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1. Kalanatarifard, Amin, and Go Su Yang.

"Identification Of The Municipal Solid Waste

Characteristics And Potential Of Plastic Recovery At Bakri Landfill, Muar, Malaysia".

Journal of Sustainable Development 5.7 (2012)

This journal states that there are two formal types of sampling and analysis methods based

on ASTM D 5231-5292 namely, random truck sampling and quartering. The sampling plan

for this project was according to random truck sampling which was determined by

considering the available facilities and background information of the site location at Bakri

Landfill Muar. The first step is waste characterization which is to obtain the detail

information about the percentage of each individual component in the waste stream.

Method of Waste Characterization, which begins with random sampling based on ASTM.

Next is Proximate analysis consist of moisture content, ash content, volatile matter and fixed

carbon determined by put the selected sample to different range of the temperature, between

100C to 950C. The laboratory methods to measuring the proximate analysis of samples in

this research were carried out based on ASTM standard. This standard determine the

condition of lab analysis such moisture volatile content and ash.

The percent moisture of the MSW samples was determined by weighing 1 kg of the samples

into a pre weighed dish and drying the samples in an oven at 105C to a constant weight

(ASTMD 3173). The percent moisture content (MC) was calculated as a percentage loss in

weight before and after drying. The volatile matter content was determined by the method of

ignition of the sample at 950C. The triplicate samples of MSW material used in the moisture

content determination were weighed and placed in a muffle furnace for 7 minutes at 950C

(ASTMD3175). After combustion, the samples were weighed to determine the ash dry

weight, with volatile solids being the difference between the dried solids and the ash. Lastly

ash content of waste is the non-combustible residue left after waste is burnt, which is

represents the natural substances after carbon, oxygen, sulfur and water. Analysis include of

dried the samples at 750C for 1 hour (ASTMD 3174). Fixed carbon defined by carbon found
in the material which is left after volatile test. Fixed carbon is determined by removing the

mass of volatile from the original mass of the sample.


LANDFILL By Amin Kalantarifard Department of Environmental Engineering, Chonbuk

National University South Korea

This journal states that for sample collection method of random truck sampling was did The

procedure is applicable for collecting the representative municipal solid waste in waste

stream.A random pick up of the garbage bag from arrival waste loads (compactor trucks).

Only MSW compactor trucks are considered into the sample collection. The waste will be

separated according to the selected classification of solid waste components. Sampling and

sorting team will be made up of one field supervisor and six sorters. Individual waste

component and composite samples will be taken back to laboratory for chemical analysis.

The solid waste then sorted and cleaned for next step which for proximate analysis. The

proximate analysis gives the moisture content, the volatile content (when heated to9500 C),

the free carbon remaining at that point and the ash (mineral) in the sample. The analysis was

done as per the ASTM standard method. For Moisture content (ASTM D 3173) the sample

will be dried in a ceramic at 110 0C for 1 hour. The weight and drying process was repeated

until a constant sample weight will be achieved. Next is Ash (ASTM D 3174) the dried

sample will be heated in a ceramic crucible at 750C for 1 hour. Lastly Volatile matter (ASTM

D 3175),the dried sample will be heated at 925C for 7 minute in a cover crucible.

3. Abu-Qudais, Mohd, and Hani A Abu-Qdais. "Energy Content Of Municipal Solid

Waste In Jordan And Its Potential Utilization". Energy Conversion and Management

41.9 (2000): 983-991.

This journal reviews about the MSW in Jordan to estimate the energy content of municipal

solid waste (MSW) generated in Jordan based on its physical composition. The following
steps that are taken are The percent moisture of the MSW samples was determined by

weighing 100 g of the samples into a preweighed dish and drying the samples in an oven at

105C to a constant weight. Then the volatile matter content was determined by the method of

ignition of the sample at 550C. The triplicate samples of MSW material used in the moisture

content determination were weighed and placed in a muffle furnace for 24 h at 5508C. After

combustion, the samples were weighed to determine the ash dry weight.
4. Ahmaruzzaman, M. "Proximate Analyses And Predicting HHV Of Chars Obtained

From Cocracking Of Petroleum Vacuum Residue With Coal, Plastics And Biomass".

Bioresource Technology 99.11 (2008): 5043-5050.

This journal discusses about the cocracking of petroleum residue with coal, plastics and

biomass to characterize the products obtained from cocracking. Basically the proximate

analysis of the char samples were carried out in accordance with ASTM D 3172-73(84)

(1989) standard. The moisture content in test samples was determined according to ASTM D

3173-87 (1989) method in sartorious infrared moisture meter. The volatile matter contents in

the test samples were determined according to ASTM D 3175-

89 (1989) modified method for sparking fuels. Determination of the ash content in the test

samples was carried out according to ASTM D 3174-89 (1989) method in the electric muffle

furnace. The fixed carbon content of the test samples was calculated by difference.
5. Abu-Qudais, Mohd, and Hani A Abu-Qdais. "Energy Content Of Municipal Solid

Waste In Jordan And Its Potential Utilization". Energy Conversion and Management

41.9 (2000): 983-991.

Since there are no standard sampling procedures specified for biomass materials, the samples

were collected with due care to get the most representative samples. The preparation of

samples was carried out in accordance with ASTM D 2013-86. The procedure requires

samples to be in powder form of up to 250 lm grain size. The proximate analysis of samples

were carried out in accordance with ASTM D 3172-73(84) standard. The moisture content in

test samples was determined according to ASTM D 3173-87 method in a Sartorious infrared
moisture meter. The volatile matter contents in the test samples were determined according to

ASTM D 3175-89 modified method for sparking fuels. For coconut shell, fibre, pith and

bagasse, ash fusion was observed at 950 C and hence these samples were analysed for

volatile matter contents only up to 750 C. Determination of the ash content in

the test samples was carried out according to ASTM D 3174-89 method in the electric muffle

furnace. The fixed carbon content of the test samples was calculated by difference. The

ultimate analysis of these samples was carried out according to ASTM Standard D 3176 to

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