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The effect of teachers learning style on teaching

Learning style Effect on teaching

The verbal linguistic learner This teacher stresses a curriculum based on
languagereading, writing, and speaking
The Logical/Mathematical Learner This teacher tends to concentrate on concepts
that are both logical and abstract.
The Visual/Spatial Learner This teacher will provide a great learning
environment for visual learners. The artistic
students will do well in this classroom.
The Bodily/Kinesthetic Learner This teacher will encourage experiential
learning and have lots of movement in class. It
may be a challenge to both the logical learner
and the intrapersonal learner.
The Musical/Rhythmic Learner This teacher will tend to have a relaxed
classroom but may find it harder to relate to
those students who are not in tune with music.
The Interpersonal Learner This teacher generally uses cooperative learning
in the classroom. Students will feel free to
interact and are expected to do so; perfect for
the extrovert.
The Intrapersonal Learner This teacher will be a great support for the
student who has trouble functioning in groups.

Stages (Christison, 1996)

1) Awaken the Intelligence

2) Amplify the Intelligence
3) Teach with/for the Intelligence
4)Transfer of the Intelligence

MI lesson planning guide

How can I use verbal and written language
Visual spatial
How can I use teaching that use visualization,art,colour and graphic organizers?
How can I use numbers,calculations,classification,critical thinking?
How can I use music,sounds,rhytmic elements and melody?
How can I incorporate movement and hands on activities
How can I involve pupils in group work,peer sharing?
How can I encourage pupils to do self introspection about their feelings?
How can I bring nature into the classroom or take pupils out into natural environment?
Implications for FL teaching and assessment
Teaching must recognise the diversity of intelligences and abilities within the classroom
Presentation and practice of contents should engage all or most of the intelligences
Teachers should become aware of their students intelligence profile (through on-going
assessment, intensive interaction, observation, gathering and analysis of tasks, etc.)

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