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How a man with a violent and insane ideology can reach the top position as a
leader in a nation? This question is very used when we talk about Hadolf Hitler,
head of state in Germany few years later the first world war.
To give an answer we need to know how Germany lost
that war, in fact, the state who won imposed some
condition wich destroyed economy and leave the
country poor, without an army and some lands.
People could not buy even food and inflation
cancelled the moneys value.
The government was not able to resolve this situation,
so after some terrible years Hitler gain the power by an
ordinary election in 1933 and only one year later (1934)
he become dictator.
His plan was based on a very strict control of citizens
life, in fact the Frer in his speeches talks about the
greatness of Germany as a race.
In every corner of the nation were repeat the nazi ideology with an impressive
propaganda by radio, cinema and images.
The education starts from the earlier age of kids in schools, free time and
ideology who had to be, of course, like the one imposed by the regime.
This sense of nationalism was applied to everyone and who refuse was
punished physically or with some years in jail.
After few years Hitler raised up the nation and his agreement grew even more.

To repress opponents he created two military corps: Schutz Staffeln (SS) and the
But the violence was more concentrated on minorities, especially against jews.
For them was forbidden to have a marry with an Aryan one, they cant have
some jobs and they were considered thiefs and dangerous for the country.
Some of these points were official in the Nuremberg Laws (1935) where the
people were classified as jews or not by their family tree.
In 1939, Hitler signed an alliance with another dictator, Benito Mussolini with The
pact of steel.
The Frer at the beginning followed the Italian head of state with admiration
because of his strength and charisma, but when Germany become more
powerfull than Italy, Hitler toke with him Mussolini in the most violent war ever
seen started the same year.
During this conflict, in some camps located in the center Europe, were started
the final plan of this insane leader, destroy an entire race.

Capitanelli Marco 5A

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