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Marat Uzbekov

Mr. Butler

Literacy 13

23 May 2017

How to Use the Lewis Gun Step by Step

During World War I different weapons were experimented with, from guns to tanks.

Everyone in the war was inventing new and different technologies to have victory over their

enemies. One of the technologies that was made during the war was the Lewis gun, named after

its creator, which is a light machine gun. This weapon had a significant advantage over other

weapons during the war, (though not for long), since it had a very high fire rate, low recoil, and a

high magazine capacity. In order to use the Lewis gun, first the gunner has to install it in the

adapter which holds the weapon, load it with ammo, and finally use the weapon.

In order to fire the Lewis gun, initially the gunner has to install the LMG into the adapter.

Firstly, make sure that the adapter is for the Lewis gun, since because of the shape some adapters

may not be compatible (AZFUN4ALL). Secondly, place the adapter at the place where the

gunner will be shooting (AZFUN4ALL). Thirdly, unpin the bolt which makes sure that the

holder holds the weapon, in order to place the gun (AZFUN4ALL). Finally, place the LMG into

the holder and make sure that the front end is in the adapter because of the shape of the LMG,

otherwise the weapon will not fit. Afterwards, pin the holder back so the weapon will stay still

(AZFUN4ALL). As said earlier, in order to fire the Lewis gun, first you have to install it in the

respectable adapter. The second step to firing the Lewis gun is loading the ammo.

In order to fire the Lewis gun, initially the gunner has to load ammo into the weapon.

Firstly, take the magazine and the magazine pillar and start loading the bullets one by one into
the magazine, while rotating the magazine pillar after every bullet in order to keep the bullet

inside (AZFUN4ALL). Secondly, remove the magazine pillar from the magazine and install back

into the weapon (Slave to the Game). Thirdly, To load the Lewis, the gunner (or his No. 2)

placed the pan magazine on top of the magazine pillar, taking scare to align the spline on the

pillar with the slot in the central hole of the magazine (Grant 32). Finally, Once the magazine

was in place, the gunner pulled back the cocking handle to draw the bolt to the rear, ready to load

and fire the first round (Grant 32). Once again, in order to fire the Lewis gun, initially you have

to load it with ammo. The next step in firing the Lewis gun is how to actually shoot the weapon.

In order to fire the Lewis gun, initially you have to actually use the weapon. Firstly, you

have to unpin the safety pin (AZFUN4ALL).Not all models of weapon have the pin, but those

who have should be unpinned in order to be able to fire. Secondly, you have to hold down onto

the adapter handle and aim with your eye at the target using the sight (AZFUN4ALL). Thirdly,

press the trigger and shoot the target. Shoot with short bursts, ideally with three to five bullets

each because of the chance of the weapon to jam (AZFUN4ALL). Finally, if the weapon jams, or

the gunner runs out of bullets, simply reload the magazine (AZFUN4ALL). To summarize, In

order to fire the Lewis gun, you have to first fire the weapon correctly.

During World War I, the Lewis gun was widely used and manufactured by many

countries, each country having their own model of the weapon. Some of these models are Mark

I, Mark II and etc. The LMG was even used in aircrafts, like the model Mark 2, which was made

based on the land-based Mark 1 (Military Weapons). The Lewis gun is a tool of destruction and

caused many deaths, and should remain in history to remind and warn us of the destruction of

war. Again, in order to fire the Lewis gun, the gunner has to install it in the adapter, load it with

ammo, and finally press the trigger to fire the weapon.

Works Cited

AZFUN4ALL. "Lewis Light Machine Gun." YouTube. YouTube, 30 May 2011.

Web. 02 May 2017.

Grant, Neil. "The Lewis Gun." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2017.

"Slave to the Game." Lewis Automatic Machine Gun Model 1916. N.p., n.d. Web.

02 May 2017.

"Lewis Gun Light Machine Gun (LMG)." Military Weapons. N.p., n.d. Web. 02

May 2017.

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