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Christine Phillimore

Abstract: What is coaching? Differences between coaching,

mentoring, and training; The benefits of coaching; Skills
neededquestioning, listening, observation, building
rapport, giving feedback; Structuring a coaching session;
Choosing the appropriate style; Coaching individuals or
teams; Dealing with possible difficult situations

Keywords: appropriate style, definition, key skills, possible

difficult situations, structure

Coaching has currently become very fashionable in the

business world, with claims that it is the answer to al-
most everything. Coaches are appearing virtually every-
where, from different backgrounds and with a variety
of styles. However, coaching has been around for a very
long time in its purest form. So, what exactly is it? How
did it develop? And how is it different from other work-
ing tools?
Coaching first appeared in the 1990s as a recognizable
business specialism, where people were encouraged to
take responsibility for improving their own skills. The
origin of the term lies as far back as the 1830s when it was
the slang term for a tutor at Oxford University. Coaching
Christine Phillimore, developed with greater use in the sporting world where
Training Consultant, Enlighten.
the coach gave specific guidance to improve specific
Following a successful career skills and allowed players to develop ways of incorporat-
education, Christine became a
ing them in their game. This was based on the idea that
freelance trainer. Focused and
well-read, she has worked in Uganda, sports people had the necessary experience to put things
Israel, and South Africa as well as in into practice themselves after the initial intervention.
England and several European nations. Many organizations, managers, and leaders now real-
Christine has conducted training ize that coaching forms a vital element of performance
courses in Communication Skills enhancement. Increasingly employees are also accept-
and Business Writing Skills. Clients ing the value of coaching and are even requesting it for
include GSK, PIMCO, Addaction, the
NHS, various universities, and the
their own development. It is recognized as a valuable
armed forces in the U.K., the U.S., two-way relationship, conferring considerable benefit
and Germany. on both the organization and employee.

What Is Coaching?
Coaching is largely conducted on a one-to-one basis,
although teams can be coached together. Its main aim
is to support an individual in building on current skills

Expert Insights 1

to improve performance, raising an aware- process of offering detailed advice and is

ness of their own skills and devising a goal solution driven by the mentor.
that is achievable and realistic. With a good Coaching is not directive nor is it impos-
relationship between the two people in- ing the coachs own ideas and solutions on
volved, it can lead to better working links the other person. A successful coach does
as well as enhanced competencies. It is vi- not have to have experience of a persons
tal that discussions are open and honest specific role. One of the most successful
with the appropriate support and encour- Team GB rowing coaches, Jurgen Grobler,
agement from the coach. The focus does had no experience of rowing at such a high
not always need to be solely on one topic competitive level. What he did possess was
but can be wide-ranging. There is the op- the insight and knowledge to motivate row-
tion for the program to be a one-off or a ers to dramatically improve their skills and
series of meetings. Through effective ques- success. He provided a different, fresh per-
tioning techniques, the coach can enable spective. Effective coaching is not about
the person being coached to identify their telling people what to do; it does not in-
own goals and their means of getting there, volve telling others what the solution is.
without being judgmental. Gaining com- Coaching focuses on the present and
mitment is likewise important. It is not an does not look back to examine past situa-
opportunity to offer advice or suggest the tions. This is counselling, which seeks to
coachs own solution. Rather it is a chance investigate previous events, often very per-
to explore the thoughts of the coachee and sonal issues, to search what happened and
thus draw out that persons own answers. why. Coaching does not ignore the past;
its focus is on the present and what can be
What Are the Differences between done differently in the future. Successful
Coaching, Mentoring, and Training? coaches help people achieve their own re-
While they have much in common, coach- alistic goals, based not solely on knowledge
ing differs from mentoring in that mentor- but on an awareness of what changes an in-
ing allows a person to follow the specific dividual can make. These coaches know the
advice of a more experienced colleague processes to assist changes in a persons be-
who has a greater depth of knowledge and havior. Dwelling on what is already known,
expertise to pass on. They do not neces- the coachees natural strengths, this can be
sarily have to have the same background used as a springboard to move forward. It
or experience as the person who is being places the responsibility on the person be-
mentored. Indeed they may work for an- ing coached to achieve the desired results,
other organization altogether. Often this with support and some guidance but not
affords the opportunity to explore a situa- direction, which is simply dictating what
tion in an unfettered way and allows peo- needs to be done.
ple to ask what might be considered too Teaching and training consist of impart-
obvious a question. This can be very lib- ing a particular body of knowledge, often
erating as this may be exactly the question in a very structured way in a specific pe-
that needs to be posed. Like coaching, this riod of time. It is driven by the trainer or
could be a one-off discussion or a series teacher and depends on their effective-
of meetings. Like coaching, it can be for- ness and the aptitude of the learner to
mal or informal. Coaching contrasts with assimilate thesubject. It is not usually tai-
mentoring because in coaching the greater lored to the individual needs of that per-
emphasis is on individuals taking respon- son since it more often involves a group
sibility for their own development, profes- or class, many of whom have been sent or
sional and personal. Mentoring is more a told to attend.

2 Expert Insights

The Benefits of Coaching origin is unclear but they are used by or-
A prime aim of coaching is to instill aware- ganizations such as the British police force
ness and responsibility. It requires the and Border Agency. Using them can cre-
careful use of questions to enable people ate a more comfortable environment as it
to see the way forward and work out their does not then seem like an interrogation.
own goals. If people reach their own solu- Examples of this are:
tions, they are more likely to devise rel- Tell me more about ...
evant and realistic ways of reaching their Explain what you did.
objective, specific to their own situation. Describe what happened.
This will increase commitment as the goal These can also be extended by adding PIE
has not been imposed by another person. statements, beginning with precisely. In
Other benefits can be increased confi- detail and exactly, different types of clar-
dence and self-sufficiency. People will start ifying and probing questions that do not
to set more accurate targets, achievable start with an interrogative word. These
within their role. allow deeper examination of what has
been said and make the goal-setting and
Skills NeededQuestioning, Listening, decision-making process more precise.
Observation, Building Rapport, Giving By exploring closely what has been said,
Feedback the coach can see more realistically and
clearly the level of commitment and de-
The essential skills of a successful coach gree of knowledge involved. It also shows
include questioning, listening, good obser- that the coach has been paying close atten-
vation, building rapport, being nonjudg- tion to what has been said.
mental, and giving objective feedback. Leading questions should be avoided as
Establishing trust and openness is vital and they too often result in ideas being put for-
the discussion needs to follow the agenda ward that are the coachs, not the coachee.
of the coachee, not the coach. A major con- Some people call them guiding questions
sideration is also time, which can be dif- but again it is important to establish who
ficult to organize during the working day, is guiding whom, and in what direction.
especially if it is to be on a regular basis. Effective guiding questions address the
heart of the matter and are open-ended
Questioning to allow the coachee to explore their own
The use of questions needs to be ideas. They need to have intellectual bite
wide-ranging, not just open and closed. and will probably elicit further questions.
Open questions that start with the interrog- Another name for this type of question is
ative words Who, What, Where, Why, When, Socratic, designed to develop critical think-
Which and How can allow the individual ing, based on the work of Dr. Richard Paul
to answer in more detail. The assumption of the Foundation for Critical Thinking.
here is that the replier wants to talk; they Such questions might be Why did you say
may not. These questions can be too wide that?, What would be an alternative to do-
in their scope. Closed questions can give ing that? and How would that affect your
a precise answer or reduce the breadth of future actions?
the discussion, and like the name suggests, Rhetorical questions might have a use,
close down the conversation. if only to make people think. An example
Better questions to ask are those prob- is when Shylock in The Merchant of Venice
ing or clarifying ones that have become asks: If you prick us, do we not bleed?
known as TED, statements beginning with He does not require an answer but is us-
the words Tell, Describe or Explain. Their ing the question to persuade people of his

Expert Insights 3

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