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ES'rEI"A',t/ CArfiYO. CHIO rV
Dtrectsrll! <of
{}{x* trf t}r }Lg*nr*i i}irr*'tor
1,,,r' .{prit ffi, fi}17
: Cffirduct {f Sr}oa! HeEd* tle*dopa ttop6 {3l{l}P}, "&dYenr*d
f-nsrs la UrftdrcdrS*dsHtf,t$<lml ftlllrfpds

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To: Public Senior High School Principals

For informatioq d isseminat ion and conrpliance.

OIC hools Division Superintendent
.;t::.''% Rr?uslrc oI'ruu Purr-rpprxrs

tH: Dnrenriumvr or EnucATroN


To All Schoots Division SuperintendenB lr

Chief, SCOD
AII Others Concerned
This Region
f \,'

From CARIfrO, CESO w

Director III
Officer-ln-Charge ^t
Office of ttre Regional Director

Date : April25,?f17
Subiect :Conduct of School Heads Development Program (SHDP), Advanced
Course to Unlraired Senior Hig[ School Principale

1,. Please be informed ttrat NEAP-R2 wiII conduct the School Heads Development
Program (SHDP), Advaneed Course on May 17-29, M7 (rnmre: TBA). It airrrs to
capacitate all Senior High fthool I'rirrcipals on ttreir role in leading change and
instructionalleaderslrip andinoperations managementfor SeniorHigh School-
2. The participants are the fiett{y anpflind. Senior Higb_*hglPrincipals and
Assistant trrripalqJrho have iust offered Senior High School and have not yet
attended the 2-module prqircrr
3. One of the course requirements is the submission and implementation of Re-Entr,v
Action Plan (ReAP). It will undergo tlre monitoring and validation process to be
facilitated by the Regional Monitoring/Validation Team in coordination with the
Schools Division Offices.

4. Participants to thie course are expected to ioin the Graduation Day on

September, 2017 together with first batch who have completed ttre course last

5. A registration fee of Php %O0-00 will be charged from each participant to defray
expenses for food, accornmodatioru training nuterials and administrative cost
charged to local funds sublect to the usual accounting nrles and regulation.
6- Please conlirrr your attendance on or before lfuy L 2017 through mrail address
lrrddrcr2i!?Bmail.corn or contact 07&l3%-W
7. For your inforrration and guidance.


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