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Overview & Purpose

Performance of the variance analysis during the schedule monitoring process is a key element for
time control. Comparing target dates with the actual/forecast start and finish dates provides useful
information for the detection of deviations and for the implementation of corrective solutions in case of

Variance analysis, as used in schedule control, documents the extent of any deviations from planned
dates, surfaces possible causes of variance, as well as potential impacts.

Variance Analysis Worksheet/Template

Document Information:

Category: Template

Pages (excluding cover): 1

Version: 1.0

Updated: July 2004

Variance Analysis Worksheet/Template
Note: Variance Analysis involves comparing actual project results to planned or expected results. Cost and
schedule variances are the most frequently analyzed, but variances from plan in the areas of scope, resource,
quality, and risk are often of equal or greater importance.
Project Name Project Ref. No. Prepared By Date Prepared

Customer Business Unit / Dept. Contact Project Type (STD / ADV)

Reporting Period:
Type of Variance Analyzed:
Cost Variance Resource Variance
Schedule Variance Quality Variance
Scope Variance Risk Variance

Item Analyzed Planned Result Actual Result Amount of Variance

Cause of Variance(s):

Anticipated Impacts:

Planned Corrective Action:

Signature Name/Title: Date:

Signature Name/Title: Date:

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