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Joshua Bratager

2nd Period
Honors Patient Diet Analysis

Patient # ___004____

Example Diet RDA

(examples of each
category from your
patients diet)

Calories 2,770 2,800

Hamburger and 281-406 grams

% Carbohydrates
chicken nuggets

Hamburger, fries, 30%

% Fat

Steak and canned corn .3g per kilogram of

% Protein
body weight

Sodium Fries and nachos 2300 mg

Calcium Nachos 1000 mg

Patient Information Recommended Averages

Glucose 200 mg/dL 70-80 mg/dL

Protein 6.7 g/dL 6-8.3 g/dL

LDL 200 100-129

HDL 25 40-60

Triglycerides 190 Less than 150

Total Cholesterol 225 Less than 200

Continued Analysis Paragraph

In my Patient Diet Analysis I learned a lot of things about whats important with nutrition and your diet. For
example, my patient is consuming Pepsi and Gatorade daily. He has Gatorade twice a day and Pepsi once.
This combined equals 530 calories. That is a very large amount and can easily be cut out by drinking water.
When you drink water you stay hydrated and full of energy for the entire day and help you to not be dehydrated
during swim. My patients calories were 30 less than the recommended amount so this was a very good value.
The recommended LDL amount is 100-129. My patients amount is 200 which is significantly more. The
recommended HDL amount is greater than 40-60. My patients amount is 25 which is much less. The
recommended for Triglyceride is less than 150. My patient's amount is 190 which is a lot more. These three
amounts are talking about cholesterol levels. Therefore, because these levels are nowhere near where they
should be the cholesterol level is too high. It is important to consume less fatty foods in order to lower the
levels. If the levels stay high then it is very possible to have heart issues in the future. Another way to lower
Joshua Bratager
2nd Period
these levels is to exercise more often. Instead of working out only 5 times a week, you can do more moderate
exercises to ensure that you are being active every single day. Lastly, you should cut back on calories from
saturated fat. These are the bad fats that can be found in butter, cheese, ice cream, and many other things.
Like I said earlier, simply drinking water instead of Pepsi and Gatorade can make such a significant difference.
The last thing I want to include is how to increase fiber intake. You can do this by consuming by consuming
grains and cereals. Right now, my patient does not have breakfast. But if they start consuming cereals and
fibers then their health will benefit greatly. That concludes my continued analysis paragraph about my patients
health. Hopefully you will take into account my research and use it to benefit yourself and your overall health.

Coleman, Erin N/A. "The Recommended Amount & Percent of Carbohydrates Per Day." Healthy Eating.
Studio D, n/a. Web. 27 Sept. 2016.

"Increasing Fiber Intake." UCSF Medical Center. Ed. Health Care Specialists. UCSF Medical Center, n/a.
Web. 27 Sept. 2016.

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