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Creativity is a dying trait.

With a growing emphasis on analytical teaching and

professions, creativity has continued to decline in the past couple of years. What was once a

driving factor in cultural and scientific innovations is becoming nonexistent in modern day

society. Creative ability should be instilled into young children so that they can build a

foundation on which their creativity can blossom on as they grow throughout life. However,

simply creating a class for this will not solve the problem. Creativity must be incorporated

throughout each class to ensure that this trait is instilled within each student. Schools must also

change the structure of information taught to students as well as their teaching styles

Creativity can be described as the ability to produce original thoughts and come up with

new ideas. In recent years, however, many students ability to do so has been inhibited by rigid

structure. Many schools are designed in a layout where students learn in an almost algorithmic

fashion. Most students are required to take notes and listen to the teacher as they lecture on

the manufactured lesson of the day. This style of teaching allows for no creativity to generate.

Students become accustomed to this rigid structure and lose the ability to think independently

or solve complex issues. Schools should instead allow students to have more freedom in

learning a topic or at least develop new methods for teaching these subjects.

By simply creating a class on creativity, students will only regress in their ability to

generate innovative ideas. Creativity cannot be taught in a traditional classroom setting. As in

art, creativity is an expression of ones thoughts or personality portrayed through new ideas

and solutions. Anyone can be told to draw a particular picture or play a specific chord, but it is

the ability to express what one truly feels or create a new, innovative idea that truly produces a
masterpiece. If a class on creativity is implemented, it will only add to the set structure within

the classroom, amplifying that set routine students have become accustomed to.

In creating these new teaching methods, schools, as well as teachers, should take into

account the different learning styles of students. As research has proven, students generally

learn in three different types of ways: kinesthetically, auditorily, or visually. Not every student

learns in the same format and cannot learn to their fullest potential if they are not given a

chance to receive the information in this way. By taking these styles into consideration,

students are given the opportunity to expand their minds in different ways and create new

ways of attaining information. Students can then challenge their minds to think in ways they

have never thought of before, therefore progressing their creativity.

It is imperative for schools to work on increasing students creativity. Without creativity,

the world would never have experienced the intellectual advances that have historically helped

move society forward. Creativity helps foster hope for the future. They hold the responsibility

of tomorrow and must possess the creativity to solve the worlds future problems.

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