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PPChem PPChem 101 Fossil Cycle Chemistry



Feedwater Treatment

In Lesson 1, it was explained that chemical measures case of smaller utilities or industrial steam and power gen-
focusing on the optimum protection of materials in the erators, the operators are not adequately knowledgeable
feedwater train (the part of the cycle between the con- about plant cycle chemistry and leave the decision to sup-
denser and the steam generator) are typically called feed- pliers of conditioning chemicals. In such cases where the
water treatment. It was also stated that there are four pos- salespersons select the feedwater treatment, the decision
sible feedwater treatments: is understandably often a sales-promoting suggestion,
and not a decision based on careful weighing of unit-spe-
(1) oxygenated treatment (dosing of oxygen and ammo- cific technical issues.
The goal of this lesson is to help the operator to take an
(2) all-volatile treatment (dosing of ammonia) without an
active part in selecting the feedwater treatment and to
oxygen scavenger;
understand the very complex interrelation between the
(3) all-volatile treatment (dosing of ammonia) with addi- site-specific conditions and plant cycle chemistry.
tional dosing of an oxygen scavenger (typically
(4) all-volatile treatment based on the use of different
amines and in some cases with the parallel applica-
tion of an oxygen scavenger (hydrazine substitutes).
An attentive reader has already realized that all the chemi-
cals named in the individual feedwater treatments (oxygen,
The oldest treatment is treatment (2), which was already
ammonia, hydrazine, and amines) are either gases (oxygen
used in the first half of the last century. Later, this treatment
and ammonia) or volatile liquids (hydrazine and amines).
was modified by the additional (parallel) use of hydrazine
The following question is consistent and appropriate: why
(an oxygen scavenger) treatment (3). Treatment (1) has
do we exclusively use gaseous or volatile agents for feed-
been applied (in different forms) since the end of the
water treatment?
1960s. The last treatment, (4), is also relatively new. To be
more precise, it can be subdivided into two different treat-
There are many reasons for not using solids for feedwater
ment variants:
treatment. Let us list some of the most important:
(4a) all-volatile treatment based on the use of volatile
In cycles with once-through boilers, any solid chemicals
amines and in some cases with the parallel applica-
present in the feedwater (even in trace concentrations)
tion of an oxygen scavenger (hydrazine substitutes);
would immediately result in either deposition in the
(4b) all-volatile treatment based on the use of volatile waterwalls of the boiler (with subsequent corrosion
amines and polyamines. damage to the boiler tubes) or deposition in the turbine
(with subsequent efficiency and/or power reduction and
turbine disc and blade failures).
The fact that there are several feedwater treatments (not
only one) available already indicates that a responsible In cycles with drum boilers, any solid chemicals present
decision has to be made when selecting the optimum in the feedwater would concentrate in the boiler water.
treatment for a particular unit. Very often, the manufacturer In most cases, an increased blowdown (with water and
or supplier specifies the feedwater treatment; unfortu- heat losses) would be the awkward consequence of
nately, the specification is not always without fail. In the solid chemical application.

2008 by PowerPlantChemistry GmbH. All rights reserved.

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PPChem 101 Fossil Cycle Chemistry PPChem

Feedwater is used for the temperature control of steam A negative ORP at the deaerator inlet (ORP 300 mV to
in superheaters and reheaters. For this reason, the 350 mV) is optimum for cycles with mixed metallurgy.
presence of any solids in the feedwater is not accept-
able. Deposition of solids in the superheater or reheater It has to be mentioned that, in addition to the treatment
or their transport into the turbine would result in alternatives discussed above, treatments using amines are
inevitable damage to these cycle components. also in use in both cycles with all-ferrous metallurgy and
cycles with mixed metallurgy. The major plant cycle
Volatile alkalis (ammonia, amines) are effective during
chemistry guidelines (e.g., those issued by the Electric
the steam condensation. They are to some extent capa-
Power Institute (EPRI), U.S.A., or by the VGB PowerTech,
ble of neutralizing acidic contaminants in condensing
Germany) either do not recommend any amine treatments
steam. This is very important, in particular at locations
at all (EPRI) or only address the application of amines very
of the first condensation (e.g., in the low-pressure
briefly (VGB PowerTech). Nevertheless, the application of
steam turbine, on the steam/condensate side of feed-
some of the amine treatments has proven successful in
water heaters, or in industrial power plants with steam
utility cycles operating at pressures 12 MPa, in combined
sendout in apparatus in which steam condensation
cycle units with heat recovery steam generators, and in
many industrial steam and power generating units.

It is very easy to select the optimum feedwater treatment All considerations mentioned above and in the following
for a unit with uniform metallurgy in the feedwater train. are exclusively valid for cycles operated with demineral-
This is the case if the tubing of the feedwater heaters is ized water. In power cycle chemistry, it is standard to use
made of steel (chemists call this all-ferrous metallurgy). the cation conductivity of the condensate or feedwater as
The operator has a lot of freedom with respect to the feed- the most important quality parameter to supply informa-
water treatment selection. Of the treatment alternatives tion about the purity of the operating fluid.
listed in the Introduction, the following may be applied in
cycles with all-ferrous metallurgy: At this point, for non-chemists, some explanatory lines
seem to be appropriate. Two conductivities are used for
oxygenated treatment (dosing of oxygen and ammonia); monitoring cycle chemistry:
all-volatile treatment (dosing of ammonia) without an
specific conductivity and
oxygen scavenger.
cation conductivity (also called acid conductivity or
conductivity downstream of a cation exchanger).
Naturally, the decision as to whether the oxygenated treat-
ment (OT) or the all-volatile treatment (AVT) without an oxy-
gen scavenger (oxidizing AVT, AVT-O) represents the opti-
mum for a given unit depends on some additional aspects, Specific Conductivity
which will be discussed later.
Specific conductivity is an inexpensive, reliable on-line
method of monitoring the overall level of contaminants and
For units with a feedwater train in which steel and copper-
treatment chemicals. Figure 1 shows the specific conduc-
based alloys are applied (mixed metallurgy), there is only
tivity of pure water as a function of the concentration of
one applicable feedwater treatment: all-volatile treatment
(dosing of ammonia) with additional dosing of an oxygen
scavenger (typically hydrazine) (reducing AVT, AVT-R). In
It is obvious that specific conductivity may easily be used
these cycles, it is indispensable to maintain reducing con-
for control of ammonia dosing. However, there is a minor
ditions in the entire plant cycle to minimize copper corro-
problem common to both conductivity monitoring tech-
sion and transport. This is not only true for steady-state
niques: the specific and cation conductivity of pure water
operation but also for startup, cycling and peaking opera-
and aqueous solutions changes strongly with temperature.
tion, shutdown, and layup.
In Figure 2, the temperature-dependence of the specific
conductivity of pure water containing 0.5 mg L ammo-
When applying OT and AVT-O, the condensate and feed-
nia (NH3) is depicted. Figure 3 shows the specific conduc-
water pH and oxygen content are the decisive parameters
tivity of pure water as a function of temperature.
for monitoring the cycle chemistry or the feedwater treat-
ment. In cycles operated on AVT-R (i.e., under reducing
conditions), an additional monitoring parameter has For this reason, it is important either to control the sample
proven reasonable: the oxidizing reducing potential (ORP). temperature (i.e., to keep the sample temperature constant

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PPChem PPChem 101 Fossil Cycle Chemistry

the customary set point is 25 C) or, alternatively, to addi-

tionally measure the sample temperature and correct the
conductivity measured at a temperature different from
25 C to the reference temperature of 25 C. State-of-the-
art instrumentation is capable of performing such calcula-

Since the ammonia concentration is typically relatively

high compared to the contaminant levels normally present
in the condensate or feedwater, specific conductivity
reflects the ammonia concentration and masks the level of
contaminants (impurities). This is demonstrated in
Figure 4. The solid line shows the specific conductivity of
contaminant-free ammonia solution (0.5 mg L NH3); the
solid circles show the specific conductivity of the ammonia
1 1
Figure 1: solution (0.5 mg L NH3) contaminated with 10 g L
Specific conductivity of ammonia solutions. NaCl. It is clear that specific conductivity is inapplicable for
monitoring the purity of the condensate or steam.

Figure 2: Figure 4:
Specific conductivity of an ammonia solution (0.5 mg L1 Specific conductivity of ammoniated feedwater (0.5 mg L1
ammonia) as a function of temperature. ammonia) with and without the presence of contaminants as a
function of temperature.
solid line without contaminants
circles with 10 g L1 NaCl

Cation Conductivity
To solve the problem with the determination of the purity of
plant cycle streams, chemists use a simple trick. The con-
ductivity of the sample is measured downstream of a col-
umn filled with regenerated strong acid cation exchanger
cation conductivity. For this reason, this cation conductiv-
ity can serve as an excellent diagnostic tool for determin-
ing the purity of the condensate or feedwater: ammonia
masking the contaminants is removed from the sample via
ion exchange, as are all other cations. Additionally, the
Figure 3: measurement of cation conductivity is more sensitive than
Specific conductivity of pure water as a function of temperature. the specific conductivity measurement since the H + ion

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PPChem 101 Fossil Cycle Chemistry PPChem

which replaces all the cations of contaminating salts has a Let us come back to the real world. Plant cycles are not
markedly higher equivalent conductance than all other operated with chemically pure water (with water sub-
cations. stance, H2O) without any contamination. In practice, we
deal with technically pure water, i.e., with water containing
The samples depicted in Figure 4 contaminant-free some contaminants although they are only present at a
ammoniated feedwater (0.5 mg L1 NH3) vs. ammoniated very low level. The achievable cycle purity depends on
feedwater (0.5 mg L1 NH3) contaminated with 10 g L1 many factors, such as the nature of the raw water used for
NaCl (there the specific conductivity measurements) are makeup preparation, the makeup water treatment, the
analyzed via cation conductivity measurement as shown in tightness of the condenser with respect to cooling water or
Figure 5. air ingress, the presence (or absence) of a condensate pol-
isher, the purity of cycle treatment chemicals, etc.
While with specific conductivity measurement (Figure 4)
the trace contamination with NaCl (10 g L1) could not be There is also a marked difference between high-pressure
detected, cation conductivity measurement (Figure 5) utility cycles and typical cogeneration and industrial cycles
makes the detection of this relatively low contamination with respect to the purity of the plant cycle. In particular in
possible. cogeneration and industrial cycles with condensate return
from the industrial production, the cycle purity may be to
For this reason, the cation conductivity measurement is some extent deteriorated (contaminants from the industrial
the most important and most commonly used monitoring production are transported via condensate return into the
technique for an accurate surveillance of plant cycle plant cycle, e.g., in refineries, sugar and paper mills, and in
chemistry. This is not only true in the case of the feedwater the chemical industry). Table 1 shows the typical cation
treatment discussed in this lesson, but also for all other conductivity of the feedwater in different cycles. The val-
quality-related considerations regarding other plant cycle ues stated refer to the steady-state operation. During
streams (e.g., boiler water and steam). startup and cycling and peaking operation, the purity of
the cycle is very often impaired.

The following is a ranking of the individual feedwater treat-

ments with respect to the tolerable feedwater quality (the
treatment requiring the lowest cation conductivity is listed
as the first, and the treatment tolerating a moderately
increased cation conductivity as the last):

oxygenated treatment (OT);

all-volatile treatment without an oxygen scavenger
(AVT-O) and all-volatile treatment with additional dosing
of an oxygen scavenger (AVT-R);
all-volatile treatment based on the use of volatile
all-volatile treatment based on the use of volatile
amines and polyamines.
Figure 5:
Cation conductivity of ammoniated feedwater (0.5 mg L1
ammonia) with and without the presence of contaminants as a
function of temperature.
black line without contaminants
As discussed in Lesson 3, the operating mode markedly
affects chemistry in the plant cycle. While during continu-
Feedwater Treatment and the Purity of the Feedwater ous steady-state operation the purity of the feedwater is
In terms of reliability, availability, and efficiency of any plant more easily maintained in the optimum range, during
cycle, the highest possible purity of the feedwater (and startup and in cycling or peaking operation the quality of
naturally of all other cycle streams) is advisable. Expressed the operating fluid very often deteriorates (i.e., a cation
in terms of cation conductivity values, the lowest possible conductivity increase in plant cycle streams occurs). The
cation conductivity should be aspired to. This means that major goal of the staff responsible for chemistry in such
operation of cycles with chemically pure water (specific units is to optimize the operation procedures with the
and cation conductivities of 0.055 S cm1 at 25 C) is (at objective of reducing the length of operation periods with
least theoretically) the optimum. increased cation conductivity as much as possible.

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Typical cation conductivity Cation conductivity

of the feedwater of the feedwater in best units
[S cm at 25 C]

Utility cycles with once-through boilers 0.2 0.1 0.15

Utility cycles with high-pressure drum boilers P 0.2 0.2

Industrial cycles without condensate return 0.4 P 0.2

Industrial cycles with condensate return 1.0 P 0.3

Table 1:
Feedwater cation conductivity in different plant cycles.

Most of the possible measures are not chemistry-related. We appreciate any questions and comments on the past
For this reason, a close cooperation with engineers and lessons and on this lesson, as well as all in-advance ques-
operating staff is absolutely essential. If for some reason a tions on the next three lessons. With your help, we will be
fast improvement of the cycle purity cannot be attained able to optimize the content of the course lessons.
(the operation periods with increased cation conductivity
still remain too long), it is probable that unit reliability, avail-
ability, and efficiency will be affected.
From the chemistry standpoint, it may be necessary to
convert cycle chemistry (the feedwater treatment) from a This lesson, like all others in this series, is intended to help
treatment with more stringent requirements on the feedwa- all non-chemists responsible for chemistry-related tasks,
ter quality to a "more tolerant" treatment. However, this has all power industry newcomers, and all engineers, whether
to be considered as a last resort. All cycle chemistry- chemists or non-chemists, to learn the fossil cycle chem-
improving measures are of a higher priority. istry basics. It is a great challenge for us to support you in
your efforts to improve the plant cycle chemistry in your

In this lesson, the focus has been on primary, yet general
aspects in connection with feedwater treatments. The indi-
vidual feedwater treatments will be dealt with in the follow-
ing lessons:

Lesson 5
All-Volatile Treatment
Lesson 6
Oxygenated Treatment
Lesson 7
Amine-Based Feedwater Treatments

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