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Praise and gratitude writer prayed presence of the Almighty God who has given the
gift of His grace and so I can finish paper with illness Nursing "TYFOID" this paper in the
stack in order to fulfill the task group subjects Digestive System Studies College of Health
The author realizes that in preparing this paper is far from perfect, for the authors are
menharapkan criticism and suggestions that are memebangun to perfection this paper.
Authors hope this paper can be useful for writers in particular and for the general reader.
Finally, we extend our thanks to all those who have participated in the preparation of this
paper from start to finish. may Allah Almighty always be pleased with our efforts. Amen.

Kotamobagu, 3 juni 2013

Group VII


Preface. . . . . . . . i
Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . ii
CHAPTER I: introduction
a. Background. . . . . . . .. 1
b. General and special purpose. . . . . .. 1
CHAPTER II: Review of Theory
c. Definitions. . . . . . . . .3
d. Etiology. . . . . . . . .3
e. Clinical manifestations. . . . . . .. 3
f. Pathophysiology. . . . . . . .. 5
g. Investigations. . . . . . 5
h. Complications. . . . . . . .6
i. Medical management and nursing. . . . 6
CHAPTER V: Conclusion
j. Conclusion. . . . . . . . .8
k. Suggestions. . . . . . . . ... 8
Bibliography 9


A. Background

B. Tyfoid fever spread throughout the world and are not dependent on the climate,
but is more often found in developing countries in the tropics. This is caused because
of the provision of clean water, sanitation and hygiene are poor people.
Fever in Indonesia in epidemic tyfoid rare, are more common tetapai seporadis,
scattered in an area and rarely mrnimbulkan more than one case in the home. Typhoid
fever can be found throughout the year. Highest incidence was found in children and
there is no real difference between the incidence of typhoid fever in women and men.
Abdominal typhoid is an acute infectious disease that usually are padasaluran digested
with a fever of more than one week, padasaluran digestive disorders and disorders of
consciousness. Symptoms usually lebihringan kilnis in children compared with adult
patients. The average incubation period of 10 to 20hari. During the incubation period
may be found prodroma symptoms, the feeling tidakenak loss, lethargy, headache,
dizziness and dispirited. Relapses can terjadipada 2nd week after the body temperature
back to normal. Komlikasi halusjarang occurs in the intestine, but often fatal, namely
intestinal bleeding, intestinal perforation danperitonitis. Komlikasi outside the colon
can result from localization peradanganakibat sepsis, secondary infection, less food
intake, or high suhu tubuh.

B. General purpose and Special

1. General purpose
Students are expected to be able to understand the basic concepts of nursing

Care in patients with Tyfoid

2. Special Purpose
1. Students are able to understand medical concepts about Tyfoid
2. Students are able to establish nursing diagnoses in patients with Tyfoid
3. Students are able to plan nursing interventions in patients with Tyfoid
4. Students are able to undertake the implementation of nursing in patients with Tyfoid

5. Students are able to evaluate nursing in patients with Tyfoid


A. Definition
Typhoid is an acute infectious disease caused systemic salmonella infection
thypi. These organisms enter through the food and drink that has been contaminated
by the faeces and urine of people infected with the bacteria salmonella. (Bruner and
Sudart, 1994).
Typhoid is an acute infectious intestinal disease caused by the bacteria
salmonella thypi (Arief Maeyer, 1999).
Typhoid is an acute infectious intestinal disease caused by the bacteria
salmonella and salmonella thypi the thypi A, B, C. synonym of this disease are
abdominal typhoid and paratyphoid, (Syaifullah Noer, 1996).
Typhoid is an infectious disease in the small intestine, also called the typhoid
paratyphoid fever, enteric fever, typhoid and typhus abdominalis (. Seoparman, 1996).
Typhoid is a disease of the intestine that cause systemic symptoms caused by
salmonella typhosa, Salmonella type ABC transmission occurs pecal, orally through
contaminated food and beverages (Mansoer Orief.M. 1999).
Of some sense can be summed up as follows diatasis, Typhoid is an infectious
intestinal disease caused by salmonella type A. B and C can be transmitted through
oral, fecal, contaminated food and drink.

B. Etiology
Etiology is salmonella typhi typhoid. The Salmonella typhi A. B and C. there
are two sources of salmonella typhi infection that patients with typhoid fever and
patients with the carrier. Carrier is a person who recovered from typhoid fever and
still continue mengekresi salmonella typhi in feces and urine for more than 1 year.

Incubation period of 10-14 days Tyfoid

a. Week 1
generally fever gradually rises, especially afternoons and evenings. With
complaints and symptoms of fever, muscle aches, headache, anorexia and
nausea, cough, Epitaksis, obstipation / diarrhea, uneasy feeling in the stomach.
b. Second Week
in the second week of the obvious symptoms can include fever, bradycardia,
typical tongue (white, dirty, edges hyperemia), hepatomegaly, meteorismus,
loss of consciousness.
Other clinical manifestations:
1. Fever
case a typical case, the fever lasts 3 weeks. Remitten febrile nature
and not how high temperatures. During the first week, the body temperature
gradually gradually increasing again in the afternoon and evening. In the
second week, the patient continues to be in a state of fever. In the third week
of body temperature gradually gradually go down and back to normal by the
end of the third week.
2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
In the mouth there is breath odor, dry lips and broken broken.
Tongue covered with a dirty white membrane, the tip was found redness,
tremor.Pada rare abdominal bloating may be found in the state. Enlarged liver
and spleen with pain on perabaan.Biasanya obtained constipation but may also
normal even diarrhea can occur.
3. Keasadaran disorders
Generally, patients with decreased consciousness, although that is not
how the apathy to samnolen. Rarely stupor, coma or restless.
Besides symptoms symptoms that are commonly found, other symptoms
may also be found.
On the back and limbs can be found spots red spots due to emboli
result in capillary kulit.Biasanya natural dtemukan first week of fever
sometimes sometimes found in older children and bradycardia may also be
found epistaxis.

D. Pathophysiology
Transmission thypi salmonella can be transmitted through a variety of ways, which is
known as the 5F Food (food), Fingers (fingers / nails), Fomitus (vomiting), (fly), and
through the feces.
Stool and vomiting in patients with typhoid thypi can transmit salmonella bacteria to
others. Germs can be transmitted through the intermediary of flies, which flies to perch in
food that will be consumed by a healthy person. If people are paying less attention to
personal hygiene such as washing hands and food tainted with salmonella bacteria thypi enter
the body through the mouth of a healthy person. Then the bacteria into the stomach, most of
the bacteria will be destroyed by stomach acid and some into the small intestine and reaches
the distal limpoid network. Inside the network limpoid breed bacteria, then enter the blood
stream and reach the reticuloendothelial cells. Reticuloendothelial cells then release bacteria
into the blood circulation and cause bacteremia, bacteria then enter the spleen, small intestine
and gall bladder.
Initially mistaken for symptoms of fever and toxemia in typhoid caused by endotoxemia.
But based on experimental studies concluded that endotoxemia is not a major cause of
typhoid fever on. Endotoxemia play a role in the pathogenesis of typhoid, as it helps the local
inflammatory process in the small intestine. Fever caused by salmonella thypi and endotoxin
stimulates the release of substances synthetic and pyrogen by leukocytes on inflamed tissue.

a. Laboratory examination
1. Hematology
Blood hemoglobin, hematocrit drops to normal if there is bleeding,
2. Examination of SGOT and SGPT
SGOT and SGPT often increased but returned to normal after recovery
typoid fever. This increase in SGOT and SGPT not require treatment
3. Widal test
Widal test is an agglutination reaction between antigen and antibody,

which is specific to salmonella agglutinin present in the serum of patients
typoid fever in people who have become infected with salmonella, and in
people who had been vaccinated against typoid fever.
The antigen used in the test is a suspension widal salmonella that has
turned off and processed laboratorium.Maksud Widal test is to determine
the presence of agglutinin in the serum of patients suspected of suffering
from infection by S.typhi typoid.Akibat fever, the patient makes antibodies
4. Feces and urine culture (+), salmonella typhosa during the second week;
blood (+), at week typhosa I.

a. intestinal bleeding
b. intestinal perforation
c. paralytic ileus
d. bronchopneumoia
e. meningitis
f. chronic cancer


1. Medical management
i. Antibiotics (kills germs)
a. Klorampenicol
b. Amoxicillin
c. Kotrimoxasol
d. Ceftriaxon
e. Cefixim
ii. Antipyretic (reduce heat)
a. Paracetamol

2. management nursing
i. Isolation, observation and treatment
ii. Patients should be absolute bed rest until fever-free 7 days or less more

than 14 days diving. Bed rest intent is to prevent the occurrence of

intestinal perforation complications.

iii. Mobilization stages if not hot, according to the strength of the recovery

of the patient
iv. Patients with a decreased kesadrannya, his position should be changed

poada certain times to avoid the complications of pneumonia and

pressure sores hipopastatik

v. Defecation and urination should be because sometimes occur Kadan

constipation and diarrhea. Defecation and urination should be noted as

sometimes happens constipation and diarrhea.


a. Conclusion
Typhoid is an acute infectious intestinal disease caused by the bacteria
salmonella thypi. The germs enter the body through the mouth with contaminated
food and water. For workarounds themselves need care, diet, and medication. If not
treated immediately will cause a lot of complications that can endanger patient

b. Suggestion
Prevention is better than cure. Likewise with the Prevention of typhoid fever
is recommended. Some preventive measures are carried out in typhoid fever is
washing hands after toilet and especially before eating or preparing food, avoid
drinking raw milk (which has not dipsteurisasi), avoid drinking raw water, boiled
water to boiling and avoid spicy foods. Because the germ is very much on
lingkingan dirty, it is necessary untyuk lingkingan hygiene and keeping clean
perolaku healthy living in the community


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DOSEN : Drs. Louis Pontoh , S.pd M.pd

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