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Thank God we pray to Allah SWT. Because it is His grace and guidance so that the paper
can be resolved properly and on time. Not to forget are due gratitude to the lecturers who have
led us in the preparation of this paper so that the paper toward perfection.

Although there are mistakes in it yet, it all did not escape from ordinary human behavior
that always make mistakes

kotamobagu, may 2013



A. background

Lately we often hear about the "cervical cancer". This cancer is a scourge for women.
According to the data, in Indonesia it is estimated every hour there is one person who died
from cervical cancer. Cancer is a frightening woman killer. Cervical cancer or cervical
cancer is also called cancer cervix. Given the fact that this Terrible, the various measures of
prevention and treatment have been made to address cervical cancer or cervical cancer.
Where the cancer is caused by HPV virus (Human papillomavirus).

Cervical cancer or better known as cervical cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in
the cervix, to change into cancer cells memekan long time, about 10 to 15 tahun.Kanker This
usually occurs at the age of 30 to 50 years, which is the peak women of reproductive age that
will lead to impaired quality of life physical, mental and sexual health.

B. problem Formulation

. Understanding Cervical Cancer

2. Cancer Causes Seviks

3. Symptoms - Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

4. Stage Cervical Cancer

5. Prevention of Cervical Cancer

6. Treatment of Cervical Cancer

C. destination

We make this paper with the aim that we are able to avoid or at least to Prevent
Cervical Cancer Cervical Cancer and Knowing the symptoms - symptoms of cervical
cancer, and Able to Treat Cervical kaker.


1. Understanding Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the term health is cervical cancer is a cancer that occurs in the
uterine cervix, an area on the female reproductive organ is the entrance hole intercourse

Cervical cancer is a malignancy that begins in the cells of the cervix (neck of
the womb). Cervical cancer begins in the lining of the cervix. The occurrence of cancer is
very slow. First, some normal cells into pre-cancerous cells, then transformed into cancer
cells. This change is called dispalasia and is usually detected with a pap smear test.

2. Cause of Cervical Cancer

HPV virus is strongly suspected as the primary cause of cervical cancer.

HPV virus will attack the membranes in the mouth and throat. Cervix, and anus.
If not immediately detected, HPV infection causes the formation of precancerous cervical
cells in the long term.

Here are some risk factors for cervical cancer:

a. Smoke
Women who smoke have double the chance of developing cervical cancer than those
who do not smoke.
b. HIV infection
A woman infected with HIV have an immune system that is less able to fight the
HPV infection or cancer at an early stage.
c. Bacterial infection chlamydia
Several studies have found that women who had a history or current chlamydia
infection, have a higher risk of cervical cancer.
d. Pill
Use long-term birth control pills can increase the risk of cervical cancer.
e. Pregnant more than three times
f. Women who underwent three or more of the pregnancy have an increased risk of
cervical cancer is higher.
g. The first pregnant at a young age
Women who become pregnant at age under 17 years old is almost always two times
more likely to develop cervical cancer in old age compared to women who delay
kehamilanya until aged 25 years or more.
h. Family History

If your mother or sister had cervical cancer, your risk of these cancers reach two
or three times more than people who are not there on a family history of cervical cancer.

3. Symptoms - Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

In the early stages there are often no signs - typical signs however, sometimes
found symptoms - symptoms as follows;

a. Whitish or watery discharge from the vagina.

b. Bleeding after intercourse which then continues into the abnormal bleeding.

c. Incidence of bleeding after menopause.

d. In the liquid phase can exit Inpansif yellow - yellow, odorless and can be mixed
with blood.

e. Symptoms - symptoms of chronic anemia if bleeding occurs.

f. Pelvic or abdominal pain arising at the bottom when there is inflammation of

the pelvis.

g. At the Advanced stage, the body was emaciated due to malnutrition, edema of
the legs, bladder irritation occurs and the axis of the lower bowel (rectum).

Like a cancer, type of cancer also had spread (metastasis). Spread of cervical
cancer, there are three kinds, namely:

a) Through the lymph vessels (limfogen) towards the other lymph nodes.

b) Through the blood vessels (hematogenous).

c) The spread directly to the parametrium, uterine corpus, vagina, bladder.

4. Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer can be prevented by "screening" and called Pap smear screening
is very effective because the examination is easily done, quickly and not sakit.Skrining
aims to determine the kegansan (cancer) with a microscope.

Now also been found to prevent cervical cancer vaccine, this vaccine can be given
even to girls from the age of 10 years. By doing this preventive vaccination can be done,
and for women who are active or have sexual intercourse should be routine Pap smear or
visual inspection.
Having a healthy diet, rich in vegetables, fruit cereal to stimulate the immune

- Avoid smoking.

- Avoid sex before marriage or at the very young age.

- Avoid having sex with many partners.

- Perform cleaning sex organs or vagina known as a toilet.

5. Treatment of Cervical Cancer

a. operation

There are several types of surgery for the treatment of cervical cancer. Some
treatment involves removal of the uterus (hysterectomy). This list covers some of the
most common type of surgery done on the treatment of cervical cancer.

1. cryosurgery

A metal probe cooled with liquid nitrogen introduced into the vagina and cervix.
This method can kill the abnormal cells membekukanya way. Cryosurgery is used to treat
cervical cancer that exists only in the cervix (stage 0), not an invasive cancer that has
spread beyond the cervix.

2. Laser Surgery

This method uses a laser beam to burn the cells or remove a small portion uterine
tissue to be studied. Laser surgery is only used as a treatment of pre-invasive cervical
cancer (stage 0).

3. konisasi

Cone-shaped piece of tissue will be in the lift from the cervix. Cutting is done
using a scalpel, laser or thin wire be heated by electricity. This approach can be used to
find or treat early stage cervical cancer (stage 0 or 1).

4. hysterectomy

Simple Hysterectomy

This method works is pick the uterus, but not the network covers are close.
Vaginal and pelvic lymph nodes are not removed. Uterus can be surgically removed at
the front of the abdomen or through the vagina.
After this surgery, a woman can not get pregnant. Hysterectomy is used to treat a
5-stage cervical cancer.

5. Trachlektomi

A procedure called radical trachlektomi allows young women with early-stage

cancers can be treated and still be able to have children. This method involves removing
the cervix and upper vagina, then puts them in stitches shaped pouch that acts as the
opening in the uterine cervix. The nearby lymph nodes were also taken. This operation
can be done through the vagina or abdomen.

After this operation, some women may experience long-term pregnancy and a
healthy baby through surgery caecar. The risk of cancer recurrence after treatment is
quite low.

6. Pelvic Ekstenterasi

Besides taking all the organs and tissues of the vagina and abdomen, in this kind
opersi removal of the bladder, vagina, rectum, and part of the colon. This operation is
performed when cervical cancer recurred after previous treatment. It takes six months or
more to recover from this radical surgery. However, women who have undergone this
surgery can still live with happy and productive life.

b. radiotherapy

In the treatment of cervical cancer, radiotherapy is determined by external

radiation is given along with a low-dose chemotherapy. For this type of internal radiation
treatment, a radioactive substance is inserted into the cylinder inside the vagina.
Sometimes, these radioactive materials placed into a thin needle is inserted directly
kadalam tumor.

c. chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. Usually the drugs are given
by intravenous infusion atu through the mouth. Once drugs enter the blood kealiran, it
will spread throughout the body. Sometimes, there are some medications that are given at
one time.


A. conclusion

Cervical cancer is a cancer that affects women in the genital area. Disebkan by the
Human Papilloma Virus is the virus which is Oncogenic (causes cancer). HPV is transmitted
through sexual contact and can also be personalized through use of the same goods, such as
clothing together.

B. suggestion

"Prevention is better than cure"

C. criticism

Making us aware of the paper is still less well which is why we desperately need the
Build criticism of the reader.
Kangker serviks

Pengampu : Drs. Luis Pontoh, S.Pd, M.Pd

Disusun oleh kelompok 2 :

Agustinnus ryan mokali

Ravika mokodompit

Fitria mokodompit

Taufik hidayat

Jesifa paputungan

Anggun ponengoh

Kelas : keperawatan A

MK : Bahasa Inggris



Kapita selekta, fakultas UI, Edisi ketiga. 2001, Media Aesculapius
Stop Kanker,Kanker bukan lagi vonis mati, agroMedia Pustaka, 2010 dini-kanker-leher-rahim-dengan.httml
kanker-serviks. html#pap-smear

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