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Comprehensive Plan Report

A detailed report showing activity of the district or school teams work on the improvement plan
including assessments, plans, tasks, monitoring, and implementation for selected time periods.
May 27, 2016
Southeast Halifax High NCES - 370195002157
Halifax County Schools

Student Success Indicators Key Indicators are shown in RED.

Dimension A - Instructional Excellence and Alignment

Curriculum and instructional alignment

Indicator A2.04 - Instructional Teams develop standards-aligned units of instruction for each
subject and grade level.(5094)
Status In Plan / No Tasks Created
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Limited Development 05/20/2016
Index: 6 (Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score: 3 (3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score: 2 (3 - relatively easy to address, 2 -
accomplished within current policy and
budget conditions, 1 - requires changes in
current policy and budget conditions)
Describe current level of Instructional Teams have focused specifically on end of
development: course areas, however, a concerted effort will be made with
Social Studies and elective classes. Efforts have been made
with Peer Tutors to support struggling students on the
NCVPS courses.
Plan Assigned to: Not yet assigned
Added date:

Dimension A - Instructional Excellence and Alignment

Student support services

Indicator A4.01 - The school implements a tiered instructional system that allows teachers to
deliver evidence-based instruction aligned with the individual needs of students across
all tiers.(5117)
Status Full Implementation
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Full Implementation 05/20/2016
Evidence: CFA's and teacher assessment data are used to develop
tiered instructional grouping that allows teachers to deliver
aligned, evidenced based instruction for individual students.
As a result of this alignment, 3-tiered pyramids have been
created with a focus on core, supplemental and intensive
student groupings. Continuously analyzing data for growth
and proficiency across all content areas will remain a focus
for the instructional teams.

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Added date:

Indicator A4.06 - ALL teachers are attentive to students' emotional states, guide students in
managing their emotions, and arrange for supports and interventions when necessary.
Status In Plan / No Tasks Created
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Limited Development 05/20/2016
Index: 6 (Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score: 3 (3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score: 2 (3 - relatively easy to address, 2 -
accomplished within current policy and
budget conditions, 1 - requires changes in
current policy and budget conditions)
Describe current level of The high turn over rate does not lend itself to building
development: significant relationships on consistent basis. New teachers
are not in sync with the community and school climate and
culture, therefore, an awareness is not always built early on
and not sustained. More training/PD will be determined
within the Indicators teams.
Plan Assigned to: Not yet assigned
Added date:

Dimension B - Leadership Capacity

Strategic planning, mission, and vision

Indicator B1.01 - The LEA has an LEA Support & Improvement Team.(5135)
Status In Plan / No Tasks Created
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Limited Development 05/20/2016
Index: 2 (Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score: 2 (3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score: 1 (3 - relatively easy to address, 2 -
accomplished within current policy and
budget conditions, 1 - requires changes in
current policy and budget conditions)
Describe current level of The district Curriculum and Instruction Team conduct school
development: visits to provide feedback in respect to teaching and
learning. Also, they strategize to determine needed supports
in schools as reflective of the perspective data.
Plan Assigned to: Not yet assigned
Added date:

Indicator B1.02 - The LEA selects and hires qualified principals with the necessary competencies
to be change leaders.(5136)
Status Full Implementation
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Full Implementation 05/20/2016

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Evidence: The Human Resource Department along with the
Department of Public Instruction work in collaboration to
determine highly qualified status of each principal to be a
change agent for that perspective campus. Evidence would
include the school's improvement and growth in multiple
program areas in each school. Evidence of leveraging
resources to establish a positive culture that is focused on
teaching and learning is a constant focus.
Added date:

Indicator B1.03 - A Leadership Team consisting of the principal, teachers who lead the
Instructional Teams, and other professional staff meets regularly (at least twice a
month) to review implementation of effective practices.(5137)
Status Full Implementation
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Full Implementation 05/20/2016
Evidence: Our school level professional learning communities
(PLC's)meet every Wednesday to review effective practices
and strategies to address needs. Furthermore,best practices
and strategies are shared via a comprehensive Google
document that all professional staff have access to utilize for
lesson planning and collaboration.
Added date:

Dimension B - Leadership Capacity

Distributed leadership and collaboration

Indicator B2.03 - The school has established a team structure among teachers with specific
duties and time for instructional planning.(5143)
Status Full Implementation
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Full Implementation 05/20/2016
Evidence: A master schedule reflects teacher names, assignments and
time for instructional planning. This time frame is adhered
closely for all strategic planning. The instructional planning
process requires teachers to have conversations and create
strategies based upon student data results.
Added date:

Dimension B - Leadership Capacity

Monitoring instruction in school

Indicator B3.01 - The LEA/School monitors progress of the extended learning time programs and
strategies being implemented, and uses data to inform modifications.(5147)
Status Full Implementation
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Full Implementation 05/20/2016

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Evidence: The school has restructured our daily schedule to
accommodate extended learning time doing Trojan Triumph
Time (TTT)for 30 minutes daily. Student groupings are
reflective of the data results and are constantly being
considered for fluctuation. A continued focus on the analysis
of data and positive student achievement can be determined
even on the time of day and is it the best time for students'
attention levels.
Added date:

Indicator B3.03 - The principal monitors curriculum and classroom instruction regularly and
provides timely, clear, constructive feedback to teachers.(5149)
Status Full Implementation
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Full Implementation 05/20/2016
Evidence: Weekly schedules for walk throughs, learning walks and
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (CIA) sessions have
been created and shared with all teachers. Various feedback
delivery systems are in place including a walk thru document
that's shared instantly with the teacher showcasing practices
and strategies observed that reflect active learning and
student engagement.
Added date:

Dimension C - Professional Capacity

Quality of professional development

Indicator C2.01 - The LEA/School regularly looks at school performance data and aggregated
classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school
improvement and professional development needs.(5159)
Status Full Implementation
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Full Implementation 05/20/2016
Evidence: Classroom observation data and school performance data
guides the focus during our staff meetings, PLT's
(Professional Learning Teams) and CIA meetings. Data
disaggregation determines where students are placed on the
pyramid to meet specific needs. A continued focus on data
dives and data retreats to ensure strategies are developed
that support individual student learning to support growth
and proficiency will be maintained. A focus on the data to
address specific standards that will aid in decisions for
reteaching and remediation.
Added date:

Dimension C - Professional Capacity

Talent recruitment and retention

Indicator C3.04 - The LEA/School has established a system of procedures and protocols for
recruiting, evaluating, rewarding, and replacing staff.(5168)
Status In Plan / No Tasks Created
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Limited Development 05/20/2016

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Index: 3 (Priority Score x Opportunity Score)
Priority Score: 3 (3 - highest, 2 - medium, 1 - lowest)
Opportunity Score: 1 (3 - relatively easy to address, 2 -
accomplished within current policy and
budget conditions, 1 - requires changes in
current policy and budget conditions)
Describe current level of At the present level, budget restrictions hinder us in
development: recruiting and retaining quality staff members. Although the
district provides opportunities for recruitment efforts, this is
not enough to recruit and sustain the staff needed to deliver
quality educational services to our students. Effective
evaluation processes are in place and adhered to in an
equitable manner.
Plan Assigned to: Not yet assigned
Added date:

Dimension E - Families and Community

Family Engagement

Indicator E1.06 - The school regularly communicates with parents/guardians about its
expectations of them and the importance of the curriculum of the home (what parents
can do at home to support their children's learning).(5182)
Status Full Implementation
Assess Level of Development: Initial: Full Implementation 05/20/2016
Evidence: Via the school messenger system, emails, school webpage,
teacher correspondences/syllabi, newsletters and Twitter,
parents are continuously notified and alerted of expectations
regarding curriculum and instruction. In addition to these
opportunities we host AVID, Parent EOC, Open Houses and
parents conferences where expectations and curriculum
updates are provided.
Added date:

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