Sie sind auf Seite 1von 13

Question 1

Problem : Catch-22 A robot is programmed to move forward F meters and backwards again, say B
meters, in a straight line. The Robot covers 1 meter in T units of time. On Robot's path there is a ditch at
a distance FD from initial position in forward direction as well as a ditch at a distance BD from initial
position in backward direction. This forward and backward movement is performed repeatedly by the
Robot. Your task is to calculate amount of time taken, before the Robot falls in either ditch, if at all it falls
in a ditch.
Input Format:First line contains total number of test cases, denoted by N Next N lines, contain a tuple
containing 5 values delimited by space F B T FD BD, where

1. F denotes forward displacement in meters

2. B denotes backward displacement in meters
3. T denotes time taken to cover 1 meter
4. FD denotes distance from Robot's starting position and the ditch in forward direction
5. BD denotes distance from Robot's starting position and the ditch in backward direction

Output Format: For each test case print time taken by the Robot to fall in the ditch and also state which
ditch he falls into. Print F for forward and B for backward. Both the outputs must be delimited by
whitespaceOR Print No Ditch if the Robot does not fall in either ditch

Constraints: First move will always be in forward direction 1 <= N <= 100 forward displacement >
0backward displacement > 0 time > 0 distance of ditch in forward direction (FD) > 0 distance of
ditch in backward direction (BD) > 0 All input values must be positive integers only Sample Input
and Output
SNo. Input Output

1 3 9 4 3 13 10 9 7 1 11 13 4 4 3 8 12 63 F 25 F No Ditch

2 5 8 4 7 11 22 4 5 4 25 6 4 9 3 6 29 7 10 6 24 133 F 216 B 231 B 408 B 9 F

12 10 10 1 9 7

Question 2
Problem : Saving for a rainy day By nature, an average Indian believes in saving money. Some
reports suggest that an average Indian manages to save approximately 30+% of his salary.
Dhaniram is one such hard working fellow. With a view of future expenses, Dhaniram resolves to
save a certain amount in order to meet his cash flow demands in the future. Consider the
following example. Dhaniram wants to buy a TV. He needs to pay Rs 2000/- per month for 12
installments to own the TV. If let's say he gets 4% interest per annum on his savings bank
account, then Dhaniram will need to deposit a certain amount in the bank today, such that he is
able to withdraw Rs 2000/- per month for the next 12 months without requiring any additional
deposits throughout. Your task is to find out how much Dhaniram should deposit today so that he
gets assured cash flows for a fixed period in the future, given the rate of interest at which his
money will grow during this period.
Input Format: First line contains desired cash flow M Second line contains period in months
denoted by TThird line contains rate per annum R expressed in percentage at which deposited
amount will grow
Output Format: Print total amount of money to be deposited now rounded off to the nearest
integerConstraints: M > 0 T > 0 R >= 0 Calculation should be done upto 11-digit precision
Sample Input and Output
SNo. Input Output

1 500 3 12 1470

2 6000 3 5.9 17824

3 500 2 0 1000

Question 3
Problem : Sheldon Cooper and his beverage paradigm Sheldon Cooper, Leonard
Hofstadter and Penny decide to go for drinks at Cheese cake factory. Sheldon proposes
to make a game out of this. Sheldon proposes as follows,

To decide the amount of beverage they plan to consume, say X.

Then order for a random number of different drinks, say {A, B, C, D, E, F} of quantities
{a, b, c, d, e, f} respectively.
If quantity of any three drinks add up to X then we'll have it else we'll return the order.
E.g. If a + d + f = X then True else False
You are given

1. Number of bottles N corresponding to different beverages and hence their sizes

2. Next N lines, contain a positive integer corresponding to the size of the beverage
3. Last line consists of an integer value, denoted by X above
Your task is to help find out if there can be any combination of three beverage sizes that
can sum up to the quantity they intend to consume. If such a combination is possible
print True else False
Input Format:

1. First line contains number of bottles ordered denoted by N

2. Next N lines, contains a positive integer Ai, the size of the ith bottle
3. Last line contains the quantity they intend to consume denoted by X in text above
Output Format: True, if combination is possible False, if combination is not possible

Constraints: N >= 3 Ai > 0 1 <= i <= N X > 0 Sample Input and Output
SNo. Input Output
1 6 1 4 45 6 10 8 22 True
2 4 1 3 12 4 14 False

Explanation for sample input and output 1: The sum of 2nd, 5th and 6th beverage
size is equal to 22. So the output will be True.
Explanation for sample input and output 2: Since no combination of given beverage
sizes sum up to X i.e. 14, the output will be False.

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Question 4
Problem : Water Management There are N tubs of water, numbered from 1 to N.
Initially there is a few litres of water in each tub. Each water tub has 2 taps attached to
it. Incoming Tap with speed x litres / second and Outgoing Tap with speed y litres /
second. Let water(i) denote the final volume of water in ith tub. Amit wants to attain such
a situation that water(i) < water(i+1) for 1<=i <=N. i.e. water in each tub must be less
than water in the tub next to it. He wants to do this as quickly as possible. You task is to
find out and tell Amit, what is the minimum number of seconds required to attain in this

Input Format: First line will contains the number of tubs, denoted by N Next N lines
contain a tuple with 3 integers delimited by white space. The tuple contents are

Wi - volume of water present initially in ith tub (in litres)

x - speed of incoming tap of ith tub ( in litres/second)
y - speed of outgoing tap of ith tub ( in litres/second)
Output Format: Minimum time in seconds, needed to arrange water in N tubs, in
ascending order of volume.
Constraints: 2 <= N <= 100000 0 <= W <= 1000000000 (1 billion) for each tub 1 <=
x <= 10000 for each tub 1 <= y <= 10000 for each tub A tap can be used only for
integral number of seconds i.e. you cannot use a tap for 0.3 or 0.5 seconds. It can
be used either for 1,2,3.... Seconds Capacity of each tub is infinite. Volume of
water in any tub cannot be less than zero at any point of time. Any number of taps
can be turned on or off simultaneously. Sample Input and Output

Explanation for sample input and output 1: Here we have 3 tubs with following
information about each of them
Tub Number Initial Volume Incoming Tap speed Outgoing Tap speed
Tub 1 2 3 3
Tub 2 3 4 5
Tub 3 3 5 5
Initially tub 2 and 3 have same volume of water. So he will just turn on the Incoming Tap
at Tub 3 for one second. After one second the water in 3rd tub will be 8 litres. Since 2 <
3 < 8, the answer is 1 second.
Explanation for sample input and output 2: Here we have 3 tubs with following
information about each of them
Tub Number Initial Volume Incoming Tap speed Outgoing Tap speed
Tub 1 6 2 1
Tub 2 4 1 3
Tub 3 4 1 4
As we can see that it is impossible to do the task in one second. But it can be done in
two second as below. Turn on the outgoing tap at tub 1. So after two seconds water
level will reduce to 4 litres. Turn on the incoming tap at tub 2 only for one second. So
water level will be 5 litres. Turn on the incoming tap at tub 3 for two seconds. So water
level will be 6 litres. Since 4 < 5 < 6, the answer is 2 seconds.
Question 5

Problem : Optimum Cost Calculator A town A is located on a river. We have to send

cargo to town B which is located 'a' kilometers downstream and 'd' kilometers from the
river. Government wants to construct a sea link between B and the river such that the
cost of transportation of goods from A to B is the cheapest. The transport cost of a unit
of cargo per kilometer by waterway is half the cost incurred by taking the highway. Your
task is to help the government find a point in the river from which to construct a highway
to town B so that the government's objective of reducing transportation cost is achieved.
More specifically, calculate the distance from town A where the highway has to be
constructed and the length of the highway to be constructed.

Sea link Planning Input Format

Fig:Sea link Planning Input Format:

First line contains the distance between A and C along the river denoted 'a' Second line
contains the distance between C and B along the road denoted by 'd'
Output Format: Print the distance of the point in the river denoted by D from Town A.
Print the length of the highway that needs to be built from D to B. OR Print "Invalid
Input", if any constraint is violated
Constraints: 0 < a <= (57 * d) 0 < d <= (1.7 * a)
Calculations and printing of output should be done upto 11-digit precision Sample Input
and Output
SNo. Input Output
1 50 10 X= 44.22649730810 Y= 11.54700538379
2 40 10 X= 34.22649730810 Y= 11.54700538379
3 172 3 Invalid Input

Question 6
Problem : Hotel trip Tom, Dick and Harry go to a restaurant. Each of them has a certain
amount of money. When their monies are pooled they discover they have S Rs. Next,
they start going through the menu card to choose items they would like to order. Your
task is to help them find out how many different menu item combinations they can order.
Since there can be many menu items with the same price, we are interested only in
unique price combinations. Refer output specifications and examples to get a better

Input Format: First line contains N positive integers delimited by space, corresponding
to prices of N menu items Second line contains an integer S corresponding to the
amount of money pooled between them

Output Format:
1. Print all possible combinations of item prices whose sum is equal to S. Enclose each such
combination in square brackets [ ]. Elements should be separated by, followed by a space
2. Item price combinations must be unique (See example 2 to understand this better)
3. If more than one combinations exists, then the print order should be as follows
1. Combinations should be printed in descending order item prices
2. Two combinations can be differentiated by first comparing their costliest,
followed by second costliest, and followed by the next costliest item, so on and so forth. Refer
example outputs for better understanding of print order.
Constraints: Pi > 0 ; where i = 1 to N and Pi denotes the price of the ith item S > 0 Sample
Input and Output

SNo. Input Output

1 10 7 6 5 3 2 1 23 [10, 7, 6] [10, 7, 5, 1] [10, 7, 3, 2, 1]
[10, 6, 5, 2] [7, 6, 5, 3, 2]
2 50 100 1 1 1 1 1 51 [50, 1]
3 50 100 4 3 1 1 1 1 54 [50, 4] [50, 3, 1] [50, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Explanation: In example 1 there are 7 items on the menu each having a fixed price.
Tom, Dick and Harry have 23 Rs/- amongst them. So they can order the following
1. [10, 7, 6]
2. [10, 7, 5, 1]
3. [10, 7, 3, 2, 1]
4. [10, 6, 5, 2]
5. [7, 6, 5, 3, 2]
Note how the items are sorted in descending order within a combination. Also note how
the combinations themselves are too sorted in descending order. In example 2 there are
7 items. 5 of these 7 items have the same price. Tom, Dick and Harry have 51 Rs/-
amongst them. So the only unique price combination they can order is [50, 1] In
example 3 there are 8 items. 4 of these 8 items have the same price. Tom, Dick and
Harry have 54 Rs/- amongst them. So they can form the following combinations.
1. [50, 4]
2. [50, 3, 1]
3. [50, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Again, note how the items are sorted in descending order within a combination. Also
note how the combinations themselves are too sorted in descending order. Also
combinations 2 and 3 are printed only once.
Question 7
Problem : Portfolio Imagine a typical stock market scenario
Trading happens 5 days a week. Exchanges are closed on weekends
There are a fixed set of securities on which trading happens
If one buys at low price and sells at a high price, one makes a profit. Vice-versa results in
a loss
For purpose of this problem, assume that
1st of the month is a Monday and a month comprises of 30 days. Hence there are 22
working days
There are no holidays on any week day
There are only 5 securities listed on the exchange
Price of a given security is constant for a given day
Given above assumptions, the following conventions are followed
Input data comprises of price of the securities for all 22 working days of the month and
your trade records
Output is to find out position in terms of securities held and / or Profit/ Loss at the end of
the month
Your task is to crunch the input data and produce the output in required format. Input
and output are as specified below.

Input Format:
First 5 lines of the input provides security name and its prices for the whole month
Columns in these lines are space delimited. First column provides security name and next
22 columns has price for 22 working days of the month
Sixth line onwards is your trade data in ascending order of trade dates
Trade data comprises of 4 values viz. <date, Buy(B)/ Sell(S), Security name, quantity>
Trade data is terminated by a line comprising -1
Refer example section on how to read input
Output Format:
1. Print security name and holdings for all securities where holding is non-zero, delimited
by space. Print order for securities where holdings are non-zero is governed by the rule -
1. Securities and their holdings should be printed in the order in which their prices
are provided in input.
2. See Explanation section below for better understanding.
2. Print Profit or Loss incurred due to trades in the format "Profit = <Value>" or "Loss =
Constraints: Date will be always be between 1 and 30 (both inclusive) Sample Input and
SNo. Input Output
1 tcs 220 250 260 230 200 210 250 260 230 200 260 230 200 220 250 270 tcs 200 xyz
260 230 200 260 230 200 inf 220 250 260 230 200 260 230 200 220 270 40 pqr 70
250 260 230 200 220 250 270 260 230 260 230 200 cts 260 230 200 220 Loss =
250 270 260 230 200 220 270 250 260 230 260 230 220 250 260 230 200 1700
260 xyz 220 250 260 230 200 260 230 200 220 250 270 260 230 200 220
250 250 260 230 260 230 220 pqr 220 250 270 260 230 200 220 270 250
260 230 260 230 220 250 200 220 250 250 260 230 260 1 B tcs 100 3 B tcs
150 5 B xyz 40 8 S tcs 50 9 B pqr 70 -1
2 tcs 220 250 260 230 200 510 250 260 230 200 260 230 200 220 250 270 tcs 50 xyz
260 230 200 260 230 200 inf 220 250 260 230 200 260 230 200 220 270 40 pqr 70
250 260 230 200 220 250 270 260 230 260 230 200 cts 260 230 200 220 Profit =
250 270 260 230 200 220 270 250 260 230 260 230 220 250 260 230 200 14500
260 xyz 220 250 260 230 200 260 230 200 220 250 270 260 230 200 220
250 250 260 230 260 230 220 pqr 220 250 270 260 230 200 220 270 250
260 230 260 230 220 250 200 220 250 250 260 230 260 1 B tcs 100 5 B xyz
40 8 S tcs 50 9 B pqr 70 -1
3 tcs 300 290 350 300 300 390 250 250 230 200 260 230 200 320 250 270 Loss =
260 230 200 260 230 200 wip 350 250 260 330 370 270 280 300 230 390 5000
350 360 230 350 220 250 270 260 230 260 230 200 Per 370 330 280 370
250 370 360 330 280 220 270 350 260 260 260 330 290 250 260 330 230
260 syn 240 290 380 240 230 260 300 250 250 250 270 260 230 200 220
250 250 260 230 260 230 220 sie 250 350 270 260 240 260 220 270 250
260 230 260 230 240 250 280 240 250 250 260 230 260 3 B tcs 100 4 S tcs
70 5 S tcs 30 -1

Explanation for sample input and output 1:

There are 5 securities viz. {tcs, inf, cts, xyz and pqr}
Price for working days follow security names. First 5 prices are for dates 1 - 5. Next 5
prices are for dates 8 - 12. Next 5 prices are for dates 15 - 19. Similarly until month-end
Trade data indicate the following
On 1 , there was a Buy transaction for security named tcs and quantity was 100
On 3rd, there was another Buy transaction for same security and quantity 150
On 5th, there was another Buy transaction for security named xyz and quantity 40
On 8th, there was a Sell transaction for security named tcs and quantity was 50
On 9th, there was another Buy transaction for security named pqr and quantity 70
End of trade data is marked by -1
Upon looking up, prices for appropriate days and doing the maths, we get output as
depicted above
Securities prices are provided in input in order tcs, inf, cts, xyz and pqr. Since holding is
non-zero only for tcs, xyz and pqr, print order is tcs first, followed by xyz and lastly pqr.
Since a Loss has been incurred print it in format "Loss = <Value>" i.e. Loss = 1700
Explanation for sample input and output 2:
Refer explanation 1 for instructions on how to read the input
Upon doing the maths, we get output as depicted above
Securities prices are provided in input in order tcs, inf, cts, xyz and pqr. Since holding is
non-zero only for tcs, xyz and pqr, print order is tcs first, followed by xyz and lastly pqr.
Since a profit is made, print it in format "Profit = <Value>" i.e. Profit = 14500
Explanation for sample input and output 3:
Refer explanation 1 and 2 for instructions on how to read the input and compute required
Only notable change is, since holdings are zero for all securities, only print Loss = 5000
Question 8
Problem : Milk Man and His Bottles A Milkman serves milk in packaged bottles of varied
sizes. The possible size of the bottles are {1, 5, 7 and 10} litres. He wants to supply
desired quantity using as less bottles as possible irrespective of the size. Your objective
is to help him find the minimum number of bottles required to supply the given demand
of milk.
Input Format: First line contains number of test cases N Next N lines, each contain a
positive integer Liwhich corresponds to the demand of milk.
Output Format: For each input Li, print the minimum number of bottles required to
fulfill the demand
Constraints: 1 <= N <= 1000 Li > 0 1 <= i <= N Sample Input and Output
SNo. Input Output
1 2 17 65 27
Explanation: Number of test cases is 2
1. In first test case, demand of milk is 17 litres which can be supplied using minimum of 2
bottles as follows
1 x 10 litres and
1 x 7 litres
2. In second test case, demand of milk is 65 litres which can be supplied using minimum of
7 bottles as follows
6 x 10 litres and
1 x 5 litres

import java.util.*;
class Milk
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
int n,t,h=0,s;
int a[]=new int[s];
for(int i=0;i<s;i++)
else if(t==2||t==6||t==8)
else if(t==3||t==9)
else if(t==4)
for(int i=0;i<s;i++)

Problem : Milk Man and His Bottles

A Milkman serves milk in packaged bottles of varied sizes. The possible size of the bottles are
{1, 5, 7 and 10} litres. He wants to supply desired quantity using as less bottles as possible
irrespective of the size. Your objective is to help him find the minimum number of bottles
required to supply the given demand of milk.

Input Format:

First line contains number of test cases N

Next N lines, each contain a positive integer Li which corresponds to the demand of milk.

Output Format:
For each input Li, print the minimum number of bottles required to fulfill the demand

1 <= N <= 1000
Li > 0
1 <= i <= N

Sample Input and Output

SNo. Input Output



65 2


Number of test cases is 2

1. In first test case, demand of milk is 17 litres which can be supplied using minimum of 2
bottles as follows
1 x 10 litres and
1 x 7 litres
2. In second test case, demand of milk is 65 litres which can be supplied using minimum of
7 bottles as follows
6 x 10 litres and
1 x 5 litres
Solution : Milk Man and His Bottles

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

int N,Demand,code,left,L;

cout<<"Enter the no. of cases: ";


for(int i=0;i<N;i++)

cout<<"Enter the litres of Milk: ";


code= Demand/10;




switch (Demand){

case 1: left=1;


case 2: left=2;


case 3: left=3;


case 4: left=4;

case 5: left=1;


case 6: left=2;


case 7: left=1;


case 8: left=2;


case 9: left=3;



cout<<L<<" Bottles required"<<endl;}

return 0;

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