Sie sind auf Seite 1von 47


Customer Letter/
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1
Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 2 1.2 Operating
principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3
Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 2 2.1 Gas
conveyed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 3 2.2 Working
conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 Speed of rotation
2.2.2 Pressure
2.2.3 Temperature
2.3 Capacity adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 4 3.1
Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . 4 3.2 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.1 Bearing storage
3.2.2 Preservation of the
compression chamber
4.1 On-site positioning of blower . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 5 4.2 Changing the inlet/outlet
arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.3
Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 5-7
4.3.1 Direct coupling
4.3.2 Belt drive coupling
4.4 Direction of rotation air flow
direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.5 System
piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.1 Inlet pipe
4.5.2 Outlet pipe
4.6 Check
valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7 Safety
valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.8 Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 9 5.1 Preliminary controls . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.2 Start-up . . . . . .
5.2.1 First start-up
5.2.2 Normal start-ups
5.3 Operating
checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.3.1 Daily checks
5.3.2 Check after first 50 hours
5.3.3 Check every 500 hours
5.4 Stopping the
blower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.1
maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
6.1.1 Oil change
7.0 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . 12 8.1 Blower
disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
9.1 Blower in operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 13 9.2 Before any blower
service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 9.3 During
service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 10.1 Oil
type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 10.2 Oil viscosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 14 10.3 Recommended
oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 10.4
Minimum working
temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Sectional drawings and parts
descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-22 Bare Shaft
Dimension Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
23-24 Design Features / Tri-Lobe
Blower Performance Chart . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual



Blower merupakan peralatan mekanis yang digunakan untuk memindahkan atau mengalirkan
sejumlah udara / gas secara kontiniu dengan memberikan energi pada udara / gas tersebut melalui
suatu empeling yang berputar , sehingga mengakibatkan adanya perubahan energi kinetis menjadi
energi potensial / tekanan.

Blower merupakan peralatan yang hampir sama dengan fan, bila ditinjau dari energi potensial /
tekanan discharger yang dihasilkan, maka dengan diameter yang sama, fan dan blower dapat
dibedakan sebagai berikut :

a. FAN : Menghasilkan beda tekanan antara discharger dan suction sangat kecil atau tergantung
diameter yang digunakan

b. Blower : Menghasilkan beda tekanan antara discharger dan suction ` lebih besar dari fan.
Sedangkan untuk beda tekanan yang lebih besar blower dapat dilaksanakan dengan compressor.

Penggunaan fan dan blower sangat luas, khususnya untuk industri migas dan petrokimia banyak
digunakan sebagai :
1. Sebagai penggerak ( yang sering ) digunakan :
Electro Motor
Motor baker
Turbin gas atau turbin uap
2. Pemilihan material untuk fan dan blower tergantung dari :
Fluida yang dihandle Kondisi operasi ( tekanan dan temperature ) Kondisi lingkungan
Sistem operasi ( intermiten atau kontiniu ) Sedangkan besarnya gaya tergantung dari
kapasitas dan tekanan discharger yang diperlukan. Untuk dapat memilih yang tepat maka
dapat dilihat dari katalog yang dikeluarkan dari berbagai manufacturing.

Dalam makalah ini Akan dibahas Blower secara umum dan blower Tipe
Rotary blower seri TL (Tri-Lobe) sehingga nantinya akan tergambar jelas pengertian apa itu
blower,fungsi,prinsip kerja aplikasi diindustri dan cara perawatanya.

Apakah fan dan blower itu?

Hampir kebanyakan pabrik menggunakan fan dan blower untuk ventilasi dan untuk proses
industri yang memerlukan aliran udara. Sistim fan penting untuk menjaga pekerjaan proses
industri, dan terdiri dari sebuah fan, motor listrik, sistim penggerak, saluran atau pemipaan,
peralatan pengendali aliran, dan peralatan penyejuk udara (filter, kumparan pendingin,
penukar panas, dll.). Contoh sistim digambarkan dalam Gambar 1. Departemen Energi
Amerika Serikat meperkirakan bahwa 15 persen listrik di industri manufakturing Amerika
dipakai oleh motor. Hal yang sama di sektor komersial, listrik yang dibutuhkan untuk
mengoperasikan motor fan yang merupakan bagian dari biaya energi terbesar untuk
penyejukan ruangan (US DOE, 1989).
Fan, blower dan kompresor dibedakan oleh metode yang digunakan untuk menggerakan
udara, dan oleh tekanan sistim operasinya. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) menggunakan rasio spesifik, yaitu rasio tekanan pe ngeluaran terhadap tekanan
hisap, untuk mendefinisikan fan, blower, dan kompresor (lihat Tabel 1).
Tabel 1: Perbedaan antara Fan, Blowerdan Kompresor (Ganasean)

Peralatan Perbandingan Spesifik Kenaikan tekanan (mmWg)

Fan Sampai 1,11 1136
Blower 1,11 sampai 1,20 1136 2066
Kompresor Lebih dari 1,20 -

Gambar 1: Komponen Sistim Fan (US DOE, 1989)

1.2 Istilah dan di finisi penting

Sebelum dijelaskan tentang jenis fan dan blower, penting untuk mengerti terlebih dahulu
tentang istilah dan definisi. 1
1.2.1 Karakteristik sistim
Istilah resistansi sistim digunakan bila mengacu tekanan stati. Resistansi sistim
merupakan jumlah kehilangan tekanan statis dalam sistim. Resistansi sistim merupakan
fungsi pola susunan saluran, pengambilan, lengkungan dan penurunan tekanan yang
melintasi peralatan, sebagai contoh bag filter atau siklon. Resistansi sistim bervariasi
terhadap kuadrat volum aliran udara ya ng memasuki sistim. Untuk volum udara tertentu,
fan dalam sistim dengan saluran sempit dan banyak tikungan dengan radius pendek akan
bekerja lebih keras untuk mengatasi resistansi sistim yang lebih besar daripada dalam sistim
saluran yang lebih besar dan dengan lebih sedikit jumlah belokan dan panjang. Saluran
panjang yang sempit dengan banyak bengkokan dan tikungan akan memerlukan lebih banyak
energi untuk menarik udara untuk melaluinya. Sebagai akibatnya, untuk kecepatan fan yang sama, fan
akan mampu menarik lebih sedikit melalui sistim ini daripada yang melalui sistim pendek tanpa ada
belokan. Dengan begitu maka resistansi sistim meningkat secara substansial jika volum udara yang
mengalir ke sistim meningkat; kuadrat aliran udara.
Sebaliknya, resistansi berkurang jika alirannya berkurang. Untuk menentukan berapa volum
fan yang akan dihasilkan, penting untuk mengetahui karakteristik resistansi sistim. Pada
sistim yang ada, resistansi sistim dapat diukur.

2.2 Jenis-jenis blower

Blower dapat mencapai tekanan yang lebih tinggi daripada fan, sampai 1,20 kg/cm2. Dapat
juga digunakan untuk menghasilkan tekanan negatif untuk sistim vakum di industri. Blower
sentrifugal dan blower positive displacement merupakan dua jenis utama blower, yang
dijelaskan diba wah. 2
2.2.1 Blower sentrifugal
Blower sentrifugal terlihat lebih seperti pompa sentrifugal daripada fan. Impelernya
digerakan oleh gir dan berputar 15.000 rpm. Pada blower multi-tahap, udara dipercepat setiap
melewati impeler. Pada blower tahap tunggal, udara tidak mengalami banyak belokan,
sehingga lebih efisien.
Blower sentrifugal beroperasi melawan tekanan 0,35 sampai 0,70 kg/cm2, namun dapat
mencapai tekanan yang lebih tinggi. Satu karakteristiknya adalah bahwa aliran udara
cenderung turun secara drastis begitu tekanan sistim meningkat, yang dapat merupakan
kerugian pada sistim pe ngangkutan bahan yang tergantung pada volum udara yang mantap.
Oleh karena itu, alat ini sering digunakan untuk penerapan sistim yang cenderung tidak
terjadi penyumbatan.

Gambar 14. Blower Sentrifugal (FanAir Company)

1.1 Ruang lingkup

Manual ini berlaku untuk Rotary Blowers dari Seri TL dari ukuran 10 sampai ukuran 900, keduanya
dalam versi horisontal (H) dan vertikal (V).

1.2 Prinsip operasi

TL Series Blowers adalah blower perpindahan positif yang terdiri dari dua rotor Tri-Lobe berbentuk
konjugasi yang berputar di dalam tubuh berbentuk "angka 8". Gas masuk terjebak dalam ruang yang
terbentuk di antara tubuh (gambar 1a, 1b) dan dilepaskan melalui outlet (gambar 1c, 1d). Tekanan
operasi dihasilkan oleh resistansi yang ditemui oleh gas yang keluar dari unit. Kapasitasnya sebanding
dengan kecepatan rotasi dan hampir konstan bila tekanan operasi bervariasi.

1a 1b 1c 1d
Fig. 1

1.3 Konstruksi
Seri TL Blower direkayasa untuk aliran udara yang paling halus, menghasilkan lebih rendah
Denyut dan kebisingan
Bodi ditutup pada kedua ujungnya oleh pelat ujung tempat rumah untuk segel dan bantalan berada. Rotor
disinkronkan oleh sepasang roda gigi timing yang memiliki gigi heliks, mengeras dan tanah. Poros memiliki segel
labirin; Kebocoran gas dikumpulkan di ruang udara khusus di sampul dan dibuang ke atmosfer. Dua sumps
dipasang pada penutup yang berfungsi sebagai sumpit minyak untuk pelumasan splash bantalan dan roda gigi
sinkronisasi. Roda gigi diikat di poros melalui kopling kerucut di bawah tekanan minyak.

Number Description
1 Body
2 Rotor
3 Rotor
4 End Plates
5 Gears
2 1 3 5 6 4 4 6 6 Labyrinth Seals
Fig. 2

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual 2

2.1 Gas

Blower dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan gas inert seperti udara,

nitrogen atau gas lain yang kompatibel dengan minyak pelumas dan dengan
bahan yang digunakan dalam konstruksi blower.

PERINGATAN: Blower tidak dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan gas

yang bersifat eksplosif dan toksik

Atau dengan cara apapun berbahaya

CATATAN: Untuk menyampaikan gas khusus, berkonsultasilah dengan

Blower Engineering.

2.2 Kondisi kerja

2.2.1 Kecepatan putaran maksimum ditunjukkan pada Tabel I. Kecepatan rotasi
minimum bergantung pada suhu diferensial maksimum yang diijinkan.

2.2.1 Tekanan - Tekanan inlet berkisar antara 3 psig (20,7 kPa) sampai 15 psig (103,4 kPa).
Tekanan diferensial maksimum ditunjukkan pada Tabel I, dan tergantung pada ukuran
blower. Rasio kompresi maksimum untuk semua ukuran blower adalah 2.

2.2.2 Suhu - Suhu masuk gas berkisar antara -13F (-25C) sampai 122F (50C). Suhu
diferensial maksimum yang diizinkan ditunjukkan pada Tabel I, dan tergantung pada ukuran
blower. Suhu maksimum gas yang diijinkan pada debit adalah 266F (130C).
Table I: Operation Limits
TL Arrangement Delta T
Size Vertical Horiz. psig Hg F C
TL10 4800 4800 13 13 190 105
TL20 4800 4800 13 13 190 105
TL30 4800 4800 15 15 200 110
TL40 4800 4800 15 15 200 110
TL41 4800 4800 11 12 165 90
TL50 4800 3000 15 15 200 110
TL60 4800 3000 15 15 200 110
TL61 4800 3000 11 12 165 90
TL70 3800 2200 15 15 200 110
TL80 3800 2200 15 15 200 110
TL81 3800 2200 11 12 165 90
TL90 3000 1900 15 15 200 110
TL100 3000 1900 15 15 200 110
TL101 3000 1900 10 12 150 83
TL110 2400 1500 15 15 200 110
TL120 2400 1500 12 13 180 100
TL900 1800 1125 12 13 180 100

3 Blower Engineering
Instructional Manual
2.3 Capacity adjustment
Capacity can only be adjusted in one of the two following ways:
Varying the speed of rotation. This can be achieved via belt drives or by varying the
electric motor supply voltage frequency or with a double polarity motor.
Bleeding off of excess capacity via a regulating valve on the outlet
Do not use the safety valve for this purpose because it will suffer excessive wear.
Do not re-circulate the excess gas into the blower inlet without cooling because it could
cause excessive heating.
WARNING: Do not adjust the gas capacity by using throttle valves placed on the
inlet or outlet piping.

3.1 Handling
To hoist the blower, use a
cable as shown in fig. 3

Do not use the holes in the
flanges to lift the blower. Horizontal: /H Vertical: /V
Fig. 3
3.2 Storage
Keep the blower in a dry cool closed environment. Do not remove the protective coverings
placed over the blower openings. Renew the preservation every 6 months, or more frequently
if the climate is damp.

Bearing storage Half fill the sumps with anti-rust oil. Manually rotate the blower shaft.
Dispose of the used oil in accordance with local regulations.

Preservation of the compression chamber Remove the protective coverings from the
blower openings. Apply a thin film of anti-rust oil to the internal surfaces of the body to
the covers and to the rotor surfaces.
WARNING: Use anti-rust and foam inhibiting oil with fire point over
392F (200C) only.

Table II: Anti-rust oil

Shiny External Parts Rust Ban 343 EXXON
Compression Chamber Rust Ban 343 EXXON

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual

4.1 Posisi blower
Blower harus diatur secara horisontal pada permukaan permukaan dan
dilekatkan dengan menggunakan baut yang menahan kaki atau flens outlet.
Tempatkan shims di bawah kaki blower untuk mencegah oversursing
4.2 Mengubah pengaturan saluran masuk / keluar
Untuk berpindah dari susunan dengan saluran masuk dan keluar pada sumbu
vertikal ke arah saluran masuk dan keluar pada sumbu horizontal dan
sebaliknya, tukar oli dengan mengubah posisi colokan sesuai dengan gambar. 4.
Vertical Arrangement: /V Horizontal Arrangement: /H
Left-hand shaft only Bottom shaft only

Fig. 4

Letter Description
A Left Foot
B Right Foot
C Oil fill plug
D Oil drain plug
E Oil level sight glass

4.3 kopling

4.3.1 Kopling langsung - Geser setengah kopling ke poros blower dan motor
menggunakan alat yang sesuai.

PERINGATAN: Jangan gunakan palu untuk meluncur pada setengah


Amankan kopling setengah dengan dowel keamanan yang akan menekan


Letakkan blower pada jarak dari motor yang ditunjukkan oleh produsen

Sejajarkan poros blower dan motor dan, bila diperlukan masukkan shims
di bawah kaki motor dan / atau blower.

Periksa keselarasan dengan menggunakan kaliper atau alat pengukur

sesuai spesifikasi pabrik penggandengan.
5 Blower Engineering
Instructional Manual
4.3.2 Belt drive coupling Use suitable equipment to mount the sheaves onto the blower
and motor shafts. The minimum blower sheave diameters are shown in Table IV.

WARNING: Do not use a hammer to mount the sheaves.

Mount the drive belts. Belt tension is produced by using the motor thrust screws in
accordance with the values shown in Table V. During this phase, the alignment of the sheaves
must be checked using a scale resting against the sheaves as shown in figure 5.

WARNING: Excessive belt tension could damage the blower and the motor.
Secure the feet of the motor

Table IV: Minimum sheave diameter [inches / mm]

Differential Pressure [psig / kPa]

TL 3 207 5 345 6 414 7 483 8 552 10 689 12 827 13 896 15 1034
TL10 3.20 80 3.20 80 3.15 80 3.20 80 3.20 80 3.20 80 3.20 80 3.20 80 X X
TL20 3.20 80 3.20 80 3.15 80 3.20 80 3.20 80 3.20 80 3.20 80 3.20 80 X X
TL30 4.00 100 4.00 100 4.00 100 4.00 100 4.00 100 4.40 112 4.40 112 4.40 112 4.40 112
TL40 4.00 100 4.00 100 4.00 100 4.00 100 4.40 112 4.40 112 4.40 112 4.40 112 4.40 112
TL41 4.00 100 4.00 100 4.00 100 4.40 112 4.40 112 4.40 112 4.40 112 X X X X
TL50 4.70 118 4.70 118 4.70 118 5.20 132 5.20 132 5.50 140 5.50 140 5.50 140 5.50 140
TL60 5.20 132 5.20 132 5.20 132 5.20 132 5.50 140 5.50 140 5.50 140 5.50 140 5.50 140
TL61 5.20 132 5.20 132 5.50 140 5.50 140 5.90 150 5.90 150 5.90 150 X X X X
TL70 5.50 140 5.50 140 5.90 150 5.90 150 6.30 160 6.30 160 6.30 160 6.30 160 6.30 160
TL80 5.50 140 5.50 140 5.90 150 6.30 160 6.30 160 6.30 160 6.30 160 6.30 160 6.30 160
TL81 6.00 160 6.00 160 6.70 170 6.70 170 7.10 180 7.10 180 7.10 180 X X X X
TL90 7.90 200 7.90 200 7.90 200 7.90 200 7.90 200 9.00 225 9.00 225 9.90 250 9.90 250
TL100 7.90 200 7.90 200 7.90 200 7.90 200 9.00 225 9.00 225 9.90 250 9.90 250 10.90 275
TL101 7.90 200 7.90 200 7.90 200 7.90 200 9.00 225 9.00 225 X X X X X X
TL110 7.90 200 7.90 200 7.90 200 9.00 225 9.30 236 9.90 250 9.90 250 9.90 250 11.80 300
TL120 7.90 200 7.90 200 9.00 225 9.30 236 9.90 250 9.90 250 11.80 300 X X X X
TL900 9.30 236 9.30 236 9.30 236 9.90 250 11.80 300 13.80 350 13.80 350 X X X X

Check pressure rating for all blowers

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual 6

Table V: Recommended Deflection Force per Belt
V-Belt Small Sheave Diameter Range Small Sheave Speed Ratio Recommended Deflection Force
Cross RPM Range Range Minimum Maximum
Section inches mm lbs kg lbs kg
2.20 56 1200 - 3600 2.8 1.27 4.1 1.86
2.35 - 2.50 60 - 64 1200 - 3600 3.2 1.45 4.7 2.13
2.65 - 2.80 67 - 71 1200 - 3600 2.00 3.5 1.59 5.1 2.31
3VX 3.00 - 3.15 76 - 81 1200 - 3600 to 3.8 1.72 5.5 2.49
3.35 - 3.65 85 - 93 1200 - 3600 4.00 4.1 1.86 6.0 2.72
4.12 - 5.00 105 - 127 900 - 3600 4.8 2.18 7.1 3.22
5.30 - 6.90 135 - 175 900 - 3600 5.8 2.63 8.6 3.90
4.40 - 4.65 112 - 118 1200 - 3600 9.0 4.08 13 5.90
4.90 - 5.50 124 - 140 1200 - 3600 10 4.54 15 6.80
5VX 5.90 - 6.70 150 - 170 1200 - 3600 2.00 11 4.99 17 7.71
7.10 - 8.00 180 - 203 600 - 1800 to 13 5.90 19 8.62
8.50 - 10.90 216 - 277 600 - 1800 4.00 14 6.35 20 9.07
11.80 - 16.00 300 - 406 400 - 1200 15 6.80 23 10.43
7.10 - 8.00 180 - 203 600 - 1800 2.00 11 4.99 16 7.26
5V 8.50 - 10.90 216 - 277 600 - 1800 to 13 5.90 18 8.16
11.80 - 16.00 300 - 406 400 - 1200 4.00 14 6.35 21 9.53
12.50 - 17.00 318 - 432 600 - 1200 2.00 28 12.70 41 18.60
8V to
18.00 - 24.00 457 - 610 400 - 900 4.00 32 14.51 48 21.77

5.3 If replacing 3V or 5V belts with the same belt length and same number of belts in 3VX or 5VX
cross section, belt tension does not need to be increased.

NOTE: New drives designed with 3VX or 5VX belts should be tensioned at the respective
deflection force value shown in above table.

Simplified V-Belt Tensioning Method

Step 1 Determine the force required to
deflect one belt 1/64" per inch
(1/64th cm per centimeter) of
Tension Measured By Deflection
span length.
Deflection 1/64" per Step 2 Measure the span length of your
inch of span drive. Compare this deflection
force with the range given in
Table V.
If it is less than the
minimum recommended
force, the belts should be re-
If it is more than the
maximum recommended
force, the drive is tighter than
it needs to be.
Fig. 5

7 Blower Engineering Instructional Manual

4.4 Direction of rotation air flow direction


Fig. 6
WARNING: Do not use the blower with a direction of rotation or a flow direction which
differs from that shown in figure 6.

4.5 System piping

The diameters of the system piping must never be smaller than the diameters of the blower
openings. If the diameters are different, use a taper connector. The system piping should be
properly aligned and supported to prevent placing stress on the blower. Provide flexible joints.
The pipes must be thoroughly cleaned before connection. The gaskets must not interfere with
the gas system.

WARNING: Remove the protective covers from the blower openings before connecting the pipes.
4.5.2 Outlet pipe
4.5.1 Inlet pipe Connect a silencer directly to the outlet
5.3.1 Connect a silencer directly to the inlet of of the blower.
the blower. Support the piping at the point nearest
5.3.2 Thoroughly clean. to the flexible coupling.
5.3.3 If necessary install a dirt filter for Insulate the pipes so as to avoid heating
the first 100 working hours. the environment and as a precaution
5.3.4 Install a pressure gauge to check the dirt filter. to accidental contact.
5.3.5 Support the pipe.

4.6 Check valve

To stop the counter-rotation of the blower when it stops while loaded, install a check valve on the
discharge, when acting under pressure, or on the inlet when acting under vacuum conditions.

4.7 Safety valve

To limit the maximum operating pressure of the blower use a safety valve on the discharge,
when acting under pressure, or on the inlet when acting under vacuum conditions.

WARNING: Install the safety valves as close as possible to the inlet/outlet at the blower,
without placing shut-off valves in-between.
Blower Engineering Instructional Manual
4.8 Electrical connection
Use only authorized specialists to set up the electrical system, working in compliance with
regulations applying to the place of installation and in accordance with the requirements of
the local body supplying electrical energy. Check on the motor plate:
Voltage Frequency
Number of phases Absorbed current
Connect the cables as shown in the diagram accompanying the terminal box of the motor. If the
diagram has not been supplied, request it from the motor manufacturer. Use electrical cables of
suitable size, depending on the nominal current of the electrical motor. Keep the electric cables
away from heat sources and/or pointed edges. The motor must be protected by means of an
automatic switch set at the value of the rated current shown on the plate. For the safety of
personnel, the system must be protected by a suitable grounding device.
WARNING: Blower service must be carried out only after disconnecting the electric supply.

5.1 Preliminary controls

If the blower has been in storage for more than 6 months, check its state of preservation.
Check the coupling or the sheave alignment
Check the belt tension.
Check that the blower shaft rotates freely manually.
Check that the safety protection devices have been correctly installed and secured.
Fill the blower with oil as described in paragraph 6.1.1.

5.4 Start up
5.2.1 First start-up
WARNING: During this operation personnel are in direct contact with the blower, and
for this reason noise protection must be worn.
Open the shut-off valve.
Check that the safety valve has been set at the operating value.
Check the rotation by jogging the motor.
WARNING: Do not rotate the blower in the wrong direction for more than a few revolutions.
Start the blower
Increase the operating pressure gradually until the rated value is reached.
After about 10 to 20 minutes check that there are no oil leakages and strange noises or
vibrations. If such problems are found, stop the blower immediately.

5.2.2 Normal start-ups With direct start-up the motor starts even with the maximum dis-
charge counter-pressure. With star-delta start-up, on the other hand, or with the starter; the
counter-pressure must be zero.

9 Blower Engineering Instructional

0 Operating checks
0 Daily checks With the blower running, check:
Outlet temperatures.
Discharge pressure (when functioning under pressure).
Suction pressure (when functioning in vacuum conditions).
Absorbed power.

1 Check after first 50 hours With the blower shut down, check:
The oil level.
0 Oil leaks.
1 Auxiliary circuit leaks.
2 Belt tension.

5.3.3 Check every 500 hours With the blower shut down, check:
The oil level.
0 Oil viscosity and condition.
1 Belt wear.
2 Flexible coupling inserts.
3 Auxiliary circuits.

1 Stopping the blower

If possible, remove the counter-pressure.
Stop electric supply.

The blower can also be stopped in the presence of the counter-pressure but, because of the
high current absorption of the electric motor; problems with the electric circuit could result.

WARNING: Check that the deceleration of the blower is even and without vibrations.

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual

6.1 Preventive maintenance

6.1.1 Oil change

The first oil change should be performed after 100 working hours. Further oil changes are per-
formed every 2000 working hours. Oil should be checked regularly and oil changes made more
frequently if lubricant becomes contaminated due to adverse conditions.
The type of oil is shown in paragraph 10.

WARNING: Dispose of the used oil in accordance with the local regulations.

WARNING: Regardless, stick to the half way mark on the oil level sight glass.

Oil quantity: Vertical (qts / L) Oil quantity: Horizontal (qts / L)

Blower Size 1 2 Total 1 2 Total

TL10 - 20 0.33 0.31 0.71 0.67 1.04 0.98 0.22 0.21 0.44 0.41 0.66 0.62

TL30-40-41 0.6 0.56 1.11 1.05 1.7 1.61 0.4 0.38 0.76 0.72 1.16 1.1

TL50-60-61 0.85 0.8 1.75 1.65 2.6 2.45 0.57 0.54 1.1 1.04 1.67 1.58

TL70-80-81 1.67 1.58 3.3 3.11 4.97 4.69 1.11 1.50 2.11 2.0 3.22 3.05

TL90-100-101 3.2 3.0 5.8 5.5 9.0 8.5 1.8 1.7 3.44 3.25 5.24 4.95

TL110-120 4.23 4.0 9.0 8.5 13.23 12.5 2.64 2.5 5.3 5.0 7.94 7.5

TL900 9.5 9.0 19.0 18.0 28.5 27.0 6.34 6 10.6 10.0 16.94 16.0

2 1
2 1

Vertical Horizontal
Fig. 7 Fig. 7

11 Blower Engineering Instructional Manual

7.0 Troubleshooting
Cause Remedies

7.1 Inlet pressure different from the design value

Inlet piping is clogged Check piping and remove obstruction

Rotation speed is not the same as design RPM Check rotation speed and reset to design RPM

7.2 Outlet pressure different from the rated value

Outlet piping is clogged Check piping and remove obstruction

Rotation speed is not the design RPM Check rotation speed and reset to design RPM
7.3 Outlet temperature different from the rated value (stop the blower immediately)

Inlet temperature different from design value Check inlet temperature and reset to rated value
Compression ratio is not the same as the Check inlet and outlet pressures and reset to
design conditions rated values
Rotors are worn Measure clearances of rotors

7.4 Power absorbed different from the rated value

Differential pressure different from rated value Check the inlet and outlet pressure and reset to
rated value
Speed of rotation is not the same as rated value Check the speed of rotation and reset to
rated value
Incorrect electrical connection Check electrical system
Rotors making contact Stop blower immediately (see paragraph 7.3)

7.5 Loss of oil

Drive shaft seal is worn Replace the drive shaft seal

Oil drain and level plugs gaskets are worn Replace the gaskets
Oil level sight glasses are broken Replace sight glasses, fill with oil

7.6 High oil temperature

Oil level too high Reset correct oil level (see paragraph 6.1.1)
Oil too viscous Use less viscous oil
High differential pressure See paragraph 7.2
Oil produces foam Change the type of oil
7.7 Unusual noises and/or vibrations (stop the blower immediately)
Differential pressure exceeds rated value Check inlet and outlet pressures and reset to
rated values
Discharge temperature exceeds rated value see paragraph 7.3
Rotors making contact Stop blower immediately, measure gear and
rotor clearances
Scale on internal parts Thoroughly clean the rotors and compression
Bearings are worn Measure bearing clearances and, if necessary,
replace them
Intake of foreign particles Remove foreign particles, clean the inside of
the blower

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual

8.1 Blower disassembly
Disassembly of the blower within the warranty period results in the cancellation of the warranty.
Disassembly repair work and reassembly of the blower must be carried out only by skilled
personnel and with the aid of suitable equipment and the relevant manual. This manual contains
only the instructions for preventative maintenance. For any references to components see
attached sections.
NOTE: The warranty does not cover damages caused by operations carried out incorrectly
during disassembly and/or reassembly of the blower.
WARNING: Before starting disassembly of the blower, make sure that the power has been
disconnected. Follow the instructions in paragraph 9.2.
Disassemble the drive components (sheave or coupling), following the manufacturer's instructions if
there are locking devices or by means of an extractor if attached directly onto the shaft.
WARNING: Do not hammer the shaft, coupling or sheave.
Personnel who may come into contact with the blower must observe the most elementary safety
rules in order to minimize the possibility of suffering physical injury With this in mind, all
personnel who work in or pass through the area where the blower is functioning must be
instructed in the safety rules to follow and must be warned through the use of danger notices.

9.1 Blower in operation

Do not touch the external surfaces of the blower because they could reach temperatures higher
than 285F (141C) and therefore cause burns.
0 Do not hold objects or insert limbs into the blower openings because the moving rotors
could cause serious physical injury.
1 Provide suitable protection devices for the coupling and/or drive belts.
2 If the blower is operating disconnected from system piping, place a screen in front of the
inlet and keep away from the blower outlet flow.
3 Do not open the oil plugs.
4 Do not turn off the safety systems which are provided.
5 Do not stand too close to the safety valve discharge.
6 Avoid prolonged exposure to the noise produced by the blower, if suitable protection is not
worn. The sound pressure near the blower could be greater than 85 dB (A).

1 Before any blower service

Stop the blower by disconnecting the electrical supply.
0 Disconnect the electrical supply cables.
1 Bring the unit to atmospheric pressure.
WARNING: The gas contained in the blower may be hot, toxic and irritant.

13 Blower Engineering
Instructional Manual
9.3 During blower service
Check that all operations described in Paragraph 9.2 have been completed.
0 Use adequate equipment and procedures to disconnect and handle the system piping.
1 Use adequate equipment to disassemble the blower components.
2 Use adequate equipment and procedures to hoist the blower and its main parts.
The weight could exceed 66 lbs (30 kg).

1 Oil type
Oil Type ISO Class Acc. To
Mineral oil for general use C, CL, CLP DIN 51517
Mineral oil for hydrostatic and hydrodynamic circuits H, HL DIN 51524
Mineral oil for internal combustion engines HD
Synthetic oil

10.2 Oil viscosity

ISO - VG 150 oil temperature up to 176F (80C) compression ratio up to 1.7 gas
discharge temperature up to 230F (110C) ambient temperature up
to 95F (35C)
ISO - VG 220 oil temperature up to 230F (110C) compression ratio higher than 1.7
gas discharge temperature up to 230F (110C) ambient temperature
higher than 95F (35C) installation in soundproof enclosure

10.3 Recommended oils

Pour point Pour point
Make Type ISO VG - 150 ISO VG - 220
Exxon Nuto 150 0 -18 220 0 -18
Mobil D.T.E. Extra Heavy 16 -9 BB 20 -7
Pennzoil Pennzbell R + O 150 15 -9 R + O 220 15 -9
Shell Tellus C 150 0 -18 C 220 5 -15
Texaco Regal R + O 150 12 -11 R + O 220 12 -11
Mobil Synthetic SHC629 -49 -45 SHC630 -49 -45

10.4 Minimum working temperature

Check that the pour point of the oil is less than the minimum temperature that can be reached in
the ambient If this is not the case, select an oil with a lower viscosity (a g.: ISO VG-100), or
use an oil specially made for low temperatures according to recommendations of oil producers.

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual

30 40 41 12 44 31



33 16 13



7 24 23 35 1 14 38 21 11 17 6 9 39 19 2 45 34 47 5

TL10, TL20, TL30, TL 40 & TL41

Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description

2 48 gear locking nut

1 47 spacer
1 46 spacer
20 45 bolt
1 44 headplate, drive
1 41 cylinder
1 40 headplate, gear
4 39 oil splash disc
3 38 circlip
2 35 inner cover
1 34 oil slinger, drive
1 33 oil slinger, gear
1 32 spring pin, gear
1 31 drive sump
1 30 gear sump
2 29 lock washer
1 27 washer
2 26 washer
1 25 bolt
6 24 adjusting ring
2 23 gear spacer
2 21 spacer
Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description
2 19 spacer
4 17 sealing chamber
1 16 lock nut, driveshaft
4 14 pre-load washer
1 13 key, shaft
1 12 driven rotor
1 11 drive rotor
4 9 ring holder
1 8 gear, driven
1 7 gear, drive
16 6 piston sealing ring
1 5 shaft sleeve
1 4 lip seal
1 3 bearing
1 2 bearing
2 1 bearing
Listings not shown
8 50 o-ring
8 37 adjusting washer
2 22 bearing washer
4 20 fill, drain plug
4 15 oil level sight glass

15 Blower Engineering
Instructional Manual
29 26 44 14 21 40 39 41 12 17 19 43 3








30 47 7 24 23 35 1 38 6 11 9 2
TL50, TL60 & TL61
Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description
2 47 gear locking nut
1 46 extraction ring
1 45 extraction ring
28 44 bolt
1 43 headplate, drive
1 41 cylinder
1 40 headplate, gear
4 39 oil splash disc
3 38 circlip
2 35 inner cover
1 34 oil slinger, drive
1 33 oil slinger, gear
1 31 drive sump
1 30 gear sump
2 29 lock washer
1 27 washer
2 26 washer
1 25 bolt
6 24 adjusting ring
2 23 gear spacer
2 21 spacer
2 19 spacer
Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description
4 17 sealing chamber
1 16 lock nut, driveshaft
4 14 pre-load washer
1 13 key, shaft
1 12 driven rotor
1 11 drive rotor
4 9 ring holder
1 8 gear, driven
1 7 gear, drive
16 6 piston sealing ring
1 5 shaft sleeve
1 4 lip seal
1 3 bearing
1 2 bearing
2 1 bearing
Listings not shown
8 49 o-ring
8 37 adjusting washer
1 32 spring pin, gear
2 22 bearing washer
4 15 oil level sight glass

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual

23 45 41 2 1 93 12 19 38 3

2 6



29 4


4 7




7 35 1 9 71 6 41 11 2 44
TL70, TL80 & TL81
Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description
2 47 gear locking nut
2 46 spacer
32 45 bolt
1 44 headplate, drive
1 41 cylinder
1 40 headplate, gear
4 39 oil splash disc
3 38 circlip
2 35 inner cover
1 34 oil slinger, drive
1 33 oil slinger, gear
1 31 drive sump
1 30 gear sump
2 29 lock washer
2 27 washer
2 26 washer
1 25 bolt
6 24 adjusting ring
2 23 gear spacer
2 21 spacer
2 19 spacer

Qty Per Part Part

Blower Number Description
4 17 sealing chamber
1 16 lock nut, driveshaft
6 14 pre-load washer
1 13 key, shaft
1 12 driven rotor
1 11 drive rotor
4 9 ring holder
1 8 gear, driven
1 7 gear, drive
16 6 piston ring seal
1 5 shaft sleeve
1 4 lip seal
1 3 bearing
1 2 bearing
2 1 bearing
Listings not shown
8 48 o-ring
8 37 adjusting washer
2 22 bearing washer
4 15 oil level sight glass

17 Blower Engineering
Instructional Manual
23 45 40 38 9 6 24 41 47 21 44 1






5 11

29 28


35 1 17 3 46
14 19

TL90, TL100 & TL101

Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description
2 47 ring holder drive
1 46 spring holding ring
32 45 bolt
1 44 drive headplate
1 41 cylinder
1 40 driven headplate
3 38 circlip
2 35 inner cover
1 34 oil slinger, drive
1 33 oil slinger, gear
1 31 drive sump
1 30 gear sump
2 29 lock washer
1 28 key, slinger
1 27 washer
2 26 washer
1 25 bolt
4 24 pre-load washer
2 23 spacer
3 21 oil splash disc
1 19 oil splash disc
Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description
4 17 sealing chamber
2 16 gear lock nut
4 14 pre-load washer
1 13 key, shaft
1 12 driven rotor
1 11 drive rotor
2 9 ring holder, gear
1 8 gear, driven
1 7 gear, drive
20 6 piston sealing ring
1 5 shaft sleeve
1 4 lip seal
2 3 spring
1 2 bearing
3 1 bearing
Listings not shown
8 48 o-ring
8 37 adjusting washer
1 22 bearing washer
4 15 oil level sight glass

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual

35 49 50 40 17 41 12 47 44 1



26 25





29 31

23 51 1 38 21 6 9 14 11 47 19 24 34

TL110 & TL120

Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description
2 51 spacer
32 50 bolt
2 49 gear side bearing
2 47 ring holder
1 46 spring holding ring
1 45 drive side bearing
1 44 drive headplate
1 41 cylinder
1 40 driven headplate
3 38 circlip
12 36 bolt
2 35 inner cover
1 34 oil slinger drive
1 33 oil slinger, gear
1 31 drive sump
1 30 gear sump
2 29 lock washer
1 28 key, slinger
1 27 washer
2 26 washer
1 25 bolt
2 24 spring

Qty Per Part Part

Blower Number Description
2 23 spacer
3 21 oil splash disc
1 19 oil splash disc
4 17 sealing chamber
2 16 gear lock nut
6 14 pre-load washer
1 13 key, shaft
1 12 driven rotor
1 11 drive rotor
2 9 ring holder
1 8 gear, driven
1 7 gear, drive
20 6 piston sealing ring
1 5 shaft sleeve
1 4 lip seal
2 3 bearing
1 2 bearing
3 1 bearing
Listings not shown
8 48 o-ring
16 37 adjusting washer
1 22 bearing washer
4 15 oil level sight glass

19 Blower Engineering
Instructional Manual
3 51 50 1 21 6 12 41 10 45

8 36



5 11



16 28



23 35 49 53 40 9 17 14 47 19 24 44 46 55

Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description
1 55 thrower ring, bearing
1 54 shaft seal housing
3 53 circlip
2 51 bearing spacer
32 50 bolt
2 49 gear side bearing
2 47 ring holder
1 46 spring holding ring
1 45 drive side bearing
1 44 drive headplate
1 41 cylinder
1 40 driven headplate
4 36 bolt
2 35 inner cover
1 34 oil slinger, drive
1 33 oil slinger, gear
1 31 drive sump
1 30 gear sump
2 29 lock washer
1 28 key, slinger
1 27 washer
2 26 washer
1 25 bolt

Qty Per Part Part

Blower Number Description
2 24 spring
2 23 spacer
3 21 oil splash disc
1 19 oil splash disc
4 17 sealing chamber
2 16 lock nut
6 14 pre-load washer
1 13 key, shaft
1 12 driven rotor
1 11 drive rotor
2 9 ring holder
1 8 gear, driven
1 7 gear, drive
20 6 piston sealing ring
1 5 shaft sleeve
1 4 lip seal
2 3 bearing
1 2 bearing
3 1 bearing
Listings not shown
8 48 o-ring
16 37 adjusting washer
1 22 bearing washer
4 15 oil level sight glass

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual

46 39 40 10 7 25
TL90, TL100 &
28 TL101





34 1 16
41 24 18 45








17 20 5

Qty Per Part Part

Blower Number Description
4 51 drive shaft lock nut
24 46 bolt
1 45 drive headplate
1 41 cylinder
1 40 driven headplate
3 39 circlip
1 36 spring holding ring
2 34 inner cover
1 33 oil slinger, drive
1 32 oil slinger, gear
1 31 bolt
1 29 drive sump
1 28 gear sump
2 27 lock washer
4 25 pre-load washer
2 24 ring holder, drive
1 23 washer
2 22 washer
2 21 spacer
1 20 oil splash disc
2 19 gear lock nut
4 17 sealing chamber
4 16 pre-load washer
1 15 key, slinger
1 14 key, shaft

Qty Per Part Part

Blower Number Description
1 13 shaft-piston, driven
1 12 shaft-piston, drive
2 10 ring holder, gear
1 9 gear, drive
1 8 gear, driven
20 7 piston sealing ring
1 6 shaft sleeve
2 5 spring
1 4 lip seal
1 3 bearing
1 2 bearing
2 1 bearing
Listings not shown
8 37 adjusting washer
4 26 oil level sight glass
21 Blower Engineering
Instructional Manual
35 50 40 17 41





30 23 51 1 38 21 6 9 14
12 47 44 1






5 13

28 31
47 19 24

TL110 & TL120

Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description
1 53 drive shaft lock nut
2 51 spacer
32 50 bolt
2 49 gear side bearing
2 47 ring holder, drive
1 46 spring holding ring
1 45 drive side bearing
1 44 drive headplate
1 41 cylinder
1 40 driven headplate
3 38 circlip
12 36 bolt
2 35 inner cover
1 34 oil slinger drive
1 33 oil slinger, gear
1 31 drive sump
1 30 gear sump
2 29 lock washer
1 28 key, slinger
1 27 washer
2 26 washer
1 25 bolt
2 24 spring
Qty Per Part Part
Blower Number Description
2 23 spacer
3 21 oil splash disc
1 19 oil splash disc
4 17 sealing chamber
2 16 gear lock nut
6 14 pre-load washer
1 13 key, shaft
1 12 rotor driven
1 11 rotor drive
2 9 ring holder, gear
1 8 gear, driven
1 7 gear, drive
20 6 piston sealing ring
1 5 shaft sleeve
1 4 lip seal
2 3 bearing
1 2 bearing
3 1 bearing
Listings not shown
16 37 adjusting washer
4 15 oil level sight

Sq. key

t o N : el A l mea ues mre nts arenicniseh .

eMod l A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Holes Q V W X Z Wei ght

in Flg. s(lb .)
01LT 9 7. 4 55. 0 82. 21 8. 5 68. 8 54. 9 . 534 . 184 3. 81 257. 4 . 6 5 7. 0 4 78.10 40. 01 5216.0 0.25 31.52 146
02LT 6. 01 3. 4 55. 0 82. 21 48. 7 596. 42. 01 . 534 . 18498. 91 3 6 . 778 . 0 7 4 78.10 40. 01 5216.0 0.25 31.52 162
03LT 6. 11 5. 8 36. 0 3. 41 67. 9573. 01 526. 11 3. 6 . 196 22 3 6 778. 7. 0 4 6. 21 24. 11 .15 0.375 36.52 22 4
04LT 6. 11 4.10 36. 0 3. 41 18. 11 5. 11 67.12 63. . 19662. 42 3 6 778. .07 4 . 21 6. 11 24 .15 0.375 36.52 52 0
14LT 6. 11 1336. 0 3. 41 6152. 31 57.14 3. 6 96. 1 82 4 .75 686. 7. 0 8 6. 21 . 11 24 .15 0.375 36.52 284
05LT 4. 31 8.10 7. 058. 61 2. 21521. 21 52. 31 9. 6 90. 2 . 52573 4 . 7 5 66. 8 7. 0 887. 31 . 41 71 . 157 07.3 5 4.562 73 6
06LT 4. 31 4.13 7. 058. 61 53. 51 57. 31 57. 41 9. 6 . 290 5. 82 4 . 7 5 66. 8 .0 7 8 . 31 87 . 41 71 . 157 07.3 5 4.625 14 2
16LT 1. 81 4.11 7. 0 3. 02 7. 31526. 51 0. 71 9. 6 90. 2 . 23526 5 .85 01 7. 0 8 87.13 . 41 71 . 157 0.537 46. 25 94 8
07LT 6. 41 4.12 49. 0 51. 81 46. 41 26. 31 51 . 858 46. 2 26. 82 5 .85 01 9. 0 8 7. 71 . 71 31 .5221 .05 48.57 06 8
08LT 6. 41 1749. 0 51. 81 7. 81 17. 51 90. 71 . 858 46. 2 . 23 8 6 . 9 5. 11 22 9. 0 8 7. 71 . 71 31 .5221 .05 48.57 96 4
18LT 6. 41 2249. 0 51. 81 71.24 64.18 48. 91 58. 8 . 246 . 83 3 6 . 9252. 11 9. 0 8 . 71 7. 71 31 .5221 .05 4.587 08 8
09LT 9. 61 . 51 5249. 0 8. 22 46. 71 5. 61 57.19 . 948 . 35532. 63 6 . 9 5. 11 22 9. 0 896. 91 . 12 24 .5273 0.625 . 7 0 59 4
001LT 9. 61 7.19 49. 0 8. 22 10. 22 5. 81 0. 22 48. 9 . 353 5. 04 8. 11 57 . 31 5 9. 0 8 . 91 9624. 12 .5273 . 0 625 7.0 1058

101LT 9. 61 6.25 49. 0 8. 22 49. 82 0. 22 5. 52 48. 9 . 353 5. 74 8. 11 57 . 31 5 9. 0 8 . 91 9624. 12 .5273 . 0 625 7.0 1258

011LT 5. 12 52. 02 49. 076. 52 16. 22 52. 81 5. 12 . 21 471. 4 . 93 57 8. 11 57 . 31 5 . 0 9 8 248. 57.25 . 2 5 . 0 625 71.52 1450

021LT 5. 12 22 5. 49. 0 76. 52 78. 42 8. 02 0. 42 . 21 4 . 471 8. 44 01 . 41 52 . 51 9 9. 0 21 8. 42 57. 52 . 2 5 . 0 562 7.512 166

009LT 9. 92 9.20 49. 0 23. 73 14. 42 41. 62 42. 03 53. 51 13. 5 . 65 83 21 71 91 1 21 . 03 1798. 13 . 3 5 . 0 875 7.6 2976

23 Blower Engineering Instructional Manual

Sq. key

o N et l: A l
mea eusmer
ntsr a eni
nihcse .

Wei ght

Mod le 1A B C D1 E F G 1H I1 L M N O Po Hsel 1 Q V1 W X Z (lb. s )

1LT 0 90. 7 56. 4 55. 0 54. 9 97. 5 68. 8 54. 9 34. 5 . 6 193. 81 257. 4 .65.07 478. 01 5. 11 5.2160 . 052 3.512 41 6
TL20 7. 7 3. 4 55. 0 1. 9 4. 7 56. 9 2. 01 4 .67 888. 91 3 6 78. 7 .07 4 78.1022. 31 5.2160 05.2 3.125 61 2
TL30 5. 8 5. 8 36. 0 88. 9 67. 9573. 01 526. 11 .52 . 698 22 3 6 78. 7 0.7 4 . 21 567. 21 .15 . 0 375 36.52 224
4LT 0 5. 8 4. 01 36. 0 88. 9 98. 11 5. 11 7. 21 6 . 5 2 . 698 . 42 62 3 6 78. 7 .07 4 . 21 567. 21 .15 07.3 5 3.562 52 0
4LT 0. 8 7 31 36. 060. 11 65. 41 52. 31 7. 41 5 . 6 3 8 82 4 5. 7 66. 8 . 0 7 8 . 21 267. 31 .15 . 0 375 36.52 284
5LT 41. 11 8. 01 7. 0 3. 31 54. 21 521. 21 2. 31 5 . 6 3 24. 8 . 52573 4 5. 7 66. 8 .07 8 . 31 87 . 51 7 . 157 . 073 5 42.6 5 73 6
6LT 41. 11 4. 31 7. 0 3. 31 53. 51 57. 31 7. 41 5 . 6 3 24. 8 . 82 5 4 5. 7 66. 8 .07 8 . 31 87 . 51 7 . 157 . 073 5 42.6 5 14 2
6LT 1 5. 945. 51 7. 043. 21 23. 71526. 51 0. 71 . 669 31. 9 . 23526 5 5. 8 01 .07 8 . 31 8274. 61 . 157 07.3 5 4.625 94 8
7LT 0 8. 21 4. 21 49. 053. 51 26. 41 26. 31 51 . 7 1 57. 9 . 82 26 5 5. 8 01 .09 8 . 71 1274. 81 .5221 0.5 4.875 06 8
8LT 8. 21 71 49. 0 53. 51 8. 81 17. 51 0. 71 9 . 7 1 57. 9 . 23 8 6 5. 922. 11 .09 8 . 71 1274. 81 .5221 0.5 47.8 5 96 4
8LT 1 8. 21 22 49. 0 53. 51 3. 42 64. 81 8. 91 4 . 7 1 57. 9 3. 83 6 5. 922. 11 .09 817. 71 24. 81 .5221 0.5 4.875 08 8
9LT 0 . 51 5 5152. 49. 0 2. 91 9. 71 5. 61 57. 91 59. 7 3. 11 . 63 52 6 5. 922. 11 .09 896. 91 . 22 10 .5273 02.6 5 . 7 0 59 4
1LT . 51 57. 91 49. 0 2. 91 1. 32 5. 81 . 22 0 . 759 . 11 3 5. 04 8. 11 57. 31 5 . 0 9 896. 91 . 22 10 .5273 . 026 5 7.0 8510
1LT 10 5. 51 6. 52 49. 0 2. 91 57. 72 0. 22 . 52 559. 7 3. 11 5. 74 8. 11 57. 31 5 . 0 9 896. 91 . 22 10 .5273 02.6 5 . 7 0 8512
1LT 011. 61 524.02 49. 0 7. 91 8. 22 52. 81 . 12 569. 9 31. 41 . 93 57 8. 11 57. 31 5 . 0 9 8 8. 42 . 72 10 .25 02.6 5 7.125 1450

1LT 021. 61 45. 22 49. 0 7. 91 2. 62 8. 02 . 42 069. 9 31. 41 8. 44 01. 41 52. 51 9 . 0 9 21 8. 42 . 72 10 .25 02.6 5 7.1256616
9LT 00 . 22 3 02 49. 0 2. 62 4. 42 41. 62 42. 03 53. 12 66. 62 . 65 83 21 71 91 1 21 . 03 17. 24 16 .35 0.587 7.6 297 6

Blower Engineering Instructional Manual 24

Design Features
0 Bearings: p
Spheric l
al/cylin e
roller n
and ball o
bearing n
combin -
ations; w
minimu e
m a
100,000 r
hour i
design n
life. g
1 Tri-Lobe
2 Impeller/ i
Shaft l
y: s
Reduce e
s a
mechan l
ical s
deflecti ,
on and
vibratio p
n. r
3 o
Oil v
S i
e d
a e
s p
: o
S i
i t
m i
v t
e u
s e
e s
a .
i N
n o
i h
n a
b t
t w
h e
o r
i .
s Air
u S
m e
p a
s l
. s
n P
a i
f s
f t
g r
t e
e a
m l
p s
r p
a r
v l
i e
d a
e k
d g
e e
e p
n a
d s
a t
l t
e h
o s
n h
- a
w f
e t
a s
r .




0 Heavy- li
Duty v
and er
ribbed e
cast d
iron in
housing a
and end n
covers: u
Reduce n
noise c
levels o
and nt
increas a
e heat m
dissipat in
ion. at
1 Versatile e
Mounti d,
ng: oi
Horizo l
ntal or fr
vertical e
airflow e
is easily st
achieve at
d by e.
relocati 4 T
ng the h
remova e
mounti u
ng feet n
incorpo i
rated in t
all m
models. a
2 Splash y
Lubrica b
tion: e
improv c
ed o
bearing u
life and p
operati l
onal e
simplic d
3 Gas
tl ze
y d
o by
r a
d pai
ri r
v of
e tim
n ing
b ge
y ars
V ha
- vin
b g
e hel
lt ica
s. l,
5 Rotat har
ion de
of ne
the d
imp an
elle d
rs is gro
syn un
chr d
oni tee

Tri-Lobe P Vacuum Inlet Volume CFM
Max Max
Model 30 145 300 600 1200 2400 4800 5200

TL 10 13 13
TL 20 13 13
TL 30 15 15
TL 40 15 15
TL 41 11 12
TL 50 15 15
TL 60 15 15
TL 61 11 12
TL 70 15 15
TL 80 15 15
TL 81 11 12
TL 90 15 15
TL 100 15 15
TL 101 10 12
TL 110 15 15
TL 120 12 13
TL 900 12 13

Performance data
based on the
following; Gas
handled: Air, Inlet
pressure: 14.7 PSIA,
Inlet Temp.: 68F
Vacuum Performance
data based on the
following; Gas
handled: Air,
Discharge pressure:
29.92 HG A, Inlet
Temp.: 68F

Blower Engineering
Instructional Manual
Packaged System from Blower
Lewiston, New York Enfield, Connecticut Murrieta, California Aurora, Canada
1-800-388-1339 1-860-749-7431 1-951-219-0997 1-905-841-2215

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