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Why HHO Works

by Danny T Wilder

Firstly, I’d like to state that I’ve been a car mechanic since 1978. I have studied
all fields of physics on my own since then as well. Plus, I have a degree in
computer engineering technology. Basically, I’m not some newbie to these

Combining hydrogen and oxygen in the combustion chamber of an internal

combustion engine creates water vapor. Actually, the burning of hydrocarbon,
like gasoline, creates water vapor as well. This is significant, as I will explain.

Also, hydrogen burns about 100 times faster than octane (gasoline). Knowing
these two things can help you understand why HHO will increase your gas

Before I go on, let’s acknowledge the debunkers. Many people will tell you that
the energy you put into separating the hydrogen and oxygen (electrolysis) offsets
the energy you gain when the elements are recombined in the combustion
chamber. In other words, they say that the amount of energy you get from
burning the HHO is less than what it takes to create the HHO. Well, they are
right. (Huh?) What they don’t consider is the mechanical energy gained by the
creation of the water.

The primary function of an internal combustion engine is to convert heat energy

into mechanical energy. As the elements burn in the combustion chamber, the
gasses expand and create a force that pushes the piston and turns the
crankshaft. In a physics course, you might be taught that an internal combustion
engine is 33% efficient. This means that one third of the energy created by the
burn is converted to mechanical energy. The rest goes out as heat – about one
third out the tail pipe, and about one third out the cooling system. This is
considered ‘waste’ energy. In reality, the energy efficiency of most modern car
engines is between 25 and 30 percent, depending on its design. A poorly
running engine might be 20 percent or less.
Now let’s consider the microseconds during the combustion of our mixture of
HHO, octane, and air. (Before you get upset, I know that gasoline isn’t pure
octane.) The air is only 21 percent oxygen, at best. When ignition first starts, the
HHO will combine into water before the octane burns. This means that the water
is available while the octane is burning. As the octane burns, the water will
absorb the heat and expand, which increases the amount of heat energy that
gets converted to mechanical energy. This is what we want in an internal
combustion engine – heat energy converted to mechanical energy. In other
words, this process is taking some of the heat that would normally become waste
and converting it to mechanical energy. This means that less gasoline is needed
to create the same amount of mechanical energy – the engine becomes more

It’s like we’re going back to the old steam engine, but instead of heating the
steam externally, we’re heating it within the combustion chamber. This is why
engines that burn pure hydrogen are about 40 to 45 percent efficient.

As a side note: I remember in the late ‘70s when turbo chargers were becoming
popular on sports cars. The biggest problem with these devices was that they
would overheat because they ran off of the exhaust fumes. Well, Renault came
up with a way to inject water in the combustion chamber when the turbo would
kick in. The result would be a cooler exhaust that wouldn’t burn up the turbo
charger. However, they discovered a side benefit of increased engine efficiency
because the water converted the heat to mechanical energy. (The article’s writer
played this down, as though it wasn’t significant.) This system never caught on,
because of the need to store in the vehicle pure water that could freeze up and
aid in corrosion. In fact, this is the major problem with HHO systems.

Another side note: An HHO add-on would probably not make a turbine engine
more efficient. Turbine engines can be as high as 60% efficient. With that said,
much of the research in creating hydrogen engines is being done with turbine
engines. Steam engines?

Finally, I’d like to say that adding too much HHO to your internal combustion
engine can actually decrease its efficiency, because too much water in the
combustion chamber can cool the burn too much. This varies depending on the
engine design.

Well, I hope this little lesson has helped you understand why HHO makes your
engine more efficient, and therefore saves on gasoline use.

On the next two pages, you will find a simple design for a pulse width modulator
to drive your HHO system.
Simple Pulse Width Modulator
by Danny T Wilder

This circuit is not the most stable in the world, but it’s probably the easiest to make. The
resistor and capacitor values here will give a frequency of about 900Hz, which will
provide good performance for an HHO cell.
The MOSFETS can be just about any size. I suggest the IRF540. Allied Electronics has
these for about 70 cents each. These are rated at 40 amps and by putting 2 in the circuit,
they can share the load. I definitely recommend heat sinks if you’re pushing more than 1
amp. You should put a fan on them if you’re going more than 5 amps.

The next page shows a circuit board layout (it’s not to scale) and a silk screen overlay for
this circuit. I added a power LED indicator to it. This design only requires a single sided

God bless.

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