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PRO-GAD ver.01

Type of Barangay: Urban Rural
Total Population as of : (yr) 2018 Total Population: 5,000
Total Number of Household: 100
Number of Nuclear Families:
Average Household Size:
Total Female Population: 2000
Total Male Population: 1500


Population Distribution by age group and sex (2 censal years)
Age Group Year 1 Year 2
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Under 1 100 200 300 150 300 450
1-4 35 40 75 10 10
5-9 0 20 20
10-14 0 0
15-19 0 0
20-24 0 0
25-29 0 0
30-34 0 0
35-39 0 0
40-44 0 0
45-59 0 0
50-54 0 0
55-59 0 0
60-64 0 0
65-69 0 0
70-74 0 0
75-79 0 0
80-84 0 0
85 and over 0 0

TOTAL ** ** ** ** Expression ** Expression **

Expression Expression Expression is faulty ** is faulty ** Expression
is faulty ** is faulty ** is faulty ** is faulty **
Year Projected population by sex
Base Year Male Female Both Sexes Percentage

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 1

Year 1 1 1 2 50%
Year 2 1 1 2 50%
Year 3 1 1 2 50%
Year 4 1 1 2 50%
Projected life expectancy at birth, by sex
Total Male Population Total No. of Death Male Total No. of Living Projected Life
(Current Year) (current year) (Male) Expectancy at
birth in %
300 20 280 93%

Total Female Total No. of Death Female Total No. of Living Projected Life
Population (Current (current year) (Female) Expectancy at
Year) birth in %
400 30 370 93%

Sex Ratio
Male Female Both Sexes Ratio
100 300 400 0.75
Total population by marital status, sex-disaggregated
Marital Status Male Female Both Sexes Ratio
Single 1 1 2 0.5
Married 1 1 2 0.5
Widow/er 1 1 2 0.5
Single Parent 1 1 2 0.5
Number and percentage of disabled persons by type of disability, sex-disaggregated
Type of Disability Cause of Disability Male Female Both Sexes Percentag
Mental Illness 1 1 2 50%
Blindness 1 1 2 50%
Deafness 1 1 2 50%
Oral Defect 1 1 2 50%
Mute 1 1 2 50%
Amputation 1 1 2 50%
Others (pls. specify) 1 1 2 50%
Age Group Male Female Both Sexes Ratio
Pre- School (3-6) 1 1 2 0.5
Elementary (7-12) 1 1 2 0.5
Secondary (13-18) 1 1 2 0.5
Tertiary (19-22) 1 1 2 0.5
Simple literacy rate (10 years old and over) by sex
Male Female Both Sexes Ratio
1 1 2 0.5
Functional literacy rate (10-64 years old and over)6, by sex
Male Female Both Sexes Ratio

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 2

1 1 1 1
Ratio of girls to boys in primary education
SCHOOLS Male Female Both Sexes Ratio
Government 1 1 2 0.5
Private 1 1 2 0.5
Ratio of girls to boys in secondary education
SCHOOLS Male Female Both Sexes Ratio
Government 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Private 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Ratio of girls to boys in tertiary education
SCHOOLS Male Female Both Sexes Ratio
Government 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Private 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Distribution of the population 6 years old and over by highest educational attainment (%)
SCHOOLS Male Female Both Sexes Ratio
No Education 10 15 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Some Elementary 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Completed Elementary 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Some High School 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Completed High School 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Some College 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Completed College 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Masteral 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Post-Graduate 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
TOTAL ** Expression is ** Expression is ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **
Percentage of population by level currently attending, by age group and
by sex
Data Requirements Male Female Both Sexes Total Percentage
of students
Kinder/Prep/Nursery (0-5) 200 300 ** Expression is faulty 600 **
** Expression is
faulty **
Elementary (7-12) 150 300 ** Expression is faulty 600 **
** Expression is
faulty **

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 3

High School (12-20) 200 400 ** Expression is faulty 700 **
** Expression is
faulty **
College (20-24) 150 400 ** Expression is faulty 600 **
** Expression is
faulty **
Post Graduate Studies (24 75 75 ** Expression is faulty 300 **
above) ** Expression is
faulty **
Elementary school completion rate, by sex
SCHOOLS Male Female Both Sexes Ratio
Government 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Private 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Classroom-to-pupil ratio in elementary and secondary schools
Total Total
SCHOOLS Total No. of Total No. of Male Female Ratio
classrooms Pupils
Elementary 30 1500 700 800 50
High School 20 1500 700 800 75
Teacher-to-pupil ratio in elementary and secondary schools
SCHOOLS Total No. of Total No. of Total Male Total Female Ratio
Teachers Students
Elementary 30 1500 500 1000 50
High School 20 1500 400 1100 75
Frequency rates of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis and other
diseases, latest..
Data Requirements Male Female Total No. of Total Population Percentage
HIV/AIDS 4 6 10 100 10%
Malaria 6 10 16 100 16%
Tuberculosis 5 8 13 100 13%
Others (specify)______ 3 7 10 100 10%
Death rates of HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and other diseases, latest
Data Requirements Male Female Total No. of Total Percentage
Death population
HIV/AIDS 2 3 5 100 5%
Malaria 3 6 9 100 9%
Tuberculosis 2 4 6 100 6%
Others 1 4 5 100 5%
Nutritional status, by sex and group 0- 5 year old
Data Requirements Male Female Both Sexes Ratio
Normal 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Underweight 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 4

Severely Underweight 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Overweight 1 1 ** Expression is ** Expression is
faulty ** faulty **
Mortality by leading causes, by age, and by sex, 1 reference years
Data Requirements Age Male Female Both Ratio
birth asphyxia 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
pneumonia 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
term birth complications 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
neonatal infection 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
diarrhea 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
malaria 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
measles and malnutrition 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
Number of cases of teenage pregnancy
Teenage pregnancy cases Total Female Population below Percentage
18 yrs. old
7 100 7%
Percentage of households with source/access to safe drinking water(PDP 2011-2016)
Water Source Total No. of Household with access Percentage
Communal/Public 100 1 1%
Deep Well 100 2 2%
Metered 100 70 70%
Water Refilling Station 100 8 8%
Percentage of households without sanitary toilets, latest
Total No. of Households Household w/o sanitary toilets Percentage
100 50 50%
Availability of the following services for women
Data Requirements Total Female Female Served Percentage
Counseling for women 100 15 0.15
PAP smear 100 5 0.05
Breast Cancer Exam 100 5 0.05
(including mammogram)
Availability of public 100 5 0.05
comfort rooms
Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 5
Number of women who reported equal/full access of women to comprehensive, quality and
affordable health services (including prevention and treatment of diseases; sexual and
reproductive health services), latest
Total Female Population Female Served Percentage
2000 50 3%
Percentage of population that accessed secondary and tertiary health services, by sex, 2 years
Male Female Total Population No. of those that accessed secondary and Percentag
tertiary health services for 2 years e
100 250 1000 350 35%
Percentage of budget allocated for medicines, medical supplies and equipment, nutrition
services, clinics, health centers and other health facilities (e.g. lying-in facilities), latest
Data Requirements Budget % Male Served Female Served Both Sexes Percentage
Medicine 10% 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
Medical Supplies 10% 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
Nutrition services 10% 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
Clinics 10% 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
Health Center 10% 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
Blood Letting Activities 10% 1 1 ** **
Expression Expression
is faulty ** is faulty **
Number of women who accessed quality maternal, and postpartum care and services from
health facilities and qualified health personnel, 2 years
Total Female Population Female served Percentage
1000 10 1%
Percentage of women who reported to have equal decision on the number of children and
number of years between pregnancies over number of women interviewed, latest
Total Female Interviewed Total Female responded Percentage
1000 10 1%
Policies, programs, guidelines, and services for the implementation of comprehensive, culture-
sensitive and gender-responsive health programs and services Note: Section 20 B (1-7); C4 a-b
Womens health risks related to pregnancy, child-birth complications and gender-based
violence(MCW-IRR Sec. 20)
Enumerate in bulleted list:

Programs for maternal care developed and implemented, to include pre-natal services, delivery
and post-natal services to address pregnancy and infant health and nutrition(MCW-IRR Sec. 20
Enumerate in bulleted list:

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 6

Comprehensive health information and education programs implemented/provided:

Data Age Male Served Female Served Both Sexes Percentage
Age appropriate 1 1 ** Expression ** Expression
adolescent health is faulty ** is faulty **
and sexuality
education in both
public and private
Sexuality education 1 1 ** Expression ** Expression
for parents is faulty ** is faulty **
Programs for elderly 1 1 ** Expression ** Expression
in every barangay to is faulty ** is faulty **
promote and
maintain their well-
being and social
Trainings for health 1 1 ** Expression ** Expression
service providers/ is faulty ** is faulty **
Teen centers 1 1 ** Expression ** Expression
providing health and is faulty ** is faulty **
sexuality education
and counseling
Maternal and pre-natal services delivered and post natal services addressing pregnancy and
infant health nutrition
Data Requirements Male Female Both Percentag
Served Served Sexes e
Program for breastfeeding and proper nutrition for 1
lactating mothers
Family and state collaborations on youth sexuality 1 1 ** **
education and health services Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
Prevention and management of reproductive- related 1
illnesses (breast and cervical cancers) and other
gynecological conditions and disorders
Prevention of abortion and management of pregnancy- 1
related complications
Care for elderly women 1
Communities organized to implement health programs 1
for women and girls, in partnership with the private
Data Requirements Female Total Female Population Percentag
Served e
Assisted to access with temporary and protective 5 200 3%

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 7

Assisted to access with medical and dental services. 5 200 3%
Assisted to access with psychological and psychiatric 5 200 3%
Assisted to access with counseling and Critical Incident 5 200 3%
Stress Debriefing (CISD).
Assisted to access with legal services. 5 200 3%
Assisted to access with productivity skills, capacity 5 200 3%
building and/or livelihood assistance.
Assisted to access with education. 5 200 3%
Assisted to access with financial assistance 5 200 3%
Assisted to access with transportation assistance. 5 200 3%
Assisted to access with employment through job 5 200 3%
Data Requirements Y/N Enumerate in bulleted Title/ Date
list. Enacted/Conducted (if
Policies, plans and programs implemented to
eliminate all forms of discrimination against
girl children
Conduct of community consultations on the
effect of child marriages on health, education,
and over-all situation of the girl- child.
Functional Local Councils for the Protection of
Children (LCPC).
Existing indigenous mechanisms for the
protection of children


Data Requirements Y/N Enumerate in bulleted Title/ Date Enacted/
list. Conducted
Gender-responsive, rights-based, and culture
sensitive policies, programs and services
implemented for senior citizens
OSCAs with programs and services
addressing gender-based violence, abuse
and/or neglect of women senior citizens
Supportive community resources developed
and utilized to provide in-home services,
respite care, and stress reduction with high-
risk families
Subsidy and support programs provided to
family and caregivers to promote quality
home care for senior citizens.
Capability-building programs developed for
healthcare and social work professionals on
the prevention, detection, and management
of psycho-social problems and other geriatric
concerns of women senior citizens,
specifically on the handling of older person
Data Requirement Male Served Female Both Sexes Percentage
Number of senior citizens provided 75 25 100 0.25
Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 8
with continuous support services
Data Requirement Male health Female Percentage
care workers Healthcare
Number of women and men 25 75
healthcare and social work
professionals trained on the
prevention, detection, and
management of psycho-social
problems and other geriatric concerns
of women senior citizens, specifically
on the handling of older person
Data Requirements Male Female Both Sexes Percentage
Number of women involved in 2000 0
planning and management of relief
Data Requirements Total Female Total Female Percentage
Affected Population
Documented cases of pregnant women, 1 2000 0%
lactating mothers, women and mothers with
dependent children, who are arrested,
detained and interned for reasons related to
armed conflict
Reports/documented cases of women and 1 2000 0%
girls forcibly recruited for armed conflict

Incidence and number Children Women Both

of violence against (Victim/s) (Victim/s)
women and children,
by type
Dating Violence 1 1 0
Domestic and 1 1 0
intimate partner
Emotional abuse 1 1 0
Human trafficking 1 1 0
Same-sex relation 1 1 0
Sexual assault 1 1 0
and abuse
Stalking 1 1 0
Violence against 1 1 0
immigrant and
refugee women
Violence against 1 1 0
women at work
Violence against 1 1 0
women with
Data Requirements Female who are aware Total Female Percentage
of VAWC Interviewed

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 9

Percentage of women 50 100 0.5
who are aware of VAWC
(all forms, including
domestic violence,
marital rape and incest)
to total women
(interviewed), (latest
available at least 2 years)
Data Requirements Year 1 Year 2 Increase/Decreas
(number) (number) e
Presence of NGO-run shelters and drop-in 1 1
centers for the rehabilitation of prostituted
and exploited women and girls, (latest
available at least 2 years)
Functional VAWC desks 1 1

Conduct of VAWC desk monitoring and 1 1

Presence of adequate lighting in streets and 1 1
public places to deter crime
Presence and types of services and 1 1
mechanisms to prevent human trafficking
Presence of a VAWC referral systems 1 1 0

Availability and frequency of trainings 1 1 0

conducted on the rights of women to be free
from all forms of violence whether physical,
sexual, emotional, mental or economic
abuse, (latest available at least 2 years)
Establishment and maintenance of a 1 1 0
comprehensive data and information system
on trafficking, exploitation, and prostitution
Data Requirements Year 1 Year 2 Increase/
(number) (number) Decrease
Number of reported VAWC cases, (latest
available at least 2 years)
Number of VAWC cases served, 2 reference
Number of cases filed against traffickers and
exploiters of prostituted women, (latest
available at least 2 years
Number of convictions against traffickers and
exploiters of prostituted women, (latest
available at least 2 years)
Number of political 0
detainees/executions/other human rights
violations, by sex and age group, (latest
available at least 2 years)
Year 1 Year 2 Increase/
Age Bracket M F Total M F To
20 > 40 1 1 ** 1 1 **

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 10

Expres Ex
sion is pr
faulty es
** si
40 > 50 1 1 ** 1 1 **
Expres Ex
sion is pr
faulty es
** si
50 > 60 1 1 ** 1 1 **
Expres Ex
sion is pr
faulty es
** si
Data Requirements Female Total Number of Percentage
Victims Reported Victims
Number of women victims of VAWC, 10 100 10%
exploitation and trafficking provided with
rehabilitation, social integration and
economic empowerment program and other
support services, to total number of reported
victims, (latest available at least 2 years)
PROTECTION and SECURITY in times of disaster, calamities and other crisis situations
Data Requirements Implemented Male Female involved Total Population
? involved
Gender-responsive and rights- 2000
based work and financial plan
on disasters, calamities and
other crises in all phases of
relief, recovery, rehabilitation
and reconstruction (MCW-IRR
Sec. 13 B)
Data Requirements Number Type of measures, pls. enumerate
Number and type of measures adopted by
camp managers to prevent sexual violence
in evacuation centers and relocation sites
MCW-IRR Sec. 13 B.4)
Data Requirements Number of Total Female Percentage
Women Involved population
Number of women involved in the 15 100 15%
Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 11
development of a gender-
responsive disaster management,
including preparedness,
mitigation, risk reduction and
adaptation (local) (MCW-IRR Sec.
13 A)
Women members of various
evacuation centers/camps
committees organized for food
and water distribution, nutrition,
sanitation and hygiene, shelter,
health, education, protection and
security and safety especially in
(MCW-IRR Sec. 13 B.4)
Data Requirements Y/N Specify Male Female Both Ratio
Served Served Sexes
Partnerships formed with 1 1 ** **
community-based sports Express Expressi
organizations to ensure equal ion is on is
participation of women in sports. faulty faulty **
(MCW-IRR Section 17 F.8) **
Data Requirements Y/N Pls. Enumerate
Programs developed in
coordination with sports
organization to increase
participation of elderly women,
women with disabilities, and
indigenous women (MCW-IRR
Section 17 F.9)
Data Requirements Elderly Women with Indigenous Women
Women Disabilities (Number) (Number)
Elderly women, women with disabilities, and
indigenous women participating in sports
programs (MCW-IRR Section 17 F.9)
Data Requirements Y/N/NA Specify
Social protection policies, programs
and services implemented for women
and other marginalized sectors (MCW-
IRR Sec. 30)
Indigenous and community-based
social protection policies and programs
developed and/or enhanced (MCW-IRR
Sec. 30)
Poverty reduction programs and
services mainstreamed with social
protection (including Occupational
Safety and Health, Disaster Risk
Reduction Management) at the local
Community-based social protection
schemes and programs developed for
women with disabilities (MCW-IRR Sec.
30 E)
Data Requirements Female with Total No. of Women with Percentage
Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 12
disabilities served disabilities
Women with disabilities 15 50 30%
that availed of
community-based social
protection schemes and
programs MCW-IRR Sec.
30 E)
Data Requirements Total Population with income Percentage
Population below poverty line
Proportion of population with 1000 400 40%
incomes below poverty line (MDGs)
Data Requirements Households Total Households Percentage
Proportion of households whose 10 100 10%
members eat less than 3 full meals
a day, 2 reference years
Percentage of households with one 10 100 10%
main source of income only to total
number of households
Percentage of households with 10 100 10%
secondary/tertiary source of
Investment-friendly policies, systems, programs, procedures and technical assistance for returning women
migrant workers(MCW-IRR Sec. 25 C)

YEAR 1 YEAR 2 Enumerate in bulleted list:

Livelihood and skills development training, seminars, and scholarship grants for women migrant workers
(MCW-IRR Sec. 25 D)

YEAR 1 YEAR 2 Enumerate in bulleted list:

Skills training, counseling and other support services integrated with entrepreneurship and GAD (MCW-IRR
Sec. 25 D)
YEAR 1 YEAR 2 Enumerate in bulleted list:

Data Requirements Share Total Female Percentage

Share of women in non-agricultural wage 10 100 10
employment (MDGs)
Percent of labor force employed, by sex, by age group, (latest available at least 2 years)
Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 13
Age Group Total labor No. of employed Male Female Percentage
18-39 500 350 100 250 70%
40-60 500 200 75 125 40%
Average family income of household head, by sex, (latest available at least 2 years)
Average Income
YEAR Male Headed Female Headed Difference
YR 1 2,500.00 1,500.00 -1000
YR 2 3,000.00 1,500.00 -1500
Average time spent doing household chores by employed men and women
Male (hrs) Female (hrs) Both Sexes Percentage
2 4 ** Expression is faulty ** ** Expression is faulty **
Number of livelihood training programs for women
Enumerate in bulleted list:

Availability of in-service/employment trainings with legal literacy training and awareness-

raising for women in the labor force, focusing on their rights as employees, Over total in-service
trainings conducted, (latest available at least 2 years)
Availability of in-service training focusing on womens' Total in-service Training Conducted
rights as employees

Number of trainings on marketing, export development and joint venture promotion to female
entrepreneurs and relevant associations, over total number of trainings conducted, (latest
available at least 2 years)
Number of trainings on marketing, export development Total number of trainings conducted,
and joint venture promotion to female entrepreneurs
and relevant associations

Proportion of persons 15 years old and above who are not working but actively seeking work, by
Male Female Both Sexes Percentage
50 100 ** Expression is faulty ** ** Expression is faulty **
Employment contribution in percent of total employment, by sex
Total Employment Male Percentage Female Percentage
500 300 60% 200 40%
Percentage of women employed to total employment, (latest available at least 2 years)

YEAR Total Male Female Percentag

Employment e
YR 1 500 300 200 40%
YR 2 500 300 200 40%

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 14

Comprehensive Development and Management Plans (CDMP) and Industrial Forest Management
Agreement (IFMA) integrated with gender concerns (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B 3.c)
Enumerate in bulleted list:

Policy and guidelines developed to ensure membership of marginalized women in councils for
sustainable development created pursuant to existing laws (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B 12.b)
Enumerate in bulleted list:

Provision of access and links of production areas to markets (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B. 14.a)
Enumerate in bulleted list:

Farm to market roads constructed in rural areas to ensure access and links to markets (MCW-
IRR Sec. 23 B. 14.a)
Enumerate in bulleted list:

Number of farmers with access to agricultural credit, by sex, by service provider, (latest
available at least 2 years)
Provider Name Male Farmers Female Farmers Total Farmers
1 1 ** Expression is
faulty **
1 1 ** Expression is
faulty **
Percentage of women enjoying equal treatment in land and agrarian reform, (latest available at
least 2 years)
Male Female Both Sexes Percentage
1 1 ** Expression is faulty ** ** Expression is faulty **

Data Requirements Y/N Specify in bulleted list..

Gender-responsive PPAs on food security
and sustainable use of productive
resources developed and/or
implemented (MCW-IRR Sec. 23)
LGU programs and projects on food
security and sustainable use of
productive resources enhanced to
become gender responsive
(MCW-IRR Sec. 23)
Appropriate training programs for food
security to strengthen womens

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 15

capacities implemented
Policy guidelines recognizing women as
farmers and fisher folk and giving them
equal opportunities to participate in
programs and projects (MCW-IRR Sec.
Promotion of the use of organic fertilizer
in food production
(MCW-IRR Sec. 23 A. 1. e)
Presence of a community-based food
security plan in the CDP that respects
religious and cultural practices
Guidelines ensuring food safety by
strengthening food management
(MCW-IRR Sec. 23 A.2)
Provision of timely and accurate
information on food safety such as, but
not limited to, labeling and traceability
(MCW-IRR Sec. 23 A.2)
Provision of IECs on the use of alternative
or renewable energy in food production
(MCW-IRR Sec. 23 A.3)
Availability of rainwater harvesting
facilities as well as programs on
rehabilitation of watershed areas for
small women farmers
(MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B. 5.c)
Policy and guidelines developed to
ensure participation of rural women in
the training on food production
(MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B 9.g)
Number of women who have availed of
training programs for food security
(MCW-IRR Sec. 23 A 1.c)

Data Requirement Women's groups participated

Rural womens groups participating in

policy and program formulation, planning
and designing of DA programs at the
local level (MCW-IRR Sec. 23)
Rural women participating in trainings on
food production (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B 9.g)
Data Requirements Girl-Children Benefited Women Benefited
Girl-children and women
benefiting from all DA
(MCW-IRR Sec. 23)
Data Requirements Y/N Specify in bulleted Male Female Both Ratio
list.. Serve Served Sexes
Equal access to men and women on the 1 1 ** **
use and management of fisheries and Expres Expre
aquatic resources, and all the rights and sion is ssion
benefits accruing to stakeholders in the faulty is
fishery industry (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B. 6) ** faulty
Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 16
Data Requirements Y/N Pls. Specify in bulleted list

Maintenance of an updated database of

women fisher folks (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B

Policy guidelines ensuring full

participation of women in the planning,
designing, implementation and
monitoring and evaluation of coastal
resource management programs and
designate coastal areas to be managed
by women (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B. 7)

Women who are functioning as fish

wardens deputized (within 6 months
from IRR) (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B. 8.a)

Women recognized as effective fish

wardens (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B. 8.b)

Capacity development training for

women fish wardens (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B.

Social and legal protection for all

deputized women fish wardens (MCW-IRR
Sec. 23 B. 8.d)

Data Requirements Y/N/ Specify in bulleted Male Female Both Ratio
NA list.. Sexes
Participated in the management of 1 1 ** **
protected areas(MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B 5.a) Expres Expre
sion is ssion
faulty is
** faulty
Manage Marine and terrestrial protected 1 1 ** **
areas (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B. 5) Expres Expre
sion is ssion
faulty is
** faulty
Community-managed ecotourism Stakeholders 0 0
projects participated in by stakeholders
(MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B. 5.b)

Data Requirements Year 1 Year 2 Increas
No. of Monthly No. of Monthly
Women Income Women Income

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 17

Number of women who own business 0
Increased number of women in viable 0
micro- enterprises, (latest available at
least 2 years)
Average monthly income of women in 0
micro- enterprises, (latest available at
least 2 years)
Number of women reporting access to 0
information on potential, high-value
products, market linkage, product
development and technology support
Number of women reporting access to 0
assistance in product design, (latest
available at least 2 years)
Data Requirements No. of No. of Increas
Enterprise Enterprises e/Decre
s ase
Number of enterprises that adopt 0
environment-friendly production
technologies and practices
Number of enterprises that adopt non- 0
discriminatory hiring and work practices
Data Requirements No. of No. of Increas
Women Women e/Decre
Number of women who reported greater 0
control over productive resources and
benefits from wealth-creating activities,
(latest available at least 2 years)
Number of women who reported greater 0
control over the business environment,
(latest available at least 2 years)
Number of women who reported 0
enhanced capacity to negotiate for
better business and work conditions,
(latest available at least 2 years)
Number of women availing of services 0
to improve micro-enterprises, (latest
available at least 2 years)
Number of women who reported 0
improved level of satisfaction with
programs and services accessed
relative to micro- enterprises, (latest
available at least 2 years)
Data Requirements No. of Total Work No. of Total No. of Increas
work Establishmen work Establishmen e/Decre
establish ts establish ts ase
ments ments
with with
support support
services services
Number of work establishments with
support services, such as child-free
facilities, to total number of
establishments, (latest available at least
2 years)

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 18

Number of work establishments without
occupational segregation, to total
number of work establishments, (latest
available at least 2 years)
Data Requirements Total Female With Access Percentage
Number of small women farmers with access to irrigation 100 1 1%
and rainwater harvesting facilities as well as programs on
rehabilitation of watershed areas (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B. 4.c)

Public Safety
Data Requirements Number Currently
Operational? Y/N
Number of police outposts/1000 population
Adequacy of lighting of streets and public places to deter
Resource Base and Land Use

Data Requirements Female

Number of women who have participated in the management of
protected areas (MCW-IRR Sec. 23, B. 5a)
Number of marine and terrestrial protected areas (PAs) managed No. of MTPA
by women (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B 5.a) managed by women

Number of community-managed ecotourism projects participated No. of ecotourism

in by women stakeholders? (MCW-IRR Sec. 23 B 5.b) projects participated
in by women

Data Requirement Total Male with Female Total Certified Ratio

Population A&D Areas with A&D A&D Areas
(in Areas (in
hectare) hectare)
Ratio of population to certified 50 1 1 2 4%
A&D areas (in persons/hectare),
Data Requirements Hectar Household/Fa Male Female
(number) mily Heade headed
Share of number of household/family over 1 1 1 ** Expression
protected area (in hectare/household/per sex of is faulty **
household head)
Data Requirements Male Female Both Percentag
Percentage of respondents who are aware of their rights to
ancestral domains and lands, by sex
1) Right of ownership 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 19

n is faulty is faulty **
2) Right in case of displacement 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
3) Right to regulate entry of migrants 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
4) Right to develop lands and natural resources 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
5) Right to safe and clean water 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
6) Right to claim parts of reservations 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
7) Right to resolve conflict 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
Percentage of respondents who experienced violations of
rights to ancestral domains and lands, by sex
Experienced violations
1) encroachment 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
2) pollution 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
3) illegal entry 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
4) displacement/relocation 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
5) others 1 1 ** **
Expressio Expression
n is faulty is faulty **
Land Use and Land Productivity
Data Requirements Male Femal Both Percentag
e Sexes e
Number of women and men who participated in the development of 1 1 ** **
land use plans and implementation of zoning ordinances (MCW Sec. Expres Expression
24, A.8) sion is is faulty **

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 20

Data Requirement Total Cropland (in Hectar) Male agricultural Female
worker agricultural
Cropland per 10 1 1
agricultural worker,
by sex (ha)
Data Requirement Total Land Land Area Male Female Percentage
area (in occupied by
hectars) Squatters (in
% of total land area occupied 1000 300 200 100 30%
by squatters, by sex
Fertilizer and Pesticides Use

Data Requirements Y/N List down PPA

Promotion of the use of organic fertilizer in food production (MCW Sec.
23, B. 9 g)
Solid Waste Management
Data Requirements Y/N/NA Explain in bulleted list
Eliminated proportion of the population which practice open
defecation from 8 percent in 2009 to 0 percent in 2016
(Sanitation, Sewerage, Septate; Results Matrices, PDP 2011-
Revenue Performance
Data Requirements (2 years) Total Real property Total Delinquencies Ratio
tax collected (in amount)
Proportion of delinquencies to total real 100000 10000 10%
property tax collected, 2 reference years
Data Requirements (2 years) Total LGU Income Total Ratio
Ratio of financial grants or donations to 1000000 50000 5%
total LGU income, 2 reference years in
previous and present administrations
Real Property Tax
Data Requirements Male Femal Both Percentag
e Sexes e
Number of big taxpayers whose account is 80% of tax revenues, by 1 1 ** **
sex Expres Expression
sion is is faulty **
Data Requirements Male Female Both Sexes Total Listed Ratio
Delinquen Delinquen taxpayers
t t
Taxpayers Taxpayers
Proportion of delinquent real property 10 15 35 100 35%
taxpayers to total listed taxpayers,
by sex
Capacity Development
Data Requirements Y/N No. of Title of Trainings: in Year
Training bulleted list
LGUs conducting capacity building programs to strengthen
Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 21
womens qualifications and performance to compete for
third level positions (MCW-IRR Sec. 14 A)
Number of LGUs with trained officials and staff (by region,
by type of training) on mandatory training on gender and
human rights (MCW-IRR Sec. 12 C.)
Government personnel, including appointing authorities,
LCEs and those in executive managerial positions trained on
gender and human rights, particularly on the cycle of
continuum of violence, counseling and trauma healing
(MCW-IRR Sec. 12 C)
Number of trainings that include topics on womens self-
confidence, advocacy and negotiation skills, over total
number of trainings conducted
Number of trainings that include topics on womens self-
confidence, advocacy and negotiation skills, over total
number of trainings conducted
Number of trainings conducted in places where women
gather (e.g. markets) conducted, 2 years
Number of programs implemented to improve the
productivity of women, 2 years
Accessibility of LGU-sponsored or conducted training
programs for women constituents in the past 3 years
Number of training programs using information and
communication technology (including television, interactive
video- conferencing and satellite transmissions), to deliver
courses to large number of women in both urban and rural
locations, conducted 2 years
Number of trainings that integrate positive role concepts
about women in its programs, 2 years
Number of legal literacy trainings for women conducted, 2
Number of trainings and workshops conducted on the
promotion and protection of womens human rights,
economic rights and gender sensitivity, 2 years
Number of trainings and orientations on Sexual Harassment
Law and Domestic Violence conducted, 2 years
Number of gender-sensitive trainings for LGU officials,
NGOs and the private sector, conducted, 2 years
Number of trainings conducted and/or awareness raising
campaigns on the importance of womens full and equal
participation in leadership positions, 2 years
Number of decision-makers and implementers who attended
Gender Sensitivity Trainings or orientations, 2 years
Number of trainings or orientations conducted on
awareness-raising on gender concerns and public sector
unionism for government officials and employees, 2 years
Number of GAD-related activities conducted (such as
gender sensitivity training, gender analysis, gender-
responsive planning, GAD budgeting, gender
mainstreaming, and continuous GAD capability-building,
awareness-raising on GAD issues and concerns, and other
GAD-related and sector- specific training), 2 years
Presence of partnerships for capacity development on GAD,
2 years
Data Requirements Y/N Total Number of Perce
Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 22
Female Female ntage
Population Participate
Percentage of women representation in LDCs and local 2000 1 0%
special bodies (MCW-IRR Sec. 14 B)
Presidential Agrarian Reform Council (PARC) and its local 2000 1 0%
counterparts like the Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating
Committee (PARCCOM) and Barangay Agrarian Reform
Committee (BARC) (MCW-IRR Sec. 28 A.1)
Percentage of women members in community-based 2000 1 0%
resource management bodies or mechanisms on forest
management stewardship
Percentage of women members in the National Agriculture 2000 1 0%
and Fishery Council (NAFC) and its regional and local
counterparts (MCW-IRR Sec. 28 A.4)
Capability-building and leadership formation programs as 2000 1 0%
well as affirmative action measures implemented to enable
grassroots to women leaders to effectively participate in the
decision and policy-making bodies in the respective sectors
(MCW-IRR Sec. 28 A)
Number and type of capability building, leadership formation 2000 1 0%
programs and affirmative action measures developed to
enable grassroots women leaders to effectively participate in
the decision and policy-making bodies in their respective
sectors (MCW-IRR Sec. 28 A)
Percentage of women in the Local Housing Boards (MCW-IRR 2000 1 0%
Sec. 28 A.7)
Percentage of women representation in LDCs and local 2000 1 0%
special bodies (MCW-IRR Sec.14 B 1-2)
Proportion of women-members in political parties 2000 1 0%
Percent of women candidates and share in national and local 2000 1 0%
elective positions (CORE GAD)
Ratio of LDC-member non-government organizations and 2000 1 0%
peoples organizations per capita, past and present
Ratio of non-LDC member NGOs and POs to total civil society 2000 1 0%
organizations operating in the locality
Presence of local government-assigned desks or other 2000 1 0%
support mechanisms for NGOs or POs or private sector
Presence of feedback mechanism to generate citizens views 2000 1 0%
on the reach and quality of services and development
Leadership and membership in labor unions, cooperatives Male Female Both Sexes
and peasant organizations, by sex

Data Requirements No. Women Total Latest Percentag

Registered Voters elections e
Percentage of women registered voters to total voters, 2 50 100 2010-2013 0.5
Data Requirements No. Women No. of Latest Percentag
who Voted actual Elections e
Percentage of women who voted to total number of actual 50 100 2010-2013 0.5
voters, 2 elections

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 23

Data Requirements No. Total No. Latest Percentag
Women of Elections e
Candidate candidat
s es
Percentage of women candidates to total number of 50 100 2010-2013 0.5
candidates, 2 elections
Data Requirements No. of Total No. Latest
Women of Elections
who won Elected
in the Officials
Percentage of women candidates who won to total number of 20 100 2010-2013 0.2
elected local officials, 2 elections
Development Orientation
Data Requirements Number Pls. Specify
Number and type of repealed ordinances
and policies discriminatory to women
(MCW-IRR Sec. 15)
Number of Ordinances and policies with
discriminatory provisions repealed and
amended by LGU (MCW-IRR Sec. 15 C)
Number of consultations with womens
groups conducted in the review of laws and
local ordinances with discriminatory
provisions. (MCW-IRR Sec. 15 C)
Number of GAD-responsive policies such as
GAD Code and local code for children, 2
Number of anti-VAW ordinances and other
measures enacted, 2 years
Number of discriminatory ordinances and
practices that were withdrawn or cancelled,
2 years
Number of gender-responsive economic
policies passed and programs and services
on labor, wages, occupational health and
safety, micro-insurance, social protection,
etc. implemented
Number of advocacy campaigns conducted
on womens participation in top
level/decision-making positions, 2 years
Number of protective ordinances for
women workers passed, 2 years
Number of complaints on sexual
harassment at the workplace
addressed/resolved, 2 years
Data Requirements Y/N State the Details

Presence of GAD/women-responsive structure (e.g.

Committee on Decorum and Investigation, Council for the
Protection of Children in Barangays/Municipality, Sanggunian
Committee on Women, Children and Family, GAD focal
point/persons, Local Commission on Women)
Peace and Development
Data Requirements Y/N Total Female/org. Perce

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 24

Female Members ntage
Populatio participatio
n n
Women members in peace panels (MCW-IRR 32. A) 2000 1
Full participation of grassroots women organizations ensured 2000 1
in implementing UNSC resolutions on women, peace, and
security (MCW-IRR Sec. 32 A.1)
Women and womens organizations participating in 2000 1
discussions and decision- making in the peace process (MCW-
IRR Sec. 32 B)
Womens participation in local peace councils tasked to 2000 1
recommend policies and programs on peace issues in the
Women participating in local peace councils (MCW-IRR Sec. 32 2000 1
Women and womens organizations participating in 2000 1
indigenous system of conflict resolution (MCW-IRR Sec. 32 D)
Data Requirements Y/N List down
Policy and guidelines ensuring womens participation and
decision-making in peace processes including women
membership in peace panels (MCW-IRR Sec. 32 A)
Indigenous systems of conflict resolution recognizing and
supporting womens role in conflict-prevention, management,
resolution and peacemaking
Community-based conflict resolution structures
institutionalized where women play critical roles (MCW-IRR
Sec. 32 D.1)
Community-based conflict resolution structures
institutionalized (MCW-IRR Sec. 32 D.1)
Awards and incentives system recognizing grassroots women
of their exemplary achievements in peace building (MCW-IRR
Sec. 32 D.2)
Measures for the protection of civilians in conflict prevention
management (MCW-IRR Sec. 32 E)
Provision of minimum initial service including breastfeeding
facilities, adequate water and sanitation facilities, services
addressing needs of adolescents and family planning) (MCW-
IRR Sec. 32 E)
Policy instruments crafted and mechanisms established to
resolve/settle land disputes (Peace and Security, Results
Matrices, PDP 2011-2016)
Policy instruments on good and transparent governance
implemented (SGH; PCF) (Peace and Security, Results
Matrices, PDP 2011- 2016)
Transparency and Accountability mechanisms in conflict-
affected areas (CAAs) implemented (Peace and Security,
Results Matrices, PDP 2011-2016)
More households and communities in CAAs are benefited by State no. of
conditional cash transfers, Community-Driven Development Household/community
(CDD) projects and community livelihood (Peace and Security, Beneficiaries
Results Matrices, PDP 2011-2016)

GAD Database
Data Requirements Y/N/NA Enumerate Type of database
Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 25
system tool: Manual or Electronic

Presence of a functional GAD Databases (MCW-IRR Sec. 37 D)

Pro-GAD ver.01 Page 26

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