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Final Project

Our baby has Edwards Syndrome, it causes the baby to have a deformed head, organ defects,

short stature, wide spaced eyes, episodes of no breathing and an underdeveloped jaw. Since the

brain will be underdeveloped it will cause the baby to have slowed mental processes


People with this disorder often need special treatment and assistance, our baby can undergo

different surgeries to fix the cosmetic issues and even some of the organs issues. But doing these

surgeries can be dangerous and harmful to the infant. According to the website Disabled World,

most people with Edwards Syndrome need palliative care. Doctors haven't found a way to help

improve the mental state of people with Edwards Syndrome, but they can go through therapy

sessions and special education to help (DisabledWorld).

In order to accommodate our babys needs, we will fence in the fireplace to prevent the baby

from wandering into the fire and we will place foam covers on sharp edges to protect the baby

from injury. The babys room will be next to the parents for easy access in case of emergency

and we will cover the outlets to prevent any electrocution. As parents, we will constantly monitor

the baby to watch for complications, and we will put things high up to protect injury.

Medical Options include providing nasogastric and gastrostomy supplications for feeding

problems, neonatal intensive care management to increase the survival rate, and psychosocial

management which gives support within the hospital and in the community (

Carcinogens and Mutagens are cancer causing substances or substances that change the genetic

code of an organism. An example of a carcinogen and a mutagen in a home would be Lysol.

Lysol can cause a variety of health concerns in a baby or any human being including respiratory
issues, asthma, allergies, and cancer. My plan for reducing exposure to carcinogens and

mutations is to use organic or clean remedies. Possible organic replacement for common

chemicals would be essential oils, baking soda, vinegar and norwex clothes (Mutagens,

Teratogens and Carcinogens).

In 2002, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified extremely low frequency

magnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. I learned from that radiation

exists across a spectrum from high energy to low energy, this is called the electromagnetic

spectrum. Radiation found from Electromagnetic fields are closer to the low energy side of the

spectrum which radiation, like visual light, has so little energy and does not cause cancer and

change our DNA. Extremely low frequency radiation (ELF) is a type of non-ionizing radiation

(NIR) and does not have the energy to directly damage DNA. High levels of the spectrum are

called idolizing ("Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer").

Works Cited

"Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer." National Cancer Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2017.

Mutagens, Teratogens and Carcinogens. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 May 2017.

"Trisomy 18 - Genetics Home Reference." U.S. National Library of Medicine. National Institutes

of Health, n.d. Web. 30 May 2017.

"Trisomy 18 Treatment & Management." Trisomy 18 Treatment & Management: Medical Care,

Surgical Care, Consultations. N.p., 06 Jan. 2017. Web. 30 May 2017.

Weiss, Thomas C. "Edward's Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment." Disabled World.

Disabled World, 23 Mar. 2015. Web. 30 May 2017.

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