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Copyright 2012 J.

Earth Day Report Card - Teacher Instructions

Give your students this report card and have them evaluate how
green their school / classroom / home is.

There are three different report cards: one for the whole school, one
for the classroom, and one for the home. You could either have all students
complete both the school and classroom report card, or divide your class into
two groups and have one group complete the school card, and one group
complete the classroom card. Students could then compare the results to
see how their classroom compares to the school. Home report cards could be
taken home for students to complete with their parents.

You could turn the finished report cards into a data analysis /
graphing activity by compiling the results as a whole class. Areas rated
poorly by a large number of students could be further explored. Students
could come up with suggestions of how to improve this particular area in the
school or classroom - students could make posters, write persuasive
announcements and read them over the announcements, create a bulletin
board in a high-traffic area, write an article in the newsletter - the
possibilities are endless!

To complete the school report card, students may have to interview

the principal, custodian, other staff, etc. Prepare the staff for this, and
maybe arrange a mutually convenient time for students to visit.

To add to the authenticity of this activity, report cards can be

photocopied onto recycled paper. Students can also work in pairs or small
groups to reduce the amount of paper used.

When students have completed their report cards, have them choose
one category that they feel could be improved. They will then complete the
accompanying sheet to illustrate and create a plan they can carry out.

Copyright 2012 J.Runde

Earth Day Report Card - School
School Name:

For each of the following categories, check the appropriate box to give a rating of A
(always), S (sometimes), or N (never). There is also a NA (not applicable) rating if the
category doesnt apply to your school.

Category: A S N NA
School ground is kept free from litter.
Trees and plants are growing in school yard.
Pesticides and fertilizers are not used on school grounds.
All wildlife is respected on school grounds.
Lights are turned off when not in use.
Electrical appliances are turned off when not in use.
Water is turned off when not in use.
There is a school-wide recycling program for paper.
There is a school-wide recycling program for plastic and cans.
Lunch and snack scraps are composted.
Lunches are brought in reusable containers - both staff and students.
Coffee grounds (in the staff room) are composted.
Coffee mugs are used rather than paper cups.
The restrooms have air-dryers or recycled paper towels.
Toilet paper is made from recycled paper.
Nontoxic cleaning products are used.
There are plants within the school for air quality.
Scrap paper is used in the office for notes and messages.
Notes and messages are posted for staff, rather than photocopied.
There is a recycling bin beside all photocopiers and printers.
Double-sided copies are made as much as possible.
Boxes are reused to store supplies.
Supplies are purchased in bulk rather than small packages.
Newsletters are available through email to reduce paper copies.
If there is a school-wide snack program, reusable bowls / cups / cutlery
are used.
School staff is encouraged to car pool.
There is an anti-idling policy for buses and cars in the parking lot.
There is a school environmental club.
Earth Day is recognized and celebrated school-wide.

What is one other thing your school does to be environmentally friendly.

Copyright 2012 J.Runde

We Could Make Our School a Greener Place If We ...
Draw a picture to show how you could make the school a greener place.

We could make our school a greener place if we

My plan to help accomplish this is

Copyright 2012 J.Runde

Earth Day Report Card - Classroom

For each of the following categories, check the appropriate box to give a rating of A
(always), S (sometimes), or N (never). There is also a NA (not applicable) rating if the
category doesnt apply to your classroom.

Category: A S N NA
Lights are turned off when not in use.
On bright days, some of the lights are left off.
Computers are turned off when not in use.
All electrical appliances are turned off when not in use.
All electrical appliances are unplugged at the end of the day.
Non-electric pencil sharpeners are used.
All paper scraps are recycled.
There is a scrap paper bin.
Both sides of the paper are used on photocopies.
Both sides of the paper are used for notes and in notebooks.
When possible, work is projected on board rather than having individual
copies for students.
Teacher and students work together to reduce the amount of paper
being used.
School supplies are not wasted.
Garbage is kept to a minimum by having only one small bin.
Recyclable materials are used for art projects.
Nontoxic paints and art supplies are used for art projects.
If snacks or lunch are eaten in the classroom, scraps are composted.
Students snacks and lunches are brought in reusable containers.
Reusable water bottles are used in the classroom to limit time spent at
water fountains.
Recycled paper towels are used.
Plastic bags are either not used at all, or are recycled for other
Boxes are reused to store classroom supplies.
Plants are in the classroom to improve air quality.
The majority of students in the class walk or ride a bike to school.
Conserving electricity and care for the environment are included in the
curriculum studied.
Earth Day is recognized and celebrated in the classroom.

What is one other thing your classroom does to be environmentally friendly?

Copyright 2012 J.Runde

We Could Make Our Classroom a Greener Place If We ...
Draw a picture to show how you could make the classroom a greener place.

We could make our classroom a greener place if we

My plan to help accomplish this is

Copyright 2012 J.Runde

Earth Day Report Card - Home

For each of the following categories, check the appropriate box to give a rating of A
(always), S (sometimes), or N (never). There is also a NA (not applicable) rating if the
category doesnt apply to your home.

Category: A S N NA
Area outside around house / apartment is kept free from litter.
Trees and plants are growing in green areas.
Pesticides and fertilizers are not used on green areas.
Bird houses and feeders are located nearby.
Lights are turned off when not in use.
Electrical appliances are turned off when not in use.
Electrical appliances are unplugged when not in use.
Water is turned off when not in use.
Time in showers is limited to conserve water.
Water is not left running while brushing teeth.
Water pitcher is left in fridge so water is not wasted letting it get cold.
Kitchen scraps are composted.
Coffee grounds are composted.
Nontoxic cleaning supplies are used.
Paints and hazardous materials are disposed of properly.
Toilet paper is made from recycled paper.
Paper towels are made from recycled paper.
Reusable shopping bags are used for groceries and other shopping.
There are plants in the home to improve air quality.
Scrap paper is used for notes and messages.
All paper is recycled.
Plastic and metal cans are recycled.
Bill statements and payments are made online.
Reusable containers are used to store food leftovers.
Lunches are packed in reusable containers.
Energy-saving appliances are used.
Energy efficient light bulbs are used.
Areas around doors and windows are sealed to prevent air flow.
Blinds are kept shut through the day to keep house cool.
Earth Day is recognized and celebrated in the home.

What is one other thing you do in the home to be environmentally friendly?

Copyright 2012 J.Runde

I Could Make My Home a Greener Place If I ...
Draw a picture to show how you could make your home a greener place.

I could make my home a greener place if I

My plan to accomplish this is

Copyright 2012 J.Runde

Rundes Room

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Allsburg (an inferring unit focussing on six of his books), as well as a novel unit for Joey
Pigza Swallowed the Key. I also have bundles of materials to use while studying the
reading comprehension strategies, a HUGE 183-page Reading Comprehension Strategy
Resource Binder, and a comprehensive 156-page Literary Elements Resource Binder.

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2012 J. Runde: Rundes Room. All rights reserved. Purchase of this unit entitles the
purchaser the right to reproduce the pages in limited quantities for classroom use only.
Duplication for an entire school, an entire school system, or commercial purposes is strictly
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Copying any part of this product and placing it on the internet in any form (even a
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Copyright Act (DMCA).

Rundes Room

Copyright 2012 J.Runde

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