. Because
nothing can hit the Divine right on the head. We must circle around it. We must constantly
touch it and express it. That is the spiraling out - the moving to a whisper, then aloud again.
So, you are moving in to sacred space, and moving out from that space forever changed. Do
this practice every day. Commit to it. Youll live a connected, creative, blessed life.
Guaranteed. Try it.
Kirtan Kriya
(The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008)

Posture: Sit straight in Easy Pose.

Eyes: Meditate at the Brow Point.

Mantra: Produce the five primal sounds (panj shabd):

S, T, N, M, A, in the original word form:

SAA: Infinity, cosmos, beginning
TAA: Life, existence
NAA: Death, change, transformation
MAA: Rebirth

Each repetition of the entire mantra takes 3 to 4 seconds. This is the cycle of Creation. From
the Infinite comes life and individual existence. From life comes death or change. From
death comes the rebirth of consciousness to the joy of the Infinite through which compassion
leads back to life.

Mudra: This mantra can be done in many different mudras. Most common is to begin in
Gyan Mudra. The elbows are straight while chanting, and the mudra changes as each
fingertip touches in turn the tip of the thumb with firm pressure.

On SAA, touch the first (Jupiter) finger

On TAA, touch the second (Saturn) finger
On NAA, touch the third (Sun) finger
On MAA, touch the fourth (Mercury) finger

Chant in three languages of consciousness:

Human: normal or loud voice (the world)

Lovers: strong whisper (longing to belong)

Divine: mentally; silent (Infinity)

Time: Begin the kriya in a normal voice for 2 minutes; then whisper for 2 minutes; then go
deep into the sound, vibrating silently for 4 minutes. Then come back to a whisper for 2
minutes, then aloud for 2 minutes. The duration of the meditation may vary, as long as the
proportion of loud, whisper, silent, whisper, loud is maintained.

To End: This sequence will take about 12 minutes. Follow with one 1 minute of stretching
the arms over your head and spreading the fingers wide, shaking them out, circulating the
energy, inhaling and exhaling 3 times. Relax.
Each time the mudra is closed by joining the thumb with a finger, the ego seals the effect of
that mudra in the consciousness. The effects are as follows:

1st finger: Gyan Mudra Knowledge

2nd finger: Shuni Mudra Wisdom, intelligence, patience
3rd finger: Surya Mudra Vitality, energy of life
4th finger: Buddhi Mudra Ability to communicate

This meditation brings a total mental balance to the individual psyche. Vibrating on each
fingertip alternates the electrical polarities. The index and ring fingers are electrically
negative, relative to the other fingers. This causes a balance in the electromagnetic projection
of the aura. Practicing this meditation is both a science and an art. It is an art in the way it
molds consciousness and in the refinement of sensation and insight it produces. It is a
science in the tested certainty of the results each technique produces. Meditations have
coded actions to their reactions in the psyche. But because Kirtan Kriya is effective and exact,
it can also lead to problems if not done properly. Yogi Bhajan said at Winter Solstice 1972
that a person who wears pure white and meditates on this sound current for 2-1/2 hours a
day for one year, will know the unknowable, and see the unseeable. Through this constant
practice, the mind awakens to the infinite capacity of the soul for sacrifice, service, and

Checkpoints For Kirtan Kriya:

If during the silent part of the meditation, the mind wanders uncontrollably, go back to a
whisper, to a loud voice, to a whisper, and back into silence. Do this as often as you need to.
Some people may experience headaches from practicing Kirtan Kriya. The most common
reason for this is improper circulation of prana in the solar centers. To avoid or correct this
problem, meditate on the primal sounds in the L form. This means feel there is a constant
inflow of cosmic energy into the solar center, or Tenth Gate. Imagine the energy of each
sound moving through the Crown Chakra, and out through the Third Eye Point as it is
projected to Infinity. This energy flow follows the energy pathway called the Golden Cord
the connection between the pineal and pituitary glands. You may also want to try covering
the head with a natural fiber cloth.
Day Three: 12/13
Kirtan Kriya

Breath of Ten

The South Offering

Working the Directions

The most important thing you can do to make the energy of these directions powerful is to
be present. Your deep presence with each direction is what gives these altars, these
ceremonies, energy. The more present you are, the more powerful the effects.

There are spirits and energies that live in each of the directions. You have your own team
here. Just opening the energy there will be a doorway for them to arrive. The more you work
with them, the more there will be.

In each of these directions, youll be placing items on the altar that were working with that
day. Ill explain a bit about the direction, and youll place a few things on that altar to call in
the energy, to make it yours.

Ill be giving examples of things Ive worked with in each direction - animals, elements, etc.
You can take these or leave them. Certainly there are totems that run across cultures for each
direction. But the connection to these directions is very personal. You must make them
YOURS. Dont take what Ive given unless you feel a connection to it. Surely, sometimes we
can use anothers doorway in to the energy. Thats why Im offering this information, so that
you can use it as a doorway in. You get to make it meaningful.

Trust what comes when you are sitting with each direction. Trust the insights that arrive for
you. If a particular animal, color, etc comes to you, honor it by placing an object there to
represent that insight. This is turning spirit into matter. Powerful stuff.

As we move through the directions, you may decide to move things around. Something may
begin on one altar, then move to another. Its up to you. Theres no right way to do this.
Although Im offering some basic guidelines.
JOURNALING: This can be a powerful way to explore the energy of the directions. I
encourage you to free write at each of these directions. Just begin writing, and keep writing.
You may come across powerful realizations and wisdom you didnt know was there!

The South
season: summer
animals: snake, turtle
color: red
archetype: the warrior
element: water
the child
the emotions
sacred herb: sweetgrass

An Invocation:

I open to the winds of the South. To all that breathes vitality, stamina, and passion into me.
I open to the serpent of light, that snakes its way up my spine, bringing awakening and
True Self. I open to the blood in my veins that sustains me. I open to my inner warrior, the
one who knows when it is time to shed skins and is unafraid. I open to the child in me. The
innocent warrior, whose only wish is to become more alive and awake to this world. I open
to the winds of the South.

The South is a place of great healing. Like the snake, we shed our skins that we have
outgrown. The process can be messy and can feel like a death of sorts. But we are becoming
more of who we are. This is the energy of the South - a deep shedding of what does not fit us
any longer. We release the skin that has grown too tight. We have our bellies to the earth,
deeply connected to Mother Earth. When we shed skin, we are first in a raw state, a state that
feels terribly naked. It is in this space of vulnerability that we TRULY begin to know power.

The snake also relates to rising kundalini. This is a totem of deep spiritual power. This is the
beginning, the initiation, the spark. It is an awakening deep in the root of the soul that casts
off what we are NOT, in order to become. It can be painful, but what we gain is the power to
be our authentic selves.

The South is somewhat related to the root chakra and a clearing that takes place here to
allow ourselves to blossom out of what has held us back in the past. With my private clients,
we almost always begin our work in the South. We do a massive clearing to clear any blocked
energy that is inhibiting the Soul to come forth. There is a powerful warrior energy here. It is
the innocent warrior, the childlike warrior, who will do whatever it takes to clear what is
blocking the Soul. Sometimes we must be vicious and powerful to allow the Soul to blossom.
That is one of the great lessons of the South.

When this is unblocked and flowing, we are PASSIONATE, vibrant, alive, full of life. We are
vital. The gift of this direction is pure passion. Its the color red, the blood in our veins, our
beating hearts, our fiery and deep emotions. This is your root of all that lights you up. Its
your zest and lust for life. A poem:

Start Close In by David Whyte

Start close in,

dont take the second step
or the third,
start with the first
close in,
the step
you dont want to take.

Start with
the ground
you know,
the pale ground
beneath your feet,
your own
way to begin
the conversation.

Start with your own

give up on other
peoples questions,
dont let them
smother something

To hear
anothers voice,
your own voice,
wait until
that voice

becomes an
private ear
that can
really listen
to another.

Start right now

take a small step
you can call your own
dont follow
someone elses
heroics, be humble
and focused,
start close in,
dont mistake
that other
for your own.

Start close in,

dont take
the second step
or the third,
start with the first
close in,
the step
you dont want to take.

The South Offering

You may say the invocation near your altar. Simply go sit with the energy there and say it
aloud or to yourself quietly. Then watch.

Place items on this altar that represent any of the energy listed above. There is no right way
here. Feel into it yourself. You may choose to spend a little time near this altar simply feeling
into the energy here. Invite this energy to come be with you - aloud or quietly. Then just sit.
See what arrives. See what images, thoughts, emotions arise. Be open. Listen. Tune your

A couple ideas for items to add:

a picture of you as a child, innocence

something that represents a snake, turtle or some other animal

something red - representing life force, fire, blood

a knife - representing warrior-ship

sweetgrass - place on your altar or burn it (or both)

Journal: You may want to free write. After saying the invocation and reading through the
material, let yourself simply write. See what comes. Try to push past any resistance to writing
down what you think, feel, know. Just keep writing. Our best insight often comes right on the
other side of great resistance. See if you can keep going. You may just surprise yourself. Ive
found that Spirit LOVES writing. Its a way to honor the energy. It grounds the energy. Think
of it as an offering to the spirit of the direction you are facing.
Kundalini Meditation: Breath of Ten
(The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008)

This pranayam is a magnetic energy therapy. The energy

connection between the hands must not be broken. It can give you
a disease-free body and a clear meditative mind, and it can develop
your intuition but it requires practice.

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.

Mudra: Your elbows are bent and your forearms and hands are
relaxed in a clapping position at the level of the solar plexus. Your
hands move in and out as if you are clapping but they do not touch.
Stop the inward motion when the hands are about six to eight
inches apart. Move slowly and rhythmically.

Focus: Concentrate on the energy you feel between the palms of your hands.

Breath: The breath is timed with the movement of the hands. Each stroke of the breath is
one complete clapping motion (hands move in, hands move out). Inhale in five strokes
through the nose as you complete five complete clapping motions. Then exhale in five
strokes through the mouth as you complete the next five clapping
motions. Continue and do not break the rhythm of the movement and the

Time: To put all the chakras in rhythm, do this meditation every day for
11 minutes. You can gradually increase the time to 16 minutes.

To End: Inhale and hold the breath for 20 seconds as you press your
hands against your face as hard as you can. Exhale. Inhale again, and
hold the breath 20 seconds as you press your hands strongly against your
heart center. Exhale. Inhale one last time and hold the breath 20 seconds
as you press your hands against your navel point. Exhale and relax.
Day Four: 12/14
Kirtan Kriya

Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

The West Offering

The West
season: fall
animals: jaguar, crow
color: black
archetype: the witch
element: earth
the body
sacred herb: sage

An Invocation:

I open to the winds of the West. I open to the Great Womb that birthed me, and to which Ill
return. I open to the great void that contains my Great Dream. I open to the energy of
death, of transformation, of releasing what is not meant for me. I make no negotiations. I
open to the wild one, the wise one, the fierce one in me. I open to the infinite wisdom of the
wild feminine. I open to the winds of the West. May you drift in and speak to me in dreams,
the language of my Soul.

The west is very witchy. It is all things body related - the earth, food, eating, etc. - interested
in cooking, herbs, plants, the forest. This is the not the witch we typically think of (evil). She
represents that aspect of us that is wise, old, learned, wrinkled, and solid. She has lived life
and survived. She knows who she is and shares her knowledge with those who have been
tested. It is good to get dirty when exploring the witch. She is unclean. She is wild.
Traditional witches held the space between worlds. Like midwives, they helped humans
into the world (births) and out of the world (death). Transitions. The energy of the West is
deeply transformational akin to birth and death. We must die to who we were to become who
we are meant to be.

It is also the place that swallows the setting sun. It is black, darkness, the void. It represents
that places that scare us. The animal here is the jaguar, a fierce protector. This is our helper
in facing our fears. When we swallow our fears, we contain them. We become bigger than
them. In this way, there is nothing left to fear because we contain everything.

This is also the void. It is beyond nothing. For there to be nothing, there first has to be
something. This is even before that. The West holds this space of void. Zero. Emptiness.

The color is black - it is the space of dreaming, nighttime. It is the space from where
everything is birthed - like the womb. It is the nothing from which everything comes from.

The West also represents a fierceness necessary to protect our dreams. The jaguar represents
the capacity and willingness to be brave and cut through anything that stands in the way of
our dreams for ourselves or for our people. If we want to carry our dreams out into the
world, we have to be sure we have the fierceness to do it.

This is a confronting our fear not in the warrior way like in the South. It is a way of being
very close to death. When we befriend the shadow, the darkness in this way, we become
integrate it. We get so close to what scares us that we know all its secrets. When you know
the secrets of a thing, you contain its power. This is very powerful medicine if youre
interested in waking up.

The West eats up your subconscious fears so that you may live in the place of the rising sun,
in the awakening world. We cannot have night without day. A poem:

Sweet Darkness by David Whyte

When your eyes are tired

the world is tired also.

When your vision has gone

no part of the world can find you.

Time to go into the dark

where the night has eyes
to recognize its own.

There you can be sure

you are not beyond love.
The dark will be your womb

The night will give you a horizon

further than you can see.

You must learn one thing.

The world was made to be free in.

Give up all the other worlds

except the one to which you belong.

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet

confinement of your aloneness
to learn

anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive

is too small for you.

The West Offering

You may say the invocation near your altar. Simply go sit with the energy there and say it
aloud or to yourself quietly. Then watch.

Place items on this altar that represent any of the energy listed above. There is no right way
here. Feel into it yourself. You may choose to spend a little time near this altar simply feeling
into the energy here. Invite this energy to come be with you - aloud or quietly. Then just sit.
See what arrives. See what images, thoughts, emotions arise. Be open. Listen. Tune your

A couple ideas for items to add:

a rock, wood, your favorite herb or tea - something representing earth element

something that represents a crow, jaguar or some other animal that makes sense to you

something black - representing night, the void, emptiness

an empty vessel - representing the womb, the birthplace of all things

something scary or witchy - representing fierceness and confronting fears head on

sage - place on your altar or burn it (or both)

Journal: You may want to free write. After saying the invocation and reading through the
material, let yourself simply write. See what comes. Try to push past any resistance to writing
down what you think, feel, know. Just keep writing. Our best insight often comes right on the
other side of great resistance. See if you can keep going. You may just surprise yourself. Ive
found that Spirit LOVES writing. Its a way to honor the energy. It grounds the energy. Think
of it as an offering to the spirit of the direction you are facing.
Kundalini Meditation: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
(The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008)

Posture: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh.

Eyes: The eyes are fixed at the tip of the nose. (This
meditation is not to be done with the eyes closed).


Mudra & Breath:

a) Block the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale slowly
and deeply through the left nostril. Suspend the breath. Mentally chant the mantra WHA-
HAY GU-ROO 16 times. Pump the Navel Point 3 times with each repetition, once on WHA;
once on HAY; and once on GUROO, for a total of 48 unbroken pumps.

b) After the 16 repetitions, unblock the right nostril. Place the right index finger (pinkie
finger can also be used) to block off the left nostril, and exhale slowly and deeply through the
right nostril.

c) Continue repeating a & b

Time: for 11-31 minutes. Master practitioners may extend this practice to 62 minutes, then
to 2-1/2 hours a day.

To End: Inhale, hold the breath 5-10 seconds, then exhale. Stretch the arms up and shake
every part of your body for 1 minute, so the energy can spread.

Comments: This is one of the greatest meditations you can practice. It has considerable
transformational powers. The personal identity is rebuilt, giving the individual a new
perspective on the Self. It retrains the mind. According to the tantra shastras, it can purify
your past karma and the subconscious impulses that may block you from fulfilling you. It
balances all the 27 facets of life and mental projection, and gives you the pranic power of
health and healing It establishes inner happiness and a state of flow and ecstasy in life. This
meditation balances the Teacher aspect of the mind. It acts on all the other aspects like a
mirror to reveal their true nature and adds corrections. You act as a human being not just a
human doing. If the Teacher aspect is too strong, you risk a spiritual ego, which becomes too
attached to the ability to detach and to be above normal struggles. When the Teacher
aspect is too weak, you can misuse your spiritual and teaching position for personal
advantage. When balanced, the Teacher aspect is impersonally personal. It starts with
absolute awareness and a neutral assessment from that awareness. The Teacher uses
intuition to know directly what is real and what is a diversion. You respond from the Neutral
Mind beyond the positives and negatives. You are clear about the purpose and the laws of
each action. A complete Teacher is not an instructor. The Teacher is the expression of
Infinity for the benefit of all. You master non-attachment so that you are simultaneously in
all your activities and not of them. Treat the practice with reverence and increase your depth,
dimensions, caliber, and happiness. It gives you a new start against all odds. Of all the 20
types of yoga, including Kundalini Yoga, this is the highest Kriya. This meditation cuts
through all darkness. It will give you a new start. It is the simplest kriya, but at the same time
the hardest. It cuts through all barriers of the neurotic or psychotic inside-nature. When a
person in a very bad state, techniques imposed from the outside will not work. The pressure
has to be stimulated from within. The tragedy of life is when the subconscious releases
garbage into the conscious mind. This kriya invokes the Kundalini to give you the necessary
vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind. There is no
time, no place, no space, and no condition attached to this mantra. Each garbage point has
its own time to clear. If you are going to clean your own garbage, you must estimate and
clean it as fast as you can, or as slow as you want. Start practicing slowly the slower the
better. Start with five minutes a day, and gradually build the time to either 31 or 62 minutes.
Maximum time is 2-1/2 hours for practice of this meditation. - YOGI BHAJAN
Day Five: 12/15
Kirtan Kriya

Listening For Angelic Whispers

The North Offering

The North
season: winter
animals: hummingbird, dragon
color: white
archetype: the creator
element: air
the elders
the mind
sacred herb: cedar

An Invocation:

I open to the winds of the North. I open to all the wisdom of the wise ones before me, whose
shoulders I stand on. I invite in the sages, the saints, the masters. I bow in reverence to the
Great Masters, to the Light Ones who guide me, even when I do not see them. I bow to the
Ones who speak without words. I bow to the Great Creator. I open to trust, to humility, to
reverence. I open to the wise winds of the North. May I be forever carried upon your wind.
May I fall into you.

Our great teachers are here. This is the place of our lineage, our ancestors, our elders. These
are the keepers of wisdom. If we are members of a lineage of teachings, the north is the best
place to access that chord. It is a direct line to our elders. If you have elders that have passed
on, sometimes they remain in the North for you to call on for guidance. It is good to make
offerings to them in the North.
We have collective elders that sit in the North. These councils go by many names. They are
essentially the wise ones, the enlightened ones, the ones that guide humanity towards
enlightenment. They have a lot of wisdom to offer.

The north is also about trust. The hummingbird is a tiny bird, not necessarily built for long
flights, yet every year they make the journey from Canada to Central/South America. This
represents our own capacity to do the impossible, to trust that we will be taken care of. We
must make the leap in order to be caught. We must trust. This trust also involves trusting our
own wisdom and/or trusting our lineage and the wisdom we gain from our teachers.

The color here is white. There is a purity here that is linked to air and the sattvic guna (see
meditation). It is also related to the great mountains, making the journey to a great, sacred

The archetype is the Creator. It is a silent kind of energy. Whenever I visit the North, it is
very quiet. There is no language here. There is only a great energy that exists before a word is
spoken. A poem:

Magic Words by Edward Field

In the very earliest time,

when both people and animals lived on earth,
a person could become an animal if he wanted to and an animal
could become a human being.
Sometimes they were people
and sometimes animals
and there was no difference.
All spoke the same language.
That was the time when words were like magic.
The human mind had mysterious powers.
A word spoken by chance
might have strange consequences.
It would suddenly come alive
and what people wanted to happen could happen
all you had to do was say it.
Nobody could explain this:
That's the way it was.
The North Offering
You may say the invocation near your altar. Simply go sit with the energy there and say it
aloud or to yourself quietly. Then watch.

Place items on this altar that represent any of the energy listed above. There is no right way
here. Feel into it yourself. You may choose to spend a little time near this altar simply feeling
into the energy here. Invite this energy to come be with you - aloud or quietly. Then just sit.
See what arrives. See what images, thoughts, emotions arise. Be open. Listen. Tune your

A couple ideas for items to add:

a picture of your teachers or elders

something that represents a hummingbird or some other animal

something white - representing purity, spirit

a crystal - to represent a basic kind of wisdom that does not speak

cedar - place on your altar or burn it (or both)

Journal: You may want to free write. After saying the invocation and reading through the
material, let yourself simply write. See what comes. Try to push past any resistance to writing
down what you think, feel, know. Just keep writing. Our best insight often comes right on the
other side of great resistance. See if you can keep going. You may just surprise yourself. Ive
found that Spirit LOVES writing. Its a way to honor the energy. It grounds the energy. Think
of it as an offering to the spirit of the direction you are facing.
Kundalini Meditation: Listening for Angelic Whispers
(The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008)

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose. Make your spine straight.

Focus: Close your eyes.

Breath: As you listen to the instruments play this tune,

whistle with it. Hear the sound of the whistle at the brow

Mudra: Put your hands on opposite shoulders. Your arms

must cross. Hold your shoulders well, the arms relaxed on
the chest. This is a posture of peace.

Mantra: Ardaas Bhayee, amar daas guroo, Amar daas

guroo, ardaas bhayee, Raam daas guroo, raam daas guroo,
Raam daas guroo, sachee sahee.

The translation of the mantra is: The grace of Guru Amar Das (who is the hope of the
hopeless) and Guru Ram Das (who is the King of the yogis and Bestower of blessings past,
present and future) guarantee the prayer will be answered and all ones needs provided for.

Time: Continue for 15-31 minutes. Then begin long, slow, deep breathing. Mentally listen to
the echo of your whistling. Hear the sound you created before. Continue long, slow, deep
breathing for 3-11 minutes.

End: End with 3 powerful breaths. Inhale deep through the nose, hold for 5-10 seconds,
then exhale powerfully through the mouth. As you hold the breath in, put all the pressure
downward on your shoulders with your hands. Press them down and keep the spine steady
and straight. Repeat the breath three times. Then relax.

Comments: This meditation will refine the sattvic guna of your mind. Inside of yourself be
very calm, quiet. Once you begin long, slow, deep breathing and mentally listen to the sound
you made whistling before, bring your unison power of the mind, the subtle sattvic guna
mind, to listen. Once you learn to listen this way, you can listen in exactly the same way to
what Gods Will is. When you can still the mind, refine it, command its guna, then you can
listen to Gods Will, discern what it is, then act. Life will be very easy, content and fulfilled. In
the Bible you are told the same thing. There is a word called, Behold. Behold yourself. Be
within yourself and listen.
Day Six: 12/16
Kirtan Kriya

Reverse Adi Shakti Kriya

The East Offering

The East
season: spring
animals: eagle, condor
color: yellow
archetype: the fool
element: fire
sacred herb: tobacco

An Invocation:

I open to the winds of the East. I turn to face the rising sun. I greet awakening with joy, a
full heart, and honor. I soar above the mundane and gain a higher perspective on all of life.
I soar wingtip to wingtip with the Great Spirit. I honor my vision, the vision of my people. I
call on the winds of the East to compassionately turn me on my head when needed, in order
to know my own wisdom, my own vision. I open to the fire of spiritual awakening. Bless
me with your light. I offer up all my habits, patterns, and beliefs that need to be burned up.
I open to the winds of the East.

This is the final of the four directions. There is a sense of completion here. We have come full
circle. Weve moved through all the other three directions, gained wisdom, and now we come
to the East.

The East is about vision. It is the place of the rising sun. It is a dawning, awakening, and
seeing from a higher perspective. The eagle (and condor) soars from high up. It sees all
things. It sees beyond daily life and problems and zooms out to the wider, broader picture. It
sees all things - past, present, future. This direction carries our hopes and dreams to the
highest place, the place closest to Spirit. From this higher perspective we can see where we
are limited, and see where we need this light to shine - the sunlight. With this long range
vision, we become visionaries of our lives. We have an intuitive knowing.

The eagle spreads its wings wide. Its heart bursts towards the sky. It is about seeing with the
heart and soaring as high as we can. Traditionally, eagle is the Great Spirit. The East teaches
us to fly wing tip to wing tip with the Great Spirit. This animal with wings spread wide
represents our own heart spread wide and a sense of living from this wild, free heart.

The element in the East is fire - specifically spiritual fire (the sun) - the kind of fire that
burns through ignorance, old patterns, beliefs to
create a spiritual awakening. It is masculine,
directed energy that is singularly focused towards
transformation and love.

Interestingly, the archetype here is the fool. This is

the divine fool or trickster. This is an energy of
awakening that turns everything on its head so that
we may know truth. The fool dances backwards,
does everything backwards, plays, takes risks because he knows everything is sacred. He asks
hard questions that poke and prod. From the outside, the fool looks to be ignorant, a misfit,
strange. He is a very sacred being.

Make no mistake, the energy of the East is enlightenment. Its a full circle around a karmic
loop. We have learned a lesson (or perhaps a few). We use the fire of this direction to launch
us into the direction of our dreams and to crystalize truth for us. It illuminates all and lets us
see something. We have an awakening.

There is a great kindness here that rises with awakening. A compassion grows in the heart
from a deeper place than before. Because of what we have seen and know, the roots of our
hearts reach out in all four directions, and to earth and sky. We are whole. It is beauty. A

Eagle Poem by Joy Harjo

To pray you open your whole self

To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon
To one whole voice that is you.
And know there is more
That you cant see, cant hear;
Cant know except in moments
Steadily growing, and in languages
That arent always sound but other
Circles of motion.
Like eagle that Sunday morning
Over Salt River. Circled in blue sky
In wind, swept our hearts clean
With sacred wings.
We see you, see ourselves and know
That we must take the utmost care
And kindness in all things.
Breathe in, knowing we are made of
All this, and breathe, knowing
We are truly blessed because we
Were born, and die soon within a
True circle of motion,
Like eagle rounding out the morning
Inside us.
We pray that it will be done
In beauty.
In beauty.

The East Offering

You may say the invocation near your altar. Simply go sit with the energy there and say it
aloud or to yourself quietly. Then watch.

Place items on this altar that represent any of the energy listed above. There is no right way
here. Feel into it yourself. You may choose to spend a little time near this altar simply feeling
into the energy here. Invite this energy to come be with you - aloud or quietly. Then just sit.
See what arrives. See what images, thoughts, emotions arise. Be open. Listen. Tune your

A couple ideas for items to add:

a heart-shaped something - representing your ability to see with the eyes of your heart

something that represents an eagle, condor, or some other animal

something yellow - representing fire, the sun, light

a candle - representing fire

an eye - representing seeing and vision

tobacco - to burn ,or place on the altar, or both

Journal: You may want to free write. After saying the invocation and reading through the
material, let yourself simply write. See what comes. Try to push past any resistance to writing
down what you think, feel, know. Just keep writing. Our best insight often comes right on the
other side of great resistance. See if you can keep going. You may just surprise yourself. Ive
found that Spirit LOVES writing. Its a way to honor the energy. It grounds the energy. Think
of it as an offering to the spirit of the direction you are facing.
Kundalini Meditation: Reverse Adi Shakti Kriya
(The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008)

Love doesnt rule you. What rules you is fear, phenomenal fear. Through this kriya, love can
be invoked and fear can be reduced. -Yogi Bhajan

Part 1

This exercise is called Reverse Adi Shakti Kriya. Here you are mentally and hypnotically
blessing yourself. This self-blessing is to affect and correct the
magnetic field. It is said that doing this exercise will hurt if you
have a lot of anger. Self-help is very difficult for those who are
angry. After doing this exercise for 5 minutes your muscles may
start hurting if your diet is improper. The taste in your mouth will
change if you are breathing correctly.

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine and hold your
right palm six to nine inches above the top center of your head.
The right palm faces down, blessing you. This self-blessing
corrects the aura. The left elbow is bent with the upper arm near
the rib cage. The forearm and hand point upward. The left palm
faces forward and blesses the world.

Eyes: The eyes are closed and focus at the lunar center in the middle of the chin.

Breath: Breathe long, slow, and deep with a feeling of self-affection. Try to bring the breath
to one breath per minute: Inhale for 20 seconds, hold for 20 seconds, exhale for 20 seconds.

Time: Continue for 11 minutes. Then inhale deeply and move slowly and directly into
position for Exercise 2.

Part 2

This exercise will benefit everything between the neck and navel.
It will give strength to the heart and will open up the heart center.

Posture: Extend your arms straight out in front, parallel to the

ground, palms facing down. Stretch out to your maximum.

Eyes: The eyes are closed and focused at the lunar center in the
center of the chin.
Breath: The breath is long, slow, and deep.

Time: Continue for 3 minutes. Then inhale deeply and move

slowly and directly into position for Exercise 3.

Part 3

Posture: Stretch your arms straight up with the palms facing

forward. There is no bend in the elbows.

Eyes: The eyes are closed and focused at the lunar center.

Breath: The breath continues to be long, slow, and deep.

Time: Continue for 3 minutes.

To finish: Inhale, hold your breath for 10 seconds while you stretch your arms upward (try
to stretch so much that your buttocks are lifted) and tighten all the muscles of your body.
Exhale. Repeat this sequence two more times.
Day Seven: 12/17
Kirtan Kriya

Divine Shield Meditation

The Earth Offering

An Invocation:

I open to the Earth. I open to the deep healing present here, in remembering where I came
from, and where I will return. I sink low to the ground and let gravity remind me I am
made from dirt. I spread out to remember my Great Mother. I open to my connection to all
other living beings, to the rocks and trees. I open to the support and connection of the

The earth is all that is below us. It is the dirt we walk upon. It represents our human-ness,
our flesh, our bones, our skin. We come from the earth. We will return to the earth.

Earth represents our finite nature, all that is transient and changeable. We are given shape
and form and identity through the earth. This is the energy of being grounded in reality, in
time and space.

Earth also connects us to all other living beings. We are connected to all of life - other
humans, four leggeds, winged, and slithering creatures. Were connected to rocks, trees,
water, and wind. The earth reminds us of this, reminds us that we are not separate from all
other creatures past, present, and future. In knowing this and feeling this, we enter the
sacred circle of life.

Earth is also a profoundly healing force these days. Many of us in the western world are
terribly disconnected from earth energy. As a result we are cruel to each other, we experience
disease in the body, mind, and spirit.

The energy of Great Mother Earth wants to hold us. She is fiercely compassionate. She wants
to strip away what ails us, our holdings. She wants to be reunited with all her creatures.
As Black Elk tells us the holy land is everywhere. Holiness is under your feet. Lean down
low and hear her call you back. A poem:

When I Want to Kiss God by Hafiz

No one is looking
I swallow deserts and clouds
And chew on mountains knowing
They are sweet
When no one is looking and I want
To kiss
I just lift my own hand

An Earth Offering
Here in the northern hemisphere, connecting to the earth can require extra
effort in winter months. But it is certainly not impossible. As my father says,
there is no poor weather, only poor clothing choices. Get out your long
underwear, wool socks, sheepskin hat, and down gloves. Were going outside.

One of the most profoundly healing experiences Ive had is in offering my

body to the earth. Ive done this many times - of great pain and joy. Each time
the result has been remarkable. Heres how it works:

Go outside. I know, I know, its cold. The center of the earth is warm. Hot
even. When we connect deeply to this power, cold is a state of mind. Trust me.

Youll want to find a space thats somewhat secluded. Work with what youve got. If youre in
the city and finding solitude is impossible, this will still work. Or if you have a cold and dont
want to venture outside, you can still do this. The energy is more accessible if you are
outside, away from lots of people. But in reality, the energy of the earth is powerful and
accessible from anywhere on the planet, even locked in a concrete room. Yeah, Shes fiery.

Lay down on the earth. Belly down is ideal. There is a power in connecting belly to earth.
Its the softest part of your body, it is yin energy. When you soften the belly towards the
earth, you consciously connect down into the molten core of the earth.
There is an energy point in your body called the lower dan tian. Its a few inches below
your belly button, and right smack in the middle of your body. This should put you right in
the center of the top of your pelvis. This center connects you to the earth. When its strong,
you are deeply grounded and connected to the earth. Its magnetic and pulls towards the
magnetic center of the earth. Focus here and imagine a red or orange ball of energy. It can
sometimes feel hot. Thats what you want. As you breath, imagine this ball of energy
glowing and building. Every breath it grows brighter and stronger. Feel it pull towards
the earth. The earths energy center is also a glowing red/orange ball of light. Feel your dan
tian as a smaller, personal representative of this. Both are breathing and pulsing together.
Let yourself synch up with the rhythm of the Earth. Let the light of this spot fill and heat
your entire body. You may feel your whole body sink deeper and deeper into the earth,
feeling the fullness of gravity. Feeling yourself remembered and loved and held by the earth.
Stay here as long as you like. The more you practice this and allow yourself to really sink into
this warmth and draw energy up from the earth, the warmer youll be. Ive used this while
tent camping in minus 0 degree weather. It works.

When you feel complete, grab a stone from nearby (or you may have chosen to bring one
with you). Breath a few exhales into the stone, sealing in this memory and experience into
that stone. This stone will represent this earth energy for you. Go home and place it on
your main altar. You do not need to make a separate Earth altar. The earth is everywhere
after all. I simply place my earth offerings on my main altar. But you do what you like

You are certainly welcome to place any other Earthy elements on your altar to represent this

Journal: You may want to free write. After saying the invocation and reading through the
material, let yourself simply write. See what comes. Try to push past any resistance to writing
down what you think, feel, know. Just keep writing. Our best insight often comes right on the
other side of great resistance. See if you can keep going. You may just surprise yourself. Ive
found that Spirit LOVES writing. Its a way to honor the energy. It grounds the energy. Think
of it as an offering to the spirit of the direction you are facing.
Kundalini Meditation: Divine
Shield Meditation
(The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008)

Eyes: Closed & focused at the brow point.

Posture and Mudra: Raise the right knee up with the

right foot flat on the ground, toes pointing straight ahead.
Place the sole of the left foot against the arch and ankle of
the right foot. The ball of the left foot rests just in front of
the ankle bone of the right foot.

Make a fist of the left hand and place it on the ground beside
the hip. Use this to balance the posture. Bend the right elbow
and place it on the top of the right knee. Bring the right hand back along the side of the head
with the palm facing the ear. Form a shallow cup of the right palm. Then bring it against the
skull so that it contacts the skull below the ear but stays open above the ear. It is as if you
formed a cup of the hand to amplify a faint sound that you want to hear.

Mantra: Inhale deeply and chant Maaa in a long, full,

smooth sound. Project the sound as if someone is listening
to you. As you chant, listen to the sound and let it vibrate
through your whole body.

The mantra is Maaa. Chant it at a comfortable high pitch.

When you have exhaled completely, take another deep
breath and continue.

Time: Continue for 3-31 minutes. Then change the legs and
hands to the other side. Continue for an equal amount of
time. Start slowly. Learn to hold the concentration into the
sound. Build the meditation on each side to total 62

Comments: In this meditation the sound of Maaa calls on

compassion and protection. It is the sound that a baby uses to call on the mother. Here, your
soul is the child, and the Universe becomes the Mother. If you call, She will come to your aid
and comfort.

It is difficult to focus on your higher feelings and sensitivity if you feel fearful and
unprotected. If the Universe seems hostile, uncaring, and non-responsive it is easy to
become filled with cynicism, despair, and hopelessness. In that depressed state it is
impossible to sense the fullness and possibilities of life. It is very difficult to solve the very
problems that upset you.

Those feelings occur when the aura that surrounds the body is weak and small. The human
aura can extend out to nine feet in all directions. If it drops below four feet, we tend to
become depressed. We cannot fight off negative thoughts from within or from the

If we can extend the aura, the outer arc of the aura acts as a filter and a connector to the
universal magnetic field. It is that outer circumvent field that preserves the integrity of the
aura, the furiously active blend of thoughts and feelings that emanate from our body and

The aura can be temporarily expanded. One way is to connect your aura with the universal
field by using an inner seed sound that activates the power of the Heart Center.

When this shield is strong, it is easy to sense the tide of the Universe, the Tao. You become
spontaneous and vital as you move in rhythm with the greater reality, of which you are a

When the shield is strong you are protected from the impact of your own past actions. You
are like a great ship that turns toward God and reality and then must cross the waves of your
own wake that you created by your past actions. The shield keeps you alert and awake to the
real task of your life.
Day Eight: 12/18
Kirtan Kriya

Isht Sodhana Mantra Meditation

The Sky Offering

An Invocation:

I open to the Sky. I open to Mother Moon, Father Sun, and all my star brothers and sisters.
I allow star light to flow down over me like soft milk. I allow myself to remember where it
is I came from. I open to the soft, sweet light of the stars. I open to my own Infinity, to
Light, to the Stars that I come from.

We are made of earth. And we are also made of star dust. We contain in our bodies,
memories of star light. This relates to our Infinity. It is the limitless potential that exists in
us. We have no idea where our Universe ends. We look up at the sky and are reminded of
this. We see twinkling lights and know that that is home.

The energy of sky is our Infinity and our connection to that Light. It is pure light that comes
down from the sky and into our bodies.

Contained in the stars are many, many memories. This is why astrology is so interesting. It is
like breadcrumbs that hold the secrets of our Souls, our journeys, the agreements we made
before coming to this life. The stars hold a very special piece to the secret map to our Souls.
There is assistance in this realm that can help guide us and strengthen our capacity for
growth, healing, and enlightenment.
A Sky Offering
This will be more of an inward journey. Youll be
making wishes on stars :) A long lost art, if you
ask me. This process will be an intuitive
connection with the energy of a star or group of
stars. Once youve made the connection, perhaps
learned the name that weve given it, youll send
out your wishes to it.

If you have a smart phone, download the

SkyView App for iPhone or Google Sky Map for
Android. Theres a free version and a paid
version. The free version can be a little glitchy,
but works fine in my opinion. If you dont have a
smart phone, good on you. You can still connect to the stars. And perhaps more intuitively
than the rest of us.

Go outside at night well after sunset so that the sky is dark and you can see the stars. Bundle
up just like yesterday. You may want to use the exercise from yesterday (connecting down to
earth using the dan tian) to keep yourself warm and to locate yourself on the earth. This time
its not necessary to wander far off, although you can if you feel safe to do so.

Take a few moments to ground, calm yourself. Open your energy to the four directions. Feel
yourself at the center.

Then look up at the stars. Really notice the stars. Feel how vast and expansive this sky is. If
its cloudy, you can still do this. Youll be using other senses. Feel the stars there. Feel the
expanse of the sky. Say hello to the moon if she is present in the visible sky. Say hello to her
even if she is not.

There is also an upper dan tian. It is located at the third eye point near the pineal gland.
Draw your awareness to this space. Allow it to expand beyond the limits of your physical
body. Feel starlight shining upon it. Starlight is food for this center. As you concentrate at
this point, you might feel a sense of expansion outward. You are still grounded in that center,
but the energy may become light and broad, as if its reaching out into the corners of the
Universe. At the very least, simply close your eyes, and connect your third eye to the light of
stars. You may see a single energy current to a single star, to the moon, to all the stars in the
galaxy. Feel into it. The connection will vary by person.

Then find a star or group of stars that calls to you. Let yourself be guided. Maybe its the
brightest star, or maybe its a cluster whose shape is especially lovely to you. Learn this star.
You may take out your SkyView app to find out exactly which star it is. You may prefer for it
to remain a mystery.

Allow the energy of this star or stars to come down around you like gentle streams of light.
Feel it enter into your body. Let these soft tendrils of light wrap you, soothe you, remind you
of your Infinity, your brightness. Sit here as long as youd like. Again, it is your presence with
this that means everything. Allow yourself to really BE with your chosen star.

Then, when its time, make your wish. Try not to use words. Stars dont know our words. Use
those energy streams, those currents to communicate. Send up your wish for understanding,
clarity, depth, belonging, whatever it is. Ask for guidance or for light or whatever your heart
most deeply desires. And pray through your bones, through your connection to this earth,
through your human-ness. Send your wish up into the stars. Let them have it. Let it swirl.

When you come home back in, you may choose to look up that star. I often find it interesting
to learn about it, how far from earth it is, how bright, if its part of a constellation, what that
constellation represents. The depth of study here is up to you.

Once thats done place something on your altar to represent these wishes and star
connection. Could be a feather, a deep breath, a star shaped object, or you may open your
shade to let the light from that star bless your altar. Be creative.

Journal: You may want to free write. After saying the invocation and reading through the
material, let yourself simply write. See what comes. Try to push past any resistance to writing
down what you think, feel, know. Just keep writing. Our best insight often comes right on the
other side of great resistance. See if you can keep going. You may just surprise yourself. Ive
found that Spirit LOVES writing. Its a way to honor the energy. It grounds the energy. Think
of it as an offering to the spirit of the direction you are facing.
Kundalini Meditation: Isht Sodhana mantra
(The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan 2008)

Posture: Sit in easy pose or in a chair with your spine straight. Apply Root Lock. Lift the
chest high, chin in (i.e., Neck Lock).

Focus: The eyes are focused at the tip of the nose.

Breath: Will come naturally as you chant.

Mantra: Dharti Hai. Akash Hai. Guru Ram Das Hai

Mudra: Gyan Mudra.

Time: Begin with 11 minutes and slowly work up to 31


End: Inhale and hold the grey of the earth, the blue of the
ethers, your innocence and compassion ... stretch up and shake out your arms.

Comments: Dharti Hai: From the navel down, see a rich, solid grey; the dust of the earth.
Saints feet have touched the dust of the earth. Perhaps you will be blessed to touch the very
dust they walked upon. You will be elevated to the consciousness to have a human body, a
human vessel.

Akash Hai: From the eyebrows up, visualize the most beautiful sky blue, rich, royal and light;
the unlimited ether, the vast heavens. Royal blue; totally open and free in all directions. (The
secret is to hold the image of the grey and the blue at the same time. Hold them both; hold
the polarity.)

Guru Ram Das Hai: Meditate at your heart center. See an absolutely bright, white, radiant
light, shining, penetrating all of the above and below. This is the movement of compassion,
the manifestation. This is your presence, the reality of the present.

Isht is to have the concrete God, the realization.

Sodhana to purify or straighten you out to have the realization of you, the God. This
meditation straightens out you, the God.

Become immersed in the sound of the mantra. If you honestly practice this meditation, your
intention manifests even if you forgot you had it; even if later you dont know you wanted it!
This meditation gives you the frequency to know before the act with your intuition ... as a
sadhu. As a sadhu, it is to be practiced at sunset for 40 days to obtain the Siddhis. It may be
practiced for 40, 90, 120 days.
Yogi Bhajan said about this kriya: My dear ones, you want your prayers to be effective. You
want your ultimate destiny to manifest. This kriya can do it. I know there are thousands of
kriyas that we do, but it just takes one done well and this is the one for isht sodhana to
Day Nine: 12/19
Kirtan Kriya

Prepare for Energy Clearing

Energy Clearing Call

Heart Offering

The Seventh Direction: Your Inner Heart

An Invocation:

I open to my own sacred Heart. To all the deepest wishes, desires, and treasures that are
here. I open to all the directions, south, west, north, east, earth, and sky here. I am the
meeting point for all these forces. I stand balanced, tall, and MYSELF at the center of it all.
I am devoted to my own sacred, beating heart. May I know that the entire Universe rests
underneath my chest. I open to my own, sacred Heart.

This is the final direction. It is the meeting point of all the directions. It is your center, your
axis, the place that all of life flows through. Place your hands over your own beating heart
and feel the fullness that exists here.

Energy Clearing Call Details

Here are your call in details for our group energy clearing. If you cannot make the live call, it
will be recorded and Ill send it out as an audio file.

Monday, December 19th at 4pm CST

Dial In Number: (641) 715-3580
Access Code: 984-689
Preparing for the Energy Clearing
During this energy clearing call, Ill be guiding you through a process to clear deep seated
blockages to you experiencing YOU, the fullness of your life and Soul. This energy will
continue to work as you move through the rest of your day, and into the night.

To prepare, youll need 4 stones. It doesnt matter where they come from. They should be
medium sized, fitting into your palm nicely. Not too small that they are lost in there, but not
too big that you cant comfortably hold one at a time in your fist.

These four stones will represent the four directions. Well be moving energy into the stones,
then burying the stones. So best to choose stones that are not already on an altar, although
its not against the rules. Do what you wish.

No need to do anything with these stones just yet. Just have them near when we begin our

If youd like, you may want to write out the things, situations, people, emotions, beliefs,
patterns, habits that youd like to release in each of the directions. You could journal on this
and have it nearby when we do the call together. Or you could just contemplate this in
preparation. Its ok to fly by the seat of your pants during the call, too :) Whatever is ready to
be cleared will arise, no doubt.

During the Call

All of this is to be determined based on what the energy of the group is doing and what I
pick up on intuitively. But the basic outline is this:

Well be doing a special, sacred practice for letting go. Well be exhaling into each stone, one
for each direction. Well start in the South by releasing any blockages that have come up
around this direction. For example: disconnection from vitality, passion or a resistance to
deep healing. Ill be guiding you through this process. Well move through each of the
directions like this.

We will call in your helpers, guides, animals, etc to help in this process. Once were done with
all four stones, youll place each of these stones on your four altars. South stone goes on the
south altar, west on west, etc. These stones will then continue to gather the energy that is
blocking throughout the rest of the day and night.
You may want to journal when this is done. Youll definitely want to watch your dreams. If
you have any that you remember, keep a journal by your bed so you can write them down
right away upon waking.

Well be creating a giveaway bundle with these stones tomorrow. In the meantime, let the
magic you have created in this sacred circle cook them. Trust. The energy youve created
within these four directions is very powerful now. You can sleep and allow it to work.
Surrender to the process.
Day Ten: 12/20
Kirtan Kriya

Giveaway Ceremony

Bedtime Story

Just Be

Make a Giveaway Bundle (Winter Solstice Ceremony

Part 1)
By now you have created a powerful sacred space. You have activated the full force of all four
directions, of earth and sky, and of your own sacred heart. Youve called up the things that
are holding you back. Youve deeply released. Youve hopefully rested. You have done the
work. And wow, what incredible energy youve generated. Please. Take a moment to honor
what you have done. This is big. It is a different kind of work. A kind that requires your
deepest presence and bravery. You are amazing.

There is a practice in many earth-based traditions called a giveaway. Truly powerful people
that are connected to their own hearts give away constantly. They are always giving away
power, knowledge, love, wisdom, because they know there is no end to these things. When
we give, we get. But that is, of course, not our reason for giving. Our reason for giving is the
pure joy of it. The participation in life.

You are going to create a giveaway bundle. A bundle is essentially a cloth or cloth-like
item that wraps up objects you want to give away. In this case, youll be giving them away to
the earth - the snow, the dark, the cold, the night. Youll have to pick one of two
options: ONE youll create a bundle that youll later retrieve and bring back inside. TWO
youll create a bundle that stays out in the snow or earth or dirt or lake. In ONE youre
retrieving items that were given to the earth. Youll be giving away these objects so that the
earth transforms them. The actual objects, you get those back. But they are changed. These
can then become power objects for you. TWO youll be completely surrendering these objects
to the elements (I highly recommend this one). A true giveaway. Nothing held back, nothing
left behind.
In both youll gather up your four stones from the
four directions that we used in our energy clearing last
night. These now contain all those thoughts, fears,
blockages, etc that are holding you back. Youll wrap
these up in a cloth. Or if you are leaving it for the
elements, perhaps some other biodegradable item - a
large leaf, chemical-free paper, etc. You need something
to wrap these items around. It doesnt need to be perfect.
In the words of Leonard Cohen, forget your perfect
offering/there is a crack in everything/thats how the
light gets in. Use what works. Wrap up your stones and
think about what else youd like to completely surrender.
Are there other items that perhaps have held meaning for you that dont any longer. Perhaps
you add more stones or other objects that represent other offerings youd like to make
to the night.

What you are doing is surrendering fully to the energy of the Winter Solstice, to darkness.
This is your time. This is your chance, within this sacred circle youve created, to lay down all
that you are, all that you have been to the darkness. This is the turning point of our season.
This is the longest night. Take it in your arms. Feel the fullness of the darkness wrap around

To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.

To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
-Wendell Berry

This day is an invitation into the deepest parts of you. There is no need to carry light with
you. Tomorrow the days will begin to grow longer. This will happen with or without you.
Your greatest power is in surrendering fully to this night, this deep night.

She is soft and she is gentle, but she wants everything. If you can allow yourself to fully fall
into this night, youll rise out refreshed, and more yourself than you have ever been. But you
must leave nothing held back. You must not bring a light. You must go naked. You must give
it all away. This is the only way.

While you gather your objects to carry with you into your giveaway, keep this in mind.
There might be tears. I know, you might not be ready to let some of these things go. Do it
anyhow. There is no right time for this. It is always scary. Or perhaps you are more than
ready for this. Perhaps youve waited your whole life for someone to tell you to let yourself
fall backwards into the darkness. Well, heres your permission to trust that instinct. You will
not die. You will not never rise again. You will instead be more full of life than you have ever
been. Trust that instinct. The one that tells you to fall, to surrender, to be dark.

Wrap it all up, go outside and let it go. Give this all to the night. Give all your pieces away.
Give your obstacles, your burdens, your prayers, give it all away. You may bury your bundle
or just lay it on top of the snow or near a tree. There are no rules here. You may say a prayer
or rest a while there if you wish.

If you are not leaving your bundle out, leave it for at least 28 days, a moon cycle. You may
retrieve it after 28 days.

Just Be
Its time to rest. No work. No doing. Just let yourself exist. This is integration time. This is
time to allow all this work to settle in you. Dont be busy.

Bedtime Story
Found in your email today. Listen to this as you drift off to sleep or while you rest. Let
yourself be guided into another world. Dream time is a very sacred time where many things
can be known and experienced. Let the magic of your life unfold there. Write down any
dreams you have for safe and sacred keeping. Yes, even the scary ones. But especially the
powerful ones with bears :)

Wynken, Blynken and Nod by Eugene Field

Wynken and Blynken and Nod one night

Sailed off on a wooden shoe
Sailed off on a river of crystal light
Onto a sea of dew

Where are you going and what do you wish?

The old moon asked the three
Well, we're going out fishing for the little fish
That live in the beautiful sea

Nets of silver and gold have we

Said, Wynken and Blynken and Nod
The old moon laughed and sang a song
As they rocked along in their wooden shoe
And the wind that sped them on all night long
Ruffled the waves of dew

While the little stars were the little fish

That lived in the beautiful sea
Now cast your nets wherever you wish
For never a feared are we

So sang the stars to the fishermen three

Wynken and Blynken and Nod

All night long their nets they threw

To the stars in the twinkling foam
Then down from the skies came the wooden shoe
Bringing the little fishermen home

T'was all so pretty a sight it seemed

As if it could not be
And some folks thought t'was a dream
They dreamed of sailing the beautiful sea

But I shall name you the fishermen three

Wynken and Blynken and Nod

Now Wynken and Blynken are two little eyes

And Nod is your little head
And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies
Is a wee one's trundle bed

So shut your eyes while mother sings

Of the beautiful sights that be
And you will see the beautiful things
As you rock in your misty sea

Where the old moon rocked the fishermen three

Wynken and Blynken and Nod
Day Eleven: 12/21
Kirtan Kriya

Winter Solstice Ceremony

Happy Winter Solstice

When we create the space for sacredness, we are rewarded. When we set
aside time, space, our attention to our innermost heart, we are gifted. You are
at the center of the spiral. You are in the middle. Today is the very core of things.
A spirals outermost edges are whirling. Swirling. They are chaotic. Things move
fast. Things may seem disconnected, but they are not. This is life. Our galaxy is a spiral. Life
is created as a spiral. Life begins at the center, not at the outside. Life begins at that quiet,
still center. This is the secret, be always spiraling in. When you do, life takes care of itself.
Yes, spiraling out can have its own obstacles. But lets not concern ourselves there for now.
For now, your only need is for moving within.

All day, please let yourself find quiet at this center. Even as you go about your routine, take
moments to find this center. It is so present on this day. This deep, dark, womb-like core is
more available than ever. You do not need to do anything here. You simply exist. Deeply

I have purposefully not given too much to do this day because you must learn to be. We
can busy ourselves with this work so much that we miss the point:

Sometimes Spirit, Soul find us because we have learned to sit still long enough
for them to find us. Please, sit still long enough to arrive here. Right here. Today. This
sacred day.

Practicing your Kirtan Kriya today, notice how deeply you can exist in the silent portion.
Notice how quickly you can fall into it. See whats there for you.

The Winter Solstice also symbolizes a returning of the light. Resting at this quiet center, we
are never still for long. The Universe has a deep desire to express itself. It has a desire to
create, to make things, to love, to see itself in others. This need should arise spontaneously.
There is a big difference between this desire to create, and a desire to create out of fear of
silence. If your desire to create or express comes from a space of fear, it will feel as if you are
being pulled. The edges of your skin stand up. Theres a
quickness in your breath. No. Stay put.

True desire, Soul desire rises from in the guts. It rises from
somewhere deep. Youll know it because before you have the
time to think, youll be moving. You will feel warm and whole
and full. Our desire to create should always come from an
initial sense of completion and fullness. Of course, there are
exceptions to every rule. And what is right one day is not the
next. But for now, please be. Wait long enough for Soul to rise
up in you.

For our ceremony we will make a simple spiral to symbolize this turning deep within. What
youll need:

tea lights or candles (10 or so)

a clear space on your main altar or anywhere, clear of flammable objects


This is a simple ceremony that is empowered by your prayers, your intentions. How to do it:

1. Set sacred space: Watch the space setting video to call in the directions, call in the
directions yourself, just sit quietly, or do the Kirtan Kriya meditation. In some way, get
yourself into a space of ceremony, reverence, and gratitude.

2. Set up your candles into a spiral. Do not light them yet. Ideally, youll have at least 10
candles. More is great, less is fine. Do the best with what you have.

3. Take a moment to honor yourself, the journey you have taken, the past few days, etc.
Take some deep breaths. You may want to burn sage, cedar, sweetgrass, or incense to
clear the space and bring you present.

4. Light the candles, one by one, starting from the outside and working your way in. The
center candle will be lit last. As you do this, say your prayers. These can be prayers for
yourself, for the world, for your loved ones, anything. Ask for what you deeply desire. Ask
for connection. Invite the Soul in to guide you. Take your time. Savor this.

5. When you get to the center, say thank you. Bow in gratitude for your life, for everything
you have been given. You can ask for what you want on the way in. But the center must be
a surrender. There is no way for you to know what your Soul needs for its evolution.
Trust. Trust what comes. The last candle, light for your Soul, not for your own agenda.
Feel immensely grateful.

6. Let them burn down or out. This is easier if you are using tea lights. (Im not responsible
for fires!) Use your own best judgement.

This ceremony spirals you inward and honors the returning light. It honors your deep
desires, and places the Soul at the forefront. This is what you want to be lit up by the
returning light - Your True Self. Yes, personal desires are important, but they can lead you
astray. Offer them up as simply the path IN. They are the spiraling road into the Soul.

This final candle represents a lighting of your Sacred Self. Its an invitation to put your Soul
in the drivers seat.

Once you finish, let yourself bask in that space as long as you like. Offer up your life to the
Soul, to Spirit. Offer it with immense gratitude. Say thank you.

This is where we end - GRATITUDE.

As a final practice, put a blessing on your altar. Make offerings to Spirit. You can do this by
placing candles on each of the altars as a way of saying thank you to those forces and
energies. I like to place flowers on my altars. You could also use fruit, chocolate, corn, etc.

Let these offerings be made from a deep sense of reverence and gratitude for everything
youve been given, and will be given. Say thank you for this life, for this great dream we are
all living together. Say a deep thanks.

I give a deep thanks to you. And I leave you with this blessing:

May the night take from you the cloak of what is old and used
May the Winter Solstice knead you into something real
May your prayers lead you home
May your wandering leave you tucked in and dreaming
May your dreams tell you secret things youve been longing to hear
May your eyes shut like a child
May you remember why you are here
May you be touched, somewhere deep in the night, by a Soul craving so deep and wide
That you are split open with Love
Massacred with Gratitude
Rolling over in ecstasy
May you know this as your Great Dream
May you fill up on its nectar
And may you carry it out
Into the world
For all to see

Extra Suggested Reading

Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Earth Medicine by Kenneth Meadows

The Four-Fold Way by Angeles Arrien

The Eight Human Talents by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

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