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IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)

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A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X


Naumov I.V.1, Savina N.V.2, Yamshchikova I. V.3, Shevchenko M. V.4
Amur State University
Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Far Eastern State Agrarian University

The paper is concerned with the results of studies on the impact ofphase current unbalance in a 0.38 kV electrical
network on an increase in active power losses that cause fires. The results of measurements and calculations of
additional power losses due to unbalanced currents and fire activity in the Irkutsk region are analyzed. A technical
device is proposed to reduce the current unbalance with the aim to decrease fire risk.
Keywords:current unbalance, additional thermal losses, fire risk, material damage, balancing device.

Objectively existing unbalance of phase currents in 0.38 kV electrical networks not only distortspower quality but also
increases additional heat losses due to three zero-sequence currents drawn in the neutral conductor. This leads to a
considerable conductor overheating, damage of insulation layer, and, consequently, emergence of one-phase short
circuits. Circuit breakers installed in the distribution switchboardsof premises are not always checked for sensitivity to
the impact of minimum short-circuit currents. Therefore, when they occur, thermal tripping devices do not operate,
which causes fires in thesepremises. Thus, the development of technical means to decrease unbalanced currents in low-
voltage electrical networks as well as the methods of their control is of crucial importance to ensure the safety of people
and animals, and minimize damage caused by fires.

THE GOAL OF THE STUDY isto analyze the dynamics and consequences of fires on the example of the Irkutsk
region, and to develop technical means for reducing the possibility of their emergence.

THE OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY areto reveal cause and effect of fires and develop special devices to reduce the
possibility of their emergence.


The 0.38 kW electrical networks operate in the conditions of considerable unbalance of phase currents, which
deteriorates power quality and causes additional power losses. This is considered in detail in many studies [1,2,3].
The unbalance of phase currents in the considered electrical networks is caused by a non-uniform nature of one-phase
electric load connections in a three-phase network, open-phase branches, and probabilistic nature of one-phase load
In this case, additional thermal losses in the 0.38 kW network under the unbalanced load are characterized by the
power loss factor [1]:
1 22i 02i
R1 , (1)
R ,R
where 2i and 0i , respectively,negative and zero sequence current unbalance factors; 0 1 - resistances of zero and
positive sequence sections of the network, respectively.

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 10

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

Under the same cross-section of phase and neutral conductors ofan overhead 0.38 kV line the ratio for the line
R0 R1 4 . Then expression (1) is transformed into the following:

1 22i 4 02i
. (2)

Hence, the magnitude

is more affected by factor 0i and much less by factor 2i . Negative sequence current
0,3 [2].
will have noticeable influence on at a value of 2i
We have performed numerous studies on operation of0.38 kW rural networks in the Irkutsk region (1990-2015),
Leningrad region (1986-1989), Germany (2005) and Mongolia (2006-2014) [3, 4, 5]. An analysis of the findings
indicates that the power loss factor varies in a rather wide range, depending on the length of transmission lines feeding
the unbalanced load, capacities of this load, as well as territorial features that influence the electrical network
configuration. The time diagram of power loss factor variation for one of the transmission lines, 450 km long, going
from a 400 kVA transformation substation in the Irkutsk region can be considered as an example. The time of
monitoring is the first decade of October, 2015.

Fig.1. Time diagram of variation in power loss factor in the network with residential load (the Irkutsk region)

An analysis of the presented diagram shows that an average value of the power loss factor makes up 1.76, i.e. active
power losses in the unbalanced conditions exceedby 76% the respective losses caused by the positive sequence currents
According to the design conditions the conductor cross-section is chosen by the operating current and checked by
heating, for this current not to exceed the admissible value for this cross-section for a long time, i.e. the cross-section is
chosen with an assumption that factorKP =1. At the same time the choice of cross-section never takes into account the
zero sequence currents running through the neutral conductor in the 0.38 kW network. Thus, firstly, the cross-section
of the conductor to be chosen is artificially understated, and, secondly, the rated parameters of a circuit breaker
protecting this line will also be chosen wrongly because it is also chosen according to the operating current. Moreover,
the residential consumers (particularly those form the old buildings) that are connected to the 0.38 kV networks and
that create these flows have indoor wirings in which the cross-section of a neutral conductor is often smaller than the
cross-section of a phase one. As a result in the objectively unbalanced conditions three zero sequence currents that run
through the neutral conductor lead to overheating and respective damage of insulation. The latter results in one-phase
short circuits.And if a circuit breaker at the main sectionis chosen in a wrong way, in case of short circuit at a remote
section of the network, the protection device often doesnot operate. This causes fire in rural areas, including cottage
areas, horticultural areas, and in urban flats and some agricultural and industrial premises. An analysis of literature on
the occurrence of fires in residential and agricultural premises shows that the main reasons for the fires are overloads
and short circuits [6,7,8]. None of the sources, however, considers the neutral conductor overloading due to
unbalanced phase currents as a reason for fires. Moreover, it is worth noting that the measures, methods and technical
devices developed to reduce the unbalanced current and voltage have never been considered as means to prevent fires.
Therefore, we for the first time suggest the use of balancing devices as a way to prevent fire-hazard conditions.

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IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

Let us consider the dynamics of fire occurrence in the Irkutsk region. We will analyze the fires and their consequences
in the Irkutsk region in 2000-2014 (data for 10 months of 2014) in the urban and rural areas. The fires in the urban
area include fires in cities and urban-type settlements; fires in the rural area include fires in villages,railway
stations,siding lines,railway hauls, outside the territory of populated settlements, shift camps, populated settlements at
railway stations [9].
According to the data of Chief Administration of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation in
the Irkutsk region [10] the total number of fires in this period made up 70246 (Fig.2). Out of them, the fires caused by
violation of the Regulations on the Installation and Operation of Electrical Equipment(VRIOEE) accounted for 15131,
which made up 21.5% of the total number of fires.
An analysis of dynamics of these fires by year of the studied period shows that the largest number of fires was observed
in 2002, 9%, and the smallest number occurred in 10 monthsof 2014, 4% of the total number of fires. At the same time
the quantity of fires for the reason of improperoperation and choice of protection devices was the greatest in 2000
(9.3% of all the fires for this reason, and 2% of the total number of fires) and the least in 10 months of 2014 (5.1% and
1.1%, respectively).

Fig.2. Time diagram of variation in the number of fires in the Irkutsk region

The share of fires due to violation of the Regulations [12] by year made up:in 2000 - 24.3%; 2001 23%; 2002
19.5%; 2003 18.2%; 2004 17.7%; 2005 17.9%; 2006 18.2%; 2007 19.1%; 2008 21.2%; 2009 23.5%;
2010 25.2%; 2011 23.6%; 2012 25.9%; 2013 27% and in 2014 28.24 %. The presented data show that
despite the total reduction in the number of fires over the studied period, the share of fires for the reason of improper
operation and choice of protection devices at some reduction in 2000-2005 (by 6.6 %),steadily increasesstarting in
2005 and grows by 4% in 2014 compared to the data of 2000. Let us consider in more detail the dynamics of fires due
to VRIOEE in the urban and rural areas in the considered period in the Irkutsk region (Figs. 3,4).

The main causes of fires, included in the list of causes due to the violations of Regulations on Installation and
Operation of Electrical Equipment by the Ministry of Emergency Situations are:
1) NFiC- fault in construction and manufacture of electrical equipment;
2) NIIEE.-improper installation of electrical equipment;
3) NIOEE.improper operation of electrical equipment;
4) NAF.-actionable fire at operation of domestic appliances;
5) NIOEC.-improper operation and choice of protection devices of the electrical networks;
6) NOTHER.-other causes.

It is worth noting that the indicated causes are rather conventional since the accurate establishment of reasons of fires
caused by improper operation of choice of protection devices is quite complicated. Therefore, the understated cross-
section of neutral conductor as well as a wrong choice of protection device can be included in the list of the indicated
fire reasons. Moreover,according to the diagrams, the other causes were included in the list only in 2009.

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 12

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

Fig. 3. Dynamics of variation in the number of fires in the urban area

Fig.4. Dynamics of variation in the number of fires in the rural area

An analysis of relationships demonstrated the following. The total number of fires for reasons 2, 3, and 4 decreases in
2014. Compared to the beginning of 2000 this reduction made up: for reason 2 - 91% in the urban area,and 62.6% in
the rural area; for reason 4 - 92.7% in the urban area, and 63.7% - in the rural area. However, a steady growth inthe
number of fires is observed due to reason 1: by 84.3%- for cities; and by 94% - for rural area. The number of fires for
the reasons of improper operation and choice of protection devices remains almost the same, particularly for the rural
area. And, eventually, the last cause(6), related to the VRIOEE, that has nospecific relation to the above
violations,indicates to a steady growth in fires recorded since 2009. For example, for the urban area such a rise (from
2009 to November of 2014) made up about 56%, and for rural area 64%.Increase in the fire danger due to improper
operation of electrical facilitiesor inadmissible overload of a neutral conductor results in extensive material damage
and, first of all, higher accidents, as well as deaths of people and animals. Figures 5, 6 present consequences of fires in
the urban and rural areas of the Irkutsk region. The figures illustrate: Ndead p. registered dead people; Ninj.p.- number of
injured people; Ndead cat. number of dead cattle; Ndead small cat number of small catll.

Fig. 5. Dynamics of fire consequences in the urban area

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 13

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

Fig. 6. Dynamics of fire consequences in the rural area

The analysis of obtained dependences shows that the total number of dead people for the studied period amounted to
926 people, including 583 in the urban area and 343 in the rural area. The number of injured people totaled 774 people,
including 587 in the urban areas and 187 in the rural areas . The total number of lostcattle in towns and villages
reached 231 and 262 animals, respectively. As is seen from the analysis, the fires that occurred during the studied
period led to drastic consequences: deaths of people and animals, and considerable material damage.The direct
material damage caused by VRIOEE for the studied period (Fig.7) amounted to 772777 rubles, of which 570630 rubles
in the urban area and 202147 rubles in the rural area.

The use of balancing devices is a real way to reduce fire hazards because of decrease in the power flows of zero
sequence at the phase current unbalance [3]. Their installation at the incoming switchgears of the urban and rural
premises will considerably decrease a power loss factor and hence, prevent the most severe fire consequences.Thus,
decrease in the zero sequence currents flowing through the neutral conductor will make it possible to substantially
reduce the power loss factor and decrease the probability of fire to a great extent. To achieve this we propose the use of
a balancing device with controlled parameters. The device can both decrease phase current unbalance and control zero
sequence flows and hence, minimize energy losses in the device itself in the conditions of minimum current unbalance

Fig 7. Dynamics of change in direct material damage in the urban and rural settlements as a result of fires

a) b)

Fig. 8. Scheme of the balancing device () and scheme of automatic control of its parameters (b)

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 14

IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

First power stage of balancing device Second power stage of balancing device Third power stage of balancing device
km. The balancing device for three-phase networks with neutral conductor consists of three three-phase
electromagnetic devices with the counter zigzag connectedwindings which have three phase leads and one neutral lead.
In this case each phase lead is intended for connection to the phase network conductors and the neutral lead to the
neutral conductor. Each three-phase electromagnetic device forms one power stage of the balancing device.
The first three-phase electromagnetic device is activated at the first power stage. The device power increases with
the rising current and voltage unbalance. This is achieved by connection of one or two additional three-phase
electromagnetic devicesto the electrical network. The maximum power of the device is determined by its parameters
which can be calculated by the technique descried in [13]. The suggested device is fully disconnected from the
network, when the current in the neutral conductor reaches a minimum value corresponding to the admissible value of
current and voltage unbalance in accordance with the State Standard 32144-2013.
Thus, the device power is self-controlled as a function of the neutral conductor current and parameters of the
suggested device change depending on the level of current unbalance in the 0.38 kV network at the present instant of

The presented analysis convincingly provesthat unbalance of the phase currents which induces additional heat losses is
a cause of the neutral conductor overheating and the corresponding single-phase and then three-phase short circuits,
resulting in ignitions and relevant negative consequences. Therefore, special balancing devices which automatically
control zero sequence flows should be installed at the incoming switchgears of the urban and rural premises. This is a
reliable means to prevent fires.

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[2] Kosoukhov F.D. Power and voltage losses in the 0.38 kV rural networks with open-phase branches from the three-
phase transmission line // Mechanization and electrification of agriculture. - 1985. No. 2. P. 30-32. (in Russian)
[3] Naumov I.V. Optimization of unbalanced conditions of a rural power supply system.Theoretical conclusions /
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[6] Melnikov S. Major causes of fire hazard of wiring systems.
[7] Jonathan H. Ward - 2015 - Technology & Engineering.
[8] Jesse Roman. ... New Fires, New Tactics, January February 2015.
[9] Naumov I.V. Effect of the phase current unbalance in the 0.38 kV rural distribution networks on fire hazard in the
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[10] Information letter of Chief Directorate of the MES for the Irkutsk region of November 27, 2014. No. 2-8-12-
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[11] MDC 21-1.98 Prevention of fire spreading. Textbook to Construction codes and regulations 21-01-97 Fire
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[12] Naumov I.V. A balancing device for three-phase networks with neutral conductor / Naumov I.V., Ivanov D.A.,
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[13] Naumov I.V. Choice of parameters of balancing devices in the 0.38 kV distribution networks / Naumov I.V.,
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Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 15
IPASJ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IIJEE)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 ISSN 2321-600X

Naumov Igor Vladimirovich:Honored Worker of higher education of the Russian Federation, professor
at the Chair of Energy at the Amur State University, Dr.Sci.,professor.Academician of the Russian
Academy of Natural Sciences, Senior Member of IEEE. The scientific interests include studies on power
quality and losses in electrical networks, forecasting of electrical network expansion and reliability of
power supply to consumers. I.V. Naumov is the author and co-author of 200 scientific papers.

Savina Natalia Viktorovna:Honorary Worker of higher education of the Russian Federation, vice-
rector for academic affairs at the Amur State University, Head of the Chair of Energy, Dr.Sc.,
professor. The scientific interests includestudies on operating conditions of electric power systems:
Smart Grid, power quality, energy efficiency and energy saving.N.V. Savina is the author and co-
author of more than 150 scientific papers.

Yamshchikova Irina Valentinovna: Honorary Worker of higher education of the Russian Federation;
professor at the Chair of Property Expertise and Management at National Research Irkutsk State
Technical University, PhD in economics, reader. The scientific interests include cost-effectiveness of
investment in energy facilities.I.V. Yamschikova is the author and co-author of more than 100
scientific papers.

Shevchenko Maxim Valerievich:Head of the Chair of Electric Power Industry and

ElectricalEngineering, Head of the Innovative Technology Center Energy Efficient Technologies and
Energy Saving, PhD in agriculture, reader. The scientific interests include the problems of energy
saving and enhancement of energy efficiency of agricultural production plants.M.V. Shevchenko is the
author and co-author of more than 30 scientific papers.

Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2017 Page 16

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